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<text top="65" left="728" width="74" height="21" font="0"><b>H/16–17 </b></text>
<text top="86" left="699" width="103" height="21" font="0"><b>1st Meeting </b></text>
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<text top="148" left="352" width="194" height="21" font="0"><b>HOUSE COMMITTEE </b></text>
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<text top="190" left="410" width="16" height="21" font="0"><b>M</b></text>
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<text top="232" left="395" width="108" height="21" font="0"><b>29 June 2016 </b></text>
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<text top="273" left="108" width="64" height="21" font="2">Present: </text>
<text top="294" left="108" width="154" height="21" font="2">L. Campbell-Savours </text>
<text top="315" left="108" width="172" height="21" font="2">B. D’Souza (Chairman) </text>
<text top="336" left="108" width="162" height="21" font="2">L. Hope of Craighead </tex
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{'text': '<b> </b>\n', 'ID': 2}
{'top': '65', 'font': '0', 'left': '728', 'height': '21', 'width': '74'} <b>H/1617 </b>
{'text': '<b>H/1617 </b>\n', 'ID': 3}
{'top': '86', 'font': '0', 'left': '699', 'height': '21', 'width': '103'} <b>1st Meeting </b>
{'text': '<b>1st Meeting </b>\n', 'ID': 4}
{'top': '107', 'font': '0', 'left': '797', 'height': '21', 'width': '5'} <b> </b>
{'text': '<b> </b>\n', 'ID': 5}
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{'top': '148', 'font': '0', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '5'} <b> </b>
{'text': '<b> </b>\n', 'ID': 8}
{'top': '169', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '320'} The Committee <b>took note</b>
{'text': 'The Committee <b>took note</b>\n', 'ID': 9}
{'top': '190', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '5'}
{'text': ' ', 'ID': 10}
{'top': '211', 'font': '0', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '244'} <b>7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS </b>
{'text': '<b>7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS </b>\n', 'ID': 11}
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{'text': ' ', 'ID': 12}
{'top': '253', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '679'} The Committee discussed the security of Members following recent events. Members noted
{'text': 'The Committee discussed the security of Members following recent events. Members noted ', 'ID': 13}
{'top': '273', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '635'} the importance of raising any concerns they had regarding their personal security with
{'text': 'the importance of raising any concerns they had regarding their personal security with ', 'ID': 14}
{'top': '294', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '663'} officials so they could be dealt with swiftly and measures taken as required. Members who
{'text': 'officials so they could be dealt with swiftly and measures taken as required. Members who ', 'ID': 15}
{'top': '315', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '606'} had concerns were invited to contact the Director of Security for Parliament. The
{'text': 'had concerns were invited to contact the Director of Security for Parliament. The ', 'ID': 16}
{'top': '336', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '655'} Consultative Panel on Parliamentary Security was considering measures required to keep
{'text': 'Consultative Panel on Parliamentary Security was considering measures required to keep ', 'ID': 17}
{'top': '357', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '420'} Parliamentarians safe when off the Estate as well as on it.
{'text': 'Parliamentarians safe when off the Estate as well as on it. ', 'ID': 18}
{'top': '378', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '5'}
{'text': ' ', 'ID': 19}
{'top': '399', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '21', 'width': '5'}
{'text': ' ', 'ID': 20}
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{'text': ' ', 'ID': 22}
{'top': '460', 'font': '2', 'left': '676', 'height': '21', 'width': '115'} Rob Whiteway
{'text': 'Rob Whiteway ', 'ID': 23}
{'top': '481', 'font': '2', 'left': '555', 'height': '21', 'width': '235'} Clerk of the House Committee
{'text': 'Clerk of the House Committee ', 'ID': 24}
{'top': '501', 'font': '2', 'left': '713', 'height': '21', 'width': '77'} June 2016
{'text': 'June 2016 ', 'ID': 25}
{'top': '528', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '16', 'width': '5'}
{'text': ' ', 'ID': 26}
{'top': '549', 'font': '2', 'left': '108', 'height': '16', 'width': '5'}
{'text': ' ', 'ID': 27}
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