MichaelBone / city_of_prospect_sa_development_applications

City of Prospect (South Australia) Development Applications

Contributors MichaelBone

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Node.js app detected [1G [1G-----> Creating runtime environment [1G [1G NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error [1G NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true [1G NPM_CONFIG_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [1G NODE_VERBOSE=false [1G NODE_ENV=production [1G NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 [1G NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true [1G [1G-----> Installing binaries [1G engines.node (package.json): 10.6.0 [1G engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) [1G [1G Resolving node version 10.6.0... [1G Downloading and installing node 10.6.0... [1G Using default npm version: 6.1.0 [1G [1G-----> Restoring cache [1G Skipping cache restore (not-found) [1G [1G-----> Building dependencies [1G Installing node modules (package.json) [1G [1G > sqlite3@4.2.0 install /tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3 [1G > node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build [1G [1G [sqlite3] Success: "/tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v64-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote [1G added 212 packages from 224 contributors and audited 213 packages in 9.996s [1G found 3 low severity vulnerabilities [1G run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details [1G [1G-----> Caching build [1G Clearing previous node cache [1G Saving 2 cacheDirectories (default): [1G - node_modules [1G - bower_components (nothing to cache) [1G [1G-----> Build succeeded! [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Retrieving page: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/development/new-developments/development-register Selected the following documents to parse: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/107555/New-DAs-7-May-2018-to-20-May-2018.pdf https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/719106/New-DAs-13-July-2020-27-July-2020.pdf Retrieving document: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/107555/New-DAs-7-May-2018-to-20-May-2018.pdf Examining text on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. No application numbers were parsed from the document because five columns were not found. Examining images on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Examining image 1 having dimensions 1172 by 661. Retrieving page: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/development/new-developments/development-register Selected the following documents to parse: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/107555/New-DAs-7-May-2018-to-20-May-2018.pdf https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/719106/New-DAs-13-July-2020-27-July-2020.pdf Retrieving document: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/107555/New-DAs-7-May-2018-to-20-May-2018.pdf Examining text on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. No application numbers were parsed from the document because five columns were not found. Examining images on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Examining image 1 having dimensions 1172 by 661. Retrieving page: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/development/new-developments/development-register Selected the following documents to parse: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/107555/New-DAs-7-May-2018-to-20-May-2018.pdf https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/719106/New-DAs-13-July-2020-27-July-2020.pdf Retrieving document: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/107555/New-DAs-7-May-2018-to-20-May-2018.pdf Examining text on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. No application numbers were parsed from the document because five columns were not found. Examining images on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Examining image 1 having dimensions 1172 by 661. Retrieving page: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/development/new-developments/development-register Selected the following documents to parse: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/107555/New-DAs-7-May-2018-to-20-May-2018.pdf https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/719106/New-DAs-13-July-2020-27-July-2020.pdf Retrieving document: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/107555/New-DAs-7-May-2018-to-20-May-2018.pdf Examining text on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. No application numbers were parsed from the document because five columns were not found. Examining images on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Examining image 1 having dimensions 1172 by 661. Application "050/218/2018" with address "30 Nottage Terrace MEDINDIE GARDENS SA 5081", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of a Two Storey" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/215/2018" with address "1 Lillian Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Swimming Pool" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/213/2018" with address "45 Barker Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/211/2018" with address "52 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/208/2018" with address "45 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Front Fence" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/202/2018" with address "26 Burwood Avenue NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Two Storey Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-11" was saved to the database. Application "050/60/2018" with address "63-71 Labrina Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Aged Care Facility" and received date "2018-05-09" was saved to the database. Application "050/195/2018" with address "4 Da Costa Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Part Demolition and Extension to Residence" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/192/2018" with address "77 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/191/2018" with address "77 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/212/2018" with address "38 First Avenue NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Carport and Pergola" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/207/2018" with address "12A Rosetta Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Garage" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/206/2018" with address "36 Hampstead Road BROADVIEW SA 5083", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/201/2018" with address "5 Cassie Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-11" was saved to the database. Application "050/216/2018" with address "4 Airlie Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Garage" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/209/2018" with address "24 Camroc Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/203/2018" with address "82 Gordon Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/194/2018" with address "13 Arthur Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/193/2018" with address "12 Alabama Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two, Single Storey Semi-Detached Dwellings" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/217/2018" with address "80B Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Alterations to Existing Restaurant" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/214/2018" with address "7 