Injecting configuration and compiling...
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Retrieving page:
Parsing document:
Parsed 94 development application(s) from document:
Inserted: application "180\1137\18" with address "24 Conyngham Street GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "WITHDRAWN - Variation to application 180/1087/18 New Build in Lieu of Dwelling Additions & Alterations" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\1278\18" with address "202 Greenhill Road EASTWOOD SA 5063" and reason "Removal of one Significant Tree - Pepper Tree" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\1305\18" with address "15 Burnalta Crescent BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Variation to DA : 180\1232\17 - Increase height of additions and changes to external finishes and front fence" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0060\19" with address "58 Highfield Avenue ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Front fence" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0066\19" with address "113 -115 Glen Osmond Road EASTWOOD SA 5063" and reason "Change of use (retail showroom to service trade premises for motor vehicle showroom)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0069\19" with address "23 Inverness Avenue ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Demolition of existing dwelling and ancillary structures and construction of a pair of two-storey semi-detached dwellings" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0071\19" with address "484 Glynburn Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0073\19" with address "7 Hay Road LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "Carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0076\19" with address "89 Alexandra Avenue TOORAK GARDENS SA 5065" and reason "Alterations to existing Residence" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0082\19" with address "29 Brigalow Avenue KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "Tree Removal - Regulated Palm Tree" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0084\19" with address "28 Hauteville Terrace EASTWOOD SA 5063" and reason "Additions to the existing semi-detached dwelling and construction of a verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0085\19" with address "5 Rosedale Avenue WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Removal of one (1) regulated tree and one (1) significant tree" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0086\19" with address "481 Greenhill Road TUSMORE SA 5065" and reason "Change of use from consulting room to personal services establishment" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0089\19" with address "South Australian Water Corporation 1 Conyngham Street GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "Upgrade to an existing telecommunications facility" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0090\19" with address "257 Beulah Road BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Amendment to DA 180\1002\17 - increase cellar/basement level to Dwelling 1 creating a three-storey dwelling and incidental earthworks, reduction in side boundary setback, increase in" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0093\19" with address "364 Glynburn Road KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "Land Subdivision including new common roadway and fencing. Demolition of existing outbuildings." into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0094\19" with address "12 Riesling Crescent WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Domestic outbuilding comprising verandah and new fence along northern boundary" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0095\19" with address "59 Dashwood Road BEAUMONT SA 5066" and reason "Freestanding carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0096\19" with address "32 Old Norton Summit Road SKYE SA 5072" and reason "Construction of new dwelling and conversion of existing dwelling to storage shed (non-complying)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0097\19" with address "30 Ormond Grove TOORAK GARDENS SA 5065" and reason "Alterations and additions to rear of existing dwelling including verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0098\19" with address "5 Loma Linda Grove WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Removal of one (1) significant SA Blue Gum" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0100\19" with address "1-7 Mulberry Road GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "Internal works to existing state heritage building" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0101\19" with address "99 Alexandra Avenue TOORAK GARDENS SA 5065" and reason "Variation to DA : 180\0585\18 - relocation of outbuilding, changes to roof form of addition/outbuilding, increase in height of alfresco and reduction in height of carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0102\19" with address "269-273 Kensington Road KENSINGTON PARK SA 5068" and reason "Alterations to a state heritage building" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0103\19" with address "2 Tregenza Close BEAUMONT SA 5066" and reason "Removal of a significant tree - (Eucalyptus rubida - Candlebark Gum)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0104\19" with address "9 Grandview Grove TOORAK GARDENS SA 5065" and reason "Double Storey dwelling addition, in-ground swimming pool, and attached garage" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0105\19" with address "134 Penfold Road WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Construct outbuilding" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0106\19" with address "13A Jellicoe Street LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "Amendment to previous application: 180/0468/18 – Alterations to the approved dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0108\19" with address "9 Lerwick Avenue HAZELWOOD PARK SA 5066" and reason "Two storey detached dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0109\19" with address "10 Craighill Road ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Two storey detached dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0111\19" with address "120 Kensington Road TOORAK GARDENS SA 5065" and reason "Modifications to existing pergola at Attunga Gardens - removal of paving and benches, install of mulch and additional metal hoop around middle of pergola. Paint pergola black." into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0112\19" with address "3 Cooper Angus Grove WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Removal of one (1) significant SA Blue Gum" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0113\19" with address "43A Hyland Terrace ROSSLYN PARK SA 5072" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling and swimming pool" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0114\19" with address "19 Dashwood Road BEAUMONT SA 5066" and reason "Land Division ( Torrens Title ) - Creating two (2) allotments from one (1) existing." into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0115\19" with address "8A David Street MAGILL SA 5072" and reason "Attached Patio" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0116\19" with address "17 Verdun Street BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Internal Renovation works, demolition of rear lean to proposed rear extension to existing dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0117\19" with address "131 Allinga Avenue GLENUNGA SA 5064" and reason "Pergola" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0118\19" with address "3 Bakewell Street TUSMORE SA 5065" and reason "Two Storey addition to rear of existing dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0119\19" with address "42 Wootoona Terrace ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Installation of a Vergola." into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0120\19" with address "28 Hauteville Terrace EASTWOOD SA 5063" and reason "Outbuilding" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0121\19" with address "30 Queens Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Two -storey detached dwelling including garage, portico, alfresco, balcony, front fence, 1800mm fencing above existing retaining walls and associated landscaping" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0122\19" with address "79 Tusmore Avenue TUSMORE SA 5065" and reason "Internal alterations to existing residence, including replacing one enclosed verandah with new construction and replacing another enclosed verandah and an open verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0123\19" with address "3 Muscatel Avenue WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0124\19" with address "24 Heatherbank Terrace STONYFELL SA 5066" and reason "Replace existing dilapidated rock wall and replace with new concrete sleeper retaining wall." into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0125\19" with address "1 Ash Grove MAGILL SA 5072" and reason "Amendment to DA 180\0065\18 ( Res code land division and 2 detached dwellings) retaining walls, fencing, balconies and privacy screening" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0126\19" with address "Burnside Tennis Courts Newland Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Advertising Display" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0128\19" with address "8 Warwick Avenue TOORAK GARDENS SA 5065" and reason "Construct shed, verandah & carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0129\19" with address "34 Royal Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Construct roofed balcony & screening to existing dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0130\19" with address "14 Slapes Gully Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Construction of 2x decks, continuous with balconies (retrospective)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0131\19" with address "209-211 Fullarton Road EASTWOOD SA 5063" and reason "Proposed free standing sign" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0132\19" with address "33 Main Avenue FREWVILLE SA 5063" and reason "Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0133\19" with address "32A Kensington Road ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Masonry wall on side boundary" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0134\19" with address "3 Garden Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Two (x2) two-storey detached dwellings including garages, porches, alfrescos, retaining walls and fenicng" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0136\19" with address "14 Woodhouse Crescent WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Alterations and additions to existing dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0137\19" with address "30 Howard Street BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Swimming pool & associated pool equipment" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0139\19" with address "446 Glynburn Road ERINDALE SA 5066" and reason "Boundary fence" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0141\19" with address "134 Penfold Road WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Remove existing retaining wall and place a safe secure wall with a 1.8 metre Colorbond fence that is 22 metres long" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0144\19" with address "6 Adnunda Place BEAUMONT SA 5066" and reason "Converting the garage which is attached to the house under one roof to living space by removing the roller doors and installing two windows without any structural changes" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0145\19" with address "1 Everard Street GLEN OSMOND SA 5064" and reason "Variation to application 180\0605\16 separate garage, delete out building add privacy screening to upstairs bathroom window" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0146\19" with address "2 Patrick Auld Drive AULDANA SA 5072" and reason "Proposed Addition to Existing Residence" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0148\19" with address "2-4 Borrow Drive BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Amendment to existing DA 180\1181\16" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0149\19" with address "6 Tusmore Avenue LEABROOK SA 5068" and