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Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... {'Title': 'Bring in the arts and get the creativity for free: a study of the Artists in Residence project', 'Author email': 'Alexande r.Styhre@chalm ers.se', 'keywo rds': '"artist in residence", "cr eativity" , "productivity", "Sweden ", "workplace"' , 'linktitle': 'Artists can enhance workplace creativity ', 'Source': ' Creativity and Inn ovation Managem ent, Vol 17 , Iss 1, pp 47- 57', 'Link': 'h ttp://onlinelibrar y.wiley.com/d oi/10.1111/j.1467 -8691.2007.004 58.x/abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.cultu recase.org/research/2 014/12/artists -can-enhance-wo rkplace-creativ ity/', 'Authors ': 'Styhre, A. & Eriksson, M.' , 'description ': u'This paper describes what happened during the Artists In Residence scheme, a project in Sweden that matched artists with business to work together for a 10 month period. The artists involved included musicians, painters, dancers and actors. They were placed with commercial businesses in order to provoke employees to \u2018think in new and creative ways\u2019. The paper describes the many positive benefits of the scheme while noting that it required employees and managers to be fully invested to reap the full rewards on offer.', 'ceDoc Type': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesou rce': 'http://www .culturecase .org', 'Publication date': '2008'} {'Title': 'Fosteri ng creativity in nursing students: a blending of nursing and the arts', 'Author email' : 'pavillb@uncw.edu' , 'keywords': '"crea tivity", "educatio n", "health", " nursing", "US A"', 'linktitle': 'Nurs ing and the art s: a recipe for creativity in care', 'Sour ce': 'Holistic Nur sing Practice, Vol 25, Iss 1, pp 17-25', ' Link': 'http://journal s.lww.com/hnpjournal /Abstract/2011/010 00/Fostering_Creativi ty_in_Nu rsing_Students_ _A.4.aspx', 'uri' : 'http://www .culturecase.org/research/2 014/12/nursing-an d-the-arts-a-recipe- for-creati vity-in-care/' , 'Authors': 'Pavill, B.', 'd escription': 'Th is paper outlines the variou s ways in which st udent nurses benefi t from taking an art module in their training. It describes what ha ppened as part of The Creative Project, a co mponent within a nursing training class in the USA. Using observati ons of the class and feedback gathered vi a student evaluation the paper shows how th e experience was highly enjoy able for th e student nurses, how it made t hem think afresh about nursing a nd equipped them wit h the means to respo nd creatively to c hallenges they may face in a clinical setting.', 'ceDocTyp e': 'PeerReviewedRese arch', 'cesource': ' http://www.cult urecase.org', 'Publi cation date': '20 11'} {'Title': 'Arts education and creativity enhancement in you ng children in Ho ng Kong', 'Auth or email': 'annahui@c ityu.edu .hk', 'keywords': '"children", " creativity", " education", "H ong Kong"', 'l inktitle': 'Fos tering creativit y in young chi ldren through the arts', 'Sou rce': 'Educatio nal Psychology: An International J ournal of Exper imental Educatio nal Psychology' , 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/ 01443410.2013.875518', 'uri': 'ht tp://www.culturecase .org/research/2 014/12/fostering-creat ivity-in-young-ch ildren-through -the-arts/', 'A uthors': 'Hui, A. N. N., He, M. W. J., & Ye, S. S.', 'description': u'This paper described the effects of a one-year artist-teacher collaboration in Hong Kong designed to increase the creativity of young children. They used a mix of measures to track changes in creativity, motivation and communication after the artists provided 60 hours of arts activities for teachers and children. They found that \u2018young children\u2019s verbal and figural creativity can be enhanced through quality arts education delivered collaboratively by professional artists and professional teachers\u2019. The results suggest that visual arts generated the strongest increase in creativity, and all students who participated showed an improvement in their communication abilities.', 'ceDocT ype': 'PeerReviewedResearch ', 'cesource': 'http://www. culturecas e.org', 'Publicatio n date': '2014'} {'Title': "Playing a part: the impact of youth theatre on young people's personal and s ocial development", 'keyword s': '"children", " creativity", "soc ial", "theatre", " UK"', 'linktitle': 'Youth theatre pr ovides a space for young p eople to gain skills they need to succ eed', 'Source': 'Resea rch in Drama Educa tion: The Journal of Applied Theat re and Performanc e. Vol 9, Iss 1, pp 57-72', 'Link' : 'http://www.tan dfonline.com/doi/ abs/10.1080/1356978042 000185911#.VHYFXYdqHXx', 'uri': 'ht tp://www.culturecase.org/r esearch/201 4/12/youth-theatr e-provides-a-space-for-youn g-people-to-gain-s kills-they-need-t o-succeed/', 'Aut hors': 'Hughes, J. & Wi lson, K.', 'descri ption': u'This paper presents the findings of a study of youth theatre.\xa0 The paper explores some key questions around the impact of taking part in youth theatre on young people\u2019s personal and social development. Overall they found that youth theatre created a protected space for young people to develop important personal and social skills and resources, whilst also confronting uncertainty and risk and therefore helping to prepare them for adult life.', 'ceDoc Type': 'PeerRevie wedResearch', 'cesource': 'http ://www.culturecase.org' , 'Publication d ate': '2004'} {'Title': 'Learn ing in the visual arts and worldviews of young children', 'A uthor email': 'jamesc@gseis.u cla.edu', 'keywords ': '"children", "c reativity", "depri ved", "drawing", "e xperiment", "painting", "self-effi cacy", "USA"', 'li nktitle': u'Intensive visual arts education improves children\u2019s creativity and self-efficacy', 'Source': 'Cambrid ge Journal of Education, Vol 37, Iss 4, pp 543- 560', 'Link' : 'http://www.tandfo nline.com/doi/ful l/10.1080/03057640 701705898', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase. org/research/201 3/12/intensive-vis ual-arts-education-impr oves-childrens-cr eativity-and-self-e fficacy/', 'Autho rs': 'Catterall, J . S. & Peppler, K. A.' , 'Open access link ': 'http://kpepple r.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10 /2007_Peppler_Worldviews. pdf', 'description': u'The study looked at 179 students aged nine and 10 in Los Angeles and St Louis, USA who received \u2018sustained, arts-rich instructional experiences\u2019 led by two visual arts institutions in the cities over a period of five months. In both instances the schools were in highly deprived neighbourhoods. The results showed that the children who participated in the programme showed a significant growth in scores for creativity and self-efficacy (the sense that they have confidence in their ability to overcome problems and achieve goals) when compared with the comparison group.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerR eviewedResearch', 'cesource ': 'http://www.cult urecase.org', 'Pub lication date': '20 07'} {'Title': 'The European Cultural Capital event: strategic weapon in the cu ltural arms race?', 'keywords': ' "capital of cul ture", "growth" , "major events ", "regenerati on", "tourism"', 'linktitle': 'How European Ca pitals of Cultur e attempt to sti mulate growth', 'Sourc e': 'Cultura l Policy, Vol 6, Iss 2, pp 159 -181', 'Link': 'http ://www.tandfonline.com/ doi/abs/10.1080/10 286630009 358119#.VHioy 4eCU1Y', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/res earch/2014/12/how-e uropean-capitals-of -culture-attempt-to-stim ulate-growth/', 'Authors ': 'Richards , G.', 'descri ption': u'Event-led regeneration policies \u2013 and in particular the European Capital of Culture programme \u2013 have become popular elements of urban and economic policy. The paper reviews the history and development of the European Cultural Capital event, and analyses the extent to which the cultural event has been successful in stimulating economic development. Since its start in 1985, the focus of the Cultural Capital initiative has changed from established cultural cities to smaller, de-industrialising cities in Europe. Along with it, its aims have changed from showcasing existing culture to attracting tourism and investments and thereby creating new economic growth.', 'ceDocType': 'Pee rReviewedResearch', ' cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'P ublication date': '2000'} {'Title': 'Arts a nd crafts: critical to economic innovation', 'Author ema il': 'lamore@msu.edu', 'keyw ords': '"econo mic", "educatio n", "growth", "innovation", " STEM", "USA"', 'l inktitle': 'Instilling inno vation: a n economic def ence of arts and cra fts', 'Sou rce': 'Economic Development Qua rterly, Vol 27, Iss 3, pp 221-2 29', 'Link': 'http://edq.sagep ub.com/conten t/27/3/221', ' uri': 'http://www. culturec ase.org/research/20 14/04/instillin g-innovation-an-econ omic-defence-of-art s-and-cr afts/', 'Autho rs': 'LaMore, R., Root-Ber nstein, R., R oot-Bernstei n, M., Schweitze r, J. H., Law ton, J. L., Roraback, E., Peruski, A., VanDyk e, M. & Fernande z, L.', 'desc ription': u'This study examined the artistic experiences of many scientific and technological innovators. Arts education and training can foster one\u2019s ability to innovate \u2013 which the authors refer to as \u2018creative capacity\u2019 \u2013 in an economically significant way. The research found that childhood arts and crafts participation, as well as sustained participation throughout one\u2019s life, may help to cultivate one\u2019s creative capacity, thereby stimulating economic growth via scientific and technological innovation.', 'ceDocTyp e': 'PeerReviewedRes earch', ' cesource': 'htt p://www.cultu recase.org', ' Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'How US cultural di stricts reshape neighbourhoods', 'Author email': 'noonand@iupui.edu', 'k eywords': '"census", "cultura l districts", "employm ent", "income" , "nei ghbourhoo d", "prope rty", "US A"', 'linktitl e': 'S uccessful cultural districts increase em ployment an d income' , 'Sourc e': 'Cult ural Trend s, Vol 22, Is s 3-4 , pp 203- 212', 'Link' : 'http://dx.doi .org/10.1080/095 48963.2013.8176 52', 'uri' : 'http://www.c ulturecase.org/researc h/2014/04/successful-cultura l-districts-increase-employ ment-and-incom e/', 'Authors': 'No onan, D. S.', 'Open access link': 'http s://scholarworks .iupui.edu/handle/1805 /3571', ' description': u'The paper takes a look at the impacts that \u2018cultural districts\u2019 had on their neighbourhoods, towns and cities. Specifically the research analysed data from 99 cultural districts in the US to examine whether cultural districts increased income, employment, diversity, property values, education levels and retention of residents. The results suggest that cultural districts \u2018appear to boost property values, incomes, employment, and turnover in the vicinity\u2019, however they also are likely to displace poor residents.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedRe search', 'cesource ': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org' , 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Economic value of a local museum: factors of willingness to pay', 'keywords': '"contingent valuation", "Finland", "m useum", "survey", "willingness-to-pa y"', 'linktitle': 'Calculating t he economic value of a museum', 'S ource': 'Jo urnal of socio-econom ics, Vol 33, Iss 2, pp 229-240', ' Link': 'http://www. sciencedi rect.com/ science/a rticle/pii/ S1053535703 001148', 'uri' : 'http://www.cultu recase.org/research /2014/04/calcula ting-the-econom ic-value-of-a-museum/', 'Autho rs': 'Tohmo, T .', 'descr iption': u'This study attempted to find the economic value of a museum to its local population. The museum in questions was the Museum of Central Finland in the town of Jyva\u0308skyla\u0308. The research used the economic techniques of willingness-to-pay and contingent valuation to discover that \u2018Jyva\u0308skyla\u0308 residents contribute less in taxes to the Museum of Central Finland than they report that they are willing to pay\u2019.', 'ceDo cType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.cu lturecase.org', 'Publi cation date': ' 2004'} {'Title': 'Does the location of arts festivals matter for the economic impact?', 'Author email': 'eknas@p uk.ac.za', 'keywords': '"economic", "festivals", "impact", "South Afri ca", "survey", " tourism"', 'linktitle': 'The economic impact of mu sic festivals is dete rmined by size and locat ion', 'Source': u'Papers in Regional Science, Vol 85, Iss 4, pp\xa0569\u2013584', 'Link ': 'http:// onlinelibrary.wil ey.com/doi/10.111 1/j.1435-5957.2006 .00094.x/abstrac t#fn2', 'uri': 'ht tp://www.cult urecase.org/research/201 4/04/the-e conomic-impact-of -music-festivals- is-determined-size- and-location/', ' Authors': 'Saayma n, M. & Saayman , A.', 'description': 'This pa per examined the economic impact of arts fe stivals in South Africa and fo und that th e size of the economic impact was related to the size and locatio n of the town hos ting the event. This was because people from affluent area s tended to spend more than those f rom less affluent areas, so attracting more o f those people led to a greater economic impact.', 'ceDocType' : 'PeerReviewedRe search', 'cesource': 'http://www.cu lturecase.org', 'Pub lication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'The ec onomic impact of cultural events. A case-study of Salama nca 2002, European Capital of Culture', 'Author email ': 'herrero@e mp.uva.es', 'k eywords': '"cap ital of cult ure", "economic" , "impac t", "spain", "survey", " tourism"', 'li nktitle': u'Salamanca, Capital of Culture 2002, generated an economic impact of \u20ac701.5m', 'Source': 'Europ ean Urban an d Regional S tudies, Vol 13, Iss 1, pp 41-57', 'Link': 'h ttp://eur.sagep ub.com/cgi/c ontent/abstract/1 3/1/41', 'uri': 'http ://www.culturec ase.org /research/2014/04/ salamanca-capita l-of-culture-200 2-generated-an -economic-impa ct-of-e701-5m/' , 'Authors': 'H errero, L. C., Sanz, J. A., Deve sa, M., Bedate , A. & del Bar rio, M. J.', 'd escription': u'The paper analysed a range of data to calculate the economic impact of the European Capital of Culture coming to Salamanca in the Castilla y Leo\u0301n region of Spain.\xa0 The use of the Capital of Culture to generate economic benefits and revive cities really began with Glasgow in 1990. Capitals of Culture are difficult to study because of their size, the sheer variety of activities that constitute the overall programme, and the fact the status generates a frenzy of development and fresh policies in the location.', 'ceD ocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': u'Singing can facilitate foreign language\xa0learning', 'Author email': 'karen.ludke@ed.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"language", "learning", "singing"', 'linktitle': 'Singing can facilitate foreign language learning', 'Source': 'Memory & Cognition, Vol 42, Iss 1, pp 41-52', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13421-013-0342-5', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/singing-can-facilitate-foreign-language-learning/', 'Authors': 'Ludke, K. M., Ferreira, F. & Overy, K.', 'Open access link': 'http://www.psych.uncc.edu/pagoolka/M&C2014.pdf', 'description': u'This research examines the phenomenon of language acquisition. The paper concludes that \u2018a \u2018listen-and-sing\u2019 learning method\u2019 can improve verbatim memory for spoken foreign language phrasing. This improvement was not associated with other factors such as the student\u2019s gender, age, mood or other competencies associated with memory or musical training.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': "Playing a part: the impact of youth theatre on young people's personal and social development", 'keywords': '"children", "creativity", "social", "theatre", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Youth theatre provides a space for young people to gain skills they need to succeed', 'Source': 'Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. Vol 9, Iss 1, pp 57-72', 'Link': 'http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1356978042000185911#.VHYFXYdqHXx', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/youth-theatre-provides-a-space-for-young-people-to-gain-skills-they-need-to-succeed/', 'Authors': 'Hughes, J. & Wilson, K.', 'description': u'This paper presents the findings of a study of youth theatre.\xa0 The paper explores some key questions around the impact of taking part in youth theatre on young people\u2019s personal and social development. Overall they found that youth theatre created a protected space for young people to develop important personal and social skills and resources, whilst also confronting uncertainty and risk and therefore helping to prepare them for adult life.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2004'} {'Title': u'The role of arts participation in students\u2019 academic and nonacademic outcomes: a longitudinal study of school, home, and community factors.', 'Author email': 'andrew.martin@sydney.edu.au', 'keywords': '"Australia", "education", "motivation", "satisfaction", "school", "self-esteem", "survey"', 'linktitle': 'Arts engagement has a range of benefits for young people', 'Source': 'Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 105, Iss 3, pp 709-727', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0032795', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/05/arts-engagement-has-a-range-of-benefits-for-young-people/', 'Authors': 'Martin, A. J., Mansour, M., Anderson, M., Gibson, R., Liem, G. A. D. & Sudmalis, D.', 'description': u'This paper is about the role of arts engagement on the academic and non-academic outcomes of children and young people. It reports a large and multi-faceted study that found that even after controlling for other relevant factors, arts engagement was associated with increased academic and nonacademic performance (measured by enhanced self-esteem, life satisfaction motivation and engagement). The research found that the home life of the children made a bigger difference than school and community factors. In-school arts tuition tended \u2018to be associated more strongly with academic outcomes than non-school factors\u2019. Both academic and nonacademic outcomes were more strongly correlated with active arts participation than attendance at arts events.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Supporting student learning: a comparison of student discussion in museums and classrooms' , 'Author e mail': 'jennife r.dewitt@kcl.ac .uk', 'keyword s': '"children", "c lassroom" , "education", "learning", "museum", "observati on", "tal k", "UK", "USA "', 'linktitl e': 'Using tal k to affect le arning in mus eums', 'Sourc e': 'Visitor Studies, Vol 13, Iss 1, pp 4 1-66', 'Link': 'htt p://dx.do i.org/10.1080 /1064557100361 8758', 'uri': 'h ttp://www.culture case.org/research/2 014/04/us ing-talk-to-af fect-learning -in-museums/', 'Au thors': ' DeWitt, J. & Ho henstein, J.' , 'description': u'This paper examined the quality of children\u2019s talk to better understand the ways in which children learn in a museum setting. The research was based upon four separate school visits to the Science Museum in London and the New York Hall of Science. Conversations between children in the museum (and in subsequent lessons) indicated a high degree of co-operation which make for productive learning experiences. It also showed that the children were cognitively and emotionally engaged with the subject matter, especially while in the museum setting: a degree of engagement that was thought to enhance the learning potential of the visit.