Vine Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Bullnose Carport" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/210/2018" with address "58A Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two Advertising Displays" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/205/2018" with address "41 Braund Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/204/2018" with address "13 Whinham Street FITZROY SA 5082", description "Removal of Eucalyptus Leucoxylon" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/200/2018" with address "39 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/199/2018" with address "75 Boyle Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling, Outbuildings & Fruit Trees" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/198/2018" with address "74 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/197/2018" with address "3 Graham Place PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two, Two Storey Semi-Detached Dwellings" and received date "2018-05-08" was saved to the database. Application "050/196/2018" with address "11 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling & Verandah" and received date "2018-05-08" was saved to the database. Retrieving document: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/719106/New-DAs-13-July-2020-27-July-2020.pdf Examining text on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 No application numbers were parsed from the document because five columns were not found. Examining images on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Examining image 1 having dimensions 1395 by 795. Application "050/218/2018" with address "30 Nottage Terrace MEDINDIE GARDENS SA 5081", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of a Two Storey" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/215/2018" with address "1 Lillian Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Swimming Pool" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/213/2018" with address "45 Barker Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/211/2018" with address "52 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/208/2018" with address "45 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Front Fence" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/202/2018" with address "26 Burwood Avenue NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Two Storey Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-11" was saved to the database. Application "050/60/2018" with address "63-71 Labrina Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Aged Care Facility" and received date "2018-05-09" was saved to the database. Application "050/195/2018" with address "4 Da Costa Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Part Demolition and Extension to Residence" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/192/2018" with address "77 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/191/2018" with address "77 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/212/2018" with address "38 First Avenue NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Carport and Pergola" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/207/2018" with address "12A Rosetta Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Garage" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/206/2018" with address "36 Hampstead Road BROADVIEW SA 5083", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/201/2018" with address "5 Cassie Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-11" was saved to the database. Application "050/216/2018" with address "4 Airlie Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Garage" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/209/2018" with address "24 Camroc Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/203/2018" with address "82 Gordon Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/194/2018" with address "13 Arthur Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/193/2018" with address "12 Alabama Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two, Single Storey Semi-Detached Dwellings" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/217/2018" with address "80B Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Alterations to Existing Restaurant" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/214/2018" with address "7 Vine Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Bullnose Carport" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/210/2018" with address "58A Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two Advertising Displays" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/205/2018" with address "41 Braund Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/204/2018" with address "13 Whinham Street FITZROY SA 5082", description "Removal of Eucalyptus Leucoxylon" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/200/2018" with address "39 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/199/2018" with address "75 Boyle Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling, Outbuildings & Fruit Trees" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/198/2018" with address "74 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/197/2018" with address "3 Graham Place PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two, Two Storey Semi-Detached Dwellings" and received date "2018-05-08" was saved to the database. Application "050/196/2018" with address "11 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling & Verandah" and received date "2018-05-08" was saved to the database. Retrieving document: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/719106/New-DAs-13-July-2020-27-July-2020.pdf Examining text on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 No application numbers were parsed from the document because five columns were not found. Examining images on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Examining image 1 having dimensions 1395 by 795. Application "050/218/2018" with address "30 Nottage Terrace MEDINDIE GARDENS SA 5081", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of a Two Storey" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/215/2018" with address "1 Lillian Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Swimming Pool" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/213/2018" with address "45 Barker Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/211/2018" with address "52 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/208/2018" with address "45 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Front Fence" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/202/2018" with address "26 Burwood Avenue NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Two Storey Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-11" was saved to the database. Application "050/60/2018" with address "63-71 Labrina Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Aged Care Facility" and received date "2018-05-09" was saved to the database. Application "050/195/2018" with address "4 Da Costa Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Part Demolition and Extension to Residence" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/192/2018" with address "77 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/191/2018" with address "77 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/212/2018" with address "38 First Avenue NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Carport and Pergola" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/207/2018" with address "12A