reason "Variation to condition 3 and 4 of previous Development Authorisation : 180\0312\18" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0150\19" with address "6 McGlasson Avenue MAGILL SA 5072" and reason "*WITHDRAWN * Double Storey Dwelling With Attached Garage" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0151\19" with address "25 Conyngham Street GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "****Require CT *****Proposed Tree removal" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0152\19" with address "17 Lewis Avenue GLEN OSMOND SA 5064" and reason "Amendment to DA 180\0809\18 – Change in finished floor levels and amendments to approved dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0153\19" with address "18A Fifeshire Avenue ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Land Division ( Community Title ) - Creating three (3) allotments from one (1) existing." into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0155\19" with address "14 The Parkway LEABROOK SA 5068" and reason "Minor amendment to recently approved (25/01/19) DA 180/1021/18. Footprint enlarged by 12 sq m, alfresco reduced and laundry relocated" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0156\19" with address "9 Hallett Road ERINDALE SA 5066" and reason "Retaining wall and fencing" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0157\19" with address "76 Coach Road SKYE SA 5072" and reason "Alterations and additions to existing two storey dwelling comprising garage" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0158\19" with address "41 Glen Osmond Road EASTWOOD SA 5063" and reason "Advertising hoardings and associated displays" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0159\19" with address "12 Fort Avenue KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "Two Storey Detached Dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0161\19" with address "2 Orient Road KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "planning application to erect single storey house, and to demolish existing house and 3 sheds" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0162\19" with address "379 A Kensington Road KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "Retaining and Fencing" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0164\19" with address "44 Tusmore Avenue TUSMORE SA 5065" and reason "Outbuilding (garage)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0166\19" with address "33 Delbridge Court BEAUMONT SA 5066" and reason "4 Storey Building" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0168\19" with address "35 Rawson Penfold Drive ROSSLYN PARK SA 5072" and reason "Amendment to DA - 1. delete pool enclosure and provide 1.8 mtr screen wall to northern boundary 2. - reduce pool FFL 3. delete master suite sliding doors and balustrade and provide a" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0169\19" with address "133 Grant Avenue TOORAK GARDENS SA 5065" and reason "Domestic Garage" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0170\19" with address "22 Watson Avenue ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "2 x Pergolas" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0171\19" with address "25 Yeltana Avenue WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Two storey dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0172\19" with address "54-56 Rawson Penfold Drive ROSSLYN PARK SA 5072" and reason "Solar PV system installation" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0173\19" with address "46 Howard Street BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Alterations and additions to residence" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0174\19" with address "26 LEstrange Street GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "Minor variation to pool house" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0175\19" with address "84 Alexandra Avenue ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Alexandra Ave Plantation - Lodged to adjacent property- All new paving to be placed around the ' Over the Top " Memorial Statue" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0176\19" with address "1 Prescott Terrace ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Prescott tce Plantation - New paving to be laid around memorial" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0177\19" with address "6 Mariner Street LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "Swimming Pool" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0178\19" with address "18 Royal Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "TRI/SPLIT LEVEL RESIDENCE WITH POOL" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0179\19" with address "61 Lockwood Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Verandah attached to 2 Storey Detached Dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0181\19" with address "18 Royal Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "TRI/SPLIT LEVEL RESIDENCE WITH POOL" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0182\19" with address "9 The Parkway LEABROOK SA 5068" and reason "Alterations and additions to existing single storey dwelling including garage, verandah and swimming pool" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0187\19" with address "Resthaven 1/334 Kensington Road LEABROOK SA 5068" and reason "Installation of small aluminium sign to garden area adjacent road entrance" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0188\19" with address "26 Hallett Road WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Extension for an existing dwelling (single storey dwelling)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0189\19" with address "Miller Reserve Lacrosse 59 Hay Road LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "Transportable Public Toilets in Miller Reserve" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0190\19" with address "18 Seaforth Avenue HAZELWOOD PARK SA 5066" and reason "Retrospective application car port addition to existing dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0191\19" with address "20 Watson Avenue ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Replacement of Garage" into the database.