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerR eviewedResearch ', 'cesource': 'http://www.cu lturecase.org' , 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'Culturall y-based after-school arts programming for low-income urban children: adaptive and preventive effects', 'Author email' : 'masomn2@westat.com ', 'keywords': '"a t risk", "behavio ur", "children", "self-esteem", "U SA"', 'linktitle' : u'Using an after-school arts programme to help \u2018at-risk\u2019 children', 'Source': 'Th e Journal of Pri mary Prevention, V ol 22, Iss 1, pp 45-54', 'Link': 'http://link.spr inger.com/articl e/10.1023%2FA%3A 1011088114411', 'u ri': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org/re search/2014/04/using-an-a fter-school -arts-programme-t o-help-at-risk-children /', 'Autho rs': 'Mason, M. & Chuang, S.', 'des cription': u'This paper reports the findings from an intervention that sought to prevent anti-social and delinquent behavior amongst children from low-income families in Rochester, New York. They found that children in the after-school programme showed increased \u2018self-esteem, social skills, and in leadership competencies\u2019 when compared to a group of children who did not participate in the project.', 'ceDocType': 'Pee rReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication d ate': '2001'} {'Title': 'Expressing iden tity: the role of dialogue in teaching citizenship through art', 'Autho r email': 'f.collins@roehampton.ac.uk ', 'keywords': '"chil dren", "contemporar y art", "europea n union", "identi ty", "observation ", "UK", "visu al art"', 'linktitle': u'Using contemporary art to explore children\u2019s identity', 'Sourc e': 'Educatio n 3-13: Int ernational Journal of Primary, Elementa ry and Early Years Education , Vol 41, Iss 6, pp 617-632', 'Link': 'htt p://www.tandfon line.com/doi/ful l/10.1080/0300427 9.2011.631561#.U0uyM8 dw3dE', 'uri': 'http ://www.cu lturecase.o rg/research /2014/04/using- contemporary-art -to-explore-childr ens-identity/', 'Autho rs': 'Collins, F. & Ogier, S.', 'Open access lin k': 'http:/ /www.tandfonline. com/doi/fu ll/10.1080/03004279.2 011.631561', 'd escription': u'This paper describes what happened when primary school pupils in London participated in a project called Images and Identity, using digital art to interrogate the issue of identity in the context of the European Union. Through an approach that used contemporary art and the spirit of dialogue the children were able to arrive at an understanding of the complex and multi-layered nature of identity. One teacher reflected that \u2018by the end of the project, the teachers acknowledged that the children were more analytical of their personal identity within a wider community\u2019.', 'ce DocType': 'PeerReviewedRese arch', 'cesource': 'http ://www.culturec ase.org', 'Publ ication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Music les sons enhance IQ', 'Author email': 'g.schellenberg@utoron to.ca', 'keywords': '"behavio ur", "Canada" , "children", "control group", "experi ment", "IQ", "music" , "theat re"', 'linkti tle': 'Music lessons enha nce IQ while dra ma increases s ocial skills', 'S ource': 'Psycho logical Science, Vol 1 5, Iss 8, pp 511-514', 'Link': 'http ://pss .sagepub. com/content/15/ 8/511', 'uri': ' http://www.cul turecase.org/resear ch/2014/04/mus ic-lessons-enhan ce-iq-while-dram a-increases-soc ial-skills/', 'Author s': 'Sche llenberg, E. G .', 'Open acce ss link': 'htt p://www.utm.ut oronto.ca/~w3 psygs/04.PUB.H TML', 'description': u'The researchers randomly assigned 144 six year old Canadian children to one of four groups: one received music tuition for the keyboard, another got voice coaching using the Kodaly method, and (by way of contrast) two control groups: one that got drama lessons and a final group that received no tuition at all. They found that after the music lessons (whether voice or keyboard) children increased their IQ when compared with those in the drama and control groups. They concede that \u2018the effect was relatively small\u2019. They also found that children in the drama group improved their aptitude for social behavior in a way that was not detectible in the music or control group.' , 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedR esearch', 'cesource': 'http:/ /www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2004 '} {'Title': 'L earning through the arts: lessons of engagement', 'keywords': '"Ca nada", "children", "control group", "focus gro up", "in terview", "mat hs"', 'linktit le': u'Arts education can help with students\u2019 maths ability', 'Sou rce': 'Canadian Journal of Education, Vol 28, Iss 1-2, p p 109-127', 'L ink': 'http://w ww.csse-scee.c a/CJE/Articles/ CJE28-1-2.htm' , 'uri': 'http://www.cult urecase.org/re search/2014/04/arts-education-can-hel p-with-students- maths-ability/', 'Au thors': ' Smithrim, K., & Upitis, R. ', 'Open access link': 'http://www.csse -scee.ca/CJE/Articles/C JE28-1-2.htm', 'description': u'This paper sets out the results of a major research project examining the impact of the Learning Through the Arts (LTTA) programme in Canada. The LTTA is a model of arts education where professional artists develop a multi-year curriculum of activity that the artists then delivers directly to a group of students. The research took data from students aged 9-12 who had completed the programme and compared that with students from a series of \u2018control schools\u2019. They found that after three years in the programme students scored significantly higher than other students for maths.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch' , 'cesource': 'ht tp://www.cult urecase.org', 'Publication date': '2005'} {'Title': 'Who le brain learning: the fine arts with students at risk', 'Auth or email': 'Lrespress67@yahoo. com', 'keywords ': '"at risk", "behaviou r", "chil dren", "experim ent", "school" , "self-esteem", "USA"', 'linktitle': u'After-school arts programmes can increase the educational attainment of \u2018at-risk\u2019 students', 'Sou rce': 'Recl aiming Children & Youth, Vol 15, Iss 1, pp 24-31', 'Link': 'http://store. reclaimingjournal.c om/whole- brain-learning- the-fine-arts -with-students -at-risk.html ', 'uri': 'http://w ww.cultur ecase.org/resea rch/2014/04/af ter-school-arts-pr ogrammes -can-increase- the-educationa l-attainment-o f-at-risk-stude nts/', 'Autho rs': 'Respress, T. & Lutfi, G.', 'Open ac cess link' : 'http://recla imingjournal.com/si tes /default/files/journal- article-pdfs/15_ 1_Respress_ Lutf i.pdf', 'descr iption': u'This paper reports the results of an after-school arts programme in Florida. It attempted to develop the attainment of \u2018at-risk\u2019 African American students. The authors claim that the usual educational experience for children in America is heavily standardised \u2018one size fits all\u2019 approach that does not account for different learning styles and can leave some children at risk of boredom, underachievement and disruptive behavior. The experiment showed that students engaged in the arts programme significantly improved in self-esteem and academic achievement.' , 'ceDocType': 'PeerRe viewedResearch', ' cesource': 'http:// www.culturecase.org ', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'Impact of arts integration on voice, choice, and access', 'keywords': '"children", "f ocus group", "self-expression", "special educati onal needs", "USA"', 'linkt itle': 'The ar ts help childr en with specia l educational n eeds', ' Source': 'Tea cher Educatio n and Special Education: T he Journal of the Teache r Educatio n Division of the Council for Excep tional Children, Vol 31, Iss 1, pp 36- 46', 'Link' : 'http://tes.sag epub.com/content /31/1/36', 'uri': 'http ://www.cul turecase.org/resea rch/2014/04/the-arts-help-c hildren-wit h-special-educati onal-needs/', 'Au thors': 'Mason, C . Y., Steedly, K. M. & Thormann, M. S.', 'description': 'Thi s paper looks at the role of arts educ ation in the li fe of children with speci al educational ne eds. The rese archers conduct ed 34 focus grou ps in 16 states across the US to ident ify whether or no t arts-based e ducation has positive im pacts on acad emic, social, cogni tive and ar tistic abilities. The y found that the arts gave students an ability to express t hemselves, to di rect their own learning, and in a way that wa s on their terms.', ' ceDocType': 'Peer ReviewedResearc h', 'cesource' : 'http://www. culturecase.o rg', 'Publicatio n date': '2008'} {'Title': 'The effects of a creative dance and movement prog ram on the social competence of head start presc hoolers', 'Author email': 'awinsl er@gmu.edu', 'keywords': '"behaviour" , "children", "control group" , "dance", "mus ic", "USA"', 'linktit le': u'Dance can help improve young children\u2019s social skills', 'S ource': 'Social Development, Vol 15, Iss 3, pp 501-519', 'Link': 'http://onlinelibrar y.wiley.com/doi/1 0.1111/j.1467-9507.200 6.00353.x/ab stract', 'uri': 'htt p://www.culturec ase.org/research/2014/04 /dance-can-help- improve-young-chi ldrens-social-s kills/', 'Aut hors': 'Lobo, Y. B. & Winsler, A.', 'descri ption': 'T he paper repor ts the res ults of a n experiment i n the US where yo ung children from low-income f amilies par ticipated in a creative dance programme. When co mpared with a contro l group, the children in the dance pro gramme significantly im proved in social competence and reduced behaviour problems.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'Community-based arts program for youth in low-income communities: a multi-method evaluation', 'Author email': 'rwright@uwindsor.ca', 'keywords': '"at risk", "behaviour", "Canada", "children", "experiment", "interview", "parents", "performance", "school", "theatre"', 'linktitle': u'Theatre and performance can improve the social skills of \u2018at-risk\u2019 youth', 'Source': 'Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, Vol 23, Iss 5-6, pp 635-652', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10560-006-0079-0', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/theatre-and-performance-can-improve-the-social-skills-of-at-risk-youth/', 'Authors': 'Wright, R., John, L., Alaggia, R. & Sheel, J.', 'description': u'The paper reports the results of a substantial evaluation of a national arts education programme in Canada. The results suggest that high-quality arts programmes can improve children\u2019s behavior and emotional wellbeing. The research also found that these effects can be maximised through sustaining engagement in the programme and getting high levels of parental involvement with the child\u2019s development.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': "The impact of drama on pupils' language, mathematics, and attitude in two primary schools", 'Author email': 'm.p.fleming@durham.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"experiment", "maths", "performance", "school", "self-esteem", "theatre", "UK", "writing"', 'linktitle': u'Theatre programmes can increase children\u2019s maths ability', 'Source': 'Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, Vol 9, Iss 2, pp 177-197', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1356978042000255067', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/theatre-programmes-can-increase-childrens-maths-ability/', 'Authors': 'Fleming, M., Merrell, C. & Tymms, P.', 'Open access link': 'http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1356978042000255067#.U1ztG8dw3dE', 'description': u'The paper looks at a study conducted on schoolchildren who participated in the National Theatre\u2019s \u2018Transformation\u2019 project: it took place in a deprived neighbourhood in east London and was designed to improve the children\u2019s self-confidence and communication skills. They found that participants in the programme increased their self-esteem and improved in maths when compared to their contemporaries who did not take part in the scheme.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2004'} {'Title': " Effects of three years of piano instruction on children' s academic achievement, school p erformance and self -esteem", 'Author e mail': 'costagiom i@mail.utexas.edu', 'key words': '"C anada", "children ", "control group ", "experiment", "lesso n", "music" , "piano", "self -esteem"', 'linkt itle': u'Music lessons boost children\u2019s self-esteem', 'Sourc e': 'Psychology of Music, Vol 32, Iss 2, pp 139-152', 'Link': 'http://p om.sagepub.com/co ntent/32/2/139', 'uri': 'http://ww w.culturecase.org/ research/2013/12/music- lessons-bo ost-childrens-self -esteem/', 'Autho rs': 'Costa-Giomi, E.', 'descriptio n': u'The study looked at 117 nine year olds in Montreal, Canada who were not from privileged backgrounds. Half were given a piano at home and music lessons for three years; the other half constituted a carefully selected control group. The lessons were provided in school by professional teachers following a standard curriculum of technique and repertoire. The results indicated that \u2018there are specific benefits associated with piano instruction, especially the development of self-esteem\u2019 and the authors of the paper were confident that those benefits could be attributed to playing the musical instrument.', 'ceDoc Type': 'PeerReviewed Research', 'cesourc e': 'http://www.cultu recase.org', 'Publi cation date': '2004'} {'Title': 'Learning in the visual arts and worldviews of young children', 'Author email': ' jamesc@gseis .ucla.edu', 'k eywords': '"ch ildren", "cr eativity", " deprived", " drawing", "experi ment", "painting", "self-efficac y", "USA"', 'linkt itle': u'Intensive visual arts education improves children\u2019s creativity and self-efficacy', 'Source': 'Cambridge J ournal of Edu cation, Vol 37, Iss 4, pp 54 3-560', 'Link': 'http ://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10. 1080/030576407 01705898', 'uri': 'http:/ /www.culturecase.org/res earch/2 013/12/inten sive-visual- arts-educati on-improves-c hildrens-cr eativity-and -self-effic acy/', 'Autho rs': 'Catterall, J. S. & Pepp ler, K. A.', 'Open access link': 'http://kpeppler.com/wp-c ontent/upload s/2010/10/20 07_Peppler_W orldviews.p df', 'descri ption': u'The study looked at 179 students aged nine and 10 in Los Angeles and St Louis, USA who received \u2018sustained, arts-rich instructional experiences\u2019 led by two visual arts institutions in the cities over a period of five months. In both instances the schools were in highly deprived neighbourhoods. The results showed that the children who participated in the programme showed a significant growth in scores for creativity and self-efficacy (the sense that they have confidence in their ability to overcome problems and achieve goals) when compared with the comparison group.', 'ceDocT ype': 'PeerReview edResearch', 'c esource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publicatio n date': '2007'} {'Title': 'Enhancing pe er conflict resolution skills through drama: an experimental study', 'Author em ail': 'jamesc@gseis.ucla.edu', 'keywor ds': '"children", "dra ma", "education", "experim ent", "perf ormance", "pro blem-solving", "USA"', 'linktitle' : 'Drama helps stud ents work better in groups and solve pr oblems', 'Source': ' Research in Drama Educatio n: The Journal of Appli ed Theatre and Performance, Vol 12, I ss 2, pp 163-178', 'L ink': 'http://dx.doi .org/10.1080/13569780701 321013', 'uri': 'http ://www.culturecase. org/research/2013/12 /drama-helps-studen ts-work-better-in-gro ups-and-solve-problems/', 'Authors': 'Catteral l, J. S.', 'description ': u'This paper describes an experiment conducted with children using drama to enhance the acquisition of a range of social skills. The results showed that students who participated in the programme had significantly increased perceptions of their ability to work in groups, to solve problems and stronger self-efficacy (the sense that \u2018one can make things happen and overcome obstacles\u2019).', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResea rch', 'cesource': 'http: //www.culturecase.org', 'Pu blication da te': '2007'} {'Title': 'Brid ging and bonding in the academic melting pot: cultural resources and netw ork diversity', 'Author email': ' mbenedik@hun ter.cuny.ed u', 'keywords ': '"cohesion", "c ollege", "diversi ty", "friendships", "networks", "ra ce", "students", "survey", "USA"', 'linktitl e': 'The arts help people form div erse friendship groups', 'S ource': u'Sociological Forum, Vol 27, Iss 1, pp 46\u201369', 'Link': 'http ://onlinelibrary. wiley.com/doi /10.1111/j .1573-7861.2011.0130 1.x/abstra ct', 'uri': 'http ://www.culturecase.org/re search/2013/ 12/the-art s-help-people-f orm-d iverse-fr iendship-g roups/', ' Authors': 'Bened iktsson, M. O.', 'description': ' The paper explores the degree to which people with high levels of arts engagement form ethnical ly diverse friendship networks. The paper pres ents the results of a study tha t analysed da ta from a survey o f college students in t he US. Th e survey followe d just under 4000 students who w ere surveyed over repeated years at 27 different univ ersitie s. The r esults suggest that p eople enga ged in arts activit y tended to hav e more dive rse group s of friends than t he average college student.', 'ceDocType': 'Pe erReviewed Research' , 'cesource': ' http:/ /www.cultu recase.or g', 'Publication date ': '2012'} {'Title': 'How can contemporary art contribute toward the development of social and cultural capital for people aged 64 and older', 'Author email': 'anna.goulding@ncl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"contemporary art", "elderly", "focus group", "UK", "visual art", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'Using contemporary art to facilitate remembering and enhance wellbeing', 'Source': 'The Gerontologist, Vol 53, Iss 6, pp. 1009-1019', 'Link': 'http://gerontologist.oxfordjournals.org/content/53/6/1009', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/using-contemporary-art-to-facilitate-remembering-and-enhance-wellbeing/', 'Authors': 'Goulding, A.', 'Open access link': 'http://gerontologist.oxfordjournals.org/content/53/6/1009', 'description': 'This article describes how a visit to a contemporary art gallery can improve the wellbeing of elderly people, specifically by creating a bonding experience that allows people to share their memories and opinions about art. The research involved 19 people who were offered guided tours of three contemporary art galleries in the northeast of England (Shipley Art Gallery, the Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art and the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art). In focus-group discussions, they were asked about their experience of visiting the galleries and how it made them feel. The research found that the experience created strong social bonds between people at risk of isolation.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': u'\u2018It helps me make sense of the world\u2019: the role of an art intervention for promoting health and wellbeing in primary care\u2014perspectives of patients, health professionals and artists', 'Author email': 'dcrone@glos.