equivalentideas / nsw_parliament_current_session_bills

Bills going through NSW parliament: the date of their notice of motion and member who introduced the bill

Scrapes www.parliament.nsw.gov.au

Parliament of NSW

Contributors equivalentideas

Last run failed with status code 1.

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Ruby app detected [1G-----> Compiling Ruby [1G-----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.0.0 [1G-----> Installing dependencies using bundler 1.11.2 [1G Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment [1G Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/......... [1G Fetching version metadata from https://rubygems.org/.. [1G Fetching https://github.com/openaustralia/scraperwiki-ruby.git [1G Rubygems is not threadsafe, so your gems will be installed one at a time. Upgrade to Rubygems 2.1.0 or higher to enable parallel gem installation. [1G Installing unf_ext with native extensions [1G Installing httpclient [1G Installing mime-types 2.5 [1G Installing net-http-digest_auth 1.4 [1G Installing net-http-persistent 2.9.4 [1G Installing mini_portile 0.6.2 [1G Installing ntlm-http 0.1.1 [1G Installing webrobots 0.1.1 [1G Installing sqlite3 1.3.10 with native extensions [1G Using bundler 1.11.2 [1G Installing unf 0.1.4 [1G Installing nokogiri with native extensions [1G Installing sqlite_magic 0.0.3 [1G Installing domain_name 0.5.24 [1G Using scraperwiki 3.0.1 from https://github.com/openaustralia/scraperwiki-ruby.git (at morph_defaults@fc50176) [1G Installing http-cookie 1.0.2 [1G Installing mechanize 2.7.3 [1G Bundle complete! 2 Gemfile dependencies, 17 gems now installed. [1G Gems in the groups development and test were not installed. [1G Bundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle. [1G Bundle completed (32.64s) [1G Cleaning up the bundler cache. [1G [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/mechanize-2.7.3/lib/mechanize/http/agent.rb:308:in `fetch': 404 => Net::HTTPNotFound for https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/parlment/nswbills.nsf/V3BillsListAll?open&vwCurr=V3AllByTitle&vwCat=A -- unhandled response (Mechanize::ResponseCodeError) from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/mechanize-2.7.3/lib/mechanize/http/agent.rb:976:in `response_redirect' from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/mechanize-2.7.3/lib/mechanize/http/agent.rb:300:in `fetch' from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/mechanize-2.7.3/lib/mechanize.rb:440:in `get' from scraper.rb:12:in `block in <main>' from scraper.rb:9:in `upto' from scraper.rb:9:in `each' from scraper.rb:9:in `<main>'


Downloaded 2 times by MikeRalphson

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rows 10 / 3287

name url house_of_origin
[Replication or Save Conflict]
Aboriginal Housing Bill 1998
Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2001
Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006
Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2009
Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2013
Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2014
Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment (Gandangara Estate) Bill 2004
Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment (Housing) Bill 2011
Abortion Law Reform (Miscellaneous Acts Amendment) Bill 2015


Average successful run time: 30 minutes

Total run time: 5 days

Total cpu time used: 33 minutes

Total disk space used: 1.4 MB


  • Auto ran revision 723a38c3 and failed .
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  • Auto ran revision 723a38c3 and failed .
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  • Auto ran revision 723a38c3 and failed .
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  • Auto ran revision 723a38c3 and failed .
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  • Auto ran revision 723a38c3 and failed .
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  • Created on morph.io

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