Parsing document:
Parsed 91 development application(s) from document:
Inserted: application "180\0652\16" with address "22 Garden Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Outbuilding, Verandah and Screen STAGE 1: Verandah only" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\1110\16" with address "30 Purnana Avenue ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\1164\16" with address "33 Royal Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "External Staircase" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\1175\16" with address "34 Glenunga Avenue GLENUNGA SA 5064" and reason "New covered outdoor entertainment area and garage" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0023\17" with address "4 Cowan Street ERINDALE SA 5066" and reason "Construction of single storey dwelling with associated garaging and swimming pool" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0025\17" with address "10 Myrtlebank Terrace STONYFELL SA 5066" and reason "Verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0054\17" with address "9 Windsor Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "New detached 2 storey dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0086\17" with address "64 Lockwood Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Construction of outdoor dining comprising of extension to roof of existing dwelling supporting columns, footings, fencing and Landscaping" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0087\17" with address "1/28 Hay Road LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0088\17" with address "7 Hawke Street LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "08" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0089\17" with address "40 Stanley Street LEABROOK SA 5068" and reason "Pergola, fence screen and back yard alterations" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0090\17" with address "16 Margaret Street BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "New pool decking, screen and shed" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0092\17" with address "8 Bradfield Street BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Verandah and deck" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0093\17" with address "30 Pepper Street MAGILL SA 5072" and reason "Verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0095\17" with address "20 Melrose Avenue BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Front fence (masonry pillar and plinth)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0096\17" with address "19 Watson Avenue ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Addition and Verandah and Canopy roof" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0097\17" with address "30 Queens Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Construction of two storey detached dwelling including verandah, portico, alfresco and balcony" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0098\17" with address "226 Fullarton Road GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "DAC - Variation to DA 18/V005/16 - Lot 4006 Eucalyptus Lane Glenside" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0101\17" with address "305 A Kensington Road KENSINGTON PARK SA 5068" and reason "Veranda" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0102\17" with address "1 Hill Street BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Removal of signifcant tree" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0103\17" with address "4 Mathilda Street BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Alterations and additions to existing single storey detached dwelling including replacement front verandah and reroofing of existing dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0106\17" with address "20A Chisholm Avenue BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Installation of Vergola Louvred Sun Control System" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0107\17" with address "78 Waterfall Gully Road WATERFALL GULLY SA 5066" and reason "Front fence (masonry stone and brick pillars and tubular infill)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0108\17" with address "78 Tusmore Avenue TUSMORE SA 5065" and reason "Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including parent's retreat and outdoor terrace; removal of existing tree." into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0109\17" with address "707 Greenhill Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Half-court tennis court and play area plus associated landscaping and site works" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0111\17" with address "147 Fullarton Road ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Alterations to facade" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0115\17" with address "55 Alexandra Avenue ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Louvre roof verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0116\17" with address "58-60 Coach Road SKYE SA 5072" and reason "domestic Garage" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0117\17" with address "25 Mellington Street DULWICH SA 5065" and reason "Construction of verandah, deck, free-standing garage comprising workshop and extension of existing carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0118\17" with address "1 Stuart Road DULWICH SA 5065" and reason "Variation to existing DA 180\0819\14 - changes to colours and finishes of roof materials" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0120\17" with address "55 Park Avenue ROSSLYN PARK SA 5072" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling (Residential Code)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0121\17" with address "5 Hughes Street LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "Verandah and deck" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0122\17" with address "254 Magill Road BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Erect free-standing signage" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0124\17" with address "24 Craighill Road ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Construction of two storey detached dwelling including cellar, portico, alfresco, retaining walls and fencing" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0125\17" with address "6 Elm Grove MAGILL SA 5072" and reason "Two storey detached dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0126\17" with address "7 Mariner Street LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "Internal work and construction of new pergola and verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0127\17" with address "260 Beulah Road BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Eclipse opening roof over patio" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0128\17" with address "232 Portrush Road BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Variation of 180\0460\16 - acoustic fence and alter alfresco" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0130\17" with address "3 Glyde Street GLEN OSMOND SA 5064" and reason "Decking" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0131\17" with address "21 North Street FREWVILLE SA 5063" and reason "Construction of a pair of two storey semi-detached dwellings including portico and verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0132\17" with address "66 Stanley Street ERINDALE SA 5066" and reason "Amendment to DA 180\0567\13 (retaining wall on western side boundary, increased height of front fence, change in front fence materials and extension of front fence around western side" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0134\17" with address "570 Portrush Road GLEN OSMOND SA 5064" and reason "Single storey brick veneer dwelling double garage - removal of regulated tree" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0135\17" with address "21 Waterfall Terrace BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Single storey dwelling with