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"art therapy", "focus group", "interview", "mental health", "UK", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'The health benefits of arts interventions in a primary care setting', 'Source': 'Journal of Public Health, Vol 20, Iss 5, pp 519-524', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10389-012-0495-x', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/the-health-benefits-of-arts-interventions-in-a-primary-care-setting/', 'Authors': u'Crone, D. M., O\u2019Connell, E. E., Tyson, P. J., Clark-Stone, F., Opher, S. & James, D. V. B.', 'description': 'This study involved patients suffering from a variety of conditions, including anxiety, stress, depression, chronic pain, illness or bereavement. The patients were referred by a health professional to a 10-week art programme that included ceramics, words, drawing, mosaic and painting. 10 patients, 5 artists and 3 health professionals took part in focus groups and interviews in order to evaluate the benefits of arts interventions within a primary care context. In particular, the study looked at the implications of a close interaction between healthcare professionals, artists and patients.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'In ternet use, social engagement and health lite racy decline during agein g in a longitud inal cohort of older Englis h adults', 'Author email': 'l.kobayashi.12 @ucl.ac.uk', 'keywords' : '"cognition", "el derly", "health literac y", "survey", " UK"', 'linktit le': 'Social act ivities protec t against heal th literacy decline in ol der age', 'Sour ce': 'Journal of Epi demiolog y & Community Health, Vol 69 , Iss 3, pp 278 -283', 'Link': 'http://jech.bmj.com/content/69/ 3/278', 'uri': 'http: //www.cu lturecase.org/r esearch/2015/0 5/social-activ ities-protect-a gainst-health-lite racy-decl ine-in-older-ag e/', 'Authors': 'Kob ayashi, L. C., Wardle, J. & von Wagner, C.', 'Open access li nk': 'http://je ch.bmj.com/con tent/69/3/278' , 'description' : u'This study investigated whether various activities protect against health literacy decline during ageing. Health literacy is the mix of functional literacy skills required to successfully manage one\u2019s health. Data came from 4,365 English men and women aged over 52 between 2004 and 2011. Results indicated that internet use and social activities, particularly cultural engagement, might assist older adults with maintaining health literacy during ageing.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerRe viewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecas e.org', 'Publicatio n date': '2015'} {'Title': u'Older people learning through contemporary visual art \u2013 engagement and barriers', 'Author email': 'anna.goulding@ncl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"contemporary art", "elde rly", "focus group", "UK", "visual art" ', 'linktitle': 'Engagement w ith contemp orary visual ar t can improve t he lives of old er people', 'Source': 'Int ernational J ournal of Art & Design Education, Vol 32, Iss 1, pp 18-32', 'Link': 'http://onlin elibrary.wiley.com/ doi/10.1111/j.147 6-8070.2013.01751.x/ abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.cu lturecase.org/resear ch/2015/05/enga gement-with-contemporary-vi sual-art-can-improve-th e-lives-o f-older-people /', 'Authors' : 'Goulding, A', 'description': u'Over a period of 21 months, 43 participants aged 60-92 visited three contemporary art galleries in the northeast of England. They listened to a talk before taking part in facilitated discussions in which personal responses to the artworks were encouraged. The study responds to the idea that developing effective lifelong learning opportunities for post-retirement people can have positive implications for the cultural, health and voluntary sectors. However, engagement in the arts decreases significantly in people over the age of 64.\xa0 Gender, disability, ethnic background and socio-economic group can impact upon participation, and education will often play a determining role in the level and frequency of engagement. How can galleries ensure that a diverse range of older people are able to benefit from engaging with contemporary visual art?', 'ceDocType': 'P eerReviewedResearch ', 'cesource': 'http://www.cu ltureca se.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Danc e 4 your life: exploring the health and well-be ing implications of a con temporary dance intervention for female adolesce nts.', 'keywords ': '"children", "dance", "UK", "wellbeing"', ' linktitle': 'Con temporary dance enhances physic al fitness and psychological wellbei ng', 'Sou rce': 'Research in Dance Educ ation, Vol 12, Iss 1, pp 53-66', 'Link': 'h ttp://www.tandfo nline.com/doi/abs/10.1 080/14647 893.2011.56130 6?journalCode=c rid20#.VHXHLYdq HXx', 'uri': 'ht tp://www.cultu recase.org/resea rch/2014/12/co ntemporary-dance-enhances- physical-fitness-and-psychological- wellbeing/', 'Aut hors': 'Connolly, M. K., Qui n, E. & Reddi ng, E.', 'descri ption': u'This study assessed the physiological and psychological impact of contemporary dance classes on 55 girls aged 14 from secondary schools in the UK as part of the Dance 4 Your Life scheme. Participants in the scheme experienced between 5-12 hours of classes for the duration of the project. Sessions were about an hour long and\xa0comprised a warm-up, structured contemporary technique exercises, creative and choreographic tasks and cool down. Results showed improvement on a number of physical fitness components as well as psychological wellbeing.', ' ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResear ch', 'cesource': 'h ttp://www.culturecase .org', 'Pu blication date': '2011'} {'Title': 'Are people who participate in cultural activities more satisfied with life?', 'Author email': 'jen nifer.brown@glas gow.ac.uk', 'ke ywords': '"par ticipatory", "s atisfaction", "s urvey", "UK", "wel lbeing"', 'linktitle': ' Participati ng in cul tural activities i s associa ted with higher levels of life satisfaction' , 'Source': 'S ocial Indicat ors Resear ch', 'Lin k': 'http: //link.s pringer. com/artic le/10.1007%2Fs11205-014- 0678-7', 'uri ': 'http://www. culturecase.org/resear ch/2014/09/pa rticipating-in- cultural-activ ities-is- associate d-with-h igher-lev els-of-life-sati sfaction /', 'Authors': 'B rown, J. L., M acDonald, R. & Mitchell, R.', 'Open access link': 'http://eprints.gla.ac.uk/948 48/', 'descrip tion': u'This study asked whether people who participate in cultural leisure activities have higher life satisfaction than people who do not. It used data from Understanding Society, a national survey completed by 40,000 people across the UK every two years. Within its broad range of questions, the survey asked people about their levels of engagement in 39 different cultural activities. It also asked people to rate their level of overall satisfaction with life. Results showed that participation in sport, heritage and \u2018active-creative\u2019 activities were associated with higher life satisfaction (regardless of a person\u2019s age, gender, household income, or occupation).', 'ce DocType': 'PeerRev iewedResearch', 'ceso urce': 'ht tp://www.culture case.org', 'Publicat ion date': '20 14'} {'Title': 'Music struc ture determines heart rate variability of singers', 'Aut hor email': 'bjorn.vickhoff@ neuro.gu.se', 'keyw ords': '"choral" , "experiment", "heart", "singi ng", "Sweden"', 'linktitle': 'Ch oral singing h as a soothin g effect on heart rate', 'Sou rce': 'Frontiers in Psychology, V ol 4, Iss 334', ' Link': 'http://j ournal.frontiersin.or g/Journal/10.3389/fpsy g.2013. 00334/full', 'uri': 'http://w ww.culturecase .org/research/2 014/05/choral-si nging-has-a-soothin g-effect- on-heart-rate /', 'Authors': u'Vickhoff, B., Malmgren, H., A\u030astro\u0308m, R., Nyberg, G., Ekstro\u0308m, S-R., Engwall, M., Snygg, J., Nilsson,, M. & Jo\u0308rnsten, R.', 'Open access link': 'http://journal. frontiersin.org/Jo urnal/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00334/full', 'd escription': u'This paper describes a study that showed how group singing affected the heart rate of 15 healthy 18 year olds in Sweden. They all spent five minutes humming, five minutes singing a well-known hymn, then five minutes singing a mantra. Each of the five-minute sessions was separated by a one-minute break. This experiment was complemented by a subsequent case study that sought to examine in greater detail the relationship between singing and various physiological processes: especially breathing and heart rate. Overall the research found that singing can have \u2018a biologically soothing effect, and [is] beneficial for cardiovascular function\u2019.', 'ceDocType' : 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource' : 'http://www.cultu recase.org', 'Publ ication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'The impact of professional conducted cultural programs on the physical health, mental health and social functioning of older adults', 'Author email': 'GENCOWDC@aol.com', 'keywords': '"choral", "elderly", "experiment", "health", "singing", "USA", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'Cultural activity can improve the health of older people', 'Source': u'The Gerontologist, Vol 46, Iss 6, pp 726\u2010734', 'Link': 'http://gerontologist.oxfordjournals.org/content/46/6/726.full', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/05/cultural-activity-can-improve-the-health-of-older-people/', 'Authors': 'Cohen, G. D., Perlstein, P., Chapline, J., Kelly, J., Firth, K. M. & Simmens, S.', 'Open access link': 'http://gerontologist.oxfordjournals.org/content/46/6/726.full', 'description': 'This paper reports the results of a study into the effects of a cultural programme on the physical and mental health of the elderly. The research is based on a study of 166 generally healthy people aged over 65 in the Washington DC area. The research found that after a year of engaging in a programme of cultural activities people improved their mental and physical health, were less reliant on medication, had fewer falls and fewer visits to the doctor when compared to a group of similar adults who had not participated in the activity. They also felt happier and less lonely and were generally more active.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'Musical experience offsets age-related delays in neural timing', 'Author email': 'nkraus@northwestern.edu', 'keywords': '"brain", "elderly", "experiment", "hearing", "music", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Lifelong musical experience can offset the effects that ageing has on the brain', 'Source': 'Neurobiology of Aging, Vol 33, Iss 7, pp 1483.e1-1483.e4', 'Link': 'http://www.neurobiologyofaging.org/article/S0197-4580%2811%2900547-1/abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/lifelong-musical-experience-can-offset-the-effects-that-ageing-has-on-the-brain/', 'Authors': 'Parbery-Clarke, A., Anderson, S., Hittner, E. & Krauss, N.', 'Open access link': 'http://www.soc.northwestern.edu/brainvolts/publications.php#2012', 'description': u'As people age their brains become slower in processing sound. Musical training is known to strengthen the ability of people\u2019s brains to process sound and so the paper reports the results of an experiment designed to test whether the brain functioning of older people can be sustained or improved with musical training.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': u'A mixed-methods study into ballet for people living with Parkinson\u2019s', 'Author email': 'sara.houston@roehampton.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"balance", "ballet", "dance", "elderly", "experiment", "observation", "parkinsons", "stability", "UK"', 'linktitle': u'Helping Parkinson\u2019s sufferers through ballet', 'Source': 'Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, Vol 5, Iss 2, pp 103-119', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17533015.2012.745580', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/helping-parkinsons-sufferers-through-ballet/', 'Authors': 'Houston, S. & McGill, A.', 'Open access link': 'http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17533015.2012.745580#.U10Wlsdw3dE', 'description': u'This paper reports the results of a 12 week programme for people suffering from Parkinson\u2019s Disease run by English National Ballet. The researchers observed how people responded to the sessions, conducting tests for balance, stability, posture, and discovering more about their general mood and wellbeing. They found improvements in balance and stability (though not posture) as a result of the sessions, concluding that \u2018dancing may offer benefit to people with Parkinson\u2019s through its intellectual, artistic, social and physical aspects\u2019.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'Cultural participa tion and health: a randomized control trial among medical care staff', 'Author e mail': 'lars-olov.bygren@prevnut.ki.se', 'keywor ds': '"c ontrol grou p", "experim ent", "health", "Sweden ", "wellbeing"' , 'linktitle': ' The arts may improve he alth, wellbeing and vi tality', ' Source': 'Psycho somatic Medicine, Vol 71, Iss 4, pp 469-473', 'Link': 'http://journa ls.lww.co m/psychosomaticmedi cine/Abstract/2009/050 00/Cultura l_Participation_a nd_Health__A_Rando mized.14.aspx', 'uri': 'http://ww w.culturecase. org/research/201 4/04/the-arts-may-impr ove-healt h-wellbeing-a nd-vital ity/', 'Auth ors': u'Bygren, L O, Weissglas, G, Wikstro\u0308m, B-M, Benson Konlaan, B, Grjibovski, A, Karlsson, A-B, Andersson, S-O & Sjostrom, M.', 'Ope n access li nk': 'http://journals.lww.com/ps ychosomaticmedicine/Full text/2009/05000/Cul tural_Participation_and_Healt h__A_Randomize d.14.aspx', 'd escription': u'The paper reports the results of an experiment in which 101 people were randomly assigned to either engage in an arts experience or do nothing artistic at all. The types of arts experiences ranged from attending concerts, cinema, exhibitions or singing in a choir. The researchers tested the health and wellbeing of each person and determined that even controlling for other factors \u2018fine arts stimulations improved perceived physical health, social functioning, and vitality\u2019.', 'ceDocType': 'Pee rReviewedResearch', 'cesour ce': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org', 'Publication date ': '2009'} {'Title ': 'The role of music in a salutogenic approach to health', 'keywords': '"art therapy", "health", "interview", "music ", "norway"', 'lin ktitle': 'Music can be used as a way for people to cont rol their mood an d environment', 'Source': 'Internati onal Journal of Me ntal Health Promo tion, Vol 12, Iss 2, p p 11-18', ' Link': 'http://dx .doi.org/10.108 0/14623730.2010. 9721809', 'uri': 'ht tp://www.culturecase. org/resear ch/2014/04/music- can-be-used-as-a-way -for-people-to-con trol-their-mood- and-environment/', 'Authors': 'Bat t-Rawden, K.' , 'description ': 'The resear ch asked people w ith long-term ill nesses in Norway th e role and significance that music played in t heir lives, and how they used music for specific health and wellb eing purposes. Alt hough cautious of d rawing conclusions from a small sample, the authors speculate that music may be an ef fective means by which people can exer cise some control over t heir environ ment and sense of t hemselves.', 'ceDoc Type': 'PeerRev iewedResearch', 'cesource': ' http://www. culturecase.org', 'Publication d ate': '2010'} {'Title': 'Effects of choir singing or listening on secretory immunoglobulin A, c ortisol and emotional state', ' Author email': 'gu nter.kreutz@uni-oldenburg.d e', 'keywords': '"cho ral", "experiment ", "Germany", "h ealth", "immune ", "music", "sin ging"', 'linktitle': ' Singing can help the immune system and improv e mood', 'Source' : u'Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Vol 27, Iss 6, pp 623\u2010635.', 'Link': 'h ttp://link.sprin ger.com/article/1 0.1007%2Fs10865-004-0006 -9', 'uri': 'http://www.cultur ecase.org/research/2014 /04/singi ng-can-help-the -immune-system-an d-improve-mood/ ', 'Authors': 'Kre utz, G., Bongard , S., Rohrmann, S. , Grebe, D., Bast ian, H.G. & Hodapp , V.', 'descriptio n': u'The research compared the levels of immunoglobulin A (S-IgA), cortisol and emotional states of people after they had participated in a choir practice with when they had simply listened to choral music. The research found that (compared to listening) those engaged in group singing increased their positive mood and levels of S-IgA. Since depletion of S-IgA is associated with tiring and stressful states, and S-IgA is crucial \u2018as the body\u2019s first line of defence against bacterial and viral infections of the upper respiratory pathway\u2019 this means that if music enhances S-IgA levels then it could be an important means of relieving stress and improving health.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResea rch', 'cesource': ' http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2004'} {'Title': 'A short-term intervention to enhance cognitive and affec tive functioning in older ad ults', 'Author e mail': 'helgan@e lmhurst.edu', ' keywords': '"cogn ition", "elderly", " experimen t", "quality o f life", "theatre", " USA", "visual art", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'Theatre trainin g can improve cog nitive function and p sychologi cal wellbeing of older people' , 'Source': 'Journal o f Aging a nd Health, Vol 1 6, Iss 4, pp 5 62-585', 'Link': 'http ://jah.sa gepub.com/conte nt/16/4/562', ' uri': 'http://www .culturecase.or g/research/2014/04/theat re-training-can- improve-cognitive-fun ction-and-psyc hological-wellb eing-of-older-p eople/', 'Author s': 'Noice, H., Noice, T. & Sta ines, G.', 'descripti on': 'This paper reports an experiment t o investigate t he benefits of a n acting programme on the cogn itive functioning and quality of lif e for elderly p eople in Illinois, USA. T hey found that t hose in the the atre programme m ade significant improvements in me mory, problem-so lving and psych ological wellbei ng when compared aga inst participants in a n art class and a co ntrol group. In follow-up tests th e cognitive benefits to the th eatre group were maintai ned four months later.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerRevi ewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturec ase.org', 'Publica tion date': '2004 '} {'Title': 'Commun ity-based arts program for youth in low-income com munities: a multi-method eva luation', 'Author email': 'rwrigh t@uwindsor.ca', 'keyw ords': '" at risk", "beha viour", "Canada", "children", "experim ent", "in terview", "pare nts", "performan ce", "school", " theatre"', 'linkt itle': u'Theatre and performance can improve the social skills of \u2018at-risk\u2019 youth', 'Sou rce': 'Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, Vol 23, Iss 5-6 , pp 635-652', 'Link': 'http:/ /link.springer.c om/article/10.1007%2Fs10560-006- 0079-0', 'u ri': 'http://www .culturecase.or g/research/2014/ 04/theatre-and-p erformance-can- improve-the-so cial-skills-of-at-risk-youth/', 'Au thors': 'Wright, R., John, L., Alag gia, R. & Sheel, J.', 'descripti on': u'The paper reports the results of a substantial evaluation of a national arts education programme in Canada. The results suggest that high-quality arts programmes can improve children\u2019s behavior and emotional wellbeing. The research also found that these effects can be maximised through sustaining engagement in the programme and getting high levels of parental involvement with the child\u2019s development.', 'ceDocTy pe': 'PeerReviewedRese arch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'The significance of choral singing for sustaining psychological wellbeing: findings from a survey of choristers in England, Australia and Germany', 'Author email': 'Stephen.clift@canterbury.