MichaelBone / city_of_playford_sa_development_applications

City of Playford (South Australia) Development Applications

Contributors MichaelBone

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Node.js app detected [1G [1G-----> Creating runtime environment [1G [1G NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error [1G NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true [1G NPM_CONFIG_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [1G NODE_VERBOSE=false [1G NODE_ENV=production [1G NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 [1G NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true [1G [1G-----> Installing binaries [1G engines.node (package.json): 10.6.0 [1G engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) [1G [1G Resolving node version 10.6.0... [1G Downloading and installing node 10.6.0... [1G Using default npm version: 6.1.0 [1G [1G-----> Restoring cache [1G Skipping cache restore (not-found) [1G [1G-----> Building dependencies [1G Installing node modules (package.json) [1G [1G > sqlite3@4.0.6 install /tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3 [1G > node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build [1G [1G [sqlite3] Success: "/tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v64-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote [1G added 146 packages from 167 contributors and audited 277 packages in 8.249s [1G found 0 vulnerabilities [1G [1G [1G-----> Caching build [1G Clearing previous node cache [1G Saving 2 cacheDirectories (default): [1G - node_modules [1G - bower_components (nothing to cache) [1G [1G-----> Build succeeded! [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Retrieving page: https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/development-application-register Retrieving: https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/205c5d90-0522-4bdd-8be4-7a0e1f2cb85c/resource/ce96213a-d1d0-47da-b426-ca35c5e1c596/download/dar2019.csv Inserting parsed applications into the database. Skipped: application "2921/2019" with address "18 Whitford Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling, associated retaining walls and fencing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2922/2019" with address "56 Kanimbla Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2923/2019" with address "16 Lancelot Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of two verandahs and a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2924/2019" with address "35 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292309/2018/A" with address "19 Varacalli Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Variation to development authorisation previously granted for DA 292/309/2018 to vary the total floor area, setbacks and wall height of the garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292281/2016/1" with address "100-106 Chellaston Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Stage 1 - Land division comprising the division of one allotment into seventeen in two stages and the construction of a road and the demolition of existing outbuildings and verandahs." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29249/2004/1" with address "Lot 100 Whitford Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Sanctuary Rise Stage 2 Land Division (1 into 101) amended to (1 into 114)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2926/2019" with address "23 Librandi Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of two domestic outbuildings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2927/2019" with address "23 Librandi Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "ePathway - DUPLICATE, fees to be transferred to 292/6/2019" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2928/2019" with address "2 Colombo Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Swimming pool and safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2929/2019" with address "2 Broster Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29210/2019" with address "1 Skyline Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29211/2019" with address "4 Brunswick Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29212/2019" with address "13 Senna Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29213/2019" with address "19 Henderson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Single Storey Dwelling - RESCODE" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29214/2019" with address "8 Barfield Crescent, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a telecommunications facility" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29215/2019" with address "1 Broxmore Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a 2.65m high fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29216/2019" with address "3 Finch Close, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29217/2019" with address "1 Highview Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a retaining wall and fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29218/2019" with address "10 Lillypilly Walk, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a display home to revert to a detached dwelling in 2 years and associated advertising displays" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29219/2019" with address "48 Balmoral Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29220/2019" with address "8 Harwood Place, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29221/2019" with address "14 Harwood Place, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Demolition of an existing domestic outbuilding -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29222/2019" with address "9-11 Churcher Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Demolition of two(2) existing domestic outbuildings & an existing verandah on site -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29223/2019" with address "8 Lillypilly Walk, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29224/2019" with address "149 Tyeka Drive, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of an above ground swimming pool & safety barrier" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29225/2019" with address "2 Brentwood Mews, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29226/2019" with address "27 Modra Circuit, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29227/2019" with address "10 Prunus Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29228/2019" with address "10 Dana Street, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29229/2019" with address "8 Salway Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a prefabricated sleepout in rear yard -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29230/2019" with address "32 Heard Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a prefabricated sleepout in rear yard -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29231/2019" with address "15 McGilp Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/1/2019" with address "55 Robert Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29233/2019" with address "4 Brenton Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29234/2019" with address "44-46 Bungarra Street, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of two domestic outbuildings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29235/2019" with address "12 Begonia Drive, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2019" with address "6 Westbury Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey semi-detached dwelling & demolition of all other associated structures seperate to the dwelling -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2019" with address "8 Westbury Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey semi-detached dwelling & demolition of all other associated structures seperate to the dwelling -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29237/2019" with address "24 Rosewarne Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29238/2019" with address "39A Sullivan Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29239/2019" with address "57 Ramnet Circuit, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29240/2019" with address "78 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29241/2019" with address "5 Claret Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29242/2019" with address "17 Olympic Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29243/2019" with address "16 Levant Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29244/2019" with address "10 Lily Court, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29246/2019" with address "18 Amaretti Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29247/2019" with address "16 Rockley Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier with associated decking" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29248/2019" with address "9 Alice Street, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29249/2019" with address "20 Green Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29250/2019" with address "19 Drupe Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29251/2019" with address "20 Daintree Walk, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29252/2019" with address "8 Parkdale Lane, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29253/2019" with address "Lot 21 Womma West Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29254/2019" with address "36 Elmwood Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29255/2019" with address "171 Broadacres Drive, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of five green houses, associated implement shed, access track, hardstanding, waste area and stormwater detention dam" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29256/2019" with address "11 Birmingham Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a swim spa & associated safety barrier" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29257/2019" with address "48 Elly Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29258/2019" with address "15 Peachey Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Installation of signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29259/2019" with address "12 Apsley Close, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29260/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop fitout (Telstra) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29260/2019" with address "Shop 81/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop fitout (Telstra) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29261/2019" with address "20 Keevil Street, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D002/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29262/2019" with address "66 McKay Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D001/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29263/2019" with address "28 Rosewood Avenue, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29264/2019" with address "9 Alexios Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29265/2019" with address "36 Angove Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29266/2019" with address "11 Carioca Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29267/2019" with address "33 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29268/2019" with address "232 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29269/2019" with address "54 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29270/2019" with address "82 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29271/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop fitout (Bonds) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29271/2019" with address "Shop 119/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop fitout (Bonds) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29272/2019" with address "34 Emerald Circuit, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29273/2019" with address "17 Odgers Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29274/2019" with address "9 Inverness Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah and a deck" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29275/2019" with address "8 Oxford Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921307/2015/A" with address "99 Reedy Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Amended Application Construction of a place of worship, toilet facility & carpark, variation to a toilet facility." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29276/2019" with address "8 Carmela Avenue, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29277/2019" with address "18 Koongarra Crescent, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Demolition of a single storey detached dwelling & all other associated structures on site -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292701/2017/2" with address "Lot 610 Olympic Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Munno Para West - Engineering Stage 2C" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292701/2017/2" with address "Lot 607 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Munno Para West - Engineering Stage 2C" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29278/2019" with address "7 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29279/2019" with address "1 Catalonia Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29280/2019" with address "Lot 918 Pedlar Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a playground shelter" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29281/2019" with address "1 Spring Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29282/2019" with address "43 Crisp Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an outbuilding and construction of shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29283/2019" with address "51 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29284/2019" with address "1 Prunus Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29285/2019" with address "4A Willison Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29286/2019" with address "19 Wilkins Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29287/2019" with address "8 Cabernet Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an inground swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29288/2019" with address "3 Carioca Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29289/2019" with address "11 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29290/2019" with address "10 Cockshell Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29291/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail tenancy fitout (Smoothie Factory) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29291/2019" with address "Kiosk 22/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail tenancy fitout (Smoothie Factory) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29292/2019" with address "6 Beckington Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Installation of 21 solar panels on roof of existing structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29293/2019" with address "55 Peachey Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29295/2019" with address "24 Pine Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29294/2019" with address "13 Fortress Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing carport and garage and construction of a replacement garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29296/2019" with address "12 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29297/2019" with address "19 Catalonia Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29298/2019" with address "66 Hamblynn Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29299/2019" with address "26 Levant Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292101/2019" with address "73 Fairfield Road, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292102/2019" with address "92 Light Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "partial enclosure of an existing verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292103/2019" with address "28 Siddall Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Demolition of a carport and a verandah, and construction of a carport and a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292104/2019" with address "30 Green Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292105/2019" with address "14 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292106/2019" with address "32 Chelmsford Street, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292107/2019" with address "Lot 51 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D003/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292108/2019" with address "33 Charford Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of two verandahs and a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292109/2019" with address "568 Taylors Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of horticulture comprising of six structures (greenhouses) and associated dam" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292110/2019" with address "9 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292111/2019" with address "238 Carclew Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of three verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292112/2019" with address "Lot 358 Stebonheath Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D004/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292113/2019" with address "15 MacFarlane Way, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292114/2019" with address "5 Sheedy Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Change of use to pharmacy" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292115/2019" with address "4 Horrie Knight Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292116/2019" with address "19 Clarke Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292118/2019" with address "11 Inverness Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292117/2019" with address "3 Bastow Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292119/2019" with address "29 Nolan Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292120/2019" with address "10 Aruma Crescent, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292121/2019" with address "9-11 Churcher Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division, 2 into 4, 292/D005/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292122/2019" with address "9 Leonard Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey detached dwelling & all other existing structures associated on site -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292/G/1/2018/1" with address "Lot 8030 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Land division, 1 into 32, 292/G061/18 (S.49 Government Land Division) - STAGE 3H-1" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292123/2019" with address "13 Parham Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Pruning of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292124/2019" with address "3 Tea Tree Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Demolition of a verandah, and construction of a verandah and a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292125/2019" with address "224 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921703/2017/A" with address "Lot 5 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land Division Torrens Title, 1 into 518, 292/D068/17" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292126/2019" with address "10 Senna Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292127/2019" with address "3 Miles Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Removal of two regulated trees" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292128/2019" with address "24 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292129/2019" with address "10 Carode Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Partial demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a replacement detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292130/2019" with address "56 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292131/2019" with address "28 Angove Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292132/2019" with address "47 Worthington Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292133/2019" with address "11 Dawson Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292134/2019" with address "75 Waratah Avenue, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292135/2019" with address "10 Brookmont Boulevard, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292136/2019" with address "6 Green Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292137/2019" with address "50 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292138/2019" with address "7 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding and a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292139/2019" with address "2 Eucalypt Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292140/2019" with address "16-18 Dewey Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292141/2019" with address "27 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292142/2019" with address "60B Whitington Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292144/2019" with address "27A Williams Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292143/2019" with address "Shop 74/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Alterations to an existing shop & associated signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292143/2019" with address "Shop 75/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Alterations to an existing shop & associated signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292143/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Alterations to an existing shop & associated signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292145/2019" with address "11 Roxburgh Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292146/2019" with address "5 Angel Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292147/2019" with address "19 Hawker Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292148/2019" with address "1255 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292149/2019" with address "75 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292150/2019" with address "7 Fisherton Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292151/2019" with address "3 Varacalli Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of existing verandah and construction of a partially enclosed verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292152/2019" with address "12 Bishopstone Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a wash bay verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292426/2018/3" with address "Lot 317 Stebonheath Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "BRC Stage 3 - Full Approval Construction of a distribution centre with associated offices, advertising, car parking, fencing and landscaping." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292153/2019" with address "5 Prelude Circuit, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Demolition of a verandah and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292154/2019" with address "Shop 106/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail Tenancy Fitout (Yiros or Kebab) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292154/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail Tenancy Fitout (Yiros or Kebab) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292155/2019" with address "2 Gould Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey detached dwelling & all other existing structures associated on site -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292156/2019" with address "8 Angel Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292157/2019" with address "14 Parkdale Lane, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292158/2019" with address "Lot 1000 Darling Street, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Removal of three regulated trees and three significant trees" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292159/2019" with address "8 Senna Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292160/2019" with address "22 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292161/2019" with address "30 Gartrell Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Land division, 1 into 3, 292/D006/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292163/2019" with address "12 Uley Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah and a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292162/2019" with address "26 Whiteparish Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292164/2019" with address "10 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292165/2019" with address "11 Bedchester Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292166/2019" with address "7 Angel Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292167/2019" with address "65 Ramnet Circuit, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a swimming pool, associated spa & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292168/2019" with address "23 Elmwood Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292169/2019" with address "36 Tudor Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/2/2019" with address "Part Lot 7 Bentley Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Aerobic Wastewater System" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292170/2019" with address "18 Green Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292171/2019" with address "107-111 Womma Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a petrol filling station with ancillary shop, canopy, fuel pumps, fuel tanks, car parking and advertising displays" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292172/2019" with address "17 Beatrix Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292173/2019" with address "9 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292174/2019" with address "Shop 5/ 297 Peachey Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Shop Fitout (Playford Chicken) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292175/2019" with address "Shop 5/ 297 Peachey Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Shop Fitout (Barber Shop) Tenancy 5a -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292176/2019" with address "9 Wootton Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey semi-detached dwellings and all other associated structures on site -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292176/2019" with address "7 Wootton Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey semi-detached dwellings and all other associated structures on site -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292177/2019" with address "33 Whitford Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292178/2019" with address "16 West Parkway, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292179/2019" with address "3 Longo Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292180/2019" with address "35 Broadmeadows Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D007/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292181/2019" with address "8 Brookmont Boulevard, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached, two-storey dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292182/2019" with address "37 Clare Mews, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292183/2019" with address "43 Clare Mews, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292184/2019" with address "3 Hewittson Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292185/2019" with address "Lot 3 Chellaston Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292186/2019" with address "24 Clare Mews, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292187/2019" with address "29 Clare Mews, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292188/2019" with address "20 Clare Mews, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292189/2019" with address "16 Longstaff Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292190/2019" with address "14 Longstaff Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292195/2019" with address "4 Longstaff Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292196/2019" with address "2 Longstaff Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292191/2019" with address "12 Longstaff Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292193/2019" with address "8 Longstaff Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292194/2019" with address "6 Longstaff Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292192/2019" with address "10 Longstaff Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292197/2019" with address "102 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292198/2019" with address "Shop 75/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop Fitout (Elizabeth Centre Pharmacist) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292198/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop Fitout (Elizabeth Centre Pharmacist) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292199/2019" with address "218 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292200/2019" with address "Unit 4/ 44 Charlotte Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921703/2017/B" with address "Lot 5 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Variation to authorisation previously granted 292/1703/17 - Creation of 485 allotments and 8 reserve allotments to be constructed in 10 stages." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/3/2019" with address "166 Alexander Avenue, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Septic tank system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292201/2019" with address "90 Hornet Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Alterations and additions to the existing Elizabeth Kindergarten - Section 49 (Crown Development)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292202/2019" with address "20 Pedlar Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292203/2019" with address "Lot 3 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a storage shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292204/2019" with address "24 Stokes Court, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292205/2019" with address "76 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292206/2019" with address "9 Matthew Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292207/2019" with address "9 Brittlewood Drive, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292208/2019" with address "10 Barton Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292209/2019" with address "4 Kettering Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Installation of ancillary telecommunications equipment on a Local Heritage building." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292210/2019" with address "10A Burke Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292211/2019" with address "16 Burke Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292212/2019" with address "10 Carstairs Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292213/2019" with address "30 Olympic Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292214/2019" with address "46 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - 6 allotments into 7 (SCAP No: 292/D009/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292214/2019" with address "48 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - 6 allotments into 7 (SCAP No: 292/D009/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292214/2019" with address "50 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - 6 allotments into 7 (SCAP No: 292/D009/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292214/2019" with address "52 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - 6 allotments into 7 (SCAP No: 292/D009/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292214/2019" with address "54 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - 6 allotments into 7 (SCAP No: 292/D009/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292214/2019" with address "56 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - 6 allotments into 7 (SCAP No: 292/D009/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292216/2019" with address "161 Black Top Road, GOULD CREEK SA 5114" and description "Construction of two domestic canopies" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292215/2019" with address "11 Chicklade Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292217/2019" with address "Lot 8001 Stebonheath Road, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Land division, 1 into 73, 292/D008/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292219/2019" with address "18 Sampson Road, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey semi-detached dwelling & all other associated structures onsite -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292219/2019" with address "20 Sampson Road, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey semi-detached dwelling & all other associated structures onsite -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292218/2019" with address "155 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292220/2019" with address "82 Crittenden Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292221/2019" with address "82 Greenfields Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292222/2019" with address "Lot 273 Lawder Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292223/2019" with address "4 Golfview Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292224/2019" with address "46 Berno Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Change of land use to a meditation facility with associated buildings and car park, demolition of existing stables and outbuilding and construction of a verandah associated with an existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292225/2019" with address "30 Angove Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292226/2019" with address "3 Apple Close, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292227/2019" with address "23 Drupe Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292228/2019" with address "322 Uley Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292229/2019" with address "556 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling (site 51)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292230/2019" with address "29 Clark Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Change of Land Use to truck parking and a store incorporating vehicle storage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292231/2019" with address "3 Angel Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921554/2017/A" with address "Lot 1 Stebonheath Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "land division creating 238 allotments to be constructed over 13 Stages" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921554/2017/A" with address "Lot 200 Crafter Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "land division creating 238 allotments to be constructed over 13 Stages" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292232/2019" with address "45 Worthington Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a single storey detach dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292233/2019" with address "3 Levant Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292234/2019" with address "4 Monterey Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292235/2019" with address "43 Guerin Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292236/2019" with address "20 Golfview Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292237/2019" with address "10 Playford Boulevard, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Tenancy Fitout (Fasta Pasta) - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292238/2019" with address "21 Roberts Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292239/2019" with address "10C Burke Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292240/2019" with address "Lot 275 Lawder Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292241/2019" with address "8 Prunus Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292242/2019" with address "159 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921307/2015/1/A" with address "99 Reedy Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "BRC Stage 1 - Toilet Block Amended Application Construction of a place of worship, toilet facility & carpark, variation to a toilet facility." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292243/2019" with address "37 Galda Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292244/2019" with address "58 Coventry Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Placement of a prefabricated sleep out in rear yard -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292245/2019" with address "311 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292246/2019" with address "14 Green Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292247/2019" with address "467 Penfield Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Removal of 3 significant trees and 1 regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292248/2019" with address "44 Edward John Parade, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292249/2019" with address "22 Hooke Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Change of land use to industry involving waste in the form of a vehicle wrecking yard" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292251/2019" with address "5 Levant Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292250/2019" with address "38 Flynn Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292252/2019" with address "5 Graeber Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Partial enclosure of existing verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292253/2019" with address "2 Darling Street, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29244/2019/A" with address "10 Lily Court, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Variation to authorisation previously granted - Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292254/2019" with address "12 Norfolk Street, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah and a Shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292255/2019" with address "8 Green Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292430/2018/A" with address "93A Taylor Road, HUMBUG SCRUB SA 5114" and description "Variation to development authorisation previously granted for DA 292/430/2018 to vary the location of the fire fighting water tank and domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292256/2019" with address "3 Berberis Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/4/2019" with address "238 Williams Road, GOULD CREEK SA 5114" and description "Septic tank" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292257/2019" with address "53 Anderson Walk, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Change of use to Bulky Goods outlet and internal fitout" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292258/2019" with address "36 Elly Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292259/2019" with address "8 Pine Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292260/2019" with address "16 Yarnbrook Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2 (SCAP No: 292/D012/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292261/2019" with address "3 Yarnbrook Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division1 allotment into 2 (SCAP No: 292/D011/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292262/2019" with address "22 Epsom Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292263/2019" with address "25 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Installation of illuminated and non-illuminated signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292264/2019" with address "611 Black Top Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Change of land use to horse keeping for the keeping of two horses and the construction of an associated tack shed, holding yard and horse arena." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292265/2019" with address "Shop 134A/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail tenancy fitout (Petacular) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292265/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail tenancy fitout (Petacular) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292266/2019" with address "14 Talia Court, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Placement of a Prefabricated Sleepout in Rear Yard - ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292267/2019" with address "11 Blight Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292268/2019" with address "1304 Angle Vale Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Alterations and additions to existing verandah in association with packing shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292269/2019" with address "31 Nolan Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292270/2019" with address "Lot 500 Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of three dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292271/2019" with address "19 Pioneer Way, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Enclosure of existing verandah for domestic storage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292272/2019" with address "Shop 137/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop Tenancy Fitout (Vodafone) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292272/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop Tenancy Fitout (Vodafone) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292273/2019" with address "4 Dana Street, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292274/2019" with address "10 Begonia Drive, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292275/2019" with address "13 Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Removal of Regulated Tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292276/2019" with address "Lot 270 Lawder Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292277/2019" with address "25 Buchanan Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Removal of Regulated Tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292278/2019" with address "4 Limerick Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292279/2019" with address "37 Dover Place, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292280/2019" with address "28 Oldham Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carpark and associated infrastructure" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292280/2019" with address "30 Oldham Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carpark and associated infrastructure" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292281/2019" with address "Lot 5 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a temporary office (sales centre) with associated car parking." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292282/2019" with address "66 Andrews Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah - CANCELLED" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292283/2019" with address "39 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292284/2019" with address "19 Paulmark Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding and a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292285/2019" with address "Kiosk 12/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail Tenancy Fitout (Dr Mobile Repair) - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292285/2019" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail Tenancy Fitout (Dr Mobile Repair) - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292286/2019" with address "12 Golfview Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292287/2019" with address "783 Heaslip Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of an implement shed to be used in association with the horticultural practices occurring on the land" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292288/2019" with address "4 Fradd Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Variation to authorisation previously granted (292/944/2008) - variation to Stage 1 housing types (units 209 and 227)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292290/2019" with address "112 Ridley Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292289/2019" with address "9 Fletcher Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292291/2019" with address "18 Eringa Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292292/2019" with address "15 Melbury Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah and a domestic outbuillding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/5/2019" with address "Lot 52 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Aerobic Wastewater System" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292293/2019" with address "1622 Kersbrook Road, SAMPSON FLAT SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292294/2019" with address "21 Catalonia Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292295/2019" with address "49 Gooronga Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29271/2014/B" with address "Lot 2001 McEvoy Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Variation to an authorisation previously given - Land Division" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29271/2014/B" with address "Lot 2004 Sheedy Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Variation to an authorisation previously given - Land Division" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292296/2019" with address "Lot 52 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding and associated earthworks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292297/2019" with address "Lot 293 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA DOWNS SA 5115" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292298/2019" with address "Lot 502 Womma West Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292299/2019" with address "10 Keysley Street, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Relocation of domestic outbuilding and construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292300/2019" with address "3 Senna Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292301/2019" with address "89 King Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of masonry pillars" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292302/2019" with address "4 Stringy Bark Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of two(2) verandahs -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292303/2019" with address "16-18 Dewey Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292304/2019" with address "54 Galda Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292305/2019" with address "49 Galda Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292306/2019" with address "1304 Angle Vale Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a free standing structure for a generator" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292307/2019" with address "1 Hull Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Partial demolition and reconstruction of dwelling roof" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292308/2019" with address "6 Carmela Avenue, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292309/2019" with address "65 Carmelo Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292310/2019" with address "26 Brookfield Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292311/2019" with address "18 Berkeley Way, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292312/2019" with address "4A Woods Court, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of dwelling with garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292313/2019" with address "16 Barton Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of an domestic outbuilding -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292314/2019" with address "23 Horrie Knight Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292315/2019" with address "9 Barker Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292316/2019" with address "37 Olive Grove, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Removal of 5 regulated trees and 4 significant trees" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292316/2019" with address "93 Brandis Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Removal of 5 regulated trees and 4 significant trees" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292317/2019" with address "47 Edmund Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292318/2019" with address "30 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal alterations (Primary Health Care Elizabeth Medical Centre) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292319/2019" with address "2 Salway Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a second dwelling with verandah, addition to an existing dwelling and demolition of an existing carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 12/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 1/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 13/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 6/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 9/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 10/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 11/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 2/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 8/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 7/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 3/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 4/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2019" with address "Shop 5/ 240 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Repair of fire damage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292321/2019" with address "15 Madison Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey row dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292322/2019" with address "17 Madison Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292323/2019" with address "19 Madison Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292324/2019" with address "38 Hamra Drive, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292325/2019" with address "72 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292327/2019" with address "Lot 309 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292326/2019" with address "4 Forest Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292328/2019" with address "101-103 Chellaston Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Demolition of All Structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292329/2019" with address "3 Murphy Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a residential outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292330/2019" with address "Lot 311 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292331/2019" with address "8 Glory Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292332/2019" with address "862 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of two storage sheds" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292333/2019" with address "20 Levant Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292334/2019" with address "Lot 104 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 139 (SCAP No. 292/D014/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292335/2019" with address "406 Taylors Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division, 1 into 3, 292/D013/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292336/2019" with address "23 Yarnbrook Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D017/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292337/2019" with address "Lot 648 Dowlish Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D016/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292338/2019" with address "22 Shribank Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292339/2019" with address "Lot 315 Greenhood Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292340/2019" with address "Lot 304 Brookmont Boulevard, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292341/2019" with address "Lot 313 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292342/2019" with address "Lot 302 Brookmont Boulevard, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292343/2019" with address "Lot 303 Brookmont Boulevard, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292344/2019" with address "8 Darryl Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292345/2019" with address "6 Angel Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292347/2019" with address "20 Chivell Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of a verandah and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292346/2019" with address "5 Coorara Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292348/2019" with address "994 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division, 2 into 313, 292/D015/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292348/2019" with address "Lot 6 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division, 2 into 313, 292/D015/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292349/2019" with address "13 Pine Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292350/2019" with address "2 McNamara Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292351/2019" with address "7 Matthew Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292352/2019" with address "5 Bastow Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292353/2019" with address "Lot 918 Pedlar Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a shade sail" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292354/2019" with address "4B Woods Court, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292355/2019" with address "29 Boucaut Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292356/2019" with address "Unit 1/ 12 Carey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of four (4) single-storey group dwellings - DAC292/F010/2018 (Renewing our Streets and Suburbs Stimulus Program)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292356/2019" with address "Unit 2/ 12 Carey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of four (4) single-storey group dwellings - DAC292/F010/2018 (Renewing our Streets and Suburbs Stimulus Program)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292356/2019" with address "Unit 3/ 12 Carey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of four (4) single-storey group dwellings - DAC292/F010/2018 (Renewing our Streets and Suburbs Stimulus Program)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292356/2019" with address "Unit 4/ 12 Carey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of four (4) single-storey group dwellings - DAC292/F010/2018 (Renewing our Streets and Suburbs Stimulus Program)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292357/2019" with address "64 Waratah Avenue, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292358/2019" with address "39 Bellchambers Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a warehouse" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292359/2019" with address "21 Callanna Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding - sch1a" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292360/2019" with address "19 Webster Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292361/2019" with address "5 Tenafeate Court, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292362/2019" with address "187 Broadacres Drive, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of a greenhouse and a dam" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292363/2019" with address "2 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292364/2019" with address "13-15 Fyfield Street, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292365/2019" with address "32 Green Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292366/2019" with address "19 Strangways Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292367/2019" with address "Lot 316 Greenhood Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292368/2019" with address "18 Carmela Avenue, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292369/2019" with address "64 Waratah Avenue, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292370/2019" with address "Lot 51 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292371/2019" with address "18 Willow Gardens, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of two(2) verandahs -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/6/2019" with address "Lot 51 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292372/2019" with address "12 Carmela Avenue, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292373/2019" with address "73 Yorktown Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey detached dwelling -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921703/2017/2" with address "Lot 5 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Miravale - Engineering Stage 2" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292374/2019" with address "18 Laverton Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing single storey semi-detached dwellings -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292374/2019" with address "16 Laverton Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing single storey semi-detached dwellings -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "Rowe Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "14 Lock Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "32-34 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "19-21 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "3-5 Rowe Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "8-10 Redcliff Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "20-22 Redcliff Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "Lock Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "36-38 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "Lot 245 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "Lot 204 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "35-37 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "7-9 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "Lot 204 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "16-18 Rowe Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "Rowe Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "2 Rowe Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "4-6 Rowe Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "15-17 Rowe Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2019/1" with address "40-42 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Playford Alive Renewal - Engineering Precinct 2 Stage 4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292375/2019" with address "52 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292376/2019" with address "5 Wiley Street, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Change of land use to a place of worship with associated signage, internal building work and alterations to existing car park and a dwelling resulting in a second storey to the building." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292377/2019" with address "66 Northampton Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah - ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292378/2019" with address "Lot 324 Greenhood Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292379/2019" with address "26 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292380/2019" with address "81 Fuller Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Enclosure of an existing verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292381/2019" with address "Lot 319 Greenhood Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292382/2019" with address "3 Begonia Drive, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292383/2019" with address "62 Tudor Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292384/2019" with address "10 Bridport Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292385/2019" with address "22 Hooke Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Change of use to motor repair station" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292386/2019" with address "Lot 515 Woodbridge Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a pedestrian footbridge" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921700/2016/1" with address "1260 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "RIVER'S EDGE ENGINEERING STAGE 1" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921/2016/7" with address "Lot 196 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "WOODBRIDGE - ENGINEERING STAGE 7 DAC 292/D073/2015" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921/2016/7" with address "Lot 195 Ashwin Street, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "WOODBRIDGE - ENGINEERING STAGE 7 DAC 292/D073/2015" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921/2016/7" with address "Lot 92 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "WOODBRIDGE - ENGINEERING STAGE 7 DAC 292/D073/2015" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292387/2019" with address "31 Bellchambers Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of an industrial building comprising two tenancies with associated offices, car parking and signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292388/2019" with address "Lot 321 Greenhood Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292389/2019" with address "Lot 308 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292390/2019" with address "4 Robert Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292391/2019" with address "42 Bowman Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292392/2019" with address "35 Lachlan Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292393/2019" with address "10 Dawson Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292394/2019" with address "6 Emerald Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292395/2019" with address "3 Minindee Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Change Class to 1b Building - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292396/2019" with address "15 Begonia Drive, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292397/2019" with address "1 Horrie Knight Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292398/2019" with address "39 Heytesbury Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2 (SCAP No: 292/D021/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292399/2019" with address "6 Heytesbury Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2 (SCAP No: 292/D019/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292400/2019" with address "31 Yarnbrook Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2 (SCAP No. 292/D018/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292401/2019" with address "31 Heytesbury Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2 (SCAP No. 292/D022/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292402/2019" with address "6 Heddle Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2 (SCAP No. 292/D025/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292403/2019" with address "34 Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Land division 2 allotments into 4 (SCAP No. 292/D024/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292403/2019" with address "39 Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Land division 2 allotments into 4 (SCAP No. 292/D024/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292404/2019" with address "2 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division, 2 into 3, 292/C023/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "11/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "5/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "6/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "7/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "8/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "9/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "10/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "1/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "2/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "3/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2019" with address "4/ 32 Knighton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of free standing pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292406/2019" with address "25 Olympic Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292407/2019" with address "28 Clare Mews, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292408/2019" with address "33 Clare Mews, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling with garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292409/2019" with address "81 Ramnet Circuit, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292410/2019" with address "93 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of Garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292411/2019" with address "10 Apsley Close, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292412/2019" with address "60 Tudor Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292413/2019" with address "11 Seavington Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Dwelling addition and alterations" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292414/2019" with address "11 Tolmer Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292415/2019" with address "9 Drupe Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "ePathway - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292416/2019" with address "Lot 63 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2 (SCAP No. 292/D020/19)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292417/2019" with address "49 Spruance Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D026/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292418/2019" with address "Shop 14/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "New retail fitout (La Adelita Mecivan Cantina) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292419/2019" with address "Shop 24/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail refit (Johnny Bigg) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292420/2019" with address "27 Pacific Boulevard, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292421/2019" with address "7 Wylie Lane, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292422/2019" with address "81 Centenary Circuit, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292423/2019" with address "18 Worden Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292424/2019" with address "1 Carioca Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292425/2019" with address "29 The Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292426/2019" with address "20 Worden Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292427/2019" with address "21 Begonia Drive, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292428/2019" with address "Lot 301 Brookmont Boulevard, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292429/2019" with address "4A Kentish Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292430/2019" with address "64 Nolan Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292431/2019" with address "87 Somerton Road, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Demolition of a verandah and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292432/2019" with address "16 Senna Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292433/2019" with address "46 Burke Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292434/2019" with address "9 Drupe Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292435/2019" with address "8 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292436/2019" with address "102 Cornishmans Hill Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling, garage and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/7/2019" with address "19 Strangways Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to irrigation area" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921087/2018/1/A" with address "Lot 47 Oldham Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "BRC Stage 1 - Early Works Variation to authorisation previously granted - Construction of a multi storey mixed use development comprising medical consulting rooms, chronic illness & memory support accommodation and care, NDIS residential apartments, cafe and office administration with associated infrastructure, car parking and landscaping" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292437/2019" with address "51 Loftis Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292438/2019" with address "Shop 10/ 495 Stebonheath Road, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Retail fitout (Penfield GP Clinic) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292438/2019" with address "Shop 11/ 495 Stebonheath Road, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Retail fitout (Penfield GP Clinic) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292439/2019" with address "48 Tareena Street, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292440/2019" with address "28 Olympic Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292441/2019" with address "15 Olsen Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292442/2019" with address "17 Olsen Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292129/2019/1" with address "10 Carode Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "BRC Stage 1 - Partial demolition of existing dwelling ONLY Partial demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a replacement detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292443/2019" with address "42 Peacock Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey detached dwelling & all other structures including verandahs(2), carport, swimming pool, granny flat & sheds(2) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292444/2019" with address "Lot 216 Wolsten Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292445/2019" with address "Lot 265 Lawder Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage - rescode for assessment" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292446/2019" with address "11 Edmund Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292447/2019" with address "93 Heytesbury Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/8/2019" with address "30 Odgers Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Alteration to irrigation area" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292448/2019" with address "21 Sedgehill Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292449/2019" with address "Lot 5006 Andrews Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of 3 advertising displays" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292449/2019" with address "Lot 5006 Andrews Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of 3 advertising displays" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292450/2019" with address "121 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292451/2019" with address "2 Tisbury Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey deatched dwelling and existing domestic outbuilding - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292452/2019" with address "228 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292456/2019" with address "20 Senna Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292453/2019" with address "1717 Angle Vale Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of six greenhouses and a dam" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292454/2019" with address "81 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292455/2019" with address "45 Edmund Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/9/2019" with address "24 Trinity Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to irrigation area" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292457/2019" with address "52 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/10/2019" with address "3 Joseph Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to irrigation area" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292458/2019" with address "9 Dana Street, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292459/2019" with address "449 Shillabeer Road, SAMPSON FLAT SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292460/2019" with address "6 Glenmore Place, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292461/2019" with address "329 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292462/2019" with address "164 Newton Boulevard, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a fence on top of retaining wall" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292463/2019" with address "29 Gooronga Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292464/2019" with address "2 Liepin Close, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292465/2019" with address "13 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292466/2019" with address "15 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292467/2019" with address "15 Lock Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292468/2019" with address "157 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292469/2019" with address "66 Peterswool Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/C030/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292470/2019" with address "14 Brookmont Boulevard, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292471/2019" with address "Lot 323 Greenhood Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292472/2019" with address "110 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292473/2019" with address "47 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292474/2019" with address "13 Cork Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292475/2019" with address "10 Limerick Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292476/2019" with address "165 Ridley Road, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Temporary change of use for special event (circus) and associated structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292477/2019" with address "12 Parkdale Lane, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292478/2019" with address "20 Parkdale Lane, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292479/2019" with address "21 Peachey Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of two carports" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292480/2019" with address "61 Waratah Avenue, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292481/2019" with address "293 Stebonheath Road, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292482/2019" with address "45 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292483/2019" with address "2 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292484/2019" with address "38 Springvale Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292944/2008/H" with address "4 Fradd Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Retirement village (292/944/2008) - Stage 9B (units 72, 73 and 108)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292485/2019" with address "8 Olivia Court, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292486/2019" with address "24 Odgers Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of two-storey detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292487/2019" with address "36C Halsey Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Refurbishment of Kitchenettes/ Servaries and Dinning Areas -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292488/2019" with address "10 Golfview Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292489/2019" with address "20 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292490/2019" with address "5 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292491/2019" with address "5 Barbon Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292492/2019" with address "Lot 218 Wolsten Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/11/2019" with address "515 Curtis Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Aerobic Wastewater System" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292493/2019" with address "19 Peachey Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Removal of a regulated tree from median strip" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292494/2019" with address "23 Bagalowie Crescent, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling addition" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292495/2019" with address "8 Dawson Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292497/2019" with address "Lot 104 Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Community Title Land division, 5 into 13, 292/C010/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292498/2019" with address "33 McKay Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D027/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292499/2019" with address "21 Maslin Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Land division, 1 into 4, 292/D031/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292500/2019" with address "34 Bailey Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D029/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "3 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "5 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "16 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "7 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "9 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "26 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "28 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "30 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2019" with address "32 Burnlea Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amalgamation and boundary realignment, 9 into 5, 292/D033/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292502/2019" with address "Lot 272 Lawder Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292503/2019" with address "3 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292504/2019" with address "43 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292505/2019" with address "6 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Extension of fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292506/2019" with address "Shop 24/ 100 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Dental Clinic Fitout (TENANCY 24) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292507/2019" with address "8 Apsley Close, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292508/2019" with address "8 Koongarra Crescent, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of an above ground swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292509/2019" with address "6 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292510/2019" with address "20 Grandview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292514/2019" with address "5 Catalonia Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292511/2019" with address "63-83 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Update of essential safety provisions -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292512/2019" with address "Shop 88/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Tenancy fitout (QBD Books) -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292513/2019" with address "10 Pine Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292515/2019" with address "Lot 256 Cobble Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and freestanding carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292516/2019" with address "Lot 254 Cobble Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and freestanding carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292517/2019" with address "Lot 255 Cobble Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and freestanding carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/12/2019" with address "95 Johns Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292518/2019" with address "4 Stuart Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292519/2019" with address "Lot 322 Greenhood Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292520/2019" with address "17 Hanorah Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292521/2019" with address "21 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292522/2019" with address "441 Coventry Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292523/2019" with address "10 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292524/2019" with address "Lot 4005 Bevan Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a pedestrian bridge" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292525/2019" with address "13 Carioca Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292526/2019" with address "124 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292527/2019" with address "19 Vine Parade, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Domestic Outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292528/2019" with address "10 Carode Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey detached dwelling -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292529/2019" with address "4 Dimboola Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292530/2019" with address "6 Hill Street, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Repair to fire damaged house -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292531/2019" with address "2 Chelsea Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292532/2019" with address "2 Pedlar Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292533/2019" with address "Lot 314 Greenhood Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292534/2019" with address "3 Dartmouth Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic Outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292535/2019" with address "9 Sturt Circuit, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292536/2019" with address "29 Wecoma Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292537/2019" with address "714 Black Top Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292538/2019" with address "Lot 53 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Demolition of an existing single storey detached dwelling and all other existing structures including two(2) outbuildings & an attached verandah -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292539/2019" with address "Lot 71 Woodbridge Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292540/2019" with address "Lot 650 Ascot Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/13/2019" with address "102 Cornishmans Hill Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292541/2019" with address "37 Vincent Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292542/2019" with address "11 Red Gum Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292543/2019" with address "13 Redcliff Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292544/2019" with address "42 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292546/2019" with address "Lot 306 Bracken Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292545/2019" with address "Lot 45 Bastow Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292549/2019" with address "Lot 100 Heaslip Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292547/2019" with address "7 Darling Street, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292548/2019" with address "5 Apsley Close, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292550/2019" with address "Lot 100 Heaslip Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292551/2019" with address "28 Oldham Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Demolition of two(2) existing single storey detached dwellings and all other existing structures on site -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292551/2019" with address "30 Oldham Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Demolition of two(2) existing single storey detached dwellings and all other existing structures on site -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292554/2019" with address "35 Nolan Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292553/2019" with address "Lot 276 Lawder Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292552/2019" with address "12 Oldham Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Demolition of existing carport and outbuilding, and change of use to consulting rooms with associated car parking and signage, and alterations to existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292555/2019" with address "Lot 267 Legoe Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Earthworks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292555/2019" with address "Lot 134 Reedy Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Earthworks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292555/2019" with address "Lot 133 Reedy Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Earthworks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292555/2019" with address "Lot 2 Legoe Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Earthworks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292555/2019" with address "Lot 3 Legoe Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Earthworks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292701/2017/3" with address "Lot 610 Olympic Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Munno Para West - Engineering Stage 2B" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292701/2017/3" with address "Lot 607 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Munno Para West - Engineering Stage 2B" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292556/2019" with address "10 Carmela Avenue, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292557/2019" with address "3 Martha Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292558/2019" with address "Lot 217 Wolsten Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling -ResCode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292559/2019" with address "8 Monterey Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292560/2019" with address "Lot 43 Bastow Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292561/2019" with address "4 Carmela Avenue, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292562/2019" with address "58A Whitington Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292563/2019" with address "42B Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "ePathway" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292564/2019" with address "42A Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "ePathway" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292565/2019" with address "38 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "ePathway" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292566/2019" with address "15 Webster Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292567/2019" with address "21 Webster Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292568/2019" with address "Lot 648 Ascot Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292569/2019" with address "Lot 647 Ascot Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292570/2019" with address "Lot 652 Ascot Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling - rescode" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292571/2019" with address "82 Uley Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a swimming pool & safety barrier -SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292572/2019" with address "Lot 49 Bastow Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "ePathway" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292573/2019" with address "Lot 53 Bastow Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "ePathway" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292574/2019" with address "11 Wecoma Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29244/2019/1/A" with address "10 Lily Court, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "BRC Stage 1 - Footings Only Variation to authorisation previously granted - Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292575/2019" with address "127 Coventry Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding - SCH1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292576/2019" with address "78 Waratah Avenue, EYRE SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292577/2019" with address "18-20 Charlotte Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Land division, 2 into 5, 292/C028/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292578/2019" with address "3 Lister Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Land division, 1 into 2, 292/D035/19" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292579/2019" with address "16 Edmund Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of dwelling with attached garage" because it was already present in the database. Retrieving: https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/205c5d90-0522-4bdd-8be4-7a0e1f2cb85c/resource/13e3675a-7715-46bb-9cef-479af54ff649/download/ctempdar2016.csv Inserting parsed applications into the database. Skipped: application "2921782/2015" with address "37 Loftis Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of Dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921782/2015" with address "18 Burdell Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of Dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921/2016" with address "27 Blencowe Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2922/2016" with address "5 Gum Tree Walk, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Alterations to dwelling to convert garage to a habitable room and construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2923/2016" with address "51 Campbell Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of Domestic Outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2924/2016" with address "143 Hogarth Road, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2925/2016" with address "4 Redman Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2926/2016" with address "3 Faulding Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2927/2016" with address "40 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2928/2016" with address "Part Lot 3 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Change of use from indoor gymnasium to real estate office, (Office) and fit out to office." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2929/2016" with address "47 Turner Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Single Storey Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29210/2016" with address "Lot 2 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Single Storey Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29210/2016" with address "3 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Single Storey Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29211/2016" with address "331 Precolumb Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah (Replacement of Existing Verandah)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29212/2016" with address "209 Kentish Road, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Construction of a Replacement Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29213/2016" with address "13 Blossom Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29214/2016" with address "111 McGilp Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of Carport and Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29215/2016" with address "5 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29216/2016" with address "20 Jones Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29217/2016" with address "37A Hodby Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29218/2016" with address "33 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29218/2016" with address "Lot 5004 Soumada Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29219/2016" with address "41 McCullum Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling and shed and the construction of a detached dwelling and farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29220/2016" with address "11 Maplewood Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Swimming Pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29221/2016" with address "110 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling, domestic outbuilding and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29222/2016" with address "193A Midway Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29223/2016" with address "8 Fyfield Street, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Construction of verandah to front of dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29224/2016" with address "Lot 261 Shannon Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of 4 Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29225/2016" with address "37A Christine Avenue, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29226/2016" with address "1 Hutton Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29227/2016" with address "31 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29228/2016" with address "18 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a Single Storey Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29229/2016" with address "16 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a Single Storey Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29230/2016" with address "8 Amaretti Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29231/2016" with address "257 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29232/2016" with address "8 Durrington Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a Single Storey Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29233/2016" with address "17 Oxford Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29234/2016" with address "24 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29235/2016" with address "1 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016" with address "Lot 4018 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016" with address "Lot 4107 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29237/2016" with address "9 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29238/2016" with address "19 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29239/2016" with address "213 Yorktown Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Alterations and additions to an educational establishment." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29240/2016" with address "7 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29241/2016" with address "21 Springvale Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29243/2016" with address "18 Wallaby Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29242/2016" with address "26 Burley Griffin Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29244/2016" with address "15B Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29245/2016" with address "6 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29247/2016" with address "11 Bredford Grove, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29246/2016" with address "50 Kanimbla Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29248/2016" with address "14 Wood Crescent, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29249/2016" with address "19 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29250/2016" with address "9 Koongarra Crescent, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29251/2016" with address "68 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29252/2016" with address "78 Connell Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of Domestic Outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29253/2016" with address "7 Seaview Court, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29254/2016" with address "22 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29255/2016" with address "193 Short Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Alterations and additions to dwelling and install wet area (bathroom) within existing shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29256/2016" with address "20 Eucalypt Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Domestic Outbuilding (Shed)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29257/2016" with address "5 Lisbon Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of Domestic Outbuilding (Garage)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29258/2016" with address "42 Light Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of Verandah and Carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29259/2016" with address "43 Bellinger Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29260/2016" with address "Part Lot 96 Mavros Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah and disabled access ramp in association with existing clubrooms" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29261/2016" with address "5 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29261/2016" with address "Lot 2 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29262/2016" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shopping Centre Base Building Alterations- Re-Direction of Fire Isolated Corridor" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29263/2016" with address "Part Lot 3 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop fitout and a change of use from a Bank to a Real Estate office - WITHDRAWN - Duplicate Application" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29264/2016" with address "297 Peachey Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "New Tenancy into a clothing shop" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29265/2016" with address "51 Monterey Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Repair (reinstatement) of damaged dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29266/2016" with address "8 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29267/2016" with address "238 Williams Road, GOULD CREEK SA 5114" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29268/2016" with address "75 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of Veranah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29269/2016" with address "155 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29270/2016" with address "72 Leicester Grove, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29271/2016" with address "13A Leonard Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29272/2016" with address "1 Kennedy Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a garage and domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29273/2016" with address "8 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29281/2016" with address "10 Newchurch Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29282/2016" with address "Lot 5004 Soumada Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( LOT 221 Kernel Rd )" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29282/2016" with address "7 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( LOT 221 Kernel Rd )" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29283/2016" with address "34 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and freestanding garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29274/2016" with address "Lot 27 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA DOWNS SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29277/2016" with address "7 Chapman Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29278/2016" with address "285 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29278/2016" with address "Lot 14 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29275/2016" with address "209 Kentish Road, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Demolition" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29276/2016" with address "19 Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29279/2016" with address "20 Burwood Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29280/2016" with address "Lot 14 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29280/2016" with address "283 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29284/2016" with address "Lot 1503 Bentley Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29285/2016" with address "10 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29286/2016" with address "Lot 1503 Bentley Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling to be used as a display home for a period not exceeding three (3) years and free standing advertising sign" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29287/2016" with address "12 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29288/2016" with address "Lot 1010 Main North Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Circus Event 21-31 January 2016" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29289/2016" with address "14 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29290/2016" with address "18 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29291/2016" with address "16 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29293/2016" with address "22 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29296/2016" with address "18 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29292/2016" with address "20 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29297/2016" with address "4 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling and associated garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292101/2016" with address "8 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292102/2016" with address "16 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29294/2016" with address "20 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29295/2016" with address "24 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29298/2016" with address "6 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling and associated garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29299/2016" with address "3 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292100/2016" with address "2 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292103/2016" with address "Lot 604 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 87 Stebonheath Road) WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292105/2016" with address "1 St Albans Place, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292104/2016" with address "5 Creekside Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292106/2016" with address "113 Peachey Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292107/2016" with address "1131 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 84 Stebonhealth Road) WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292108/2016" with address "Lot 604 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 85 Stebonheath Road) WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292109/2016" with address "Lot 604 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 86 Stebonheath Road) WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292113/2016" with address "9 John Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Removal of a significant Tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292110/2016" with address "6 Saint Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292111/2016" with address "9 Burnett Drive, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of an attached verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292112/2016" with address "14 Boucaut Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Extension to Existing Educational Establishment (Blakes Crossing Christian College Stage 2)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/1/2016" with address "30 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to waste water Irrigation area." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292115/2016" with address "34 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292117/2016" with address "14 Varacalli Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a Swimming Pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292116/2016" with address "30 Norway Avenue, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292118/2016" with address "Lot 6 Bellchambers Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292119/2016" with address "14 Roseworthy Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Domestic Outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292120/2016" with address "11 Themis Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292121/2016" with address "503 Stebonheath Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292122/2016" with address "45 Easton Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of attached dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292123/2016" with address "7 Lomalinda Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached Garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292124/2016" with address "39 Scott Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292125/2016" with address "21 Butler Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292126/2016" with address "20 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292127/2016" with address "38 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292128/2016" with address "6 Ramnet Circuit, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a freestanding verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292129/2016" with address "216 Toolunga Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Construction of a swimming pool safety fence and swimming pool, including excavation." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292130/2016" with address "11 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 236 Clover court)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292131/2016" with address "19 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 240 Clover court)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292134/2016" with address "26 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292132/2016" with address "8 Newchurch Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292133/2016" with address "901 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292135/2016" with address "8 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 130 Castleton st)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292136/2016" with address "34 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292138/2016" with address "200-208 Adams Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292137/2016" with address "1131 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Installation of swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292139/2016" with address "27 Cranborne Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292140/2016" with address "45 Turner Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292141/2016" with address "11 Hawick Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292142/2016" with address "24 Larkhill Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292143/2016" with address "39 Carob Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292144/2016" with address "9 Chestnut Grove, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Installation of a swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292145/2016" with address "43 Turner Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292146/2016" with address "21A Vine Parade, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292147/2016" with address "10 Pitt Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292148/2016" with address "32 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292149/2016" with address "3 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 123 Castleton Street)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292150/2016" with address "16 Brenton Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292151/2016" with address "15 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292152/2016" with address "3 Riesling Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292153/2016" with address "11 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292154/2016" with address "1 Dimasi Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah and deck" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292155/2016" with address "Lot 323 McKenzie Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292157/2016" with address "24 Pioneer Way, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292156/2016" with address "22 Bowman Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292158/2016" with address "23 Nybo Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292159/2016" with address "Lot 47 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292160/2016" with address "4 Hudson Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292161/2016" with address "7 Burdett Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Addition to existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292162/2016" with address "32 Crabb Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292163/2016" with address "12 Chivell Street, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292164/2016" with address "101 Light Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of detached dwelling ( residential code)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292165/2016" with address "23 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling ( Lot 242 Clover Court)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292168/2016" with address "14 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of detached dwelling ( Lot 139 Clover Court)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292166/2016" with address "28 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292167/2016" with address "13 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292169/2016" with address "18 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of detached dwelling ( Lot 137 Clover Court)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292170/2016" with address "20 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of detached dwelling to be temporarily used as a display home until 10 February 2019 (Lot 119 Juniper Boulevard)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292171/2016" with address "32 Oxford Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292172/2016" with address "18 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292173/2016" with address "3 Rugby Close, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Swimming pool & safety barrier" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292174/2016" with address "5 Collins Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292175/2016" with address "17 Tobin Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292176/2016" with address "25 Bendle Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292177/2016" with address "161 Humbug Scrub Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292178/2016" with address "23 Highfield Road, EVANSTON PARK SA 5116" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292179/2016" with address "238 Williams Road, GOULD CREEK SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling, swimming pool, spa pool, outbuildings, above ground rainwater tanks and associated earthworks and landscaping." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292180/2016" with address "8 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 148 Juniper Boulevard)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292181/2016" with address "6 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 149 Juniper Boulevard)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292182/2016" with address "15 Hamra Drive, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292183/2016" with address "7 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292184/2016" with address "9 Trafalgar Drive, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292186/2016" with address "48 Jacaranda Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292185/2016" with address "1 Beatrix Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292187/2016" with address "11 Forel Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292188/2016" with address "61 Halsey Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Demolition of existing dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292188/2016" with address "63 Halsey Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Demolition of existing dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292189/2016" with address "105 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292190/2016" with address "15 Hayles Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292191/2016" with address "8 Warminster Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Installation of swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292192/2016" with address "17 Darlton Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292193/2016" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal fitout ( Lincraft)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292194/2016" with address "2 Kilfinan Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Installation of a spa pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292195/2016" with address "46 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292196/2016" with address "5 Daphne Street, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding (shed/garage)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292197/2016" with address "27 Freeman Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292198/2016" with address "5 Hammond Close, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292199/2016" with address "60 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292200/2016" with address "16 Holyoake Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292201/2016" with address "51 Collingbourne Drive, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292202/2016" with address "16 Kalamata Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292203/2016" with address "27 Ballard Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292204/2016" with address "24 Nybo Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292205/2016" with address "26 Haydown Road, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292206/2016" with address "13 The Greenway, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292207/2016" with address "108 Penfield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Additions & alterations to existing farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292208/2016" with address "1 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292209/2016" with address "25 Dartmouth Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292210/2016" with address "5 Smith Place, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292211/2016" with address "12 Themis Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292212/2016" with address "41 Hayfield Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292214/2016" with address "3 Dawson Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292213/2016" with address "21 Horton Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292215/2016" with address "Lot 794 Ridley Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Recreation changeroom facility incorporating ancillary equiptment storage, toilets and ancillary and subordibnate shop (canteen)." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921565/2015/A" with address "Lot 200 Gillingham Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a bulky goods outlet -- Variation to an authorisation previously granted -- remove condition 2 of the Planning Consent and widen access cross-overs." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/2/2016" with address "15 Coratina Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Change to subsurface irrigation" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/3/2016" with address "193 Short Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "New septic system installation to allow for existing & new underfloor plumbing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292217/2016" with address "39A Fletcher Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292216/2016" with address "39 Fletcher Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292219/2016" with address "16 Cullen Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Detached Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292218/2016" with address "35 Talbot Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Construction of a stable and two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292220/2016" with address "Unit 5/ 77A Chellaston Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292221/2016" with address "14 Bubner Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292223/2016" with address "7 Sarah Candace Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Installation of swimming pool & safety barrier" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292222/2016" with address "10 Playford Boulevard, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal alterations & additions to existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292224/2016" with address "25 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 243 Clover Court)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292225/2016" with address "4 Lonsdale Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292226/2016" with address "39 Riesling Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292227/2016" with address "12 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 146 Juniper Boulevard)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292228/2016" with address "12 Edmonds Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/4/2016" with address "37 Maslin Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Installation of new wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292229/2016" with address "10 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "No description provided" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292230/2016" with address "1155 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292231/2016" with address "4 Fradd Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Variation to existing retirement village (stage 7) unit 67 - unit hand changed unit 118 - unit removed, row cottage added unit 119 - unit removed, row cottage added" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292232/2016" with address "2A Walpole Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292233/2016" with address "27 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292234/2016" with address "20 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 136 Clover Court)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292235/2016" with address "6 Hall Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292236/2016" with address "12A Figsbury Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292237/2016" with address "33 Nolan Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292238/2016" with address "301 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292239/2016" with address "45 John Rice Avenue, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a garage in association with an existing place of worship" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292240/2016" with address "23 Traminer Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292241/2016" with address "94 Woodford Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of two verandahs (front and rear)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292242/2016" with address "29 Berryman Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah, carport & domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292243/2016" with address "1 St George Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292244/2016" with address "15 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292245/2016" with address "Part Lot 1 Andrews Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a single storey dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292246/2016" with address "45 Bronte Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a habitable outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292247/2016" with address "287 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292248/2016" with address "55 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport with roller door" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292249/2016" with address "26 Eva Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety barrier" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292250/2016" with address "50 Dauntsey Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Contruction of a shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292251/2016" with address "Lot 1503 Bentley Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amendment to land division- DA 292/D026/15 to create 2 additional allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292252/2016" with address "70 Mainwaring Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Torrens Title Land Division (1 Allotment into 2)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292252/2016" with address "68 Mainwaring Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Torrens Title Land Division (1 Allotment into 2)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292253/2016" with address "21 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292254/2016" with address "23 Corton Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Removal of one Regulated tree ( Eucalyptus intertexta- Gum Barked Coolibah)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292255/2016" with address "4 Lonsdale Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292256/2016" with address "4 Browne Circuit, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292257/2016" with address "6 Myrtle Green, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292258/2016" with address "13 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292260/2016" with address "56 Applecross Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292261/2016" with address "Lot 1503 Bentley Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into three" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292262/2016" with address "24 Cullen Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into two and the demolition of an existing shed and the alteration of an existing carport and verandah." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292264/2016" with address "72 Chellaston Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Community title land division 1 into 5 (DAC 292/C088/15)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292263/2016" with address "4 Emperor Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292265/2016" with address "35 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292266/2016" with address "Lot 3 California Avenue, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "The division of an allotment (1 into 2) (DAC 292/D092/15)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292267/2016" with address "28 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling to be used as a display home for a period not exceeding three (3) years" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292268/2016" with address "115 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Commencement of Advertising" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292272/2016" with address "30 Burcombe Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Installation of a swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292273/2016" with address "30 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling to be used as a display home for a period not exceeding three (3) years" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292269/2016" with address "10 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292270/2016" with address "32 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292271/2016" with address "23 Birmingham Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292274/2016" with address "4 Myrtle Green, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292275/2016" with address "90 Goulds Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292276/2016" with address "2 Brittlewood Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292277/2016" with address "9 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292279/2016" with address "6 Dilton Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292278/2016" with address "10 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292280/2016" with address "13 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292281/2016" with address "100-106 Chellaston Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into seventeen in two stages and the construction of a road and the demolition of existing outbuildings and verandahs." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292283/2016" with address "Lot 1831 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 624 Angophora Place)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292282/2016" with address "Lot 5 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Torrens title land division 3 into 118" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292282/2016" with address "Lot 4 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Torrens title land division 3 into 118" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292282/2016" with address "Lot 3 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Torrens title land division 3 into 118" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292284/2016" with address "84 Connell Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Torrens Title Land Division (1 Allotment into 2)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292284/2016" with address "86 Connell Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Torrens Title Land Division (1 Allotment into 2)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292285/2016" with address "39 Boucaut Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292286/2016" with address "8 Keysley Street, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292287/2016" with address "Lot 2 Stebonheath Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Torrens title Land division 1 into 2" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292288/2016" with address "Lot 26 Harris Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division comprising the division of three allotments into one hundred and ninety eight in four stages, the construction of roads and the creation of reserves." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292288/2016" with address "Lot 25 Harris Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division comprising the division of three allotments into one hundred and ninety eight in four stages, the construction of roads and the creation of reserves." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292288/2016" with address "Lot 282 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division comprising the division of three allotments into one hundred and ninety eight in four stages, the construction of roads and the creation of reserves." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292289/2016" with address "22 Hornet Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "The division of an allotment (1 into 2)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292293/2016" with address "Lot 261 Shannon Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Community Title Land Division (1 Allotment into 4)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292290/2016" with address "Lot 52 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Torrens title Land division 2 into 58 292/D090/15" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292290/2016" with address "Lot 53 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Torrens title Land division 2 into 58 292/D090/15" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292291/2016" with address "Lot 603 Enterprise Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "The division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292292/2016" with address "15 Coratina Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah and a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292294/2016" with address "Lot 1508 Peachey Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of five (5) row dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292295/2016" with address "Lot 100 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Torrens title land division 1 into 41" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292296/2016" with address "63 Mainwaring Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into two and the fire rating of the boundary party walls of the existing dwellings." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292296/2016" with address "Lot 432 Mainwaring Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into two and the fire rating of the boundary party walls of the existing dwellings." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292297/2016" with address "Lot 4 Yorktown Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Additions & alterations to existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292301/2016" with address "Piece 1005 Purdie Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "amendment to land division DA 292/D159/10" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292299/2016" with address "8/ 40 Dauntsey Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292298/2016" with address "Connell Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of two allotments into four and the fire rating of the boundary party walls of the existing dwellings. (Dac Ref 292/D007/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292300/2016" with address "62 Elmwood Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a pool deck and screen" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292302/2016" with address "Lot 1831 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "amendment to land division 292/D026/15" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292303/2016" with address "11/ 80 Hogarth Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Addition to existing building ( workshop)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292304/2016" with address "17 Broadmeadows Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292305/2016" with address "26 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292307/2016" with address "Lot 413 Secombe Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a shelter & hit up wall" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292308/2016" with address "34B Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292309/2016" with address "25 Whitsbury Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "The division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292310/2016" with address "Lot 723 Ashley Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Community title land division - 1 into 2" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292311/2016" with address "Lot 3 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "The division of one allotment into five in two stages and the creation of a reserve" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292312/2016" with address "14 Laverton Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of 2 dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292313/2016" with address "19 Nautilus Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a group dwelling and two carports WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292314/2016" with address "5 Collins Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of a dwelling and associated structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292315/2016" with address "21 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292316/2016" with address "8 Coulter Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292317/2016" with address "19 Mildera Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292318/2016" with address "7 Gemini Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292320/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Government (S.49) Land Division 1 into 43 292/G094/15" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292319/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Government (S.49) Land Division 1 into 33 292/G093/15" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292321/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Government (S.49) Land Division 1 into 32 292/G095/15 ( Faulding Ave)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292323/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Government (S.49) Land Division 1 into 25 292/G097/15 (Peachey Rd)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292322/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Government (S.49) Land Division 1 into 24 292/G096/15 ( Light Ave)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292324/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Government (S.49) Land Division 1 into 39 292/G098/15 ( Light Ave)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292325/2016" with address "11 Claret Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292326/2016" with address "Lot 400 Phineas Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of an outbuilding to be used for dependent accommodation" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292327/2016" with address "32 Ina Close, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of dependent accommodation" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292328/2016" with address "26 Stakes Crescent, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Alterations and addition to existing carport (See 292/81/2015- 47A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292329/2016" with address "1 Margaret Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292330/2016" with address "5 Gabriella Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292331/2016" with address "45 Coventry Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292332/2016" with address "Lot 212 Johnston Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292333/2016" with address "22 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292334/2016" with address "24 Rockbourne Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling & associated structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292334/2016" with address "Lot 17 Rockbourne Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling & associated structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292336/2016" with address "66 Eagles Nest Drive, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Construction of a Carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292337/2016" with address "38 Butterfield Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding (inc. Reg 47A Amendment)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292338/2016" with address "4 Longo Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292339/2016" with address "5 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292340/2016" with address "10 Grand Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292341/2016" with address "45B Sedgehill Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of two(2) verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292342/2016" with address "45A Sedgehill Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of 2 Verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/5/2016" with address "99 Reedy Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Aerobic Wastewater System" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292345/2016" with address "39 Pioneer Way, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292344/2016" with address "15 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292346/2016" with address "28 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling (Rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292348/2016" with address "56 Lakeside Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292343/2016" with address "18 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292349/2016" with address "19 Lawson Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Installation of Swimming Pool and Safety Fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292350/2016" with address "36 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292347/2016" with address "Lot 400 Latz Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a farm building (shed)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292351/2016" with address "6 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292352/2016" with address "4 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292353/2016" with address "Lot 261 Shannon Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of 4 Detached Dwellings ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292354/2016" with address "33 Bellchambers Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a storage warehouse" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292355/2016" with address "54 Peachey Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292356/2016" with address "2 Claire Lane, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292357/2016" with address "39 Bellchambers Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a warehouse and light industry building with associated offices, amenities & carpark." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292358/2016" with address "26 Enmore Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292359/2016" with address "175 Tozer Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292360/2016" with address "7 Cadillac Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292361/2016" with address "14 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292362/2016" with address "12 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292364/2016" with address "8 Teviot Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292365/2016" with address "25 Hawick Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292363/2016" with address "46 Kinkaid Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "The demolition of an existing dwelling, verandah and two outbuildings, the construction of swimming pool safety fencing and two dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/6/2016" with address "11 McGilp Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Installation of Aerobic System" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292366/2016" with address "14 Bruno Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292367/2016" with address "702 Yorktown Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292368/2016" with address "259 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292369/2016" with address "261 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292370/2016" with address "3 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292371/2016" with address "9 Lancelot Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292372/2016" with address "Lot 393 Dilton Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of three single storey row dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292375/2016" with address "23 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292376/2016" with address "26 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of 2 above ground water tanks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292377/2016" with address "10 Bressington Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292378/2016" with address "17 Olivia Court, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292379/2016" with address "7 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292380/2016" with address "26 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of 2 above ground water tanks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292381/2016" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Alterations to shop facade" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292383/2016" with address "263 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292385/2016" with address "1 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292384/2016" with address "Lot 82 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292386/2016" with address "1157 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292387/2016" with address "7 Brunton Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292388/2016" with address "32 Admiral Parade, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292389/2016" with address "7 Amaretti Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292390/2016" with address "12A Underdown Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292391/2016" with address "Lot 2 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA DOWNS SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 281 Costa Street, Munno Para West)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292391/2016" with address "27 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 281 Costa Street, Munno Para West)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292392/2016" with address "14 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a display home, to revert to a detached dwelling in 3 years." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292393/2016" with address "21 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (Lot 278 Costa Street)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292394/2016" with address "600 Main North Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Additions & alterations to an existing shopping centre and carpark and the construction of a motor repair station." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292394/2016" with address "Lot 120 Warooka Drive, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Additions & alterations to an existing shopping centre and carpark and the construction of a motor repair station." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292394/2016" with address "2-10 George McCullum Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Additions & alterations to an existing shopping centre and carpark and the construction of a motor repair station." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292395/2016" with address "31 Highview Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAST/7/2016" with address "2 Claire Lane, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Relocation of part soakage trench" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292396/2016" with address "39 Springvale Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292397/2016" with address "18 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292398/2016" with address "17 Serenity Way, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292399/2016" with address "9 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and enclosed filter" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292400/2016" with address "5 Rockbourne Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling & associated structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292400/2016" with address "7 Rockbourne Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling & associated structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292401/2016" with address "24 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a display home, to revert to a detached dwelling in 3 years." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292402/2016" with address "72 Curnow Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "The construction of a telecommunications facility and associated fencing." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292403/2016" with address "26 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling to be used as a display home for a period not exceeding three (3) years" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292404/2016" with address "6 Saint Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292405/2016" with address "1 Crockerton Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Additions and alterations to existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292406/2016" with address "17 Paulmark Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292407/2016" with address "17A Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292408/2016" with address "671 Main North Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Replacement of existing carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292409/2016" with address "5 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of Detached Dwelling (Rescode Sch.4 2A & 2B)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292410/2016" with address "1 Sansbury Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a colourbond shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292411/2016" with address "85 Yorktown Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292412/2016" with address "26 Brandis Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292413/2016" with address "43 Peachey Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Internal fitout of an office building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292414/2016" with address "14 Hillbank Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292415/2016" with address "37 Highview Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292418/2016" with address "89 Fradd Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a dwelling addition and alterations" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292419/2016" with address "Lot 1013 Playford Boulevard, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "S49- Removal of 2 regulated trees 292/V001/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292420/2016" with address "Lot 678 Yorktown Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "S49-Removing existing roof and replacing with new 292/V002/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292421/2016" with address "38 Wilkins Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292422/2016" with address "20A Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292423/2016" with address "44 Pellew Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "ePathway" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292425/2016" with address "Lot 10 Old Sarum Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Stimulus Program - Construction of 3 detached single storey dwellings with associated carports and land division of 2 allotments to create 3 allotments (292/F003/16) - 292/D015/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292425/2016" with address "Lot 384 Old Sarum Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Stimulus Program - Construction of 3 detached single storey dwellings with associated carports and land division of 2 allotments to create 3 allotments (292/F003/16) - 292/D015/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292424/2016" with address "110 Yorktown Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Enclosure of existing shopping centre entrance canopies and the construction of four access ramps" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292426/2016" with address "6 McLelland Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292427/2016" with address "18 Douglas Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292428/2016" with address "37 Innes Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (RESIDENTIAL CODE APPLICATION)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292429/2016" with address "7 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292430/2016" with address "25 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (PRIVATE CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL CODE APPLICATION)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292431/2016" with address "49 Faulding Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292432/2016" with address "17 Bressington Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a single storey dwelling - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292433/2016" with address "7 Platten Avenue, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Crossover application - sent to Wayne Manhire" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292434/2016" with address "3 Kirk Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292435/2016" with address "28 Hawker Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292436/2016" with address "671 Main North Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292437/2016" with address "Lot 5001 Andrews Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Land Division 1 into 2 (292/D020/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292438/2016" with address "161 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of Dwelling (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292439/2016" with address "86A Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey group dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292440/2016" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shopping centre internal alterations" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292441/2016" with address "36 Turner Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of two verandahs and a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292442/2016" with address "25 Scott Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (RESIDENTIAL CODE APPLICATION)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292444/2016" with address "29 Kanimbla Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292445/2016" with address "4 Greenway Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292446/2016" with address "38 Light Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292449/2016" with address "36 Light Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292447/2016" with address "6 Rose Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292448/2016" with address "18 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292450/2016" with address "26 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292451/2016" with address "34 Light Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292456/2016" with address "17 The Greenway, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292452/2016" with address "7 Brunton Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah - incorrectly lodged. see DA292/387/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292453/2016" with address "16 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292454/2016" with address "5 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292455/2016" with address "299 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292457/2016" with address "3 Blossom Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292458/2016" with address "7 Evita Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292459/2016" with address "Lot 11 Taylors Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292460/2016" with address "6 Dover Place, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292461/2016" with address "4 Blunden Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292462/2016" with address "255 Frisby Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Minor Variation 47A to Development Application 292/114/2015 - deletion of Strata Cell ground treatments, increase height of pylon signs and alter hours of operation (delivery vehicles only)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292463/2016" with address "36 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292464/2016" with address "4 Frances Court, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a retaining wall" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292465/2016" with address "6 Darryl Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292466/2016" with address "16 Roxburgh Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Certified Residential code)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/8/2016" with address "Lot 101 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Relocation of septic tank" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292467/2016" with address "15 Salerno Court, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "External alterations to dwelling (windows), deck, verandah and privacy screening" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292468/2016" with address "162 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Stage One - Fire safety upgrade works" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292469/2016" with address "45 Lomalinda Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling addition in the form of dependent living accommodation (granny flat)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292470/2016" with address "7 Trinity Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding (shed/garage)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292471/2016" with address "200-208 Adams Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Alterations and additions to an existing nursing home including the partial demolition of an existing dining room, the relocation of 12 car parking spaces and the construction of six additional bedrooms and a meeting room." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292472/2016" with address "27 Woodlands Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding (garage) and a combined carport/verandah structure" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292473/2016" with address "20 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey dwelling (RESIDENTIAL CODE APPLICATION)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292474/2016" with address "33 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292476/2016" with address "Part Lot 562 Worthington Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "The division of one allotment into five." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292476/2016" with address "Lot 15 Sec 3130 DP 47957 Hd of Munno Para Worthing, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "The division of one allotment into five." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292477/2016" with address "19 Wanbi Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292478/2016" with address "32 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "The division of three allotments into seven" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292475/2016" with address "Lot 962 Broxmore Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Community title division (1 into 3) 292/C011/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292479/2016" with address "Lot 293 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA DOWNS SA 5115" and description "The division of one allotment into five" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292480/2016" with address "69 Bungarra Street, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292481/2016" with address "1 Carstairs Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292482/2016" with address "84 Tudor Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292483/2016" with address "Lot 2004 Petherton Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Land division - 1 in to 43 allotments (292-D016-2016)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292484/2016" with address "3 Carstairs Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292486/2016" with address "Lot 802 Whitford Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Land division - Torrens Title (1 in to 2) 292/D019/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292487/2016" with address "6 Laurel Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling to be used as a display home for a period not exceeding three (3) years" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292485/2016" with address "Lot 2004 Petherton Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Land division - Community Title ( 1 in to 6) (292/C018/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292488/2016" with address "3 Clare Mews, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292489/2016" with address "Lot 382 Davey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Stimulus program - Land division of two allotments in to 5 allotments (292/D025/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292491/2016" with address "8 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292490/2016" with address "4 Laurel Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a display home, to convert to a single storey detached dwelling in 3 years from date of full approval" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292492/2016" with address "18 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (RESIDENTIAL CODE APPLICATION)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292493/2016" with address "13A Butler Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292494/2016" with address "33 Petherton Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah ( rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292495/2016" with address "15 Priority Court, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of warehouse and associated car parking" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292496/2016" with address "16 Hornet Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Removal of significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292497/2016" with address "2 Mansfield Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of two single storey commercial buildings with associated carparking" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292498/2016" with address "Lot 415 Gawler Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a new freestanding sign & relocation of existing sign" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292499/2016" with address "4 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292500/2016" with address "19 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292501/2016" with address "254 Short Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292502/2016" with address "31 Baxter Avenue, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292503/2016" with address "221 Precolumb Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding, carport and two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292504/2016" with address "197 Kentish Road, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding and associated earthworks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292505/2016" with address "76 Fairfield Road, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292506/2016" with address "23 Cassia Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292507/2016" with address "2 Rosella Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292508/2016" with address "16 Hooke Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Removal of two regulated trees" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292509/2016" with address "6 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (RESIDENTIAL CODE APPLICATION)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292510/2016" with address "52 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling (RESIDENTIAL CODE APPLICATION)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292511/2016" with address "92 Penfield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a Telecommunications Facility and associated 2.4m fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292512/2016" with address "Lot 2004 Petherton Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Community Division 1 into 16 allotments (292/C017/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292513/2016" with address "111 Johnson Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292514/2016" with address "19 Enterprise Circuit, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292515/2016" with address "22 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292516/2016" with address "8 Brittlewood Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292517/2016" with address "44 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Residential code)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292518/2016" with address "13A Carey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah & domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292519/2016" with address "Lot 390 Latz Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a horticulture building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292520/2016" with address "5 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292521/2016" with address "4B Woods Court, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of single storey dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292522/2016" with address "17 Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a single storey dwelling - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292523/2016" with address "3 Kenton Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292524/2016" with address "30 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292525/2016" with address "4/ 40 Dauntsey Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292526/2016" with address "11 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292527/2016" with address "3 Spring Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292528/2016" with address "Lot 702 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292529/2016" with address "6 Westport Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of an office and a warehouse" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292530/2016" with address "22 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292531/2016" with address "29 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 282 Costa Street Munno Para West)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292532/2016" with address "36 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Residential code)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292533/2016" with address "20 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292535/2016" with address "16 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292534/2016" with address "6 Brenton Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292536/2016" with address "31 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 283 Costa st)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/9/2016" with address "10 Bressington Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of waste control system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292538/2016" with address "47 Bagot Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Removal of tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292539/2016" with address "12A Dewey Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292540/2016" with address "14 Oxford Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of an attached verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292541/2016" with address "61 Supple Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292542/2016" with address "24 Grandview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292543/2016" with address "23 Kalyvas Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292544/2016" with address "12 Robinson Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of an implement shed ancillary to horticulture." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292545/2016" with address "2 Coratina Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/10/2016" with address "Lot 3 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Installation of septic tank" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/11/2016" with address "18 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of aerobic system (superseded by WAW/47/2016 as Homestead Homes went bankrupt)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292546/2016" with address "28 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292548/2016" with address "19 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292549/2016" with address "11 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292550/2016" with address "9 Pipkin Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292551/2016" with address "17 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling, retaining walls and domestic outbuilding (to be constructed over two stages)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292552/2016" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Change of use to educational establishment" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292553/2016" with address "207 Broadacres Drive, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling, carport and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292554/2016" with address "120 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an outbuilding (domestic shed and rumpus room)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292558/2016" with address "14 Roberts Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Placement of sleepout in rear yard" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292555/2016" with address "28 Ashwood Boulevard, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292556/2016" with address "22 Brittlewood Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292557/2016" with address "46 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292559/2016" with address "9 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292560/2016" with address "3 Laurel Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a display office WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292561/2016" with address "Lot 962 Broxmore Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling & associated structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292563/2016" with address "41 McCullum Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Demolition of house and shed - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292564/2016" with address "16 Goodman Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "The demolition of existing bowling clubrooms, the construction of new clubrooms, three bowling green canopies with attached lighting, fencing and associated car parking and lighting" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292565/2016" with address "41 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( RESCODE CERTIFIED)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292567/2016" with address "1 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal fitout" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292569/2016" with address "9 Kareda Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292568/2016" with address "Lot 283 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292570/2016" with address "23 Stocklinch Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of 2 verandah's and 1 carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292571/2016" with address "21 Frith Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292572/2016" with address "107-111 Womma Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292573/2016" with address "10 Flynn Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292574/2016" with address "249 Midway Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of two verandahs, a carport & domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292575/2016" with address "27 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292576/2016" with address "24 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292577/2016" with address "11 Davey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a shed and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292578/2016" with address "47 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of three verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292579/2016" with address "707 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292580/2016" with address "131-135 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of existing site with the construction of an integrated service station 292/E009/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292581/2016" with address "707 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Extension to existing domestic outbuilding and conversion into habitable outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292582/2016" with address "4 Kirk Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Tree Damaging Activity (Removal of a Regulated Tree)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292583/2016" with address "28B Mavros Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292584/2016" with address "6 Newchurch Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( residential code)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292585/2016" with address "11/ 80 Hogarth Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Addition & alteration to existing workshop - WITHDRAWN ( See DA292/303/2016)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292586/2016" with address "7 Hawker Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport and a habitable outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292587/2016" with address "65 Carmelo Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Skeet house & layout" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292588/2016" with address "143 Coventry Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292589/2016" with address "46 Gloucester Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292590/2016" with address "80 Viney Drive, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Telecommunications Facility and Associated Fencing up to 2.4 Metres in Height" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292591/2016" with address "46 Light Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292592/2016" with address "10 Linwood Grove, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Enclosure of existing verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292593/2016" with address "20 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292594/2016" with address "398 Alexander Avenue, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "The construction of a telecommunications facility and associated fencing up to 2.4m in height" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292595/2016" with address "Part Lot 7 Bentley Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292596/2016" with address "127 Beckham Rise, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292597/2016" with address "256-260 Curtis Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Commercial/retail building with separate restaurant with drive through service and associated car parks, landscaping and advertising. STAGE 1 - SITE PREPARATION AND CIVIL WORKS ONLY STAGE 2 - SUBSTRUCTURE APPROVAL ONLY STAGE 3 - SUPERSTRUCTURE APPROVAL ONLY - STEEL WALL & ROOF FRAMING STAGE 4 - FINAL CONSENT - COMMERCIAL RETAIL BUILDING STAGE 5 - FINAL STAGE FOR RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE THROUGH AND ASSOCIATED CARPARKING" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292598/2016" with address "7 Lomandra Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292599/2016" with address "6 Lomandra Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292600/2016" with address "13 Trembath Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of two x detached dwellings ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292601/2016" with address "35B Innes Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292603/2016" with address "270 Humbug Scrub Road, HUMBUG SCRUB SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding, carport, verandahs, and the alterations and an addition to the existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292602/2016" with address "136 Coventry Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292604/2016" with address "9-11 Paps Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/12/2016" with address "6 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of wastewater aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/13/2016" with address "26 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to existing wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/14/2016" with address "Lot 8 De Mannu Road, MUNNO PARA DOWNS SA 5115" and description "Installation of a wastewater system - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292605/2016" with address "11 Pendolino Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292606/2016" with address "Lot 12 Pannan Road, MUNNO PARA DOWNS SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292607/2016" with address "13 Lulama Crescent, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292608/2016" with address "Shop 65-66/ 600 Main North Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of security wall & replacement of ATMs ( Internal alterations)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292609/2016" with address "96 Dauntsey Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292610/2016" with address "Lot 3000 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a commercial building and service station ( Lot 5015 Womma) - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/15/2016" with address "19 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292611/2016" with address "3 Stevens Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292612/2016" with address "39 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a pergola" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/16/2016" with address "1 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to existing wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292613/2016" with address "7 Colombo Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292614/2016" with address "Lot 4001 Bevan Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 32) 292/D024/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292615/2016" with address "Lot 2005 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (2 in to 46) DAC292/D027/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292615/2016" with address "Lot 1882 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (2 in to 46) DAC292/D027/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292616/2016" with address "10 Boucaut Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land Division 1 in to 2 ( lot 1015 Main Tce) 292/D026/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292617/2016" with address "Lot 2005 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title ( 4 in to 48) 292/D028/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292617/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title ( 4 in to 48) 292/D028/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292617/2016" with address "Lot 1882 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title ( 4 in to 48) 292/D028/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292617/2016" with address "Lot 1845 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title ( 4 in to 48) 292/D028/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292617/2016" with address "Lot 700 Lawder Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title ( 4 in to 48) 292/D028/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292618/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 32) 292/D029/16 (LOT 2002 & 2003 Scoular Rd)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292618/2016" with address "Lot 2005 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 32) 292/D029/16 (LOT 2002 & 2003 Scoular Rd)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292619/2016" with address "1/ 46 Saratoga Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292620/2016" with address "Lot 1845 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (2 in to 49) 292/D030/16 (Lot 2005,1900 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292620/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (2 in to 49) 292/D030/16 (Lot 2005,1900 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292620/2016" with address "Lot 1899 Charleston Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (2 in to 49) 292/D030/16 (Lot 2005,1900 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292621/2016" with address "Lot 1899 Charleston Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 48) 292/D031/16 (Lot 2007,2008 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292621/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 48) 292/D031/16 (Lot 2007,2008 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292621/2016" with address "Lot 1845 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 48) 292/D031/16 (Lot 2007,2008 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292622/2016" with address "Lot 1845 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 45) 292/D032/16 (Lot 2009 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292622/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 45) 292/D032/16 (Lot 2009 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292624/2016" with address "Lot 8 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of four allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292624/2016" with address "Lot 6 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of four allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292624/2016" with address "Lot 7 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of four allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292624/2016" with address "Lot 5 Craigmore Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of four allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292623/2016" with address "Lot 1845 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 45) 292/D033/16 (Lot 2010 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292623/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - torrens title (1 in to 45) 292/D033/16 (Lot 2010 Lawder Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292625/2016" with address "22 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292626/2016" with address "175 Taylors Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Additions and alterations to existing dwelling and construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292627/2016" with address "10 Lorenzo Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of existing verandah and the construction of dwelling additions and alterations and a verandah." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292628/2016" with address "12 Nolan Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292629/2016" with address "13 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292630/2016" with address "42 McIntyre Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292633/2016" with address "1226 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( lot 228 Andrews Rd)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292631/2016" with address "12 Uley Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292632/2016" with address "3 Broadmeadows Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292634/2016" with address "15 Gartrell Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292635/2016" with address "Shop 81/ 600 Main North Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Internal alterations to existing restaurant" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/17/2016" with address "5 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "New wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/18/2016" with address "Lot 702 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "new wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292636/2016" with address "37 Biarritz Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292637/2016" with address "133 Lakeside Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292638/2016" with address "40 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292639/2016" with address "21 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292640/2016" with address "6 Westport Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of a shed, portable containers and concrete slab" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292641/2016" with address "Lot 107 Brandis Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of three group dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292642/2016" with address "25 Whitsbury Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling & associated structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292643/2016" with address "Lot 2 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Variation to approved trading hours" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292644/2016" with address "23 Marcona Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Residential code)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292645/2016" with address "1218 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 232 Andrews Rd)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292646/2016" with address "25 Olinda Street, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292647/2016" with address "73 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Demolition of existing structures and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292648/2016" with address "44 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292649/2016" with address "763 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Demolition of existing garage and construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292650/2016" with address "5 Dawson Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292651/2016" with address "7 Eldorado Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292652/2016" with address "30 Ward Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "18 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "12 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "6 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "16 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "10 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "20 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "4 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "2 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "14 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292653/2016" with address "8 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of ten allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292654/2016" with address "20 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The division of one allotment into two." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292654/2016" with address "18 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The division of one allotment into two." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292655/2016" with address "4 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The division of one allotment into two." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292655/2016" with address "2 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "The division of one allotment into two." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292656/2016" with address "Shop 82A/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Fitout for existing retail tenancy for Optus" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292657/2016" with address "1 Crockerton Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal alterations to a gym" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292658/2016" with address "Lot 211 Highview Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Land division - Community title - 1 in to 2 292/C071/15 Variation plan to DA 292/D049/04" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAST/19/2016" with address "26 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to soakage trench" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292659/2016" with address "3 Crittenden Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah & domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292660/2016" with address "39 Edmonds Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a carport forward of a dwelling - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292661/2016" with address "31A Innes Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292662/2016" with address "38 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292663/2016" with address "10 Sterling Court, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah with demolition of existing shade structure" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292664/2016" with address "3 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292665/2016" with address "5 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292666/2016" with address "21B Vine Parade, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "12 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "18 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "6 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "10 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "16 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "20 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "4 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "14 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "2 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292667/2016" with address "8 Torrens Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 12 two storey dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292668/2016" with address "17 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292669/2016" with address "Lot 742 Penfield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292670/2016" with address "123B Midway Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292671/2016" with address "5 Olivia Court, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling -WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292672/2016" with address "5 Laurel Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling to be used as a display home for a period not exceeding three (3) years" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292673/2016" with address "7 Laurel Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292674/2016" with address "Lot 2005 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292675/2016" with address "10 Enterprise Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Demolition of existing garage and the construction of a carport and domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292676/2016" with address "13 Toolunga Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "The construction of three farm buildings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292677/2016" with address "1 Enmore Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292678/2016" with address "9 McCullum Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292679/2016" with address "22 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292680/2016" with address "42 Ascot Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292681/2016" with address "29 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292682/2016" with address "17 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292683/2016" with address "23 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292684/2016" with address "553 Stebonheath Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292685/2016" with address "1151 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292686/2016" with address "1149 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292687/2016" with address "1141 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292688/2016" with address "1133 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292689/2016" with address "16 Pitt Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292690/2016" with address "65 Bungarra Street, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling and the combination of retaining walls (varying in height from 300 millimetres to 1 metre) and fencing (1.8 metres) to a maximum height of 2.8 metres." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292691/2016" with address "60 California Avenue, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292692/2016" with address "15 Stakes Crescent, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Re-instatement of fire damaged building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292693/2016" with address "29 Park Lake Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292694/2016" with address "97 Light Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292695/2016" with address "32 Ponderosa Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292696/2016" with address "23 Butterfield Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292697/2016" with address "165 Petherton Road, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292698/2016" with address "182 Adams Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292700/2016" with address "53 Amberdale Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292701/2016" with address "31 Maslin Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292699/2016" with address "33 Lakeside Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292702/2016" with address "30 Crawford Grove, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292703/2016" with address "600 Main North Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Variation of approved development application 292/952/2013 to restaurant trading hours" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292704/2016" with address "44 Pellew Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Change of use from truck parking to a place of worship incorporating the construction of a foyer, verandah and carpark, in association to primary production" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292705/2016" with address "111 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292706/2016" with address "11A Tangarine Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292707/2016" with address "8 Colins Court, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292708/2016" with address "8 Phillip Avenue, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292709/2016" with address "1145 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292710/2016" with address "30 Shillabeer Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of two allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292710/2016" with address "Lot 11 Shillabeer Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "The alteration of the boundaries of two allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292711/2016" with address "16 Edith Close, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292712/2016" with address "Lot 3000 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into two and the creation of two roads" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292713/2016" with address "Lot 1073 Bursaria Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "The division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292714/2016" with address "40 Saxon Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292715/2016" with address "4 Olive Grove, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292716/2016" with address "37 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling with retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292717/2016" with address "21 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292718/2016" with address "15A Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292720/2016" with address "Lot 5000 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division - 1 in to 1 - Boundary re alignment 292/D039/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292721/2016" with address "11B Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292722/2016" with address "Lot 1144 Collingbourne Drive, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292723/2016" with address "38 Coratina Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/20/2016" with address "31 Maslin Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Onsite wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/21/2016" with address "110 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Onsite wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292724/2016" with address "451 Main North Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "The installation of a sign and alterations to existing signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292724/2016" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "The installation of a sign and alterations to existing signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292725/2016" with address "339 Medlow Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Installation of rainwater tank" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292726/2016" with address "29 Johnson Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292727/2016" with address "11 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292728/2016" with address "Lot 3 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Tree damaging activity (removal of a significant tree on the council verge in front of Lot 3 Old Port Wakefield Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/22/2016" with address "17 Paulmark Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of an aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/23/2016" with address "17 Bressington Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Application invalid - house application withdrawn Installation of an aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292729/2016" with address "Unit 1/ Konanda Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "The demolition of an existing bulky goods outlet, the alterations to an existing bulky goods outlet and an addition comprising of an indoor recreation centre and bulky goods outlet with associated car parking" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292730/2016" with address "1 Enmore Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292731/2016" with address "34 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292732/2016" with address "1129 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292733/2016" with address "10 Playford Boulevard, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Installation of solar panels" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292734/2016" with address "20 Bowman Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292735/2016" with address "Lot 2 Stebonheath Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a Shopping Centre, ancillary carparking and landscaping" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292736/2016" with address "7 Lisbon Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292737/2016" with address "9 Olivia Court, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292738/2016" with address "25 Alawoona Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292739/2016" with address "11 Laurel Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a display home (converted to dwelling after 3 years) and associated advertising" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292741/2016" with address "1202 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292740/2016" with address "930 Black Top Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292742/2016" with address "20 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292743/2016" with address "1 Alexander Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292744/2016" with address "5 Spring Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292746/2016" with address "238 Midway Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292747/2016" with address "8 Playford Boulevard, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "The division of four allotments into eleven and the removal of four regulated trees." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292747/2016" with address "10 Playford Boulevard, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "The division of four allotments into eleven and the removal of four regulated trees." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292747/2016" with address "Lot 1013 Playford Boulevard, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "The division of four allotments into eleven and the removal of four regulated trees." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292747/2016" with address "Lot 1012 Main North Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "The division of four allotments into eleven and the removal of four regulated trees." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292748/2016" with address "83 Womma West Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division - 1 allotment into 2 (DAC 292/D041/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292749/2016" with address "55 Amberdale Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292750/2016" with address "143 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of existing pergola and alterations and additions to existing restaurant" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292751/2016" with address "9 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292752/2016" with address "27 Roberts Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292753/2016" with address "15 Marcona Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292754/2016" with address "14 Wecoma Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292755/2016" with address "370 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292756/2016" with address "6 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/24/2016" with address "143 Robert Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Alteration to irrigation area" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292757/2016" with address "8 Lindon Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "The construction of a carport - REFUSED" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921185/2015/1" with address "10 Playford Boulevard, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "TEST- Staged Application ePathway - Test Application" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292758/2016" with address "11 Wilterna Crescent, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292759/2016" with address "7 Salerno Court, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292760/2016" with address "1137 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292761/2016" with address "289 Alexander Avenue, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "The relocation of an existing verandah, removal of roof tiles and replacing with colourbond, an addition and alterations to an exisitng dwelling and the construction of a verandah with decking." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292762/2016" with address "1147 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292763/2016" with address "1143 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292764/2016" with address "1139 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292765/2016" with address "1121 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292766/2016" with address "11 Twyford Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292767/2016" with address "256-260 Curtis Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Land division - Torrens title- 1 in to 2 292/D042/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292768/2016" with address "12 Barfield Crescent, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Alterations and Additions to an Existing Community Centre" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292769/2016" with address "117 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Constructon of additions and alterations detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292770/2016" with address "63 Halsey Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Supported accommodation comprising the construction of four dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292770/2016" with address "61 Halsey Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Supported accommodation comprising the construction of four dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292771/2016" with address "Shop 138/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal fitout ( Vodafone)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292772/2016" with address "9-11 Paps Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292773/2016" with address "24 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/1" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 1 - Lot 863 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/1" with address "42 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 1 - Lot 863 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/2" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 2 - Lot 862 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/2" with address "44 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 2 - Lot 862 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292774/2016" with address "Unit 1/ Konanda Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Internal fitout of an indoor recreation centre and the erection of an advertising display" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292775/2016" with address "Lot 261 Shannon Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of two verandahs (Lot 3 and Lot 4)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292776/2016" with address "25 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292777/2016" with address "4 Linwood Grove, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a freestanding verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292778/2016" with address "32 Pipkin Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/25/2016" with address "20 Curnow Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Alteration to existing system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292779/2016" with address "2 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292780/2016" with address "4 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292781/2016" with address "12 Kelly Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport, swimming pool and spa pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292782/2016" with address "9 Bursaria Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292783/2016" with address "12 Kelly Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "See 292/781/2016 - WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292784/2016" with address "41 Strathaird Boulevard, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292785/2016" with address "95 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Dwelling additions and alterations and construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292786/2016" with address "19B Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292787/2016" with address "25 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292788/2016" with address "12 Oxford Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292789/2016" with address "28 Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292791/2016" with address "16 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292790/2016" with address "5 Amaretti Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292792/2016" with address "6 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292793/2016" with address "1 Tregenza Avenue, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292794/2016" with address "23 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292795/2016" with address "20 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292796/2016" with address "39 Stevens Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292797/2016" with address "58A Campbell Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292798/2016" with address "35 Midway Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of two verandahs and a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292799/2016" with address "1029 Black Top Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292800/2016" with address "26 Brittlewood Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292801/2016" with address "12 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling -WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292802/2016" with address "827 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292803/2016" with address "9 Faulding Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292804/2016" with address "26 Fortress Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292805/2016" with address "13 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292806/2016" with address "13D Butler Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292807/2016" with address "9 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292808/2016" with address "Lot 3 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Demolition of existing buildings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292809/2016" with address "20 Pacific Boulevard, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Demolition of existing verandah and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292810/2016" with address "8 Holyoake Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety barrier" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292814/2016" with address "4 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling ( Lot 222 Peridot Loop)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292812/2016" with address "5 Alexander Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292811/2016" with address "18 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling ( Lot 224 Castleton)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292813/2016" with address "23 Gerald Boulevard, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292815/2016" with address "Lot 5000 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292815/2016" with address "11 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292816/2016" with address "10 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292817/2016" with address "32 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/3" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 3 - Lot 861 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/3" with address "46 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 3 - Lot 861 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/4" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 4 - Lot 860 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/4" with address "48 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 4 - Lot 860 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/6" with address "52 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 6 - Lot 858 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/6" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 6 - Lot 858 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/10" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 10 - Lot 854 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/10" with address "60 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 10 - Lot 854 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/11" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 11 - Lot 853 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/11" with address "16 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 11 - Lot 853 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/12" with address "14 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 12 - Lot 850 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/12" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 12 - Lot 850 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/14" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 14 - Lot 834 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/14" with address "32 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 14 - Lot 834 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/17" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 17 - Lot 864 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/17" with address "40 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 17 - Lot 864 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/18" with address "38 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 18 - Lot 865 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/18" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 18 - Lot 865 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/5" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 5 - Lot 859 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/5" with address "50 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 5 - Lot 859 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/7" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 7 - Lot 857 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/7" with address "54 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 7 - Lot 857 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/8" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 8 - Lot 856 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/8" with address "56 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 8 - Lot 856 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/15" with address "22 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 15 - Lot 839 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/15" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 15 - Lot 839 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/23" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 23 - Lot 852 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/23" with address "18 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 23 - Lot 852 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/27" with address "36 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 27 - Lot 866 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/27" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 27 - Lot 866 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/9" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 9 - Lot 855 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/9" with address "58 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 9 - Lot 855 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/13" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 13 - Lot 841 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/13" with address "10 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 13 - Lot 841 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/16" with address "30 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 16 - Lot 835 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/16" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 16 - Lot 835 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/19" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 19 - Lot 832 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/19" with address "36 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 19 - Lot 832 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/20" with address "34 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 20 - Lot 833 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/20" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 20 - Lot 833 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/24" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 24 - Lot 840 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/24" with address "20 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 24 - Lot 840 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/28" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 28 - Lot 830 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/28" with address "40 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 28 - Lot 830 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/21" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 21 - Lot 836 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/21" with address "28 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 21 - Lot 836 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/22" with address "26 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 22 - Lot 837 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/22" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 22 - Lot 837 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/25" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 25 - Lot 851 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/25" with address "12 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 25 - Lot 851 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/26" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 26 - Lot 842 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/26" with address "8 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 26 - Lot 842 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292818/2016" with address "Lot 405 Faith Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of three dwellings on 1 allotment." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292820/2016" with address "1131 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292819/2016" with address "10 Arthur Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292821/2016" with address "262 Curtis Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "The Creation of 2 Additional Tenancies within an Existing Retail Building)." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292822/2016" with address "Lot 3000 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a group of shops, a petrol filling station and associated carparking and signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292823/2016" with address "143 Robert Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Internal alterations" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/26/2016" with address "6 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "amendment to existing application - (WAW292-12-2016)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292824/2016" with address "5 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292825/2016" with address "4 Newchurch Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292827/2016" with address "2 Haynes Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292828/2016" with address "44 Butterfield Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Addition to existing carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292829/2016" with address "21 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292830/2016" with address "47 Olinda Street, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292831/2016" with address "3 Chowilla Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292832/2016" with address "16 Commodore Parade, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292833/2016" with address "5 Cadillac Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292834/2016" with address "222 Newton Boulevard, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292835/2016" with address "40 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/29" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 29 - Lot 829 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/29" with address "37 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 29 - Lot 829 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/33" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 33 - Lot 825 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/33" with address "29 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 33 - Lot 825 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/40" with address "15 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 40 - Lot 818 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/40" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 40 - Lot 818 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/43" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 43 - Lot 838 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/43" with address "24 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 43 - Lot 838 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/44" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 44 - Lot 831 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/44" with address "38 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 44 - Lot 831 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292158/2010/A" with address "Piece 1005 Purdie Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land Division (1 into 18) -- Variation to an authorisation previously given --" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/30" with address "35 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 30 - Lot 828 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/30" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 30 - Lot 828 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/31" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 31 - Lot 827 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/31" with address "33 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 31 - Lot 827 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/32" with address "31 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 32 - Lot 826 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/32" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 32 - Lot 826 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/34" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 34 - Lot 824 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/34" with address "27 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 34 - Lot 824 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/35" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 35 - Lot 823 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/35" with address "25 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 35 - Lot 823 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/36" with address "23 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 36 - Lot 822 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/36" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 36 - Lot 822 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/38" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 38 - Lot 820 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/38" with address "19 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 38 - Lot 820 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/39" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 39 - Lot 819 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/39" with address "17 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 39 - Lot 819 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/41" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 41 - Lot 817 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/41" with address "13 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 41 - Lot 817 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/37" with address "21 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 37 - Lot 821 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/37" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 37 - Lot 821 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/42" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 42 - Lot 816 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/42" with address "11 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 42 - Lot 816 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292836/2016" with address "Lot 1894 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amended plan after decision - Dev no. 292/D057/15" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292837/2016" with address "54 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292838/2016" with address "16 Sarah Candace Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292839/2016" with address "21 Roseworthy Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Addition & alterations to existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292840/2016" with address "11 Langford Drive, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Removal of 2 regulated trees - Section 49 DAC292/V015/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292841/2016" with address "50 Coratina Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292842/2016" with address "20 Vitorio Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292843/2016" with address "38 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292844/2016" with address "143 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Additions to a telecommunications facility" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292845/2016" with address "Lot 2 Northampton Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of four (4) single storey group dwellings with associated carports DAC 292/F013/2016" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292846/2016" with address "22 Encounter Avenue, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292847/2016" with address "Lot 2 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292848/2016" with address "3 Laurel Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a display office" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292849/2016" with address "5 Saint Germain Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292850/2016" with address "2 Sarah Candace Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292851/2016" with address "Unit 23/ 1124 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and carport under main roof" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292852/2016" with address "9 John Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "The division of one allotment into two and the demolition of the existing semi-detached dwelling, carport and domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292853/2016" with address "66-68 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Additions to an existing building comprising the construction of four classrooms and associated amenities" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292854/2016" with address "22 Hornet Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292855/2016" with address "18 Brittlewood Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292856/2016" with address "53 Vincent Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292857/2016" with address "16 Elm Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292858/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amended plan after decision - Dev no. 292/D158/10" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292859/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Amended plan after decision - Dev no. 292/D043/15 (73 allotments amended to 71)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/27/2016" with address "131-135 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of 2 septic tanks totalling 8000L" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/28/2016" with address "53 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration of an existing wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292860/2016" with address "Lot 56 Hannaford Hump Road, SAMPSON FLAT SA 5114" and description "The alteration of the boundary of an allotment" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292861/2016" with address "2 Mansfield Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Land division - Torrens title 1 in to 2 DAC292/D047/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292862/2016" with address "Lot 5001 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into four" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292863/2016" with address "40 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of 2 allotments in to 4 and the demolition of existing dwellings over 2 stages DAC292/D044/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292863/2016" with address "3 Spratt Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of 2 allotments in to 4 and the demolition of existing dwellings over 2 stages DAC292/D044/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292864/2016" with address "1 Tolmer Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of two (2) attached verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292865/2016" with address "11 Mayfair Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292866/2016" with address "13A Kilsby Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292867/2016" with address "1155 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292868/2016" with address "44 Biarritz Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/29/2016" with address "18 Coratina Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Alteration to existing system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292869/2016" with address "19 Bridport Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of an attached verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292870/2016" with address "1220 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292871/2016" with address "4 Cockshell Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292872/2016" with address "Lot 3000 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292873/2016" with address "19 Boucaut Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292874/2016" with address "4 Manningford Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292875/2016" with address "25 Pioneer Way, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292876/2016" with address "90 Goulds Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of an attached verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292877/2016" with address "22 Ascot Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292878/2016" with address "49 Gooronga Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292879/2016" with address "8 Myrtle Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292880/2016" with address "5 Myrtle Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292881/2016" with address "140 Coventry Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Placement of sleepout in rear yard (res code certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292882/2016" with address "5 Riggs Court, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292883/2016" with address "26 Hodgson Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Change of land use to horticulture, the construction of a dwelling and change of use of the existing dwelling to workers accomodation" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292884/2016" with address "4 Chelsea Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292885/2016" with address "5 Chelsea Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292886/2016" with address "6 Ivy Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292887/2016" with address "Unit 1/ 28 Chellaston Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of an attached verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292888/2016" with address "12 Birmingham Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah, deck and privacy screen." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292889/2016" with address "1127 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292890/2016" with address "9 Protea Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292891/2016" with address "25 Margaret Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a 2.2m fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292892/2016" with address "15 Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292893/2016" with address "143 Tyeka Drive, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of additions & alterations to existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292894/2016" with address "72 Leicester Grove, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292895/2016" with address "18 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292896/2016" with address "20 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292897/2016" with address "22 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292898/2016" with address "24 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292899/2016" with address "26 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292900/2016" with address "28 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292901/2016" with address "30 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292902/2016" with address "32 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292903/2016" with address "34 Lakes Entrance, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292904/2016" with address "31 Vincent Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292905/2016" with address "9 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292906/2016" with address "5 Birmingham Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292907/2016" with address "14 Millikan Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Alterations and change of use from a garage to a rumpus room" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292908/2016" with address "Shop 5/ 63-83 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Retail shop - Smokemart & giftbox internal fitout" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292908/2016" with address "Shop 4/ 63-83 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Retail shop - Smokemart & giftbox internal fitout" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292909/2016" with address "34 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/30/2016" with address "3 Stevens Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292910/2016" with address "6 Rosella Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292911/2016" with address "13 Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292912/2016" with address "19 Pitt Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "BFSC/1/2016" with address "Lot 7 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Fire Safety Audit" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "BFSC/2/2016" with address "36 Crittenden Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Fire Safety Audit" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292913/2016" with address "11 Brenton Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292914/2016" with address "5 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah and a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292915/2016" with address "13 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292916/2016" with address "24 Margaret Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292917/2016" with address "34 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292918/2016" with address "687 Brooks Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Construction of a horticulture store" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292919/2016" with address "862 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of an Implement Shed Ancillary to Horticulture" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292920/2016" with address "33 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292921/2016" with address "Shop 20/ 600 Main North Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Retail fitout - Eye & Vision" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292922/2016" with address "23 Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292923/2016" with address "17 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292924/2016" with address "23 Themis Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292925/2016" with address "28 Spencer Street, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292926/2016" with address "1208 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a garage (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292927/2016" with address "10 Angophora Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292928/2016" with address "6 Themis Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292929/2016" with address "1 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292930/2016" with address "6 Fern Close, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292931/2016" with address "5 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292932/2016" with address "18 Hinckley Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling and a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/31/2016" with address "5 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a septic tank system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/32/2016" with address "17 Hazel Avenue, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Aerobic system with subsurface irrigation" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292939/2016" with address "Store 3/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal retail fitout - Chemist Warehouse (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292936/2016" with address "26 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292937/2016" with address "Shop 33/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal Fitout" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292940/2016" with address "3 Lister Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "The division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292941/2016" with address "Piece 201 Legoe Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "The division of land from 2 allotments into 6 allotments (292/D048/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292941/2016" with address "493 Carmelo Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "The division of land from 2 allotments into 6 allotments (292/D048/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292942/2016" with address "23 Burwood Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of an attached verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292943/2016" with address "20 Holyoake Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292944/2016" with address "5 Angophora Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292945/2016" with address "7 Spring Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292946/2016" with address "16 Bowood Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292947/2016" with address "Shop 134C/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Interal retail fitout - Q-Tee Nails (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292948/2016" with address "13 Whitington Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage & verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292949/2016" with address "10 Midlow Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292950/2016" with address "41 Vincent Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292951/2016" with address "219 Peachey Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Installation of swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292952/2016" with address "7 Grant Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292953/2016" with address "53 Linger Crescent, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah (Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292954/2016" with address "82 Jarrah Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of an attached verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292955/2016" with address "4 Honeysuckle Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292956/2016" with address "8 Bredford Grove, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292957/2016" with address "116 Alawoona Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292958/2016" with address "Lot 248 Phineas Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Change of use from a motor repair station to an indoor recreation centre (karate studio), the construction of a carpark, associated landscaping and internal alterations and additions to the existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292959/2016" with address "42 Martin Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a second dwelling for workers accommodation in association with the existing horticulture" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292960/2016" with address "23 Elly Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292961/2016" with address "20 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of an attached verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292962/2016" with address "18A Gould Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292963/2016" with address "43 Bentley Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling with retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292964/2016" with address "57 Humbug Scrub Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Additions and alterations to an existing building and change of land use to tourist accommodation with existing residential" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292965/2016" with address "32 Ina Close, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292468/2016/2" with address "162 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Stage Two - Fire Services for Fire Safety Upgrade" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292966/2016" with address "59 Ridley Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292967/2016" with address "36 Worthington Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "The division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292968/2016" with address "8 Chicklade Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Torrens Title Land Division 2 into 3 292/D053/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292969/2016" with address "9 Quarley Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Community Title Land Division 1 in to 3 and the removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292970/2016" with address "Lot 861 McKenzie Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Land division - Torrens title 1 in to 2 292/D055/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292971/2016" with address "5 Gayland Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "The division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292972/2016" with address "8 Lime Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292974/2016" with address "254 Curtis Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Land division - Community title 1 in to 12 DAC292/C049/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292973/2016" with address "41 Crockers Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Construction of 3 verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292975/2016" with address "23 Marian Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292976/2016" with address "12 Blake Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292977/2016" with address "37 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292978/2016" with address "26 Beaumont Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Garage (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292979/2016" with address "1212 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292980/2016" with address "Lot 3 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a hotel, bottleshop, drive-thru and ancillary car parking" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292981/2016" with address "11 Hudson Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292982/2016" with address "31 Hewittson Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292983/2016" with address "46 Librandi Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292984/2016" with address "33 Tudor Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292985/2016" with address "Lot 23 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 24 Huon Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292986/2016" with address "234 Carmelo Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "DAC Referral - 292/E018/16 Expansion to existing Glasshouses" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292987/2016" with address "22 Hornet Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292988/2016" with address "9 Tudor Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292989/2016" with address "1 Warooka Drive, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Two storey extension to an existing nursing home" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292990/2016" with address "15 Serenity Way, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292991/2016" with address "30 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292992/2016" with address "262 Curtis Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a free standing sign" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292993/2016" with address "14 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292994/2016" with address "Unit 14/ 1124 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292995/2016" with address "Unit 16/ 1124 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292996/2016" with address "Unit 14/ 1124 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292997/2016" with address "226 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a storage shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292998/2016" with address "50 Spruance Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Removal of 3 significant trees and 9 regulated trees" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/33/2016" with address "Piece 672 Starrs Gully Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/34/2016" with address "6 Ivy Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Relocation of irrigation area for biocycle septic tank" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292999/2016" with address "5 Oriana Court, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921000/2016" with address "44 Bowman Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921001/2016" with address "22 Grant Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921002/2016" with address "11 Marcona Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/35/2016" with address "Lot 23 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of septic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921003/2016" with address "19 Palmer Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a dwelling and residential flat building comprising two dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921004/2016" with address "20 Zurich Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/36/2016" with address "14 Bressington Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Aerobic system with disperal beds" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921005/2016" with address "20 Thornton Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Wall removal and alteration for sliding door" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921006/2016" with address "13 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921007/2016" with address "Lot 742 Penfield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921008/2016" with address "4 Cowley Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921009/2016" with address "245 Alexander Avenue, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Construction of a 1.8m high fence comprising concrete masonary pillars and aluminimum railing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921010/2016" with address "4 Bursaria Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921011/2016" with address "89 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a garage, verandah and domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921012/2016" with address "12 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding ( Sch1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921013/2016" with address "68 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921014/2016" with address "38 Trafalgar Drive, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921015/2016" with address "46 Harris Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921016/2016" with address "15 Robe Street, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921017/2016" with address "4 Fern Close, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921018/2016" with address "44 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921019/2016" with address "43 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921020/2016" with address "27 Whiteparish Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921021/2016" with address "8 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921022/2016" with address "Lot 5010 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( lot 315 Epsom st)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921023/2016" with address "25 Traminer Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921025/2016" with address "20 Dartmouth Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921026/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3019 )" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921027/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3020 )" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921028/2016" with address "Unit 7/ 9 Baxter Avenue, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Addition and alterations to existing carport and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921029/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3021 )" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921030/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3022 )" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921031/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3001 Peachey Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921032/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3002 Peachey Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921037/2016" with address "73 Hamblynn Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "The construction of dependent accommodation" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921033/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3003 Peachey Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921034/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3004 Peachey Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921035/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3005 Peachey Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921036/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3006 Peachey Road)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921038/2016" with address "11A Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921039/2016" with address "21B Saint Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921040/2016" with address "131-135 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of existing structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921041/2016" with address "9 Kingstag Crescent, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a warehouse and demolition of existing shed to be constructed over two stages Stage 1: Approval ? Civil & Structural Works Final Stage: Services & Fitout works" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921043/2016" with address "17 Hudson Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921044/2016" with address "Lot 610 Bevan Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of an acoustic wall" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921045/2016" with address "12A Underdown Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921046/2016" with address "6 Willison Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Land division - Torrens title 1 in to 2 DAC292/D058/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921047/2016" with address "Lot 21 Susan Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into three" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921048/2016" with address "640 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "The division of one allotment into forty seven" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921049/2016" with address "237 Stebonheath Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Torrens Title Land Division 1 into 2 DAC292/D057/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921050/2016" with address "6 Cornish Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921051/2016" with address "6 Cockshell Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921052/2016" with address "Kiosk 7/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Tenancy fitout - IBROW (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921053/2016" with address "18 Saint Germain Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921054/2016" with address "27-29 Margaret Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a masonry fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921055/2016" with address "237 Stebonheath Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921056/2016" with address "19 The Greenway, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/37/2016" with address "10 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to existing aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921057/2016" with address "12 Claire Lane, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921058/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3016)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921059/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3017)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921060/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3018)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921061/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3023)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921062/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3024)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921063/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling ( Lot 3025)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921064/2016" with address "40 Swinden Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921065/2016" with address "31 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921066/2016" with address "35 Oxford Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921067/2016" with address "26 Honeysuckle Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921068/2016" with address "26 Stevens Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921069/2016" with address "2A Walpole Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921071/2016" with address "29 Nolan Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921070/2016" with address "38 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921072/2016" with address "1119 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921073/2016" with address "20 Leonard Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "A change in use to an indoor recreational facility, a place of worship and community centre with associated additions and alterations to the community centre building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921074/2016" with address "6 Annette Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921075/2016" with address "83 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Additions & alterations to existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921076/2016" with address "Lot 111 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division comprising the alteration of the boundaries of three allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921076/2016" with address "Lot 700 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division comprising the alteration of the boundaries of three allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921076/2016" with address "121-129 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division comprising the alteration of the boundaries of three allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/38/2016" with address "16 Elm Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to existing system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921077/2016" with address "Lot 723 Ashley Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921078/2016" with address "11 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921079/2016" with address "12 Angophora Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921080/2016" with address "35 Davey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921081/2016" with address "9/ 23 Catalina Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921082/2016" with address "37 Kakuna Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921083/2016" with address "1224 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921084/2016" with address "10 Millikan Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921085/2016" with address "120 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921086/2016" with address "41 Kalyvas Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921087/2016" with address "63 Kaiser Drive, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Alterations and addition to existing outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921088/2016" with address "5 Lomandra Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921089/2016" with address "12 McLean Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921090/2016" with address "8 Greenway Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921091/2016" with address "4 Darryl Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921092/2016" with address "277 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921093/2016" with address "13 Davey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of two (2) detached two storey group dwellings and three (3) detached single storey group dwellings with associated carports - DAC292/F005/16 ( Renewing our Streets and Suburbs Stimulus Program)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921093/2016" with address "15 Davey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of two (2) detached two storey group dwellings and three (3) detached single storey group dwellings with associated carports - DAC292/F005/16 ( Renewing our Streets and Suburbs Stimulus Program)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921094/2016" with address "Lot 10 Goulds Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling WITHDRAWN" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921095/2016" with address "166 Gawler Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Demolition of a farm building and the construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921096/2016" with address "245 Alexander Avenue, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921097/2016" with address "2 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921098/2016" with address "69 Gooronga Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921099/2016" with address "5 Burnett Drive, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling, the installation of a swimming pool and the construction of swimming pool safety fencing." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921100/2016" with address "6 Redwood Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921101/2016" with address "6 Luringa Close, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921102/2016" with address "Lot 802 Whitford Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a semi detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921103/2016" with address "Lot 802 Whitford Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a semi-detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921106/2016" with address "3 Gumbrae Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921107/2016" with address "271 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921108/2016" with address "269 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921109/2016" with address "66-68 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of four shade structures" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921110/2016" with address "1 Bluegum Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921112/2016" with address "23 Chelmsford Street, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Addition to existing verandah (SCH1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921113/2016" with address "275 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921114/2016" with address "20 Heywood Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921115/2016" with address "3 Gumbrae Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of swimming pool (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921116/2016" with address "198 Symes Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "A change of use from farm building to a place of worship incorporating alterations to the existing building and the construction of a new amenities building and carpark in association with existing horticulture." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921117/2016" with address "20 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921118/2016" with address "193A Midway Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921119/2016" with address "154 Huxtable Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Construction of two (2) commercial sheds" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921120/2016" with address "1202 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921121/2016" with address "3 Bursaria Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921122/2016" with address "18 Brixton Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921123/2016" with address "37 Davoren Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921124/2016" with address "19 Palmer Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Community Title Land Division 1 into 3 DAC292/C062/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921125/2016" with address "105-131 Chellaston Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA" and description "Land division - Torrens title 1 in to 54 DAC292/D063/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921126/2016" with address "874 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921127/2016" with address "18 Swallowcliffe Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Section 49 - 292/V019/16 Upgrade of existing learning facilities including a new multipurpose STEM facility, additions & alterations to existing building & new drop off/pick up" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921128/2016" with address "Piece 107 Station Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Section 49 - 292/V021/16 Removal of ten regulated/significant trees and major pruning of nine regulated/significant trees to improve public safety at five metropolitan train and tram stations" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921129/2016" with address "50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Section 49 - 292/V022/16 Addition of a 7.5m telecommunications mast to the roof of the shopping centre" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921130/2016" with address "4 Fradd Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a retirement Village - Variation to stage 8 housing types - Units 88-101 (14 unit) Construction Stage 10 - Units 88-101 (14 Units)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921131/2016" with address "Shop 122/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal retail fitout - Strandbags (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921132/2016" with address "10 Shelter Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921133/2016" with address "41 Keane Avenue, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921134/2016" with address "5 Gayland Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of two dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921135/2016" with address "Shop 64/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Internal retail fitout - Zing Pop Culture (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921136/2016" with address "6 Olivia Court, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/39/2016" with address "25 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of new aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921137/2016" with address "7 Fern Close, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921138/2016" with address "32 Riverbanks Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a telecommunications facility" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921139/2016" with address "43 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921140/2016" with address "7 Faulding Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921141/2016" with address "7A The Greenway, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921142/2016" with address "1 MacPharlin Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921143/2016" with address "12 Alexander Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921144/2016" with address "31 Saxon Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921145/2016" with address "1A Kettering Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Change of use to a community centre and alterations and additions to the existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921146/2016" with address "836 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Demolition of existing outbuilding (shed) and the construction of a domestic outbuilding and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921147/2016" with address "18 Amaretti Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921148/2016" with address "1234 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921149/2016" with address "8 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921150/2016" with address "4 Hewittson Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Change of land use to an animal shelter, pound and animal crematorium and the construction of an animal crematorium comprising of 4 animal cremators, waiting rooms and offices with associated storage shed, canopy, wash bay and car park" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921151/2016" with address "27 Mainwaring Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Removal of 2 regulated trees" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921152/2016" with address "27 Fortress Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Removal of a significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921153/2016" with address "19 Librandi Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921154/2016" with address "7 Myrtle Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921155/2016" with address "5 Robert Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a garage with attached verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921156/2016" with address "37 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921157/2016" with address "237 Stebonheath Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921158/2016" with address "6-8 Hope Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/40/2016" with address "1 Alexander Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a new septic tank system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921159/2016" with address "89 King Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "The demolition of a carport and the construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921160/2016" with address "1125 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921161/2016" with address "Lot 861 McKenzie Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Demolition of a detached dwelling, carport and outbuilding (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921162/2016" with address "4 Saint Germain Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921163/2016" with address "2 Bloomfield Crescent, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921164/2016" with address "49 Underdown Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a sleepout (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921165/2016" with address "16 Burcombe Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a sleepout (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921166/2016" with address "54 Wallace Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of two (2) verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921167/2016" with address "37 Kingate Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921168/2016" with address "10 Bressington Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/1" with address "15 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 45 - Lot 810 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/1" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 45 - Lot 810 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/48" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 48 - Lot 813 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/48" with address "5 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 48 - Lot 813 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/51" with address "6 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 51 - Lot 843 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/51" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 51 - Lot 843 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/52" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 52 - Lot 844 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/52" with address "4 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 52 - Lot 844 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/54" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 54 - Lot 846 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/54" with address "21 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 54 - Lot 846 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/55" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 55 - Lot 847 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/55" with address "23 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 55 - Lot 847 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/56" with address "25 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 56 - Lot 848 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/56" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 56 - Lot 848 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/45" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 45 - Lot 810 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/45" with address "15 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 45 - Lot 810 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/46" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 46 - Lot 811 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/46" with address "1 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 46 - Lot 811 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/47" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 47 - Lot 812 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/47" with address "3 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 47 - Lot 812 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/49" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 49 - Lot 814 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/49" with address "7 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 49 - Lot 814 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/50" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 50 - Lot 815 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/50" with address "9 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 50 - Lot 815 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/53" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 53 - Lot 845 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/53" with address "19 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 53 - Lot 845 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/57" with address "Lot 4017 Greenview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 57 - Lot 849 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "29236/2016/57" with address "66 Adamson Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of 57 detached dwellings over 57 stages, each dwelling is to be staged individually and constructed individually- STAGE 57 - Lot 849 Greenview Place" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921169/2016" with address "37 Pioneer Way, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921170/2016" with address "5 Elms Close, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921171/2016" with address "11 Otama Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Demolition of existing verandah and construction of an enclosed verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921172/2016" with address "30 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Residential code assessment)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921173/2016" with address "18 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921174/2016" with address "26 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921175/2016" with address "21 Springvale Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921176/2016" with address "38 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921177/2016" with address "18 Monterey Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921178/2016" with address "Kiosk 99/ 600 Main North Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Tenancy/Kiosk fitout ( Miyako Sushi)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921179/2016" with address "22 Park Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921180/2016" with address "51 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of dwelling & verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921181/2016" with address "864 Heaslip Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "ePathway" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921183/2016" with address "19 Hodby Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of carport (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921184/2016" with address "348 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921185/2016" with address "14 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Installation of an advertsiing display" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921186/2016" with address "20 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Installation of an advertising display" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921187/2016" with address "36 Ballard Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and 2 carports" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921188/2016" with address "22 William Drive, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921189/2016" with address "23 Gloucester Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921190/2016" with address "20 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921191/2016" with address "21 Gloucester Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921192/2016" with address "20B Grant Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921193/2016" with address "21 Spruance Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921194/2016" with address "22 Hillbank Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921195/2016" with address "49 Vincent Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921196/2016" with address "4 Eucalypt Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921197/2016" with address "8 Nicholas Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921198/2016" with address "8 Nicholas Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921199/2016" with address "Lot 1 Craigmore Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921200/2016" with address "24 Broadmeadows Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921201/2016" with address "3 Wattle Crescent, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of 2 verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921202/2016" with address "10 Reserve Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah and carport and alterations to existing garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921203/2016" with address "Lot 1144 Collingbourne Drive, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Torrens Title Land Division 1 in to 2" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921204/2016" with address "3 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921205/2016" with address "4 Catherine Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921206/2016" with address "23 Woodhaven Walk, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling and a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921208/2016" with address "281 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921209/2016" with address "2 Arbequina Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921210/2016" with address "27-29 Johnston Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of two(2) verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921211/2016" with address "3 Horrie Knight Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921212/2016" with address "5 Horrie Knight Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921213/2016" with address "5 Saint Germain Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah and 3 decks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921214/2016" with address "17 Modra Circuit, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921215/2016" with address "28 Morialta Drive, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a habitable outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921216/2016" with address "55 Enmore Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921217/2016" with address "1214 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921219/2016" with address "9 Kakuna Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Duplicate of DA292/1492/2016" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921220/2016" with address "250 Frank Barker Road, HUMBUG SCRUB SA 5114" and description "Placement of a transportable classroom" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921221/2016" with address "1 Woodgreen Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a non-habitable studio (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/41/2016" with address "19 Ridgeway Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Installation of a new aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921222/2016" with address "79 Davoren Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - Torrens title 1 in to 2 292/D065/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/43/2016" with address "Lot 8 Goulds Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Installation of septic tank" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921223/2016" with address "Shop 3/ 117 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a storage building in association with a used car lot." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921224/2016" with address "Lot 200 Gillingham Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Land division - Torrens title 1 in to 2 DAC292/D066/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921225/2016" with address "117 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921226/2016" with address "5 Butcher Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921227/2016" with address "10 Woodcutts Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921228/2016" with address "16 The Greenway, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921229/2016" with address "273 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921230/2016" with address "4 Cabernet Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Demolition of existing verandah and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921231/2016" with address "4 Woods Court, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921232/2016" with address "21 Grandview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921233/2016" with address "742 Uley Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Installation of swimming pool and safety fencing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921234/2016" with address "5 Julia Rise, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Garage (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921235/2016" with address "4 Brittlewood Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921236/2016" with address "6 Carabeen Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921237/2016" with address "3 Marshman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Replacement of carport and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921238/2016" with address "2 Quarley Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Repairs to fire damaged building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921239/2016" with address "24-30 Durrington Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Construction of replacement advertising hoarding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921240/2016" with address "19 Paulmark Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a masonry fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921241/2016" with address "Lot 8029 Curtis Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Land division - creating two allotments from three allotments 292/D067/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921241/2016" with address "Lot 777 Ramsar Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Land division - creating two allotments from three allotments 292/D067/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921241/2016" with address "Lot 8009 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Land division - creating two allotments from three allotments 292/D067/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921242/2016" with address "14 Gartrell Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921243/2016" with address "10 Doongara Crescent, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Demolition of a detached dwelling (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921244/2016" with address "43A Nimitz Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921245/2016" with address "44 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921246/2016" with address "1 Featherstone Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921247/2016" with address "3 Featherstone Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921248/2016" with address "5 Featherstone Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921249/2016" with address "12 Freeman Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921250/2016" with address "10 Freeman Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921251/2016" with address "8 Freeman Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921252/2016" with address "2 Peachey Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Change use to manufacturing with an ancillary house display area and the construction of four (4) display homes and ancillary office, amenities and the commencement of associated advertising." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921253/2016" with address "22 Pioneer Way, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921254/2016" with address "33 Davey Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/44/2016" with address "Lot 2 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Installation of a septic tank" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921255/2016" with address "16 Bubner Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety barrier (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921256/2016" with address "4 Peacemarsh Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of two (2) verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921257/2016" with address "32 Faulding Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Repairs to fire damaged detached dwelling (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921258/2016" with address "25 Jacaranda Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921259/2016" with address "3 Boucaut Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921260/2016" with address "1222 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921261/2016" with address "6 Myrtle Close, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921262/2016" with address "14 Northridge Gardens, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a swimming pool (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921265/2016" with address "255 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921263/2016" with address "38 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (lot 201)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921264/2016" with address "55 Robert Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921266/2016" with address "19 Fuller Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921267/2016" with address "Shop 96/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail tenancy fitout - smokemart and gift box (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921268/2016" with address "8 Ivy Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/45/2016" with address "8 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of an aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921269/2016" with address "6 Grand Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921270/2016" with address "15 Lorenzo Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an attached verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921271/2016" with address "5 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921272/2016" with address "32 Heytesbury Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into three" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921272/2016" with address "34 Heytesbury Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into three" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921273/2016" with address "18 Johnston Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Land division - Community title 1 in to 3 DAC292/C070/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921274/2016" with address "48 Saxon Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Land division comprising the division of two allotments into four" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921274/2016" with address "46 Saxon Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Land division comprising the division of two allotments into four" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921275/2016" with address "87 Donnington Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921276/2016" with address "18 Concord Way, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of 2 verandahs & a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921277/2016" with address "274 Midway Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Dwelling addition and alterations and the construction of a domestic outbuilding, verandah and carport." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921278/2016" with address "Lot 861 McKenzie Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of two detached dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921279/2016" with address "38 Crawford Grove, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921280/2016" with address "Lot 10 Goulds Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921281/2016" with address "37 Springvale Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921282/2016" with address "21 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921283/2016" with address "19 Bressington Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921284/2016" with address "51 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and 2 water tanks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921285/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling (Lot 3003)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921287/2016" with address "85-89 Womma Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Variation to DA 292/700/2001 to amend condition 5" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921286/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling (Lot 3004)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921288/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling (Lot 3005)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921289/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling (Lot 3006)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921290/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling (Lot 3024)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921291/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of dwelling (Lot 3025)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921292/2016" with address "281 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921293/2016" with address "Part Lot 1 Andrews Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah (site 79)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921294/2016" with address "18 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921295/2016" with address "8 Michael Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921296/2016" with address "265 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921297/2016" with address "3 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921298/2016" with address "7 Traminer Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921299/2016" with address "25 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - rescode certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921300/2016" with address "868 Heaslip Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921301/2016" with address "Lot 1883 Scoular Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Variation to DAC292/D043/15" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921302/2016" with address "5 Lockerly Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of three dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921303/2016" with address "12 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921304/2016" with address "11 Peacock Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921305/2016" with address "49 Tudor Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921306/2016" with address "19 Tangarine Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921307/2016" with address "17 Blackburn Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921308/2016" with address "Shop 55A/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Alterations & refurbishment to existing tenancy (SCH1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921309/2016" with address "23 North Way, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921310/2016" with address "7A Faulding Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "BFSC/3/2016" with address "9 Peachey Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Fire Safety Audit" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "BFSC/4/2016" with address "Part Lot 1 Andrews Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Fire Safety Audit" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921311/2016" with address "6 Hoss Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence including the demolition of the existing swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921312/2016" with address "1 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Shop fitout - Shop 8 - BCF" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921313/2016" with address "30 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Incorrectly lodged" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921314/2016" with address "30 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Incorrectly lodged" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921317/2016" with address "39 Turner Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Rescode certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921315/2016" with address "29 Strathaird Boulevard, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah - ResCode Certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921316/2016" with address "4 Gold Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921318/2016" with address "6 Megunya Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport (ResCode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921319/2016" with address "13 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Rescode certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921320/2016" with address "12 Liepin Close, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921321/2016" with address "9 Orange Parade, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921324/2016" with address "18 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921322/2016" with address "25 Marcona Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921323/2016" with address "3 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921325/2016" with address "Lot 7 Robert Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a telecommunications facility and associated fencing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921326/2016" with address "28 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921327/2016" with address "2A Tallara Crescent, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921328/2016" with address "104 Precolumb Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Internal alterations of the existing building and a change of land use to a consulting room in association with the existing dwelling." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921330/2016" with address "5 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921329/2016" with address "4 Harvest Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921331/2016" with address "1/ 13 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Addiitons and alterations to an existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921332/2016" with address "3 Sansbury Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921333/2016" with address "10 Anderson Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of two (2) advertising displays" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921334/2016" with address "8 Angophora Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Rescode certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921335/2016" with address "17 Oakwood Circuit, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921336/2016" with address "83 Whitington Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a sleepout (rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921337/2016" with address "2 Walter Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921338/2016" with address "14 Valiant Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921342/2016" with address "Lot 610 Bevan Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a pre-school (child care centre), associated carpark and advertising displays" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921339/2016" with address "Lot 5010 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 217 Kernel Rd)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921340/2016" with address "59 Washington Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a garage and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921341/2016" with address "Lot 110 Yorktown Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921343/2016" with address "17 Burdon Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921344/2016" with address "6 Roberts Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921345/2016" with address "Lot 45 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Land division comprising the division of four allotments into five." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921346/2016" with address "Lot 415 Gawler Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Change of use from a retail plant nursery to shops and the expansion of existing caf?" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/46/2016" with address "55 Robert Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Installation of Aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921347/2016" with address "22 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921348/2016" with address "14 Max Fatchen Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921349/2016" with address "8 Grand Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921350/2016" with address "332 Medlow Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921354/2016" with address "110 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921351/2016" with address "90 Goulds Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921352/2016" with address "33 Hawker Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921353/2016" with address "Shop 130/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Retail tenancy fitout - Noni B (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921355/2016" with address "4 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a display home, to convert to a detached dwelling in 3 years" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921356/2016" with address "Lot 16 Hewittson Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Change of Use from manufacturing to a storage facility and storage yard." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921357/2016" with address "1 Inverness Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921358/2016" with address "2 Juniper Boulevard, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a display home, to convert to a detached dwelling in 3 years" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921359/2016" with address "10 Argent Street, ELIZABETH GROVE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921360/2016" with address "39 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921361/2016" with address "Shop 16/ 63-83 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Tenancy fitout - Bimi Sushi" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921362/2016" with address "32 Oldham Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling, carport, verandahs and outbuilding, change in land use to and the construction of consulting rooms" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921363/2016" with address "8 Hewish Crescent, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921364/2016" with address "14 Black Top Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921365/2016" with address "Lot 5001 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/47/2016" with address "18 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of an aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921366/2016" with address "9 River Darling Pass, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921367/2016" with address "190 Alexander Avenue, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Addition and alterations to existing dwelling and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921368/2016" with address "11 Broadmeadows Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921369/2016" with address "1 Islay Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921370/2016" with address "137 Bassnet Road, HUMBUG SCRUB SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921372/2016" with address "Lot 281 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into forty seven, the creation of three reserves, the removal of five Regulated trees and the construction of roads and a roundabout." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921373/2016" with address "11 Kakuna Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921374/2016" with address "13 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Rescode certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921376/2016" with address "11 Coppleridge Drive, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921377/2016" with address "5 Virgara Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921378/2016" with address "20 Camelot Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921379/2016" with address "19 Carbone Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921380/2016" with address "87 Main Terrace, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Change of use to consulting rooms and internal alterations of an existing building." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921381/2016" with address "19 Woodcroft Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Extension to an existing carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292735/2016/A" with address "Lot 2 Stebonheath Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Variation to an approved Shopping Centre, ancillary car parking and landscaping including, alteration to an approved supermarket building and alteration and addition to the car park." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921382/2016" with address "13 Langford Drive, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921383/2016" with address "11 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921384/2016" with address "Piece 672 Starrs Gully Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921385/2016" with address "78 Ryan Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Land division comprising the division of one allotment into two" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921386/2016" with address "3A Palina Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Demolition of an existing store and the construction of three (3) light industry buildings with associated car parking." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921387/2016" with address "19A Butterfield Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Rescode certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921388/2016" with address "49 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921389/2016" with address "2B Blandy Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921390/2016" with address "6 Highview Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated fencing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921391/2016" with address "67 Greenfields Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921392/2016" with address "5 Riggs Court, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292/G/1/2016" with address "Lot 171 Curtis Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "** application to be deleted** Government (S.49) Land Division - 1 in to 2 292/G075/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921394/2016" with address "Lot 171 Curtis Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Government (S.49) Land Division - 1 in to 2 292/G075/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921395/2016" with address "20 Shillabeer Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing verandah and relocation of existing buildings and the construction of a bitumen carpark and associated lighting" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921396/2016" with address "47 Derrick Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921397/2016" with address "26 Oxford Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921398/2016" with address "3 Centenary Circuit, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921399/2016" with address "21 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Installation of a swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921400/2016" with address "688 Uley Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921401/2016" with address "3 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921402/2016" with address "23 Hudson Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Awaiting further information to lodge" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921403/2016" with address "Lot 4 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a farm building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/48/2016" with address "34 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921405/2016" with address "47 Paginton Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921406/2016" with address "7 Brenton Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921407/2016" with address "Lot 3 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921408/2016" with address "4 Russell Court, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Installation of a sleepout" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921409/2016" with address "24 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921410/2016" with address "12 Durrington Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921411/2016" with address "38 St Georges Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Rescode certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921412/2016" with address "37A Kinkaid Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921413/2016" with address "4 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921414/2016" with address "40 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921415/2016" with address "62 Stakes Crescent, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921416/2016" with address "7 Peridot Loop, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921417/2016" with address "13 Ranger Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Land Division 1 into 2" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921418/2016" with address "Unit 2/ 44 Charlotte Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921419/2016" with address "12 Fradd Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an addition to an existing domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/49/2016" with address "26 Hodgson Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "New septic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921420/2016" with address "3 Star Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah (Rescode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921421/2016" with address "12 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921422/2016" with address "7 Fern Close, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292729/2016/1" with address "Unit 1/ Konanda Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "The demolition of an existing bulky goods outlet, the alterations to an existing bulky goods outlet and an addition comprising of an indoor recreation centre and bulky goods outlet with associated car parking -- STAGE 1 - DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921423/2016" with address "8 Salmon Gum Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a garage (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921424/2016" with address "51 Lyndon Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Change in land use and the construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921425/2016" with address "17 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921426/2016" with address "5 Faulding Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921427/2016" with address "8 Amaretti Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921428/2016" with address "8 Ivy Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a shade sail" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921429/2016" with address "28 Oxford Court, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921430/2016" with address "12 Brenton Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921431/2016" with address "301 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Rescode certified" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921433/2016" with address "5 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A) - withdrawn" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921432/2016" with address "7 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Pruning of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921434/2016" with address "9 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921435/2016" with address "45 Bellchambers Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a canopy" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921436/2016" with address "1230 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921437/2016" with address "6 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921438/2016" with address "57 Enterprise Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921439/2016" with address "19 Shandon Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of 2 verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921440/2016" with address "20 Christine Avenue, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WUFP/50/2016" with address "707 Gawler-One Tree Hill Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Alteration to existing plumbing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921441/2016" with address "49 Paginton Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921442/2016" with address "29 Williams Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Change of use from garage under main roof to habitable studio (Rescode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921443/2016" with address "5 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah and domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921444/2016" with address "4 Kentish Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Land division - Community Title - 1 into 2 DAC292-C080-16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921445/2016" with address "105 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921446/2016" with address "147 Kingate Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921447/2016" with address "45 Gairdner Boulevard, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (SCH1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921448/2016" with address "20B Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921449/2016" with address "25 Honeysuckle Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921450/2016" with address "4 Highgrove Court, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921451/2016" with address "2 McLean Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of a detached dwelling and ancillary garage and verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921452/2016" with address "Lot 2401 Margaret Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Detached Dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921453/2016" with address "32 Redwood Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921454/2016" with address "34 Redwood Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921455/2016" with address "46 Whitington Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of three existing outbuildings and the construction of an outbuilding, carport and verandah." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921456/2016" with address "1304 Angle Vale Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Awaiting basic information" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921457/2016" with address "Lot 606 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Land division - Torrens Title - 2 into 3 DAC292/D077/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921457/2016" with address "Lot 6000 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Land division - Torrens Title - 2 into 3 DAC292/D077/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921458/2016" with address "15 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land division - Torrens title Re-align boundaries 4 in to 4 DAC292/D078/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921458/2016" with address "3 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land division - Torrens title Re-align boundaries 4 in to 4 DAC292/D078/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921458/2016" with address "13 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land division - Torrens title Re-align boundaries 4 in to 4 DAC292/D078/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921458/2016" with address "1 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land division - Torrens title Re-align boundaries 4 in to 4 DAC292/D078/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921459/2016" with address "21 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land Division - Torrens Title - Boundary Realignment - 4 into 4 DAC292/D079/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921459/2016" with address "37 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land Division - Torrens Title - Boundary Realignment - 4 into 4 DAC292/D079/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921459/2016" with address "23 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land Division - Torrens Title - Boundary Realignment - 4 into 4 DAC292/D079/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921459/2016" with address "35 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Land Division - Torrens Title - Boundary Realignment - 4 into 4 DAC292/D079/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921460/2016" with address "Lot 1 Dauntsey Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921461/2016" with address "86 Mofflin Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Alterations and additions to existing clubrooms" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921462/2016" with address "39A Hayles Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921463/2016" with address "4 Lowther Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921464/2016" with address "29 Spring Road, EVANSTON PARK SA 5116" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921465/2016" with address "4 Westbury Court, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921466/2016" with address "556 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah (Site 49)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921467/2016" with address "674 Medlow Road, ULEYBURY SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921468/2016" with address "36 Amberdale Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921469/2016" with address "11 Tepco Court, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921470/2016" with address "44 Nemesis Court, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Construction of an open-sided outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921471/2016" with address "12 Elm Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921472/2016" with address "10 Wood Crescent, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a tool shed (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/51/2016" with address "Lot 12 Pannan Road, MUNNO PARA DOWNS SA 5115" and description "Installation of a wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921473/2016" with address "3 Pendolino Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a Domestic Outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921474/2016" with address "1 Chelsea Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921475/2016" with address "79 Collingbourne Drive, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921476/2016" with address "47 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921477/2016" with address "33 Broster Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "The demolition of an existing carport and shed and the construction of an outbuilding, verandah and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921478/2016" with address "20A Grant Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921479/2016" with address "22 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921480/2016" with address "1153 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921481/2016" with address "10 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921482/2016" with address "12 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921483/2016" with address "300 Symes Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Construction of greenhouses" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921484/2016" with address "1123 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921485/2016" with address "556 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a dwelling (site 4)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921486/2016" with address "65 Carmelo Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Demolition of an outbuilding and construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921487/2016" with address "33 Vincent Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921488/2016" with address "14 Darryl Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921489/2016" with address "3 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921490/2016" with address "29 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/52/2016" with address "46 Harris Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921491/2016" with address "Lot 80 Julian Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Change in land use to residential and the construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921492/2016" with address "9 Kakuna Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of verandah (Sch 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921493/2016" with address "Lot 171 Curtis Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "S49 - Removal of 5 regulated trees DAC292/V028/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921494/2016" with address "22 Iberia Way, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of an outbuilding and verandah (Sch 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921496/2016" with address "9/ 84 Woodford Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah (Sch 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921497/2016" with address "761 Curtis Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Demolition of existing outbuildings and the construction of a horticulture implement building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921498/2016" with address "17 Tasos Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921499/2016" with address "11 Wootton Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of two (2) semi-detached dwellings (Sch 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921499/2016" with address "24 Kingsbury Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of two (2) semi-detached dwellings (Sch 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/53/2016" with address "5 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of an aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/54/2016" with address "19 Bressington Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of an aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921500/2016" with address "12 Green Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921501/2016" with address "8 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921503/2016" with address "3 Prosperity Way, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921504/2016" with address "16 Burwood Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921505/2016" with address "45 Flax-Lily Lane, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921506/2016" with address "33 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921507/2016" with address "23 Tasos Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921508/2016" with address "17 Queen Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Carport and Non-habitable Room (Sch 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921509/2016" with address "3 Carstairs Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "App to be deleted" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921510/2016" with address "64 Old Sarum Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of two detached dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921510/2016" with address "66 Old Sarum Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of two detached dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921511/2016" with address "54 Old Sarum Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of three (3) detached dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921511/2016" with address "56 Old Sarum Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of three (3) detached dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921511/2016" with address "58 Old Sarum Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of three (3) detached dwellings" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921512/2016" with address "24 Flannery Crescent, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921513/2016" with address "40 Rosewood Avenue, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921514/2016" with address "39 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921515/2016" with address "218 Newton Boulevard, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921516/2016" with address "Lot 8017 Cypress Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling (Proposed Lot 1781)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921517/2016" with address "34 Huon Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a Swimming Pool and Safety Fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921518/2016" with address "16 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/55/2016" with address "51 Lyndon Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Installation of an aerobic wastewater system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921519/2016" with address "6 Fern Close, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921520/2016" with address "29 Jordon Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921521/2016" with address "8 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921522/2016" with address "16 Librandi Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921523/2016" with address "473 Womma West Road, PENFIELD GARDENS SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921524/2016" with address "16 Ramsay Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921525/2016" with address "4 Westwood Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921526/2016" with address "14 Michael Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921527/2016" with address "14 Innes Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921528/2016" with address "16 Grant Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921530/2016" with address "3 Eyre Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921529/2016" with address "23 Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (ResCode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921532/2016" with address "26 Davalan Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921533/2016" with address "1 Bluestone Lane, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921534/2016" with address "8 Themis Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Installation of a Swimming Pool and Safety Fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921535/2016" with address "7 Buttercup Grove, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921536/2016" with address "19 Varacalli Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921537/2016" with address "13 Cranmore Avenue, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Demolition of existing verandah and construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921538/2016" with address "15 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921539/2016" with address "22 Hornet Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921540/2016" with address "12 Hazel Avenue, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921541/2016" with address "11 Kanimbla Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921542/2016" with address "15 Twelftree Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a garage (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921543/2016" with address "22 Darryl Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921544/2016" with address "47 Yarnbury Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Installation of a Swimming Pool and Safety Fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921545/2016" with address "Lot 3000 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Change of use to recreation area and the construction of associated clubrooms and carpark over two stages" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921546/2016" with address "50 Saratoga Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Internal Repair Works (Termite Damage)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921546/2016" with address "48 Saratoga Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Internal Repair Works (Termite Damage)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921547/2016" with address "17 Burnett Drive, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921548/2016" with address "111 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921549/2016" with address "1 Prelude Circuit, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Swimming Pool and Safety Fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921550/2016" with address "1137 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of an attached verandah ( SCH1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921551/2016" with address "13 Cambridge Terrace, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a Verandah and the Installation of a Spa Pool and Safety Fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921552/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3007)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921553/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3008)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921554/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3009)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921555/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3010)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921556/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3011)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921557/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3012)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921558/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3013)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921559/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3014)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921560/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3015)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921561/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3026)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921562/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3027)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921563/2016" with address "42 Minchington Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling-H1 ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921564/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3028)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921565/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling (Lot 3029)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921567/2016" with address "183 Woodford Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921566/2016" with address "42 Minchington Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling-H2 ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921569/2016" with address "59B Crittenden Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921568/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3030)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921570/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling (Lot 3031)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921571/2016" with address "Lot 8018 Dowie Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a dwelling (lot 3032)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921572/2016" with address "35 Vincent Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921573/2016" with address "23 Butterfield Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921574/2016" with address "18 Grant Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921575/2016" with address "172 Penfield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921576/2016" with address "6 Lindon Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921577/2016" with address "Lot 405 Faith Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land Division - 1 Allotment into 3 (DAC292/C081/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921578/2016" with address "189 Kentish Road, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Construction of three verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921579/2016" with address "13 Serenity Way, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921580/2016" with address "295 Fradd East Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921581/2016" with address "Lot 962 Broxmore Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (lot 2)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921582/2016" with address "Lot 962 Broxmore Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( lot 3)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921583/2016" with address "Lot 962 Broxmore Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 1)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921584/2016" with address "166 Newton Boulevard, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921585/2016" with address "5 Fuller Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921586/2016" with address "45 Stakes Crescent, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921587/2016" with address "3 St Clair Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292729/2016/2" with address "Unit 1/ Konanda Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "The demolition of an existing bulky goods outlet, the alterations to an existing bulky goods outlet and an addition comprising of an indoor recreation centre and bulky goods outlet with associated car parking -- STAGE 1 - DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING- --STAGE 2 - CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL WORKS" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921588/2016" with address "22 Grandview Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921589/2016" with address "17B Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921590/2016" with address "8 Cathy Mews, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921591/2016" with address "15 Shribank Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921592/2016" with address "21B Ballard Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/56/2016" with address "51 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of an aerobic treatment system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921594/2016" with address "14 Dawson Lane, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921595/2016" with address "101 Highfield Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921596/2016" with address "23 Hudson Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921597/2016" with address "5 Varacalli Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921598/2016" with address "13B Davison Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921599/2016" with address "4 Filsoll Crescent, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Extension of an existing habitable domestic outbuilding (dependent accommodation)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921600/2016" with address "10 Cathy Mews, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah (Rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921601/2016" with address "18B Lime Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921602/2016" with address "27 Davalan Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Removal of Load bearing column and Installation of Steel Lintel (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921603/2016" with address "3 Burstock Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921604/2016" with address "2 Magazine Place, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Removal of 2 regulated trees and pruning of 1 significant tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921605/2016" with address "16 Parkview Walk, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921606/2016" with address "22 Bentley Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921607/2016" with address "Lot 45 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921608/2016" with address "Lot 45 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Land division 1 allotment into 2" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921609/2016" with address "1 Lomalinda Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921610/2016" with address "26 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah ( rescode certifed)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921611/2016" with address "36 Olive Grove, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921612/2016" with address "2 McKinlay Street, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292551/2016/1" with address "17 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling, retaining walls and domestic outbuilding to be constructed over two stages STAGE 1: Footings, slab and retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921613/2016" with address "56 Peterswool Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of an above ground swimming pool (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921126/2015/1" with address "Lot 50 Main North Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of one detached and five row dwellings (to be constructed over two stages) STAGE 1- Dwellings 3-4" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921615/2016" with address "13 Eyre Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of two verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292551/2016/2" with address "17 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling, retaining walls and domestic outbuilding to be constructed over two stages STAGE 1: Footings, slab and retaining walls - approved STAGE 2: Remainder of works" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921126/2015/2" with address "Lot 50 Main North Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of one detached and five row dwellings (to be constructed over two stages) STAGE 2- Dwellings 5-8 STAGE 2 -Dwellings - 5-8" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/57/2016" with address "8 Spencer Street, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Installation of an aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921616/2016" with address "15 Winterbourne Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Removal of a significant tree - Agonis flexuosa" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921617/2016" with address "15 Bubner Street, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Pruning of a significant tree - Eucalyptus camaldulensis" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921618/2016" with address "47 Collingbourne Drive, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of 2 verandahs and replacement of the existing dwelling?s roof" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921619/2016" with address "2 Menka Street, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921620/2016" with address "15 Dover Place, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921621/2016" with address "17 Dover Place, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921622/2016" with address "47 Tudor Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921623/2016" with address "1232 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921624/2016" with address "4 Kentish Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a dwelling and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921625/2016" with address "43 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921626/2016" with address "254 Curtis Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Retail fitout - Cumin Indian Cuisine ( shop 3 & 4) (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921627/2016" with address "31 Federation Way, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921628/2016" with address "7 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certifed)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921629/2016" with address "Lot 100 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 100)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921630/2016" with address "Lot 100 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 101)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921631/2016" with address "Lot 100 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Lot 102)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921632/2016" with address "Lot 100 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a group dwelling (Lot 103)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921633/2016" with address "Lot 100 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a group dwelling (Lot 104)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921634/2016" with address "Lot 100 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a group dwelling (Lot 105)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921635/2016" with address "1 Lodge Way, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of two verandahs (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921636/2016" with address "12 Elm Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921637/2016" with address "Lot 45 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 203 Elly)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921638/2016" with address "Lot 45 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 201 Peerless)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921639/2016" with address "Lot 45 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 200 Peerless)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921640/2016" with address "98 Peerless Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921641/2016" with address "8 Isla Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921642/2016" with address "40 Charmouth Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of Dwellings (2) & Associated Structures On Site (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921642/2016" with address "38 Charmouth Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of Dwellings (2) & Associated Structures On Site (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921643/2016" with address "5 Isla Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921644/2016" with address "4 Isla Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Lot 28 Isla )" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921645/2016" with address "56 Ramnet Circuit, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921646/2016" with address "3 Isla Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921647/2016" with address "6 Stacey Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921648/2016" with address "5 Stacey Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921649/2016" with address "4 Stacey Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921650/2016" with address "2 Stacey Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921651/2016" with address "1 Stacey Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921652/2016" with address "27 Elly Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921653/2016" with address "32 Elly Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921654/2016" with address "44 Elly Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921655/2016" with address "46 Elly Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921656/2016" with address "50 Elly Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921657/2016" with address "33 Baxter Avenue, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WIA/58/2016" with address "974 Black Top Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Renew existing irrigation system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921658/2016" with address "40 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Section 49 referral - 292/V029/16 Construction of an entrance statement ( rendered masonry block wall) and associated way finding works ( internal footpaths)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921659/2016" with address "28 Broadwater Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921660/2016" with address "7 Epsom Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921661/2016" with address "66-68 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of classrooms and amenities" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921662/2016" with address "Lot 410 Old Port Wakefield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921663/2016" with address "61 Supple Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Construction of a Carport and Covered Rear Deck - Site 66" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921664/2016" with address "37 Ashton Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921665/2016" with address "14 Lyons Street, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921666/2016" with address "72 John Rice Avenue, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Further info requested - 21/11" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921667/2016" with address "36 Marshalsea Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Garage, Carport and Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921668/2016" with address "102 Elwood Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921669/2016" with address "23 Berryman Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921670/2016" with address "4 Pasanda Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921671/2016" with address "21 Lakeland Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921672/2016" with address "149 President Avenue, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Installation of an in-ground swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921673/2016" with address "23 Anderson Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921674/2016" with address "9 Blue Lake Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921675/2016" with address "556 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a verandah (Lot 71 Virginia Gardens Caravan Park)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921676/2016" with address "25 Parkview Walk, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921677/2016" with address "6 Bowood Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Installation of a Swimming Pool (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921678/2016" with address "12 Berryman Road, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921679/2016" with address "16 Sterling Court, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921680/2016" with address "105 Somerset Grove, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921681/2016" with address "11 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921682/2016" with address "57A Brandis Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a group dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921683/2016" with address "11 Galda Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921684/2016" with address "12 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of an above ground swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921685/2016" with address "13 Sunset Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921686/2016" with address "1 Spring Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921687/2016" with address "45 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921688/2016" with address "22 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - WITHDRAWN - Lodged in error" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921689/2016" with address "13 Gardiner Terrace, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292/G/2/2016" with address "23 Crafter Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division- Government (S.49) Land Division 1 in to 5 DAC292/G084/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921691/2016" with address "23 Crafter Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division- Government (S.49) Land Division 1 in to 5 DAC292/G084/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921692/2016" with address "22 Samuel Street, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Change of land use to service trade premises, motor repair station and wrecking yard with associated office, warehouse and workshop, the placement of two shipping containers, the construction of a car park and canopy and internal alterations of the existing building." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921693/2016" with address "7 Bald Street, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921694/2016" with address "4 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921695/2016" with address "43 Scarlet Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Private Cert To be submitted - SCHEDULE 1A Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921696/2016" with address "6 Kernel Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921697/2016" with address "8 Winston Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding & carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "292597/2016/A" with address "256-260 Curtis Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Commercial/retail building and consulting room with separate restaurant with drive through service and associated car parks, landscaping and advertising. STAGE 1 - SITE PREPARATION AND CIVIL WORKS ONLY STAGE 2 - SUBSTRUCTURE APPROVAL ONLY STAGE 3 - SUPERSTRUCTURE APPROVAL ONLY - STEEL WALL & ROOF FRAMING STAGE 4 - FINAL CONSENT - COMMERCIAL RETAIL BUILDING --Variation to an authorisation previously given--" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921698/2016" with address "210 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a Verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921699/2016" with address "13 Trinity Way, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a Swimming Pool and Safety Fence (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921041/2016/2" with address "9 Kingstag Crescent, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a warehouse and demolition of existing shed to be constructed over two stages Stage 1: Approval ? Civil & Structural Works Stage 2: Final Approval ? Services & Fitout Works" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921700/2016" with address "Lot 24 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Land division - Torrens title 1 in to 128 DAC292/D085/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921701/2016" with address "99 Douglas Drive, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "ePathway - further info requested 6/12/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921702/2016" with address "Shop 148/ 50 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Tenancy Fitout (Anjali Brow Studio Elizabeth) (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921703/2016" with address "4A Smith Street, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921704/2016" with address "35 Kinkaid Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921705/2016" with address "32 Marshalsea Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921706/2016" with address "10B Garlick Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921707/2016" with address "3 Encounter Avenue, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921708/2016" with address "15 Pitt Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah ( SCH1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921709/2016" with address "32 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921710/2016" with address "600 Main North Road, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Change of land use to bulky goods outlet, alterations to the existing building and the construction of advertising displays." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921711/2016" with address "29 Clementine Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAST/59/2016" with address "17 Paulmark Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to an existing septic" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921712/2016" with address "11 Hamblynn Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921713/2016" with address "117-119 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a canopy to existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921714/2016" with address "31 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Residential code assessment" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921715/2016" with address "1 Skyline Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a Verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921716/2016" with address "25 Serenity Way, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921717/2016" with address "10 Saratoga Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Removal of a Regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921718/2016" with address "2 Penfold Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Land Division - 1 Allotment into 3 (Stage 1 - Lot 101 & Stage 2 - Lot 102 and 103) - DAC 292/D087/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921719/2016" with address "23 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Residential code assessment" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921720/2016" with address "19 Marleycombe Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921721/2016" with address "17 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding- SCH1A - See DA292/1815/2016" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921722/2016" with address "7 Canberra Court, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921723/2016" with address "14 Costa Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling - Residential code assessment" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921724/2016" with address "129 Lakeside Drive, ANDREWS FARM SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921725/2016" with address "54 Bagalowie Crescent, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921726/2016" with address "36 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921727/2016" with address "28 Liebrooke Boulevard, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921728/2016" with address "21 Siddall Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Community Title Land Division - 1 Allotment into 2 (DAC292/C086/16)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921729/2016" with address "39 Pacific Boulevard, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921730/2016" with address "24 Nybo Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921731/2016" with address "6 Thyer Road, MACDONALD PARK SA 5121" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921732/2016" with address "Lot 606 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Incorrectly Lodged - Land Division not finalised ( lot 70 Kerrie)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921733/2016" with address "8 Monarch Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921734/2016" with address "266 Precolumb Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921735/2016" with address "1 Warooka Drive, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of an advertising display" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921736/2016" with address "17 Rose Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921737/2016" with address "1 Teakle Court, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921738/2016" with address "9 Grant Street, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921739/2016" with address "7 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921740/2016" with address "1 Faulding Avenue, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921741/2016" with address "3 Amaretti Way, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921742/2016" with address "12 Pilsdon Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921743/2016" with address "14 Fantasia Drive, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a swimming pool & safety fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921744/2016" with address "118 Thompson Road, BUCKLAND PARK SA 5120" and description "Demolition of existing outbuilding and construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921745/2016" with address "13 Davalan Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Demolition of existing dwelling & associated structures ( Fire damaged)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921746/2016" with address "20 Trimmer Road, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Change of land use to Light Industry, the demolition of an existing carport, alterations and additions of existing offices, the construction of a warehouse, storage shed and associated car park and the placement of a rainwater tank (Lot 80 Walsh Street)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921747/2016" with address "26 Hamblynn Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of two verandahs and installation of playground equipment" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921748/2016" with address "44 Donnington Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921748/2016" with address "42 Donnington Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921748/2016" with address "40 Donnington Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921748/2016" with address "38 Donnington Road, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Demolition of existing verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921749/2016" with address "12 Hillbank Road, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921750/2016" with address "26 Hamblynn Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Change of use to fitness studio - Shop8/8A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921751/2016" with address "8 Chelsea Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921752/2016" with address "38 Hambridge Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Carport (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921753/2016" with address "24 Major Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921754/2016" with address "4 Hibiscus Street, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921755/2016" with address "25 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (Residential Code assessment)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921756/2016" with address "25 Birdbush Street, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921757/2016" with address "13 McGilp Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Additions and alterations to existing dwelling including construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921758/2016" with address "5 Paginton Crescent, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a Sleepout (Rescode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921760/2016" with address "9 Soumada Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921759/2016" with address "226 King Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a storage shed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921761/2016" with address "9 Spring Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921762/2016" with address "12 Edward John Parade, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling (residential code assessment)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/60/2016" with address "18 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of an aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921763/2016" with address "15 Bagalowie Crescent, SMITHFIELD SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah and replacement of existing carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921764/2016" with address "7 Inwood Road, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah and carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921765/2016" with address "76 Coratina Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921766/2016" with address "27 Kakuna Crescent, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921767/2016" with address "31 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Proposed shop and dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921768/2016" with address "58 Whitington Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - Torrens title 2 in to 4 DAC292/D088/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921768/2016" with address "60 Whitington Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - Torrens title 2 in to 4 DAC292/D088/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921769/2016" with address "36 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - Torrens title 1 in to 2 DAC292/D089/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921770/2016" with address "1418 Angle Vale Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921771/2016" with address "31 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Construction of a Dwelling Unit and Shop" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921772/2016" with address "36 Karrawirra Close, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "ePathway - sch1a" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921773/2016" with address "33-35 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land Division - Torrens title 2 in to 6 292/D090/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921774/2016" with address "26 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921775/2016" with address "9 Rosewarne Crescent, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Demolition of a single storey detached dwelling (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921776/2016" with address "16 Westminster Drive, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921777/2016" with address "19 Luringa Close, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921778/2016" with address "28 Alexander Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling, swimming pool, domestic outbuildings and masonry fence" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/61/2016" with address "28 Alexander Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Installation of a septic tank system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WAW/62/2016" with address "Lot 742 Penfield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Installation of an aerobic system" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921779/2016" with address "7 Charleston Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921780/2016" with address "98A Brandis Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921781/2016" with address "13 Charleston Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921782/2016" with address "6 Alexander Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921783/2016" with address "78 Connell Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a carport forward of dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921784/2016" with address "12 Michael Crescent, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921785/2016" with address "31 Dewey Street, ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112" and description "Construction of a verandah and outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921786/2016" with address "52-54 Pix Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 10 into 22 DAC292/D091/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921786/2016" with address "17-19 Webster Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 10 into 22 DAC292/D091/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921787/2016" with address "1 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921788/2016" with address "15 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921789/2016" with address "13 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921790/2016" with address "3 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling." because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921791/2016" with address "9 Charleston Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921793/2016" with address "15 Charleston Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and associated retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921795/2016" with address "20 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Regulated tree to be removed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921796/2016" with address "25 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Regulated tree to be removed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921797/2016" with address "19-21 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Regulated tree to be removed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921798/2016" with address "16-18 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Regulated tree to be removed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921799/2016" with address "79 Davoren Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling lot 6782 ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921800/2016" with address "79 Davoren Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling lot 6781 ( rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921801/2016" with address "58 Whitington Road, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Regulated tree to be removed" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921802/2016" with address "12 Charlson Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Removal of a regulated tree" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "19-21 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "25 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "8 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "8 Charlson Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "Lot 734 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "20 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "Lot 718 Charlson Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "22 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921803/2016" with address "23 Sissman Street, DAVOREN PARK SA 5113" and description "Land division - 18 into 40 DAC292/D092/16 DAC MANDATORY REFERRAL" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WST/63/2016" with address "533 Womma Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Septic system with Wisconsin Mound" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921804/2016" with address "48 Burke Circuit, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921551/2016/1" with address "13 Cambridge Terrace, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a Verandah and the Installation of a Spa Pool and Safety Fence (Schedule 1A) Stage 1 - installation of Pool safety barrier and associated Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921551/2016/2" with address "13 Cambridge Terrace, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a Verandah and the Installation of a Spa Pool and Safety Fence (Schedule 1A) Stage 1 - Installation of Pool safety barrier and associated Verandah **Stage 2- Installation of Spa Pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921805/2016" with address "Lot 16 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA DOWNS SA 5115" and description "Construction of an outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921806/2016" with address "3 Vista Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "WUFP/64/2016" with address "121-129 Heaslip Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Alteration to underfloor plumbing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921807/2016" with address "23 Librandi Street, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921808/2016" with address "91 Angle Vale Road, ANGLE VALE SA 5117" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921809/2016" with address "16 Nolan Place, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Domestic Outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921810/2016" with address "277 Stebonheath Road, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a verandah and carport (Rescode)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921811/2016" with address "16 Heath Court, ELIZABETH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Construction of a Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921812/2016" with address "60 Gooronga Drive, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921813/2016" with address "6 Isla Court, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921814/2016" with address "120 Alexander Avenue, BIBARINGA SA 5118" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and spa and the construction of swimming pool safety barrier fencing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921815/2016" with address "17 Central Boulevard, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a Domestic Outbuilding (Schedule 1a)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921816/2016" with address "31 Browne Circuit, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a dwelling addition" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921817/2016" with address "12 Chatsworth Road, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921818/2016" with address "11 Booyong Drive, PENFIELD SA 5121" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921819/2016" with address "Lot 20 Lorikeet Place, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a new Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921820/2016" with address "21 Charleston Crescent, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921821/2016" with address "19 Highview Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921822/2016" with address "46 Zurich Road, CRAIGMORE SA 5114" and description "Construction of a verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921823/2016" with address "6 Karri Street, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Alterations and addittions to an existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921824/2016" with address "21 Butterfield Road, ELIZABETH PARK SA 5113" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921825/2016" with address "34 Paines Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Installation of a swimming pool and the construction of swimming pool safety barrier fencing" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921826/2016" with address "32 Sasha Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921827/2016" with address "9 Almandine Lane, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921828/2016" with address "2 Mansfield Parade, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Shopping Centre Tenancy Fit-out (National Pharmacies Tenancy) (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921829/2016" with address "13 Highview Drive, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921830/2016" with address "9 Enford Street, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Demolition of existing carport and construction of a new carport" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921831/2016" with address "21 Woodcroft Drive, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a Verandah (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921832/2016" with address "250 Penfield Road, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Land division comprising the alteration of the boundaries of two allotments" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921833/2016" with address "3 Highland Circuit, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921834/2016" with address "21 Roberts Crescent, SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling ( Rescode certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921835/2016" with address "4 Emperor Way, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921836/2016" with address "Lot 216 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a Single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921837/2016" with address "Lot 215 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921838/2016" with address "12 Tobin Court, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Further information requiested 23/12/16" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921839/2016" with address "Lot 214 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921840/2016" with address "Lot 213 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921841/2016" with address "Lot 100 Supple Road, WATERLOO CORNER SA 5110" and description "Change of land use to and the construction of a place of worship and associated car parking" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921842/2016" with address "Lot 212 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921843/2016" with address "Lot 211 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921844/2016" with address "103 McKenzie Road, ELIZABETH DOWNS SA 5113" and description "Construction of a verandah (Rescode Certified)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921845/2016" with address "Lot 210 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921846/2016" with address "Lot 209 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling and garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921847/2016" with address "12 Kalyvas Drive, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a verandah - Sch1A" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921848/2016" with address "162 Philip Highway, ELIZABETH SOUTH SA 5112" and description "Extension & internal alterations of existing office and construction of a loading canopy" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921849/2016" with address "42 Castleton Street, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921850/2016" with address "11 Rollison Road, ELIZABETH VALE SA 5112" and description "Further Information Requested 23/12/2016" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921851/2016" with address "1216 Andrews Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921852/2016" with address "5 Blossom Road, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling with an attached carport fronting Almandine Lane" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921853/2016" with address "5 Laurel Way, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a domestic outbuilding (Schedule 1A)" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921854/2016" with address "2-6 Hooke Road, EDINBURGH NORTH SA 5113" and description "Addition of an annexe" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921855/2016" with address "Lot 1 Dauntsey Road, ELIZABETH SA 5112" and description "Additions & alterations to existing building" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921856/2016" with address "6 Clover Court, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a single storey detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921857/2016" with address "Lot 102 Stebonheath Road, MUNNO PARA SA 5115" and description "Construction of two water storage tanks" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921858/2016" with address "978 Black Top Road, ONE TREE HILL SA 5114" and description "Construction of a carport/garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921859/2016" with address "13 Toolunga Road, YATTALUNGA SA 5114" and description "Installation of swimming pool" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921860/2016" with address "3 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling and double garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921861/2016" with address "10 Prominent Rise, HILLBANK SA 5112" and description "Construction of a two storey dwelling and double garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921862/2016" with address "10 Claret Avenue, VIRGINIA SA 5120" and description "Construction of a carport/verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921863/2016" with address "14 Boucaut Avenue, BLAKEVIEW SA 5114" and description "Construction of a school - Stage 3" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "2921864/2016" with address "37 Olive Grove, MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115" and description "Land division - Torrens title 3 in to 15 DAC292/D094/16" because it was already present in the database. Complete.


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council_reference address description info_url comment_url date_scraped date_received on_notice_from on_notice_to
33 Catalina Road ELIZABETH EAST SA 5112
Aged Care - External Window/Door Alterations, Shase Structure and Courtyard Repaving -SCH1A
183 Frank Barker Road HUMBUG SCRUB SA 5114
Domestic Storage Garage
30 Keane Avenue MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115
Single storey detached dwelling with garage under main roof - WITHDRAWN
13 Pitt Street MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115
Single storey detached dwelling with garage under main roof
21 Central Boulevard MUNNO PARA WEST SA 5115
Single storey detached dwelling with garage under main roof
16 Baxter Avenue PENFIELD SA 5121
Single storey detached dwelling with garage under main roof - WITHDRAWN
18 Baxter Avenue PENFIELD SA 5121
Single storey detached dwelling with garage under main roof
21 Grace Boulevard SMITHFIELD PLAINS SA 5114
16 Lafitte Way ANDREWS FARM SA 5114
3 Wells Court HILLBANK SA 5112


Average successful run time: 1 minute

Total run time: about 6 hours

Total cpu time used: 39 minutes

Total disk space used: 4.52 MB


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  • Created on morph.io

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