garage , porch and alfresco" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0136\17" with address "370D-370 G Kensington Road ERINDALE SA 5066" and reason "Vary condition of 180\0534\16 to extend hours of operation" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0138\17" with address "8 Lascelles Avenue BEAUMONT SA 5066" and reason "Renovation and addition to existing dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0139\17" with address "4 Milne Street GLEN OSMOND SA 5064" and reason "New Retaining wall and fencing" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0140\17" with address "247 The Parade BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Torrens Title land division - two allotments (2) into four (4)" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0141\17" with address "7-9 Everett Avenue DULWICH SA 5065" and reason "Torrens title land division creating two allotments form one existing" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0143\17" with address "10 Wootoona Terrace ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "concrete sleeper retaining wall" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0145\17" with address "452 Glynburn Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Additions and Alterations including carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0149\17" with address "2 Oban Street BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Carport and Verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0153\17" with address "13 Mellington Street DULWICH SA 5065" and reason "Verandah and Carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0155\17" with address "2 Close Street ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "2100 high fence on boundary replacement" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0156\17" with address "10 Myall Avenue KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "Construction carport rear outbuilding and privacy screen" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0157\17" with address "45 Anglesey Avenue ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Stratco - Gable shed" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0158\17" with address "12 Tudor Street DULWICH SA 5065" and reason "Extension to residential dwelling" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0161\17" with address "Homewares 315 The Parade BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Additions and alterations to existing shop" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0162\17" with address "17 Brae Road ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0163\17" with address "17 Ifould Drive BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Variation to existing DA# 180\0961\15" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0164\17" with address "5 Korra Avenue KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "Removal of very sick significant tree" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0165\17" with address "34 Allinga Avenue GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "Torrens title land division - creating two (2) allotments form one (1) existing" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0166\17" with address "31 Purnana Avenue ST GEORGES SA 5064" and reason "Removal of 2 trees" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0168\17" with address "1/55 East Terrace KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "Tree Removal - Urgent DA" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0170\17" with address "1 Fisher Street TUSMORE SA 5065" and reason "Alter graphics on existing sign" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0171\17" with address "5 Kingsley Avenue GLENUNGA SA 5064" and reason "Carport and en suite addition" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0172\17" with address "441 Glynburn Road LEABROOK SA 5068" and reason "Child Care Centre 100 place" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0173\17" with address "40 Traminer Way AULDANA SA 5072" and reason "Single storey detached teen retreat" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0174\17" with address "34 Caloroga Street WATTLE PARK SA 5066" and reason "Carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0175\17" with address "31 Cuthero Terrace KENSINGTON GARDENS SA 5068" and reason "Variation to DA 180\0984\15 - front fence and planter box" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0176\17" with address "102 Coach Road SKYE SA 5072" and reason "General Storage - earthworks" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0177\17" with address "4 Warburton Street MAGILL SA 5072" and reason "Verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0179\17" with address "1/15 Rochester Street LEABROOK SA 5068" and reason "Alterations and additions and New carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0180\17" with address "66 Myall Avenue ERINDALE SA 5066" and reason "Covered Patio Renovations" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0181\17" with address "9 Toowong Avenue KENSINGTON PARK SA 5068" and reason "Installation of Good Neighbour fencing with 400mm concrete under fence plinth" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0182\17" with address "Victoria Grove 91/254 Greenhill Road GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "Verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0183\17" with address "24 Hewitt Avenue ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Rear fence replace with Brick wall" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0184\17" with address "29 Tennyson Drive BEAUMONT SA 5066" and reason "Removal of Significant tree" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0188\17" with address "440 Greenhill Road LINDEN PARK SA 5065" and reason "Significant Tree Removal" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0189\17" with address "8 Whitbread Grove SKYE SA 5072" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling with double garage" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0190\17" with address "40 Glyde Street BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Removal Of Significant Tree by Council" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0191\17" with address "16 Alexandra Avenue ROSE PARK SA 5067" and reason "Colorbond garage and carport and front boundary fence" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0193\17" with address "2A Cleland Avenue DULWICH SA 5065" and reason "Construction of Veranda" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0194\17" with address "604 Greenhill Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Torrens title land division creating two (2) allotments from one (1) existing" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0195\17" with address "6 May Terrace KENSINGTON PARK SA 5068" and reason "Carport" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0196\17" with address "18/3 Conyngham Street GLENSIDE SA 5065" and reason "Verandah" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0198\17" with address "7 Douglas Avenue BEULAH PARK SA 5067" and reason "Tree Removal" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0200\17" with address "53 Hallett Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Amendment to DA 180\0348\16 Partial Enclosure of Balcony" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0201\17" with address "16 Caithness Avenue BEAUMONT SA 5066" and reason "Retrospective - Storage Shed" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0203\17" with address "34 Gilles Road GLEN OSMOND SA 5064" and reason "Tree Removal" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0204\17" with address "516 Glynburn Road BURNSIDE SA 5066" and reason "Amendment to existing DA 180\0843\13 to vary planning conditions" into the database.
Inserted: application "180\0205\17" with address "29 Heatherbank Terrace STONYFELL SA 5066" and reason "Split Level Residence" into the database.