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"choral", "cross-national", "health", "singing", "survey", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'Singing can sustain psychological wellbeing', 'Source': 'Music Performance Research, Vol 3, Iss 1, pp 79-96', 'Link': 'http://mpr-online.net/Issues/Volume%203.1%20Special%20Issue%20%5B2010%5D/Vol.3.1_Contents.html', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/singing-can-sustain-psychological-wellbeing/', 'Authors': 'Clift, S. & Hancox, G.', 'Open access link': 'http://mpr-online.net/Issues/Volume%203.1%20Special%20Issue%20%5B2010%5D/Clift%20Published%20Web%20Version.pdf', 'description': u'This paper reports the results of a study of 1124 choral singers from Australia, Germany and England. The choirs varied greatly in character, make-up and repertoire. The study asked about people\u2019s singing experiences and their health. The survey focused primarily on asking what effects (if any) singing in a choir had on the respondent\u2019s quality of life, social or psychological wellbeing, and physical health. The vast majority of participants in the study reported some benefit from choral singing. The results showed a significant correlation between psychological wellbeing in women and the degree to which they felt they benefited from singing (this was not detected in men). It also showed that some people used singing as a mechanism to cope with difficult life circumstances.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'Arts and the perceived quality of life in British Columbia', 'Author email': 'michalos@unbc.ca', 'keywords': '"Canada", "health", "population", "quality of life", "satisfaction", "survey", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'Arts engagement has a positive effect on quality of life', 'Source': 'Social Indicators Research, Vol 96, Iss 1, pp 1-39', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11205-009-9466-1', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/arts-engagement-has-a-positive-effect-on-quality-of-life/', 'Authors': 'Michalos, A.C. & Kahlke, P.M.', 'description': 'This paper reports the findings of a large-scale survey that was designed specifically to measure the impact of arts engagement on the quality of life of the population of British Columbia in Canada. The results from a representative sample of the population suggested that more than 75 per cent thought that their artistic activities had either a positive effect on their life, helped relieve stress, gave them self-confidence, strengthened their community or contributed to their wellbeing. However, the exact relationship between arts engagement and these outcomes is more complex than might seem at first.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'Art after stroke: the qualitative experience of community dwelling stroke survivors in a group art programme', 'Author email': 'jennifer.white@hnehealth.nsw.gov.au', 'keywords': '"art therapy", "Australia", "drawing", "focus group", "interview", "painting", "stroke"', 'linktitle': u'Art therapy improves stroke victims\u2019 quality of life', 'Source': u'Disability and rehabilitation, Vol 33, Iss 23-24, pp 2346\u20132355', 'Link': 'http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/09638288.2011.571333', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/art-therapy-improves-stroke-victims-quality-of-life-2/', 'Authors': 'Beesley, K., White, J.H., Alston, M.K., Sweetapple, A.L. & Pollack, M.', 'description': u'This paper presents the results of a series of interviews conducted with people in New South Wales, Australia who were participating in art therapy programmes after having suffered a stroke. Involvement in the art therapy \u2018proved to have benefits for participants\u2019 confidence, self-efficacy, community participation and quality of life\u2019.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2011'} {'Title ': 'A multi-centre randomized control group trial on the use o f art therapy for older people with dementia', 'Aut hor email': 'J.Rusted@sussex. ac.uk', 'keyw ords': '"art", "art t herapy", "dement ia", "elderly", "expe riment", "randomised c ontrol trial", "UK" ', 'linktitle': 'Art t herapy makes dementia pa tients more a lert and engaged', 'Source': 'Group Anal ysis, Vol 39, Iss 4, pp 517-536', 'Link' : 'htt p://gaq.sag epub.com/conte nt/39/4/517 ', 'uri': 'h ttp://www.cult urecase.org/ research/201 3/12/art-the rapy-makes- dementia-pat ients-more-a lert-and-engaged/', 'A uthors' : 'Rusted, J. , Sheppard, L. & Waller, D.', 'description' : u'This paper reports an experiment designed to test the effectiveness of art therapy on older people with dementia. The study took place in Sussex, UK. The sessions involved a mix of drawing, painting, collage and sculpting. The study found that art therapy provided long-term benefits to the patient\u2019s \u2018mental alertness, sociability, physical and social engagement\u2019.', 'c eDocType': 'PeerR eviewedResear ch', 'cesourc e': 'http://w ww.cu lturecase .org', 'Publication date ': '2006'} {'Title': 'Attendanc e at cultural events, reading books or periodica ls, and making music or si nging in a choi r as determinants fo r surviva l: Swedish inte rview survey of living conditio ns', 'Author em ail': 'lars.ol ov.bygren@socmed.umu.se', 'keyword s': '"att endance", "longevity", "mortality", "p opulation", "s urvey", "survival", "S weden"' , 'linktitle': ' People who freq uently attend cultural events t end to live longe r', 'Source': 'Br itish Medical Jo urnal, Vol 313, p p 1577-1580', 'Link': 'http:// www.bm j.com/cont ent/313/7072/1577 ', 'uri': 'http:// www.culturecase.or g/research/2013 /12/people-who-fr equently-attend-cu ltural-events-te nd-to-live-longer/ ', 'Authors': 'Byg ren, L. O., Benson, B. & Joh ansson, S-E.', 'Open a ccess lin k': 'http://www.n cbi.nlm.nih.go v/pmc/articles/ PMC2359094/', 'description' : u'By looking at a survey of people over a 10 year period the researchers were able to assess the impact of cultural engagement on survival. They are cautious because they suspect that many of the things that make someone likely to engage in culture are also factors that are known to predict good health and survival. However, after controlling for all those factors the authors were able to say that \u2018our results show that people attending cultural events seem to live longer than those who attend rarely\u2019.', 'c eDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesour ce': 'http://www.culturecas e.org', ' Publication d ate': '1996'} {'Title': 'Leisure particip ation predicts survival: A population-based study in Finland', 'Author email': 'markk u.hyyppa@ktl .fi', 'keywords ': '"Finlan d", "heal th", "le isure", "li festyle", " longevity" , "mortalit y", "popula tion", "s urvey", "survi val"', 'linktitle ': 'An active cultu ral l ife helps people live longer', 'Source ': 'Health Promo tion Intern ational, Vol 21, Iss 1, pp 5-12.', 'Link': 'http:// heapro.oxfordjo urnals.org/content/21/ 1/5.full' , 'uri': ' http://www.cult urecase .org/resea rch/2013/ 12/an-acti ve-cultural-life-helps- people-l ive-longer/' , 'Authors' : 'Hyyppa, M. T., M aki, J., Impivaara, O. & Aromaa, A.', 'O pen access link': 'htt p://heapro.oxfor djournals.org/co ntent/21/1/5.fu ll', 'descript ion': 'This p aper examined data from a survey from the 1970s in Fin land which followed a nationall y representative sample of adult s (aged 30+) over a 20 year perio d. It found that participation in cultur al activities leads to a longer life, this is esp ecially true f or men.', 'ceDocTyp e': 'PeerRevie wedResearch', 'cesource': 'h ttp://www.cult urecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'The effects of active and passive participation in m usical activity on the immune system as measured by s alivary immun oglobulin A (S igA)', 'keywor ds': '"active", "drumming", "e xperiment", "h ealth", "immune", "li stening", "liv e", "music", "p assive", "play ing", "singin g", "USA"', 'l inktitle': 'Playing mu sic and singing can help you r immune syst em', 'Source': 'Journa l of Music Therapy, Vol 39, Iss 1, pp 3 0-39', 'Link': 'ht tp://jmt. oxfordjournals .org/content/3 9/1/30.abstra ct', 'uri': 'h ttp://www.cul turecase.org/resea rch/2013/12/pla ying-music-and-singing-ca n-help-your-im mune-system/', 'Authors': ' Kuhn, D.', 'description': 'This paper reports a study w hich tested whethe r or not musical a ctivity support s the immune system. The research fo und that playing music o r singing has a much greater eff ect on supporti ng the immune system than simply listen ing to live music , or doi ng nothing m usical at all.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2002'} {'Title': 'The interaction between culture, health and psychological well-being: data mining from the Italian culture and well-being project.', 'Author email': 'enzo.grossi@bracco.com', 'keywords': '"health", "Italy", "population", "social", "survey", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'Cultural engagement can bring you psychological wellbeing', 'Source': 'Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol 13, Iss 1, pp 129-148', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10902-011-9254-x', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2013/12/cultural-engagement-can-bring-you-psychological-wellbeing/', 'Authors': 'Grossi, E., Blessi, G T., Sacco, P L. & Buscema, M.', 'description': 'The data for this study came from a survey of a representative sample of 1,500 Italian adults that measured the wellbeing of respondents, along with how much cultural activity (including sports participation and attendance) they had undertaken in the last year. A range of additional demographic information was also collected about each respondent. The paper showed that high levels of cultural engagement are significantly associated with high levels of wellbeing.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'Cultural value and cultural policy: some evidence from the world of live music', 'Author email': 'm.t.brennan@ed.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"focus group", "interview", "intrinsic", "music", "survey", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Attempting to measure the instrinsic value of live music', 'Source': 'International Journal of Cultural Policy, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2014.987668', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2014.987668', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/attempting-to-measure-the-instrinsic-value-of-live-music/', 'Authors': 'Behr, A., Brennan, M. & Cloonan, M.', 'Open access link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2014.987668', 'description': u'This paper examined how various people (particularly concert-goers) articulate the value of live music. The paper looked specifically at six concerts across a range of genres at the Queen\u2019s Hall in Edinburgh: a 900 seat venue (in a converted church) putting on 200 live music events a year. It has a mix of income from public and commercial sources.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': 'How does fi ction reading influence empathy? An experimental investigation on the role of emotional transp ortation', 'Author email': 'p.m.bal@ vu.nl', 'keywords': '"books", "experi ment", "fiction", " literature", "reading", "the netherla nds"', 'lin ktitle': 'Reading fiction is re l ated to developi ng empathic skills ', 'Source': 'PLoS ONE Vol 8, Iss 1, e5 5341', 'Link': ' http://www .plosone.org/a rticle/info%3Ad oi%2F10.1371%2Fjou rnal.pone.0055341', 'uri': 'http://www.cu lturecase.o rg/research/2014/12/reading-fi ction-is-related-to -developing-empathic-s kills/', ' Authors': 'Bal, P . M. & Veltkamp, M.', 'Open acce ss link': 'http://opus.bath.a c.uk/41120/', 'de scription': u'This study reports two experiments designed to measure changes in readers\u2019 empathic skills over one week by getting participants to read either fiction or non-fiction writing. In the fiction groups, students were randomly allocated to read excerpts from work by either Arthur Conan Doyle or Jos\xe9 Saramago. The two non-fiction groups were given newspaper articles to read. Immediately after reading the texts, subjects were assessed for emotional transportation. Empathy was measured directly before and after the experiment as well as one week later.\xa0 Personal change was more likely to occur when becoming emotionally involved in the fictional story, and non-fiction readers were not similarly affected.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResea rch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.or g', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'How community dance leads to positive outcomes: a se lf-determination theory per spective', 'Aut hor email': 'jxn 016@bham.ac.uk ', 'keywords': ' "community", " dance", "experi ence", "survey ", "UK"', 'linkti tle': 'Setting the righ t condit ions for commun ity dance', 'Source': u'Journal of Applied Arts & Health, Vol 2,\xa0Iss 3, pp 257-272', 'Link' : 'http://www.ingentaconnec t.com/content/in tellect/jaah/2 012/00000002/000 00003/art00005', 'uri': 'h ttp://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/se tting-the-right-condit ions-for-community- dance/', 'Autho rs': 'Norfield , J. & Nordin Ba tes, S.', 'description': 'Th is paper lo oked at what condit ions are needed to maximise the posit ive benefits of co mmunity dance b y engendering a sense of satis faction, enjoyment and motivation. The authors have a wide definition fo r community dance: encompassing a ra nge of dance sty les and program me structures. By surveying 84 peopl e from 11 different dance groups they foun d that when comm unity dance is true to the principle s of friendliness, encourag ement, and social inclusion, people derive maximum benefits from the exper ience.', 'ceDocType' : 'PeerReviewedRese arch', 'cesource': 'h ttp://www.cultur ecase.org', 'Pu blication date': '2011'} {'Title': 'Measuri ng the intrinsic benefits of arts attendance', 'Author email': 'katya.johanson @deakin.edu.au', 'keywords': '"attendance", "audience", "Australia", "experien ce", "focus gro up", "index", "th eatre"', 'linktitle ': 'Measuring intrinsic be nefits of t heatre with the Arts Audience Ex perience Ind ex', 'Source ': 'Cultural Trends, Vol 19, Iss 4, pp 307-3 24', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080 /09548963. 2010.515005', 'uri': 'http ://www.cult urecase.org/resea rch/2014/04/measuri ng-intrinsic-bene fits-of-theatre-wi th-the-arts-audie nce-experience -index/', ' Authors': 'R adbourne, J., Glow, H. & Johanson, K .', 'description': 'Th is paper su mmarises the early development of the Arts Audience Experience Index by researche rs and arts or ganisations i n Australia. It is an adaptab le tool that can be used to measur e the intrinsic impacts of atten dance at arts eve nts across four general th emes: knowledge, risk, aut henticity and collective engagement. The Index is a w ay of generating comparable an d quant ifiable sco res for the way in whic h arts org anisations benefit their audiences. The score is arr ived at by asking audi ence membe rs about a range of s tatements t hat test the degree to which th e perfo rmance they have just seen match es their expectations.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': u'Examining \u201cresponse\u201d: video-based studies in museums and galleries', 'Author email': 'dirk.vom_lehn@kcl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"gallery", "gesture", "interpretation", "museum", "observation", "response", "talk", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Social interaction in a gallery shapes our reception to art', 'Source': '2010', 'Link': 'http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=1750-6182&volume=4&issue=1&articleid=1852544&show=html', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/social-interaction-in-a-gallery-shapes-our-reception-to-art/', 'Authors': 'vom Lehn, D.', 'Open access link': 'https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/examining-response-videobased-studies-in-museums-and-galleries%28eff30ece-891f-40b4-ba1f-173c2315e798%29.html', 'description': u'This paper is primarily about the potential of audio-visual recording as a tool to understand the reactions that people have when encountering art in a museum. But there are useful findings that can help inform our understanding of the impact of art and how that impact occurs. The research found that the moment of interaction with an artwork in a gallery is a social one. In addition to collecting video recordings they also observed people\u2019s behaviour and interviewed museum staff and visitors.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': 'International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol 4 Iss 1, pp 33-43'} {'Title': 'A strategic logic for arts marketing', 'keywords': '"aethetics", "co-production", "experience", "impact", "marketing", "value"', 'linktitle': 'The artistic experience is not created for the consumer, but co-created with them', 'Source': 'International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 12, Iss 1, pp 73-92', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10286630600613333', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/the-artistic-experience-is-not-created-for-the-consumer-but-co-created-with-them/', 'Authors': 'Boorsma, M.', 'description': 'This paper charts the theories that have underpinned arts marketing in the last 20 years. It suggests that incorporating contemporary aesthetic philosophy could lead to a radical shift in arts marketing practice. Rather than allowing either the customer- or artist-centred approach to prevail, the author sets out a more strategic approach that aligns practical marketing activity with theories of aesthetics to achieve the greatest possible artistic impact and value.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'Why dance? The motivations of an unlikely group of dancers', 'keywords': '"amateur", "dance", "interview", "motivation", "performance", "tap", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Dance classes allow people to test themselves and explore new identities', 'Source': 'Music and Arts in Action, Vol 1, Iss 2', 'Link': 'http://musicandartsinaction.net/index.php/maia/article/view/whydance', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/dance-classes-allow-people-to-test-themselves-and-explore-new-identities/', 'Authors': 'Lawson, H. M.', 'Open access link': 'http://musicandartsinaction.net/index.php/maia/article/view/whydance', 'description': u'The paper reports the results of in-depth interviews with participants in a tap dance group in Pennsylvania, USA. The interviews suggested that people dance for the following general reasons: keeping fit (both physically and mentally), seeking stability and relief from the day-to-day, a sense of community, capturing the vitality of life (even when old), freeing one\u2019s spirit and inhabiting a new identity (and conspicuous ownership of that identity).', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2009'} {'Title': u'\u201cA big part of my life\u201d: a qualitative study of the impact of theatre', 'Author email ': 'B.Walmsley@leeds.