Rosetta Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Garage" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/206/2018" with address "36 Hampstead Road BROADVIEW SA 5083", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/201/2018" with address "5 Cassie Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-11" was saved to the database. Application "050/216/2018" with address "4 Airlie Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Garage" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/209/2018" with address "24 Camroc Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/203/2018" with address "82 Gordon Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/194/2018" with address "13 Arthur Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/193/2018" with address "12 Alabama Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two, Single Storey Semi-Detached Dwellings" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/217/2018" with address "80B Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Alterations to Existing Restaurant" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/214/2018" with address "7 Vine Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Bullnose Carport" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/210/2018" with address "58A Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two Advertising Displays" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/205/2018" with address "41 Braund Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/204/2018" with address "13 Whinham Street FITZROY SA 5082", description "Removal of Eucalyptus Leucoxylon" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/200/2018" with address "39 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/199/2018" with address "75 Boyle Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling, Outbuildings & Fruit Trees" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/198/2018" with address "74 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/197/2018" with address "3 Graham Place PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two, Two Storey Semi-Detached Dwellings" and received date "2018-05-08" was saved to the database. Application "050/196/2018" with address "11 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling & Verandah" and received date "2018-05-08" was saved to the database. Retrieving document: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/719106/New-DAs-13-July-2020-27-July-2020.pdf Examining text on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 No application numbers were parsed from the document because five columns were not found. Examining images on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Examining image 1 having dimensions 1395 by 795. Application "050/218/2018" with address "30 Nottage Terrace MEDINDIE GARDENS SA 5081", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Construction of a Two Storey" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/215/2018" with address "1 Lillian Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Swimming Pool" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/213/2018" with address "45 Barker Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/211/2018" with address "52 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/208/2018" with address "45 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Front Fence" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/202/2018" with address "26 Burwood Avenue NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Two Storey Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-11" was saved to the database. Application "050/60/2018" with address "63-71 Labrina Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Aged Care Facility" and received date "2018-05-09" was saved to the database. Application "050/195/2018" with address "4 Da Costa Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Part Demolition and Extension to Residence" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/192/2018" with address "77 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/191/2018" with address "77 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/212/2018" with address "38 First Avenue NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Carport and Pergola" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/207/2018" with address "12A Rosetta Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Garage" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/206/2018" with address "36 Hampstead Road BROADVIEW SA 5083", description "Land Division (Residential)" and received date "2018-05-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/201/2018" with address "5 Cassie Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-11" was saved to the database. Application "050/216/2018" with address "4 Airlie Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Garage" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/209/2018" with address "24 Camroc Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/203/2018" with address "82 Gordon Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/194/2018" with address "13 Arthur Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/193/2018" with address "12 Alabama Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two, Single Storey Semi-Detached Dwellings" and received date "2018-05-07" was saved to the database. Application "050/217/2018" with address "80B Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Alterations to Existing Restaurant" and received date "2018-05-18" was saved to the database. Application "050/214/2018" with address "7 Vine Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Bullnose Carport" and received date "2018-05-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/210/2018" with address "58A Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two Advertising Displays" and received date "2018-05-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/205/2018" with address "41 Braund Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/204/2018" with address "13 Whinham Street FITZROY SA 5082", description "Removal of Eucalyptus Leucoxylon" and received date "2018-05-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/200/2018" with address "39 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/199/2018" with address "75 Boyle Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Existing Dwelling, Outbuildings & Fruit Trees" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/198/2018" with address "74 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2018-05-10" was saved to the database. Application "050/197/2018" with address "3 Graham Place PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Two, Two Storey Semi-Detached Dwellings" and received date "2018-05-08" was saved to the database. Application "050/196/2018" with address "11 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling & Verandah" and received date "2018-05-08" was saved to the database. Retrieving document: https://www.prospect.