Injecting configuration and compiling...
Injecting scraper and running...
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">BBC Business Management Higher Apprentice Scheme</span>
job title cleaned up: BBC Business Management Higher Apprentice Scheme
{'job': 'BBC Business Management Higher Apprentice Scheme'}
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">BBC Production Apprentice Scheme</span>
job title cleaned up: BBC Production Apprentice Scheme
'BBC Production Apprentice Scheme'}
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">BBC Apprentice Broadcast Operators</span>
job title cleaned up:
BBC Apprentice Broadcast Operators
{'job': 'BBC Apprentice Broadcast Operato
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">Digital Journalist Apprenticeship </span>
job title cleaned up: Digital Journalist Apprenticeship
{'job': 'Digital Journalist Apprenticeship '}
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">BBC Legal Apprentice </span>
job title cleaned up: BBC Legal Apprentice
ob': 'BBC Legal Apprentice '}
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">Business Analyst, News Apps</span>
job title cleaned up: Business Analyst, News Apps
{'job': 'Business Analy
st, News Apps'}
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">Public Relations Officer, BBC Children in Need</span>
job title cleaned up: Public Relations Officer, BBC Children in Need
': 'Public Relations Officer, BBC Children in Need'}
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">Senior Agile Project Manager/ Delivery Lead </span>
job title cleaned up: Senior Agile Project Manager/ Delivery Lead
': 'Senior Agile Project
Manager/ Delivery Lead '}
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">Asset Acquisitions' Co-ordinator</span>
job title cleaned up: Asset Acquisitions' Co-ordinator
{'job': "Asset Acquisitions' Co-ordinator"}
job title html: <span class="job-list-title">Project Manager</span>
job title cleaned up: Project Manager
ob': 'Project Manager'}