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"audience", "Australia", "catharsis", "ex perience", "flow", "social", "survey", "th eatre", "UK"', 'lin ktitle': 'Theatre allo ws people to lose themselves for a moment, and find new ways of viewing the world', 'Source': 'Arts Mar keting: An Interna tional Journal, Vol 3, Iss 1, pp 7 3-87', 'Link': 'http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ journals.htm?issn=204 4-2084&volume=3&iss ue=1&articleid=17088443', 'uri': 'http://www.culture case.org/research/20 13/12/theatre-allows-pe ople-to-lo se-themselves-for -a-moment-and-find -new-ways-of-viewin g-the-world/', 'Aut hors': 'Walmsley, B.', 'Ope n access li nk': 'http://www.em eraldinsight.com /journals.htm?iss n=2044-2084&volum e=3&issue=1&articleid=1 7088443', 'description': u'The paper looks at the intrinsic impact of theatre on its audiences. It does so in language used by audiences themselves. The research identified general themes of \u2018emotion, captivation, engagement, enrichment, escapism, wellbeing, world view and addiction\u2019 that describe the types of impact that theatre has on people. The author surmises that \u2018catharsis\u2019 and \u2018flow\u2019 are key aspects of the theatregoing experience that encourage the full force of these impacts.', 'ceDocType ': 'PeerReviewedResearch', ' cesource': 'http://www. culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'When words arrive: a qualitative study of poetry as a community development tool', 'Author email': 'sandra.dennisonsjollema@mail .mcgill.ca', 'keywords': '"Canada", "communi ty", "developme nt", "intervi ew", "poetry"' , 'linktitle': 'Poetry as a pos itive comm unity developm ent tool', 'S ource': 'Comm unity Dev elopment Journal, Vol 49, Is s 1, pp 54-68' , 'Link': 'http: //cdj.oxfordjournals .org/conte nt/49/1/54', 'uri': 'http:// www.cultureca se.org/resea rch/2015/0 5/poetry-as-a-p ositive -community-d evelopment-t ool/', 'Authors': ' Sjollema, S. D . & Hanley, J.', 'd escript ion': 'This paper sought to inves tigate th e impact of poetry fo r community d evelopment. The study f ound that poe try groups are used as a tool for co mmunity development in communit y settings , generatin g numerous benefit s for bo th disadvantaged populations as w ell as partici pants from ot her demographics, includi ng educated and middle cla ss pop ulations. In particular, participan ts develop ed a greater sense of agency an d social cap ital.', ' ceDocType' : 'PeerRevi ewedResearc h', 'cesource': 'http:// www.culture case.org', 'Publi cation date ': '2014'} {'Title': 'A bot tom-up art event gave birth to a process of community empowerment in an Italian villa ge', 'Auth or email': 'epide miologia.unica @gmail.com', 'keywords' : '"commun ity", "health", " impact", "Italy ", "performance" ', 'linktitle': 'How a n art pro ject empowered a Sardinian vill age', 'Source': ' Global Health Promoti on, Vol 1 9, Iss 1 pp 5-13 ', 'Link': 'http: //ped.sagepub.com/co ntent/19/ 1/5', 'uri': 'http: //www.culturecas e.org/research/ 2015/05/how-an-a rt-project-empow ered-a-sardinia n-village/', 'Authors': 'Sar du, C., Mereu, A., Sotgiu, A., & Contu, P.', 'des cription': 'This paper tells the story of how a community a rts project in 1979 galvanised the inh abitants o f a village in Sar dinia, leaving them empowered to develop together as a cohere nt unit, ra ther than as an a ssembly of indiv iduals. The paper iden tified a variety of outcomes resulting fr om the arts proje ct, all of which indic ate how the community was stren gthened through t heir encounter w ith it.', 'ceDocT ype': 'PeerRevie wedResearch', ' cesource': 'http://www.cu lturecase. org', 'Public ation date': '201 2'} {'Title': ' The potentials of art to involve citizens i n regional transitions : exploring a site-spe cific pe rformance in Haarzuilens, the Nether lands', 'Aut hor email': 'm arian.stui ver@wur.nl', 'k eywords' : '"developme nt", "placemaking" , "planning", "the n etherlands", "theatre"', 'lin ktitle': 'Art can h elp invo lve cit izens in local planning p rocesses', 'Source': 'Community Developmen t Journal, Vol 48, Iss 2, pp 2 98-312' , 'Link': 'http ://cdj.oxfordjo urnals.org/content/48 /2/298', ' uri': 'http://www .culturecase. org/resea rch/2015 /05/art-c an-help-i nvolve-citize ns-in-local-planning-processes /', ' Authors' : 'Stuiv er, M., van der Jagt, P ., van Erven, E., & Hoving, I.', 'desc ription': u'This study looked at the potential of art as a way of involving citizens in the processes of regional transitions. In this article, researches asked whether artwork based on narratives and created in collaboration between artists and local residents can help planners achieve a more community-based process for planning. They found that artists working with local communities can reveal valuable information about local people\u2019s connection to a place.', 'ce DocType': 'Pe erReviewedRese arch', 'c esource' : 'http://ww w.culturec ase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Art and community development: the role the arts have in regenerating communities', 'keywords': '"development", "evaluation", "regeneration", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'The arts have an important role in regenerating communities', 'Source': 'Community Development Journal, Vol 35, Iss 4, pp 414-424', 'Link': 'http://cdj.oxfordjournals.org/content/35/4/414', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/the-arts-have-an-important-role-in-regenerating-communities/', 'Authors': 'Kay, A.', 'description': 'This article is based on a study of four arts projects in Scotland, each had an important role to play in local regeneration programmes. It found that, overall, art projects are versatile, can be used in training and employment, appeal to young people and to the most marginalised in society, are good at encouraging investment, and aid community development through active citizenship. It also pointed to the importance of proper evaluation methods for art projects and the need for better tools for measuring impact.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2000'} {'Title': 'Art spaces, public space, and the link to community development', 'Author email': 'grodach@uta.edu', 'keywords': '"community", "neighbourhood", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Art spaces can act as community spaces', 'Source': 'Community Development Journal, Vol 45, Iss 4, pp 474-493', 'Link': 'http://cdj.oxfordjournals.org/content/45/4/474', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/art-spaces-can-act-as-community-spaces/', 'Authors': 'Grodach, C', 'description': 'This research explored the role of community arts spaces in providing public space and in this way supporting community development. It provides a comprehensive inventory of community art spaces (such as artist cooperatives, ethnic-specific art spaces and city-sponsored art centres) in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, the research showed that community art spaces play important roles related to community development, but that they also face challenges in fulfilling their potential. These challenges relate to their structures, programming, their buildings, and their location in the city.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'What next for the creative city?', 'keywords': '"cities", "creativity", "policy"', 'linktitle': u'Fostering creativity by building the \u2018good city\u2019', 'Source': 'City, Culture and Society, Vol 5, Iss 3, pp 165-170', 'Link': 'http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187791661400023X', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/03/fostering-creativity-by-building-the-good-city/', 'Authors': u'O\u2019Connor, J. & Shaw, K.', 'description': u'Many accounts of the \u2018creative city\u2019 stress the economic benefits of the arts. This paper argues that the arts also play an integral role in fostering inclusive urban communities. Furthermore, that the centuries-old concept of the \u2018good city\u2019 should be revived to support the creative vibrancy of cities in the future.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': 'The location patte rns of artistic clusters: A metro- and neighborhood-level analysis', 'Autho r email': 'carl.grodach@qut.edu.au', 'keywords': '"c ensus", "innovation", "neighbourhood", "policy", "USA" ', 'linktitle': u'Understanding \u2018place\u2019 in arts-driven urban development', 'Source': ' Urban Studies, Vo l 5 1, Is s 13, pp 2822-2 843', 'Link': 'http://usj.sagepub. com/content/51/13/ 2822.short', 'ur i': 'http://www. culturecase.org/ research/2015/03/underst anding-pl ace-in-arts-dri ven-urban-devel opment/', 'Auth ors': 'Grodach, C ., Currid-Halke tt, E., Foster, N., Mur doch III, J.', 'Open acce ss link': 'http://arts.gov/sites /default/files/Research-Art -Works-Arlington1.pdf', 'description': u'Do location factors such as affordable rent, neighbourhood aesthetics, and demographic diversity always predict the formation of artistic clusters in the United States? This paper argues not, and that previous research is limited by its focus on prominent metro areas with pre-established cultural industries, places like New York or Los Angeles. The researchers analysed census data at a highly detailed geographic level to search for patterns across a wide array of US cities of varying sizes. They conclude that rather than looking for generalisable trends, we should instead be thinking \u2018local\u2019, since every arts cluster is necessarily place-specific.', 'c eDocType': 'PeerR eviewedResearch' , 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.or g', 'Public ation date': '2014'} {'Title': 'The 2010 Cult ural Olympiad: playing for the global or local stage?', 'keywo rds': '"audience", "Canada", " major events", "med ia", "olympics"', 'l inktitle': 'Using mega events to in crease profile an d reach audiences ', 'Source': 'Intern ational Journal of Cultur al Policy, Vol 18, Is s 2, pp 131-150', 'Link' : 'http://www.tand fonline.com/doi/f ull/10.1080/10286 632.2011.567332#. VHinRoeCU1Y', 'ur i': 'http://www.culturecase.o rg/research/ 2014/12/using-mega -events-to-increa se-profile-and-re ach-audiences/', 'A uthors': 'Low, D & Hall, P. V.', 'de scription': 'This paper looks at th e benefits of hos ting a Cultural O lympiad for diff erent kinds of ar ts organisations in the host city . It takes Vancou ver 2010 as an e xample and argues that hosting a C ultural Olympiad is not necessarily b eneficial for eve ryone. The local arts sector is oft en promised better results than they actually get. Howeve r, their success also depe nds on how the different org anisations approac h their audiences. ', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResea rch', 'cesource': ' http://www.cultu recase.org', 'Publ ication date': '201 2'} {'Title': 'Urban r egeneration, arts programming and major events', 'keywords': '"B arcelona", "development", "Glasgow", "majo r events", "regene ration", "Sydney"' , 'linktitle': 'Th e role of the arts in even t-led regene ration polici es', 'Source': 'Int ernational Journal of Cultur al Policy, Vol 10, Iss 1, pp 103-118', 'Link': 'http: //www.tandfonline .com/doi/ab s/10.1080/1028663042000212355#.VHijP4eCU1Y', ' uri': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org/r esearch/2014/12/the-role-of-the-arts-i n-event-led-regene ration-policies/' , 'Authors': u'Garc\xeda, B.', 'desc ription': u'This paper argues that event-led urban regeneration strategies do not necessarily lead to the development of sustainable arts programming. It recommends a more balanced and locally embedded approach towards city renewal through arts and culture. The paper features three case studies:\xa0 Glasgow 1990 \u2013 European City of Culture; Sydney 2000 \u2013 Olympic Games; and Barcelona 2004 \u2013 Universal Forum for Cultures.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerRevie wedResearch', 'cesour ce': 'http://www.culturecas e.org', 'Publicati on date': '2004'} {'Title': 'Artful business: using the arts for community economic d evelopment', 'Author email': 'rphill ips@purdue.edu', 'keyw ords': '"business", "c ommunity", "developme nt", "neighbourhood", "tourism", "USA"', 'l inktitle': 'Four types of arts-b ased community development', 'Sou rce': 'Community Develo pment Journal, Vol 39 , Iss 2, pp 112-122', 'Link': 'http ://cdj.oxford journals.org/conte nt/39/2/112.abstract ', 'uri': 'http://w ww.culturecase.org/re search/2014/04/four- types-of-arts-based-c ommunity-development /', 'Authors': 'Phill ips, R.', 'description' : 'This paper identifies f our general types of arts-based community development progra mme: arts business incu bators, ar ts cooperatives, to urist venues an d comprehensive appr oaches. Each is illustrat ed with a shot vignette from a location in the US .', 'ceDo cType': 'PeerRe viewedResearch', 'cesource': 'ht tp://www.culturecase.org' , 'Publicati on date': '2004'} {'Title': 'Taxed: ho w one-tenth of one percent transformed Denver', 'Author emai l': 'elmcclearn@gmail.com', 'keywords' : '"child ren", "economi c", "subsidy", "ta x", "tourism", " USA"', 'linktitle': 'Capitalising o n the public value of the arts in Denver, Colorado ', 'Source': 'The Journal of Arts Ma nagement, Law, and Society, Vol 40, Iss 3, pp 184-199', 'Link': 'http://www.tandfon line.com/doi/full /10.1080/10632 921.2010.50463 7#.Uzcp3V7R3dE' , 'uri': 'http: //www.culturecase. org/research/2014/0 4/capitalising-on-th e-public-value-of- the-arts-in-denv er-colorado/' , 'Authors' : 'McClearn, E. L. ', 'description': 'This paper tells the st ory of what happened in Denver, Co lorado after t he local population voted t o approve a small local sales tax to directly fund the arts. This was a popular m ove that b olstered the ability of arts organi sations to fulfil a role th at brought a ra nge of instrumental benefi ts to the city.', 'ceDoc Type': 'PeerReviewedResearc h', 'cesource ': 'http://www.cultu recase.org ', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'Ho w US cultural districts reshape neighbourhoods', 'Author emai l': 'noonand@iupui.edu', 'keywords': '"census", "c ultural distr icts", "employment", "income", "neighbourhood", "propert y", "USA"', 'linktitle' : 'Successful cultural districts increase employment and income', 'Sour ce': 'Cultural Trends, Vol 22, Iss 3-4, pp 20 3-212', 'Link': 'http:/ /dx.doi.org/10.1080/095 48963.2013.817652', ' uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/re search/2014/0 4/successful-cultural- districts-increase-employm ent-and-inco me/', 'Authors': 'No onan, D. S.', 'Open a ccess link': 'https:// scholarworks.iupui. edu/handle/1 805/3571', 'descript ion': u'The paper takes a look at the impacts that \u2018cultural districts\u2019 had on their neighbourhoods, towns and cities. Specifically the research analysed data from 99 cultural districts in the US to examine whether cultural districts increased income, employment, diversity, property values, education levels and retention of residents. The results suggest that cultural districts \u2018appear to boost property values, incomes, employment, and turnover in the vicinity\u2019, however they also are likely to displace poor residents.', 'ceDoc Type': 'PeerReviewedRe search', 'cesource': ' http://www .culturecase. org', 'Publicat ion date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Cultural clust ers: the implications of cultural assets agglomerat ion for neighborhood revita lization', 'Aut hor email': 'stern @sp2.upenn.edu' , 'keywords': '" assets", "cluster", "economic" , "neighbourhood ", "placemaking", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Cultu re makes neighbou rhoods more affl uent and desir able places to l ive', 'Source': 'The Journal of Pl ann ing Education and Research, Vol 29, Iss 3, pp 262-279' , 'Link': ' http://jpe.sage pub.com/content/ 29/3/262', 'uri': 'ht tp://www.cultureca se.org/research/2013/12/ culture-ma kes-neighborhoods- more-affluent-and- desirable-places-to-live/ ', 'Authors' : 'Stern, M. J. & Seife rt, S. C.', 'descrip tion': u'This paper characterised neighbourhoods in Philadelphia and founds that a concentration of cultural assets can lead to a variety of other benefits. The authors took a range of data from surveys, box-office data, business databases and other methods to calculate the number of cultural assets within neighbourhoods in Philadelphia. They defined \u2018cultural assets\u2019 as: cultural participants; non-profit cultural providers, including unincorporated associations; commercial cultural firms; and resident artists.', 'ceDo cType': 'PeerReviewedRese arch', 'cesource': ' http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publicat ion date': '20 10'} {'Title': ' The consumption of contemporary visual art: identity formation in la te adulthood' , 'Author email': ' andrew.newman@newcastle. ac.uk', 'k eywords': '"conte mporary art", "el derly", "focus group", "id entity", "UK", "vi sual art"', 'linkt itle': '(Re)constr ucting identity u sing contempora ry visual art', 'So urce': 'Cultural Trends, Vol 21, Iss 1, pp 29-45', 'Link': 'http://dx .doi.org/10.108 0/09548963.2012.64 1758', 'uri': 'ht tp://www.cultureca se.org/research/2015/0 3/reconstructing -identity-using-contemporary-v isual-art/' , 'Authors': 'Newm an, A., Goulding, A. & Whitehead, C.', 'description ': 'This paper looked at the responses of people to a c ontemporary art ex hibition and the ir involvement i n activity relati ng to it. In par ticular the research e xamined how peopl e talked about art in relation to their ide ntities. The study was attached to the British Art Sho w 6 in 2005 at the BALTIC C entre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead, northeast England. The research gathered data via two focus groups and found that some people used their experience to articulate, reinforce, or reconfigure their own personal and group identities. This was a positive experience for the some of the participants, but also negative, or neutral for others.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'How does fiction reading influence empathy? An experimental investigation on the role of emotional transportation', 'Author email': 'p.m.bal@vu.nl', 'keywords': '"books", "experiment", "fiction", "literature", "reading", "the netherlands"', 'linktitle': 'Reading fiction is related to developing empathic skills', 'Source': 'PLoS ONE Vol 8, Iss 1, e55341', 'Link': 'http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0055341', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/reading-fiction-is-related-to-developing-empathic-skills/', 'Authors': 'Bal, P. M. & Veltkamp, M.', 'Open access link': 'http://opus.bath.ac.uk/41120/', 'description': u'This study reports two experiments designed to measure changes in readers\u2019 empathic skills over one week by getting participants to read either fiction or non-fiction writing. In the fiction groups, students were randomly allocated to read excerpts from work by either Arthur Conan Doyle or Jos\xe9 Saramago. The two non-fiction groups were given newspaper articles to read. Immediately after reading the texts, subjects were assessed for emotional transportation. Empathy was measured directly before and after the experiment as well as one week later.\xa0 Personal change was more likely to occur when becoming emotionally involved in the fictional story, and non-fiction readers were not similarly affected.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Exploring cultural inclusion: perspectives from a community arts organisation', 'Author email': 'fara.azmat@deakin.edu.au', 'keywords': '"Australia", "community", "diverse", "inclusion"', 'linktitle': 'Arts organisations have a key role in promoting cultural inclusion', 'Source': 'Australian Journal of Management', 'Link': 'http://aum.