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/719106/New-DAs-13-July-2020-27-July-2020.pdf Examining text on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 No application numbers were parsed from the document because five columns were not found. Examining images on page 1 of 1 in the PDF. Examining image 1 having dimensions 1395 by 795. Application "050/327/2020" with address "22 Newbon Street NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Carport" and received date "2020-07-23" was saved to the database. Application "050/326/2020" with address "3 Kintore Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Removal of Existind Shed and Construction of New Shed" and received date "2020-07-23" was saved to the database. Application "050/325/2020" with address "12 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2020-07-23" was saved to the database. Application "050/324/2020" with address "32 Sherbourne Road MEDINDIE GARDENS SA 5081", description "Removal of Regulated Tree" and received date "2020-07-23" was saved to the database. Application "050/320/2020" with address "55 Kintore Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2020-07-22" was saved to the database. Application "050/318/2020" with address "24 Ballville Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2020-07-22" was saved to the database. Application "050/316/2020" with address "75 Gloucester Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Four Storey Residential Flat Building Comprising 14 Dwellings" and received date "2020-07-22" was saved to the database. Application "050/308/2020" with address "14 Flora Terrace PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Fence & Retaining Wall" and received date "2020-07-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/328/2020" with address "183 Main North Road NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Variation to Previous Approval DA 050/52/2019 (Car Wash)" and received date "2020-07-24" was saved to the database. Application "050/323/2020" with address "8 Mawson Street NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Masonry Pillar Fence" and received date "2020-07-23" was saved to the database. Application "050/304/2020" with address "13 Third Avenue SEFTON PARK SA 5083", description "Verandah" and received date "2020-07-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/303/2020" with address "4 West Terrace NAILSWORTH SA 5083", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling" and received date "2020-07-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/300/2020" with address "7 North Street COLLINSWOOD SA 5081", description "Shed" and received date "2020-07-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/317/2020" with address "8 Henrietta Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Underground Water Tank" and received date "2020-07-22" was saved to the database. Application "050/315/2020" with address "264 Main North Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Change in Use to Medical Consulting Rooms (Shop 38)" and received date "" was saved to the database. Application "050/314/2020" with address "78 Guilford Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Shed" and received date "2020-07-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/313/2020" with address "15 Victoria Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Extension of Time Request for the Operative Consent Period (DA 050/214/2015)" and received date "2020-07-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/312/2020" with address "74 Guilford Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2020-07-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/309/2020" with address "264 Main North Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Proposed Internal Alterations and Upgraded Illuminated Sign at Shop 10" and received date "2020-07-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/302/2020" with address "244-246 Churchill Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Residential Land Division (2 into 23)" and received date "9090-07-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/301/2020" with address "42 Victoria Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Residential Land Division (1 into 2)" and received date "2020-07-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/298/2020" with address "264 Main North Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Internal Fitout to Existing Post Office (Shop 10)" and received date "2020-07-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/322/2020" with address "2 Martin Avenue FITZROY SA 5082", description "Additions and Alterations to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2020-07-23" was saved to the database. Application "050/321/2020" with address "31 Cochrane Terrace PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Shed" and received date "2020-07-22" was saved to the database. Application "050/319/2020" with address "20 Rose Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Demolition of Exisiting Shed and Replacement of New Shed" and received date "2020-07-22" was saved to the database. Application "050/311/2020" with address "21 Churchill Road OVINGHAM SA 5082", description "Proposed Studio" and received date "2020-07-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/310/2020" with address "55 Vine Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Swimming Pool & Safety Fence" and received date "2020-07-17" was saved to the database. Application "050/307/2020" with address "37 Avenue Road PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Extension of Time" and received date "2020-07-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/306/2020" with address "30 Martin Avenue FITZROY SA 5082", description "Two Storey Detached Dwelling with Swimming Pool and Safety Fence" and received date "2020-07-16" was saved to the database. Application "050/305/2020" with address "64 Vine Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Additions to Detached Dwelling" and received date "2020-07-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/299/2020" with address "15 Halstead Street FITZROY SA 5082", description "Reolace Boundary Fence to North and East" and received date "2020-07-15" was saved to the database. Application "050/297/2020" with address "74 Le Hunte Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Verandah" and received date "2020-07-14" was saved to the database. Application "050/296/2020" with address "7 Harrington Street PROSPECT SA 5082", description "Carport" and received date "2020-07-14" was saved to the database. Complete.


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council_reference address description info_url comment_url date_scraped date_received on_notice_from on_notice_to
2 Richman Avenue PROSPECT SA 5082
17 Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082
Installation of LED Sign
5 Milner Street PROSPECT SA 5082
113 Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082
Change in Use (to Consulting)
117 Prospect Road PROSPECT SA 5082
Five Storey, Mixed Use Building Comprising an Office & a Shop on the Ground Floor & 33 Dwellings Across the
49 Second Avenue SEFTON PARK SA 5083
Dwelling (Single Storey Detached)
49 Second Avenue SEFTON PARK SA 5083
3A D'Erlanger Avenue COLLINSWOOD SA 5081
50 Hampstead Road BROADVIEW SA 5083
12 Brussels Street BROADVIEW SA 5083
Land Division (Residential)


Average successful run time: 12 minutes

Total run time: 4 days

Total cpu time used: 2 days

Total disk space used: 31.8 MB


  • Manually ran revision dd3d183b and completed successfully .
    62 records added, 29 records removed in the database
  • Manually ran revision 760e5ada and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
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    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision e6fb8982 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision e6fb8982 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • ...
  • Created on morph.io

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