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/05/27/0312896214525180.abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/arts-organisations-have-a-key-role-in-promoting-cultural-inclusion/', 'Authors': 'Azmat, F., Fujimoto, Y., & Rentschler, R.', 'description': u'This paper highlights the role of Multicultural Arts Victoria (MAV) in the promotion of cultural inclusion in Australia.\xa0 The paper emphasises the importance of cultural inclusion in a multicultural society and the potential of the arts in creating inclusive organisations and communities.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': 'Impact of the Arts on Individual Contributions to US Civil Society', 'keywords': '"altruism", "civic", "civil", "social", "survey", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Arts participation can enhance civil society', 'Source': 'Journal of Civil Society. Vol 10, Iss 2, pp 144-164', 'Link': 'http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17448689.2014.912479?journalCode=rcis20&#.VHW72oeCU1Z', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/arts-participation-can-enhance-civil-society/', 'Authors': 'Leroux, K. & Bernadska, A.', 'description': 'This study examines the effect that arts attendance and participation have on three dimensions of civil society: civic engagement, social tolerance, and way people think about others. Researchers found that individuals who attend the arts, as well as those who create art themselves, are more engaged in civic activities within their communities, have higher levels of social tolerance, and demonstrate higher rates of altruism.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': "Playing a p art: the impact of youth theatre on young people's personal an d social development", 'ke ywords': '"children ", "creativity", "so cial", "theatre", "UK"', 'l inktitle': 'Youth theatre provides a space for you ng people to gai n skills they need to succeed', 'Source': ' Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre a nd Performance . Vol 9, Iss 1, pp 57-72', 'Li nk': 'http://www.t andfonline.com/doi/ abs/10.1080/1356978042 000185911#. VHYFXYdqHXx', ' uri': 'http://www .culturecase.org /research/2014/ 12/youth-theatre-provides -a-space-for -young-people-to -gain-skills-they- need-to-succeed /', 'Authors': 'Hughes, J. & Wilson, K.', 'description' : u'This paper presents the findings of a study of youth theatre.\xa0 The paper explores some key questions around the impact of taking part in youth theatre on young people\u2019s personal and social development. Overall they found that youth theatre created a protected space for young people to develop important personal and social skills and resources, whilst also confronting uncertainty and risk and therefore helping to prepare them for adult life.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org', 'P ublicati on date': '20 04'} {'Title': u'The role of arts participation in students\u2019 academic and nonacademic outcomes: a longitudinal study of school, home, and community factors.', ' Author email': 'andrew.martin@sydney.edu.au', 'keywor ds': '"Australia", "education" , "motivation", "satisfaction", "school", "self-esteem", "survey"', ' linktitle': 'Arts engageme nt has a range of benefits for youn g people', 'Sou rce': 'Journal o f Educational Psy chology, V ol 105, Iss 3, pp 709-727', 'Lin k': 'http://dx.doi. org/10.1037/a0032795', 'uri': 'h ttp://www.cultur ecase.or g/research/201 4/05/arts-enga gement-has-a-range-of-benefits-for- young-people/', 'Auth ors': 'Martin, A. J., Mansour, M., Anderson, M., Gibson, R., Liem , G. A. D. & Sud malis, D.', 'descriptio n': u'This paper is about the role of arts engagement on the academic and non-academic outcomes of children and young people. It reports a large and multi-faceted study that found that even after controlling for other relevant factors, arts engagement was associated with increased academic and nonacademic performance (measured by enhanced self-esteem, life satisfaction motivation and engagement). The research found that the home life of the children made a bigger difference than school and community factors. In-school arts tuition tended \u2018to be associated more strongly with academic outcomes than non-school factors\u2019. Both academic and nonacademic outcomes were more strongly correlated with active arts participation than attendance at arts events.', 'ceDocType': 'Pe erReviewedResear ch', 'cesource': 'ht tp://www.culturecase.org', 'P ublication date ': '2013'} {'Titl e': 'How the arts generate social capital to foster intergroup social cohe sion', 'Auth or email': 'lee.3722@ osu.edu', ' keywords' : '"children ", "cohesio n", "inter view", "obs ervation", "painting ", "social", "studen ts", "USA"' , 'linktit le': 'Using the arts to h elp so cial cohesi on', 'Source': 'The J ournal of Arts Mana gement, La w, and Soc iety, Vol 4 3, Iss 1, pp 4-17', 'L ink': 'http://www.t andfonline.com/do i/full /10.1080/ 10632921.20 12.761167# .Uzcawl7R3 dE', 'uri': ' http://www. culturecase.org/research/20 14/04/u sing-the-ar ts-to-hel p-social- cohesion/', 'Authors': 'Lee, D.' , 'descript ion': u'This paper describes what happened in Columbus Ohio during the Guernica Peace Mural Programme in July 2010. The GPMP brought together 18 US graduate students and approximately 20 Somali children over five days to create a piece of public art. By using participatory arts in a community setting the participants were able to better understand each other\u2019s cultures and form friendships across cultural divides.', 'ceDo cType': 'Pe erReviewedRe search', 'ceso urce': 'http://www.culture case.org', 'Publication date': '201 3'} {'Title': 'C ulturally-based after-school arts programming for l ow-income urban childre n: adaptive and preventive effects', 'Au thor email': 'masomn2@we stat.com', 'k eywords': '"at ri sk", "b ehaviour", "children", "self- esteem", "USA "', 'linktitle': u'Using an after-school arts programme to help \u2018at-risk\u2019 children', 'Sou rce': 'The Jo urnal of Primary Prevent ion, Vol 22, Iss 1, pp 4 5-54', 'Link': 'ht tp://li nk.springer.com/article/1 0.1023%2FA%3A 101108811441 1', 'uri': ' http://www.cu lturecase.or g/research/2 014/04/usin g-an-after-s chool-arts-p rogramme-to-help- at-risk -children/', 'Authors': 'Maso n, M. & Chuang, S.' , 'description': u'This paper reports the findings from an intervention that sought to prevent anti-social and delinquent behavior amongst children from low-income families in Rochester, New York. They found that children in the after-school programme showed increased \u2018self-esteem, social skills, and in leadership competencies\u2019 when compared to a group of children who did not participate in the project.', 'ceDocTy pe': 'PeerReviewedRe search', 'ces ource': 'http://www.c ulturecase.o rg', 'Publica tion date': '2001'} {'Title' : 'Expressing identity: the role of dialogue in teaching citizenship th rough art', 'Author email ': 'f.colli ns@roehampton.a c.uk', 'keyword s': '"children", "co ntempora ry art", "euro pean union", " identity", "obse rvation", "UK", "visual art"', 'l inktitle': u'Using contemporary art to explore children\u2019s identity', 'Sourc e': 'Educa tion 3-13: Int ernational Journa l of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Educat ion, Vo l 41, Iss 6, pp 61 7-632' , 'Link' : 'http:/ /www.tandf online.com/d oi/full/10 .1080/03004279.2011. 631561#.U0uyM8dw3dE', 'uri ': 'http://w ww.culture case.org/re search/2014/04/ using-contem porary-art-to-e xplore-childr ens-identity/', 'Authors' : 'Collins, F. & Ogier, S.' , 'Open access link': 'http: //www.tandfon line.com/d oi/full/1 0.1080/03 004279.20 11.631561', 'description': u'This paper describes what happened when primary school pupils in London participated in a project called Images and Identity, using digital art to interrogate the issue of identity in the context of the European Union. Through an approach that used contemporary art and the spirit of dialogue the children were able to arrive at an understanding of the complex and multi-layered nature of identity. One teacher reflected that \u2018by the end of the project, the teachers acknowledged that the children were more analytical of their personal identity within a wider community\u2019.', 'ceDocType': ' PeerRe viewedRes earch', ' cesour ce': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org', 'P ublica tion dat e': '2013'} {'Title': 'Read ing literary fiction improves theory of mind', 'Author email': 'k iddd305@newschool.edu', 'keywords ': '"experiment", "f iction", "literatur e", "reading", "theory of mind"', 'linktitle ': u'Reading literary fiction improves people\u2019s theory of mind', 'Source': 'S cience, Vol 34 2, pp 377-380', 'Link': 'http://ww w.sciencemag.org/co ntent/342/6156/377 ', 'uri': 'http://w ww.culturecase.or g/research/2014/0 4/reading-lit erary-fiction-im proves-peoples-theory-of-m ind/', 'Authors': 'Kidd, D . C. & Cast ano, E.', 'description': u'This paper reports the results of five experiments designed to test whether reading literary fiction can improve people\u2019s theory of mind. People with an effective theory of mind have an emotional literacy that allows them to form complex social relationships and a developed sense of empathy. The experiment found that after reading literary fiction, people have an improved theory of mind in a way that does not occur after reading non-fiction, popular fiction, or not reading at all.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResea rch', 'cesource': 'htt p://www .culturecase.org', 'Publication da te': '2013'} {'Title': 'The effe cts of a creative dance and movement program on the social competence of hea d start preschoolers' , 'Author em ail': 'awinsler@gmu. edu', 'keywords': '"beh aviour", "children", "c ontrol g roup", "dance", "m usic", "USA"', 'linktitle': u'Dance can help improve young children\u2019s social skills', 'Sour ce': 'Social Dev elopment, Vol 1 5, Iss 3, pp 501-519', 'Link': 'ht tp://onlinelibrary. wiley.com/d oi/10.1111/j.146 7-9507.2006.003 53.x/abstract', 'uri' : 'http:/ /www.culturecas e.org/research/ 2014/04/dance-c an-help-improve- young-childrens -social-skills /', 'Authors': 'Lobo, Y. B. & Winsler, A.', 'descri ption': 'T he paper repor ts the results of an experimen t in the US where young children f rom low-income fa milies particip ated in a creat ive dance progra mme. When compared w ith a cont rol group, the children in t he dance programme signific antly improved in social compete nce and reduc ed behaviour p roblems.', 'ceDoc Type': 'P eerReviewedRese arch', 'cesourc e': 'http://www. culturecase.org', 'P ublication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'The use of singing-in-a-group as a response to adverse life events', 'Author email': 'paul.camic@canterbury.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"choir", "interview", "singing", "social", "trauma", "UK", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'Group singing helps people cope with adverse life events', 'Source': 'International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol 12, Iss 3, pp 45-53', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14623730.2010.9721818', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/group-singing-helps-people-cope-with-adverse-life-events/', 'Authors': 'Von Lob, G., Camic, P. & Clift, S.', 'description': u'The paper reports a series of interviews conducted with 16 people who had experienced an adverse life event (or multiple events) and were also members of a choir. These people used singing as means to cope with their trauma. The interviews showed that people benefited from group singing in two main ways: by being part of a group, and by experiencing \xa0positive feelings through the act of singing.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'Arts and the perceived quality of life in British Columbia', 'Author email': 'michalos@unbc.ca', 'keywords': '"Canada", "health", "population", "quality of life", "satisfaction", "survey", "wellbeing"', 'linktitle': 'Arts engagement has a positive effect on quality of life', 'Source': 'Social Indicators Research, Vol 96, Iss 1, pp 1-39', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11205-009-9466-1', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/arts-engagement-has-a-positive-effect-on-quality-of-life/', 'Authors': 'Michalos, A.C. & Kahlke, P.M.', 'description': 'This paper reports the findings of a large-scale survey that was designed specifically to measure the impact of arts engagement on the quality of life of the population of British Columbia in Canada. The results from a representative sample of the population suggested that more than 75 per cent thought that their artistic activities had either a positive effect on their life, helped relieve stress, gave them self-confidence, strengthened their community or contributed to their wellbeing. However, the exact relationship between arts engagement and these outcomes is more complex than might seem at first.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'Egocentrism and antisocial behavior: the assessment and training of social perspective-taking skills', 'Author email': 'chandler@interchange.ucb.ca', 'keywords': '"antisocial", "control group", "drama", "experiment", "film", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Drama can help reduce antisocial behaviour', 'Source': 'Developmental Psychology, Vol 9, Iss 3, pp 326-332', 'Link': 'http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1974-05776-001', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2013/12/drama-can-help-reduce-antisocial-behavior/', 'Authors': 'Chandler, M. J.', 'description': 'The paper looked at data from a programme in Upstate New York designed to reduce crime and antisocial behavior among boys aged 11-13. The study took 45 antisocial children and set out to test whether drama and film-making might help to address their behaviour.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '1973'} {'Title': 'Br idging and bonding in the academic melting pot: cultural resources and network diversi ty', 'Author em ail': 'mbenedik@ hunter.cuny.edu', 'keywo rds': '"cohesion", "co llege", "diversity ", "friendships", " networks", "rac e", "students" , "survey", "USA"', 'linktitle ': 'The arts he lp people form di verse friendship groups', 'Source ': u'Sociological Forum, Vol 27, Iss 1, pp 46\u201369', 'Link': 'http://o nlinelibrary.wiley.co m/doi/10.1111/j. 1573-7861.2011.01301.x /abstract' , 'uri': 'http:// www.culturecase.o rg/research/2013 /12/the-arts-hel p-people-form-d iverse-friendship -groups/', 'Autho rs': 'Benediktss on, M. O.', 'de scription': 'The paper explores the d egree to which pe ople with high levels of arts e ngagement form et hnically diverse friendship networks. The paper presen ts the results of a study t hat analysed data from a survey of colleg e students in t he US. The surv ey followed just und er 4000 s tudents who wer e surveyed over repea ted year s at 27 different universities . The results sugges t that people e ngaged in arts activity tended to have more d iverse groups of friends than the average co llege student.', 'ce DocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource' : 'http://www.cult urecase.org', 'Publi cation da te': '2012'} {'Title': 'Music access pa tterns: A social interpretation', 'Author email': 'Jordi.Lopez@uab.es' , 'keywords' : '"digital", "d ownloading", "mu sic", "sales", "sharing", "spai n", "survey"', 'linktitle ': 'Patterns of mu sic consumpt ion in the di gital age', 'S ource': 'Poetic s, Vol 46, pp 5 6-74', 'Lin k': 'http://www.scienced irect.com/sc ience/article /pii/S0304422X1 400053 9', 'uri': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org/ research/2015/05/patter ns-of-mus ic-consumption-in -the-digital-age/' , 'Autho rs': u'L\xf3pez-Sintas, J., Cebollada, A., Filimon, N & Gharhaman, A.', 'descripti on': u'This paper sought to understand the ways that people access and acquire music, how their tastes are shaped and how they subsequently share music. The research was particularly interested in how this happened given the availability of digital technology. The research was based on a survey of nearly 15,000 adults living in Spain in 2006-07 conducted by the Spanish Ministry of Culture. It asked people about how and why they bought, downloaded and copied music. They found that people\u2019s behavior fell into one of four patterns, and that this was largely a result of people\u2019s age and education levels.', ' ceDocType': 'PeerReviewe dResearch ', 'cesource': 'http://www.culture case.org', ' Publication date': '2014' } {'Title': 'Unravelli ng the omnivore: A field analysis of contemporary musical taste in the United Kingdom', 'Author ema il': 'Mike.Savage@y ork.ac.uk', 'key words': '"class ", "genre", "mus ic", "segmentation" , "survey" , "taste", "UK"' , 'linktitle': u'Exploding the myth of the musical \u2018omnivore\u2019' , 'Source': 'Poet ics, Vol 39, Is s 5, pp 337-357' , 'Link': 'http://www .sciencedi rect.com/science/ article/pii/S030 4422X11000544', 'uri': 'http://ww w.culturecase.org/resea rch/2015/0 5/exploding-the -myth-of-the-musi cal-omnivore/', ' Authors': 'Savag e, M. & Gayop, M.', 'descriptio n': u'This paper explored the musical preferences of adults in Britain, it analysed data from a substantial survey that asked people about what kinds of music they like and dislike, and the reasons for those choices. Research into musical taste frequently identifies an \u2018omnivore\u2019 group, drawn from the educated middle-class who uniquely tend to like a mix of music genres. Instead, the paper found that the real distinctions were between expert and non-expert. It identified six categories of music listener, each characterised by their dislikes as much as their likes.', 'ceDo cType': 'PeerReviewedRes earch', 'ce source': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'P ublication date': '2011'} {'Title': 'Entran ce fees as a subjective barrier to visiting museums', 'keywords': '"Germany", "income", "museum", "price", "survey"', 'linktitle': 'Ent rance fees deter peopl e of low socio- economic st atus from visiting museum s', 'S ource': 'Jo urnal of Cult ural Economics, Vo l. 22, Iss. 1, pp 1-13', 'L ink': 'htt p://link.spring er.com/article /10.1023/A%3A10 07452808105', 'u ri': 'http://www. culturecase.org /research/2015/0 5/entrance-fees- deter-people-of-low-so cio-econom ic-status-from-vi siting-museums/ ', 'Authors': 'Ki rchberg, V.', 'de scription': 'This paper used data f rom a survey of German adults w ho were asked about what moti vated them to at tend (or not atte nd) museums. T he survey, car ried out in 1995, randomly selected a r epresentative sample of 1,0 80 re sponses fr om more th an 31,000 Ger man house holds. The rese arch found that entranc e fees wer e a signif icant sub jective b arrier to atte ndanc e and this was particul arly the case for peopl e of a lower socio-econ omic status.' , 'ceD ocType': 'P eerReviewe dResearch' , 'cesource ': 'http:// www.cultu recase.or g', 'Publi cation date': '1998' } {'Title': 'Demand for live the atre with market segmentation and seasonality', 'keywords': '"audience", "box office", "theatre", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'How se asonality and segment ation affect the demand for live theatre', ' Source': 'Journal of Cul tural Economics, V ol 26, pp 217-23 5', 'Link': 'http: //link.springer .com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1015673 802364', 'u ri': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org/res earch/2014/12/how- seasonality-and -segmentation-aff ect-the-demand-for-l ive-theatre/', 'Authors ': 'Corning, J. & Levy, A.', 'd escription': 'This study took box office data from three venues used by a theatre co mpany based in souther n Califor nia, the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts (PCPA), to analyse the prefer ences of single ticket buyers . The findi ngs revealed t hat audiences have pre-existing preferenc es for five genres of performance (Shakespeare; Comedy; Dr ama; Holiday; Musical) an d that on th e whole these in clinations remain, regardless of changes in festiva l programmes, speci fic times of year or seasona l offers. Both positive reviews and the seasonality of the performance in the year had little effect on the demand of single ticket buyers, though prime times (Friday evenings/weekends/evenings) remained consistently popular.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2002'} {'Title': u'Visitors to modern and contemporary art museums: towards a new sociology of \u2018cultural profiles\u2019', 'keywords': '"audience", "Belgium", "museum", "survey", "visual art"', 'linktitle': 'Profiling visitors to contemporary art museums', 'Source': 'The Sociological Review, Vol 61, pp 790-813', 'Link': 'http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-954X.12072/abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/profiling-visitors-to-contemporary-art-museums/', 'Authors': 'Hanquinet, L.', 'description': u'Socio-economic variables (class, education and income etc.) are often seen as the key determinants of attendance at art museums. This article goes beyond this simplistic approach by exploring the \u2018cultural profiles\u2019 of museum visitors (a set of cultural preferences relating to music, reading and art; and creative and leisure preferences and activities). The key findings are that the museums studied had a far more diverse range of audiences than a focus on socio-economic factors alone would indicate. Producing a typology of visitors could help to inform museum audience engagement practices.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'A latent class model of theatre demand', 'Author email': 'Ken.Willis@ncl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"audience", "survey", "theatre", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Three segments of theatregoers in northeast England', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol 36, Iss 2, pp 113-139', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10824-012-9158-6', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/three-segments-of-theatregoers-in-northeast-england/', 'Authors': u'Grisol\xeda, J. M., & Willis, K. G.', 'description': u'This paper presents a market segmentation of theatregoers at Northern Stage, a theatre in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in northeast England. By analysing the results of a survey of theatregoers they were able to identify three types of people. The first (and largest) was an \u2018affluent\u2019 group, who read reviews, preferred mainstream theatre venues but considered all types of show (with a preference for comedy); the second was the \u2018popular\u2019 group who preferred comedies over anything more experimental or sophisticated and didn\u2019t consider reviews, they were very concerned about price; the final type was \u2018intellectual\u2019 or \u2018cultural\u2019 group who preferred drama and had more sophisticated tastes which informed their own independent appraisal of whether or not to attend a particular performance, they were frequent theatregoers.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'The effect of word of mouth on sales: online book reviews', 'Author email': 'judith.chevalier@yale.edu', 'keywords': '"books", "literature", "online", "sales", "word-of-mouth"', 'linktitle': 'Positive online reviews increase book sales', 'Source': 'Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 43, Iss 3, pp 345-354', 'Link': 'http://www.jstor.org/stable/30162409', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/positive-online-reviews-increase-book-sales/', 'Authors': 'Chevalier, J. A. & Mayzlin, D.', 'Open access link': 'http://faculty.som.yale.edu/dinamayzlin/papers.asp', 'description': 'This paper looked into the effect of online customer reviews on the sales of books at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. They found that most of the reviews on both sites tended to be positive, that positive reviews were associated with a subsequent increase in sales, and negative reviews impacted more strongly to suppress sales than positive reviews enhanced them. They also found that people tend to read the reviews rather than simply looking at the star ratings given by online reviewers.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'Programma tic choices and the demand for theatre: the case of Flemish theatres' , 'keywords': ' "audience", "Bel gium", "box offic e", "decision-ma king", "preferenc e", "theatre"', 'linktitle': 'Peo ple like performan ces with large casts and small ticket prices' , 'Source': 'Jo urnal of Cultu ral Economics, Vol 31, Iss 1 , pp 25-41', 'L ink': 'http://link.spring er.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10824 -006-9026-3', 'ur i': 'http://ww w.culturecase. org/research/2014/04/peo ple-like-p erformances-with-la rge-casts-and-small- ticket-prices/', 'Authors' : 'Werck, K & Heynde ls, B.', 'descrip tion': u'This paper tries to explain what motivated people to attend the theatre in the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. A sense of artistic growth and development in recent decades has been accompanied by steadily declining audience numbers. From analysing box office data the authors found that audiences preferred plays by Dutch-speaking playwrights, productions with large casts, and revivals of old successful plays. Increases in ticket price and decreases in people\u2019s income suppressed their appetite to buy theatre tickets.', 'ceDoc Type': 'PeerRevie wedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://ww w.cultureca se.org', 'Publi cation date': '2007'} {'Title': 'Ex ploring repurchase intention in a performing arts context: who comes? And why do they come bac k?', 'Author e mail': 'Margee.Hum e@usq.edu.au', 'ke ywords': '"Austra lia", "decision-ma king", "interview", "rep urchase", "theatre"', 'li nktitle': 'Why do people retu rn to the theatre? ', 'Source': 'In ternational Journal of N onprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Vol 12, Iss 2, pp 135-148', 'Link': 'http: //onlineli brary.wiley.com/d oi/10.1002/nvs m.284/abstract', 'uri': 'http://w ww.culturecase.o rg/research/20 14/04/why-do-p eople-return-to- the-theatre/', 'Au thors': 'Hume M., Mort G. S. & Wi nzar, H.', 'des cription': 'This pape r looked at what motivate d customers to return to performing ar ts venues. The research ers found that about two-thirds of people we re looking for aff ective artistic exp eriences, but even for th ese people the most important f actors that dete rmined whether they returned or not related to customer ser vice and the over all experience.', 'ce DocType': 'PeerReviewedRe search', 'cesourc e': 'http://ww w.culturecase.org', 'Publication date' : '2007'} {'Title': 'Estimating dem and for opera using sales system data: the case of Finnish National Opera', 'Author email': 'jani-petri.laamanen@uta.fi ', 'keywords': '"box o ffice", "dema nd", "Finland", "opera"', 'lin ktitle': 'What shapes demand for opera?', 'Source': 'Journa l of Cultural Econ omics, Vol 37, Is s 4, pp 417-43 2', 'Link': 'http://link.springer .com/article/10.10 07 /s10824-012-9190-6' , 'uri': ' http://www.cul turecase.org/ research/2014 /04/what-shapes-demand- for-opera /', 'Authors': 'Laamanen, J- P.', 'descriptio n': 'The paper reports an anal ysis of eight years of data from the box office of the Finnish National Opera. The re search found that there wa s increased de mand for tickets when t he opera was ne w, of Finnish origin (rather than classic al), where the performer is famous and on certa in days of the wee k and months of the year. They were also ab le to estimate tha t the demand for tickets falls roughly in p roportion to the level of price rises (a 1 per c ent increase in ticket price resu lts in 1.16 per ce nt fall in demand) .', 'ceDocType': 'PeerRevi ewedResearch', 'cesource': 'h ttp://www.cultu recase.org', 'Pu blication dat e': '2013'} {'Title': 'Retain ing the visitor, enhancing the experience: Identifying attributes of choice in repeat museum visitat ion', 'Author email': 'Christin e.burton@uts.edu .au', 'keywords': '" Australia", "cho ice modelling", "decision-making ", "interview", "museum", "su rvey", "visitor"', ' linktitle': 'How do people decide whether or not to visit a museu m?', 'Sou rce': 'Interna tional Journal o f Nonprofit and Voluntary Sect or Marketing, Vo l 14, Iss 1, pp 2 1-34', 'Link': ' http://onlineli brary.wil ey.com/doi/10. 1002/nvsm.351/abstr act', 'uri': 'htt p://www.cultur ecase.org/research/2014/04/how-do-p eople-decide-whet her-or-not-to-visit-a-museum/', 'Authors': 'Burto n, C., Louviere, J. & Young, L.', 'description': ' The paper outlin es an experiment conducted amon gst museu m visitors in Australia to dis cover how people ma de decisions abo ut what actions to take an d (in this case ) whether or not to visit a particular mus eum. In this case the results suggested that frequent (rathe r than one-time) vi sits could be enco uraged in some way through discou nts or other per ks, that bundle offers with o ther local attractions were attractive, and that the benefits to children were uppermost in the minds of parents when deciding bet ween different leisure activites.', 'ceD ocType': 'PeerRevi ewedResearch', 'cesource': 'htt p://www.culturecase.org ', 'Publication date': '2009'} {'Title': u'\u2018Where do you want to go today?\u2019 An analysis of family group decisions to visit museums', 'Author email': 'karenklwu@hotmai l.com', 'keywords': '"ch ildren", "dec ision-making", " families ", "intervie w", "museum ", "Taiwan"' , 'linktitle' : 'Children can be key de cision-maker s in whethe r or not fa milies visit museums', 'Sourc e': 'Jou rnal of Marke ting Managem ent, Vol 26, Iss 7-8, pp 706-726', 'L ink': 'http: //www.tandfonlin e.com/do i/full/10.1 080/026725710037 80007#.U0cwD 8dw3dE', 'uri ': 'http://www.cul turecase.org/res earch/20 14/04/childr en-can-be-ke y-decision- makers-in-wh ether-or-not -families-visit-muse ums/', 'Authors': 'W u, K-L., Holmes, K. & Tribe, J.' , 'description': 'T his pap er reports the findings from research int o how and why families decide to visit museums. The research is based on interviews with museum-goers in Taiwan. The interviews unpicked their collective decision-making processes and the role of children in these dynamics. They found four types of decision-making process in which children play a key part.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'A strategic logic for arts marketing', 'keywords': '"aethetics", "co-production", "experience", "impact", "marketing", "value"', 'linktitle': 'The artistic experience is not created for the consumer, but co-created with them', 'Source': 'International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 12, Iss 1, pp 73-92', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10286630600613333', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/the-artistic-experience-is-not-created-for-the-consumer-but-co-created-with-them/', 'Authors': 'Boorsma, M.', 'description': 'This paper charts the theories that have underpinned arts marketing in the last 20 years. It suggests that incorporating contemporary aesthetic philosophy could lead to a radical shift in arts marketing practice. Rather than allowing either the customer- or artist-centred approach to prevail, the author sets out a more strategic approach that aligns practical marketing activity with theories of aesthetics to achieve the greatest possible artistic impact and value.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'An evening at the theatre: using choice experiments to model preferences for theatres and theatrical productions', 'Author email': 'ken.willis@ncl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"choice", "preference", "reviews", "survey", "theatre", "UK", "willingness-to-pay", "word-of-mouth"', 'linktitle': u'Word-of-mouth and reviews make the biggest difference to people\u2019s theatre-going choices', 'Source': 'Applied Economics, Vol 43, Iss 27, pp 3987-3998', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00036841003742637', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/word-of-mouth-and-reviews-make-the-biggest-difference-to-peoples-theatre-going-choices/', 'Authors': u'Jose\u0301 M. Grisoli\u0301a & Willis, K. G.', 'description': 'The paper describes a study that examined how people in northeast England made decisions about what theatre performances to attend. Word-of-mouth and reviews were the most significant factors determining whether or not people chose to attend a particular performance (and bad reviews put people off more than good reviews enticed them).', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2011'} {'Title': 'Unravelling the omnivore: A field analysis of contemporary musical taste in the United Kingdom', 'Author email': 'Mike.Savage@york.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"class", "genre", "music", "segmentation", "survey", "taste", "UK"', 'linktitle': u'Exploding the myth of the musical \u2018omnivore\u2019', 'Source': 'Poetics, Vol 39, Iss 5, pp 337-357', 'Link': 'http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304422X11000544', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/exploding-the-myth-of-the-musical-omnivore/', 'Authors': 'Savage, M. & Gayop, M.', 'description': u'This paper explored the musical preferences of adults in Britain, it analysed data from a substantial survey that asked people about what kinds of music they like and dislike, and the reasons for those choices. Research into musical taste frequently identifies an \u2018omnivore\u2019 group, drawn from the educated middle-class who uniquely tend to like a mix of music genres. Instead, the paper found that the real distinctions were between expert and non-expert. It identified six categories of music listener, each characterised by their dislikes as much as their likes.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2011'} {' Title': 'An Orchestral Audience: Classical Music and Continu ed Patterns of Distinction', 'A uthor email': 'g. crawford@salford .ac.uk', 'keywor ds': '"app", "cla ssical", "focus group", "live" , "mobile", "music", "students" , "UK"', 'linkti tle': 'Mobile te chnology will n ot widen the aud ience for live classical music ', 'Source': 'Cultural Sociology, Vol 8, Iss 4, pp 4 83-500', 'Link': 'h ttp://cus.sagep ub.com/content/8 /4/483', 'uri': 'http://www.cult urecase.org/research /2015/05/m obile-technolog y-will-not-widen -the-audience-fo r-live-classica l-music/', 'Auth ors': 'Crawford , G., Gosling, V., Bagnall, G . & Light, B.', 'description': u'This paper analysed the potential of a mobile app for selling tickets and expanding the audience amongst a student audience for classical music. The research specifically focused on a project led by the London Symphony Orchestra. They targeted students at elite universities in London with an app that allowed them to sell discounted tickets. Focus groups held with concert-goers who used the app suggested it wasn\u2019t an appropriate way to deepen the live experience or expand the audience, although it was an efficient way of selling tickets.', 'ceDocTy pe': 'PeerReviewed Research', 'cesource': 'http://www.cul turecase.org', 'Pu blication date' : '2014'} {'Title': 'Pricing as the key to attr acting students to the performing arts', 'keywords': '"performing arts", "price", "students", "survey", "UK", "young people"', 'linktitle': 'Perception of value, not simply price, attracts young people to arts events', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol 21, Iss 2, pp 139-146', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A%3A1007354503158', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/perception-of-value-not-simply-price-attracts-young-people-to-arts-events/', 'Authors': 'Kolb, B. M.', 'description': u'This paper used a survey to explore what factors shape the arts-attending behavior of university students. The results showed that the cost of attendance was a factor in people\u2019s considerations, although what mattered most was whether or not they thought the event would be good entertainment.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '1997'} {'Title': 'Gender and highbrow cultural pa rticipation in the United States', 'Author email': 'angelec@princeton.edu', 'keywords': '"audience", "gender", "population", "survey", "US"', 'linktitle': 'Why do more women participate in highbrow cultural activities?', 'Source': 'Poetics, Vol 40, Iss 5, pp 423-443', 'Link': 'http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304422X12000496', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/why-do-more-women-participate-in-highbrow-cultural-activities/', 'Authors': 'Christin, A.', 'description': 'This paper addressed gender as an influential factor in cultural participation in America. It explored the possible reasons why higher numbers of women than men participate in high-status cultural activities. Early exposure to the arts from a young age, especially in the form of art lessons and classes taken during childhood, was identified as a key factor. For a variety of different reasons (mainly gender and socio-economic), more women than men received arts lessons in childhood. In adulthood they continued to participate more in these cultural events.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'Entr ance fees as a subjective barrier to visiting museums', 'keywords': '"Germany", "income", "museum", "price", "survey"', 'linktitle': 'Entrance fees deter people of low socio-economic status from visiting museums', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol. 22, Iss. 1, pp 1-13', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A%3A1007452808105', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/entrance-fees-deter-people-of-low-socio-economic-status-from-visiting-museums/', 'Authors': 'Kirchberg, V.', 'description': 'This paper used data from a survey of German adults who were asked about what motivated them to attend (or not attend) museums. The survey, carried out in 1995, randomly selected a representative sample of 1,080 responses from more than 31,000 German households. The research found that entrance fees were a significant subjective barrier to attendance and this was particularly the case for people of a lower socio-economic status.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '1998'} {'Title ': "The impact of the leisure reading behaviours of both parents on children's reading behaviour: Investigating differences between sons and daughters", 'Author email': 'swo@nokc.no', 'keywords': '"children", "families", "Germany", "parents", "reading", "survey"', 'linktitle': 'How parents shape the reading habits of their children', 'Source': 'Poetics, Vol 45, pp 36-54', 'Link': 'http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304422X14000400', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/how-parents-shape-the-reading-habits-of-their-children/', 'Authors': 'Wollscheid, S.', 'description': u'This paper explored the impact of parents\u2019 reading patterns on their children\u2019s reading habits. Drawing on a sample of 757 school-aged children living in two-parent households in Germany, the research demonstrated that parents\u2019 reading had a strong impact on how much their children read, and particularly on how much their daughters read. These findings have consequences for reading policy.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': 'Family (and) culture: The effect of cultural capital within the family on the cultural participation of adolescents', 'Author email': 'Mart.Willekens@UGent.be', 'keywords': '"adolescents", "art", "Belgium", "families", "heritage", "music", "survey"', 'linktitle': 'The role of the family in shaping adolescent cultural engagement', 'Source': 'Poetics, Vol 42, pp 98-113', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2013.11.003', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/the-role-of-the-family-in-shaping-adolescent-cultural-engagement/', 'Authors': 'Willekens, M. & Lievens, J.', 'description': 'This paper looked at how household structure and parental behaviour affected the cultural lives of children, specifically engagement in the visual arts, heritage or pop and rock music. While it might seem tempting to assume that engagement in pop and rock concerts (representing popular culture) would be shaped by different factors to those for art and heritage (representing highbrow culture) this paper showed that both are influenced by household structure and parental cultural engagement.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': u'Older people learning through contemporary visual art \u2013 engagement and barriers', 'Author email': 'anna.goulding@ncl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"contemporary art", "elderly", "focus group", "UK", "visual art"', 'linktitle': 'Engagement with contemporary visual art can improve the lives of older people', 'Source': 'International Journal of Art & Design Education, Vol 32, Iss 1, pp 18-32', 'Link': 'http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1476-8070.2013.01751.x/abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/engagement-with-contemporary-visual-art-can-improve-the-lives-of-older-people/', 'Authors': 'Goulding, A', 'description': u'Over a period of 21 months, 43 participants aged 60-92 visited three contemporary art galleries in the northeast of England. They listened to a talk before taking part in facilitated discussions in which personal responses to the artworks were encouraged. The study responds to the idea that developing effective lifelong learning opportunities for post-retirement people can have positive implications for the cultural, health and voluntary sectors. However, engagement in the arts decreases significantly in people over the age of 64.\xa0 Gender, disability, ethnic background and socio-economic group can impact upon participation, and education will often play a determining role in the level and frequency of engagement. How can galleries ensure that a diverse range of older people are able to benefit from engaging with contemporary visual art?', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Demand for live theatre with market se gmentation and seasonality', 'keywords': '"audience", "box office", "theatre", "U SA"', 'linktitle': 'How seasonality and segment ation affect the demand for live theatr e', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Econ omics, Vol 26, pp 217-235', 'Link': 'http ://link.s pringer.com/art icle/10.1023%2FA%3A 1015673802 364', 'uri': 'http:// www.culturecase .org/research/2014/12 /how-seasonality -and-segmentation-aff ect-the-demand-fo r-live-theatre/', 'Auth ors': 'Corn ing, J. & Levy, A.', 'description': ' This study too k box office d ata from three venues used b y a theatre company bas ed in southern California, the Paci fic Conservatory of t he Performing Ar ts (PCPA), to analy se the preferenc es of single ticket buyer s. The findings revealed t hat audiences have p re-existing preferences for five genres of performance (Shakespeare; Comedy; Drama; Holida y; Musical) and that on the whole the se inclina tions remain, re gardless of changes in festival programmes, speci fic times of year o r seasonal offers. Both positive reviews and the seasonality of the performance in t he year had little effect on the demand of single ticket buyers, though prime times (Friday evenings/ weekends/ev enings) remained consisten tly popular.', 'ceDo cType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesou rce': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org', 'Publica tion date': '2002'} { 'Title': 'T he 2010 Cultural Olympiad: playing for the global or loc al stage?', 'keywords': '"audience", "Canada", "major eve nts", "media", "olym pics"', 'linktitle': 'Using mega events to increase profi le and reach audienc es', 'Source': 'Inter national Journal of Cultural Policy, Vo l 18, Iss 2, pp 131-150', 'Link' : 'http://www.tandfon line.com/doi/full/1 0.1080/10286632.201 1.567332#.VHinRoeCU1Y', 'uri': 'http://www .culturecase. org/research/2014/12/using-mega-eve nts-to-increase-profi le-and-reach-audie nces/', 'Authors': ' Low, D & Hall, P. V.', 'description': 'T his paper looks at t he benefits of hosting a Cu ltural Olympiad for differe nt kinds of arts organisation s in the host city. It takes Vancouver 2010 as an example and argues that hosting a Cultural Ol ympiad is not necessarily b eneficial for everyone. The local arts sec tor is often promised better results than they actually get. Howe ver, their success also depends on ho w the different organisatio ns approach their audience s.', 'ceDocType': 'Peer ReviewedResearch', 'c esource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': ' 2012'} {'Titl e': 'The border conflict between the present and the past: programming classical music and opera', 'keywords': '"audience", "classical", " music"', 'linktitle': 'Attracting new audi ences to contemp orary classical music', 'Source': 'Journal of arts management, law, and society, Vol 38, pp71-88.', 'Link': 'http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3200/JAML.38.1.71-88#.VBXSqefGKRE', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/attracting-new-audiences-to-contemporary-classical-music/', 'Authors': u'Turrini, A., O\u2019Hare, M., & Borgonovi, F.', 'description': u'The paper outlines the difficulties associated with the programming of recently composed classical music. The paper highlights a need to better prepare audiences for the challenges of new music. Using innovative approaches, programmers can navigate the intrinsic conflict between satisfying audiences in the short term (by playing the \u2018usual suspects\u2019 \xad\u2013 Mozart, Beethoven, etc.) and providing new music that may be of greater long-term value.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2008'} {'Title': u'Visitors to modern and contemporary art museums: towards a new sociology of \u2018cultural profiles\u2019', 'keywords': '"aud ience", "Belgium", "museum", "surv ey", "visual art"', 'linktitle ': 'Profiling vi sitors to contemporary art museums', 'Source': 'The S ociological Review, Vol 61, pp 790- 813', 'Link': 'htt p://onlinelibra ry.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-954X.12072/abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/profiling-visitors-to-contemporary-art-museums/', 'Authors': 'Hanquinet, L.', 'description': u'Socio-economic variables (class, education and income etc.) are often seen as the key determinants of attendance at art museums. This article goes beyond this simplistic approach by exploring the \u2018cultural profiles\u2019 of museum visitors (a set of cultural preferences relating to music, reading and art; and creative and leisure preferences and activities). The key findings are that the museums studied had a far more diverse range of audiences than a focus on socio-economic factors alone would indicate. Producing a typology of visitors could help to inform museum audience engagement practices.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2 013'} {'Title': ' A count data travel cost model of theatre demand using aggregate theatre booking data', 'Author email': 'j.snowball@ru.ac.za', 'keywords': '"behaviour", "box office", "distance", "theatre", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'The viability of a theatre depends on the character of its local population', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol 36, Iss 2, pp 91-112', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10824-011-9157-z', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/05/the-viability-of-a-theatre-depends-on-the-character-of-its-local-population/', 'Authors': u'Willis, K. G., Snowball, J. D., Wymer, C. & Grisol\xeda, J. M.', 'description': u'This paper describes the findings of research that built a statistical model to identify what determined the likelihood that someone would visit the theatre, particularly the role that travel costs played in that equation. The research used the case study of Northern Stage, a producing theatre in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, northeast England. The researchers examined box office data for 29 productions between 2007 and 2008 (comprising a wide variety of genres and types of performance). They found that socio-demographic variables like education, employment and age had \u2018a relatively larger impact on average attendance than distance from the theatre\u2019 on the likelihood of attendance.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': "What determines young people's engagement with performing arts events?", 'Author email': 'andrew.martin@sydney.edu.au', 'keywords': '"attendance", "Australia", "children", "dance", "music", "school", "survey", "theatre"', 'linktitle': u'Increasing young people\u2019s attendance at performing arts events', 'Source': 'Leisure Sciences: an interdisciplinary journal, Vol 34, Iss 4, pp 314-331', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2012.687631', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/05/increasing-young-peoples-attendance-at-performing-arts-events/', 'Authors': 'Martin, A. J., Anderson, M., & Adams, R-J.', 'description': u'This paper examined a range of factors that determined whether or not adolescents attended a performing arts event (defined as live dance, music or drama). The study focused on out-of-school arts attendance, but used school students as its research subjects. The researchers found little patterning in the way that particular schools or regions behaved, but a lot of variation between individual students. They also found that \u2018the most consistent factor linked to [arts attendance] was frequency of family attendance at performing arts events\u2019. This was true for all types of performing arts.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'Web communication can h elp theaters attract and keep younger audiences', 'Author email': 'alex.turrini@unibocconi.it', 'keywords': '"audience", "Italy", "online", "survey", "theatre"', 'linktitle': 'Cultivating theatre audiences through online activity', 'Source': 'International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 18, Iss 4, pp 474-485', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2011.625420', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/cultivating-theatre-audiences-through-online-activity/', 'Authors': 'Turrini, A., Soscia, I. & Maulini, A.', 'description': u'This paper looks at the profile of theatregoers who were classified as \u2018tech savvy\u2019 by the authors. This segment tended to be younger, more omnivorous and less familiar than the traditional theatregoer. The paper found that the web can be used to deepen the level of engagement with audiences, market to infrequent attenders and possibly address the challenge presented by an aging audience for the traditional arts.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'Sympho ny concert demand: does programming matter?', 'Author email': 'jpompe@fmarion.edu', 'keywords': '"audience", "box office", "classical", "music", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'A familiar repertoire will attract concert audiences, at least in the short term', 'Source': 'The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, Vol 43, Iss 4, pp 215-228', 'Link': 'http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10632921.2013.818085#.UzcXoF7R3dE', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/a-familiar-repertoire-will-attract-concert-audiences-at-least-in-the-short-term/', 'Authors': 'Pompe, J., Tamburri, L., & Munn, J.', 'description': 'This paper reports the results of an analysis into the box office data of 47 major symphony orchestras in t he US between the years 2001 and 2007. They found that a more standard repe rtoire increased audiences, as did increased spending on advertising and broadcasting, and reductions in ticket price. Local factors also made a dif ference (eg an older local population led to a lar ger audience). The authors do not simply suggest programming fami liar and safe works, as they suspect this will lead to a s tagnation of the musical offer and ultima tely a decrease in audience numbers.', 'ce DocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': u'Stigma in the arts: how perceptual barriers influence individuals\u2019 with disabilities participation in arts organizations', 'Author email': 'eludwig@corcoran.o rg', 'keywords': '"access", "disability", "stigma", "survey", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Reducing stigma for disabled arts patrons', 'S ource': 'The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Soc iety, Vol 42, Iss 3, pp 141-151', 'Li nk': 'http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10632921.2012.729498#.UzcgWV 7R3dE', 'uri': 'htt p://www.culture case.org/research/20 14/04/reducing- stigma-for-disabl ed-arts-patrons/', 'A uthors': 'Ludwig, E. ', 'description': u'This paper looked at what factors influenced the decisions of disabled people to attend arts venues. The research was based two surveys: one of 28 arts organisations and another of 50 disabled people. Both took place in New Jersey, USA. The surveys focused particularly on the ways in which stigma around disability influenced people\u2019s attitudes and behaviours. They found that stigma was a barrier, and that arts organisations underestimated its potency.', 'ceDocType ': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org', 'Publicati on date': '2012'} {'Title': "Danglin g conversations: web-forum use by a sy mphony or chestra's audie nce members", 'Author email': 't erry.osul livan@open.ac .uk', 'keywords': '"digi tal", "forums", "identity", "in terview", "mus ic", "online", "UK"', 'linkt itle': 'Why do music aficio nados use online forums?', 'Sourc e': 'Journal of Mar keting Ma nagement, Vol 26, Iss 7-8, pp 65 6-670', 'Link' : 'http://dx.d oi.org/10.1080/0267257X.20 10.481866', 'uri': 'http://www.cu lturecas e.org/research /2014/04/why- do-music-aficionados -use-online-forums /', 'Auth ors': "O'Sullivan, T.", 'Open acc ess link': 'ht tp://oro.open .ac.uk/25594/', 'descri ption': 'T his paper repor ts the finding s of eight in-dep th telephone interviews designed to d iscover the va rious ways that p eople use web forums to disc uss orchestral mus ic. The research foun d that people behav e in a variet y of d i f f e r e n t w a y s o n l i n e a n d i n v e s t t h e i r o n l i n e p e r s o n a s w i t h a m u l t i p l i c i t y o f d i f f e r e n t m e anings. What brought people together in an online forum was simply their shared interest in a particular subject. But other than that they exhibited a wide variety of other interests, behaviors and attitudes. Therefore arts organisations looking to deploy social media in their audience development need to be conscious of this variety.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'Digital complements or substitutes? A quasi-field experiment from the Royal National Theatre', 'Author email': 'david.throsby@mq.edu.au', 'keywords': '"audience", "box office", "broadcast", "cinema", "digital", "live", "theatre", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Digital broadcasts of live events do not reduce audience numbers', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol 38, Iss 1, pp 1-8', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10824-013-9201-2', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/digital-broadcasts-of-live-events-to-not-reduce-audience-numbers/', 'Authors': 'Bakhshi, H. & Throsby, D.', 'description': u'This paper tackled the question of whether digital broadcasts of live events lead to an increase or reduction in the number of attendees at those live events. The competing theories are that either audiences substitute their live experience for a more convenient digital one, or that the digital broadcasts bring in new audiences to the live experience. To test this the authors looked at a broadcast of the National Theatre\u2019s production of Phedre (which was broadcast live in cinemas). They found that people who lived near a cinema showing Phedre were actually more likely to book for a live performance of the play during its run at the National Theatre, and this likelihood increased depending on how near to the National Theatre people lived.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': 'Estimating demand for opera using sales system data: the case of Finnish National Opera', 'Author email': 'jani-petri.laamanen@uta.fi', 'keywords': '"box office", "demand", "Finland", "opera"', 'linktitle': 'What shapes demand for opera?', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol 37, Iss 4, pp 417-432', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10824-012-9190-6', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/what-shapes-demand-for-opera/', 'Authors': 'Laamanen, J-P.', 'description': 'The paper reports an analysis of eight years of data from the box office of the Finnish National Opera. The research found that there was increased demand for tickets when the opera was new, of Finnish origin (rather than classical), where the performer is famous and on certain days of the week and months of the year. They were also able to estimate that the demand for tickets falls roughly in proportion to the level of price rises (a 1 per cent increase in ticket price results in 1.16 per cent fall in demand).', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Retaining the visitor, enhancing the experience: Identifying attributes of choice in repeat museum visitation' , 'Author email': 'Ch ristine .burton@uts.edu.au', 'keywords ': '"Austr alia", "choic e modelling", "dec ision-ma king", "interv iew", "museum", "survey", "v isitor"', 'linkt itle': 'How do peo ple decide whe ther or not t o visit a muse um?', 'Source' : 'Internationa l Journal of Nonprofit and Volunt ary Sector Marketing, Vol 14, Iss 1, pp 21-34' , 'Link': 'htt p://onlinelibr ary.wiley.com /doi/10.1002/ nv sm.351/abstr act', 'uri': 'http://www.cult ureca se.org/resear ch/2014/04/how-do-people- decide -whether-or-n ot-to-visit- a-museum/' , 'Authors': 'Burton, C., Lou viere, J. & Young , L.', ' description': 'T he paper out lines an expe riment cond ucted amongs t museum vis itors in Aust ralia to dis cover how people made decisio ns about what actions to t ake and (in this case) whethe r or not to visit a part icular museum . In this case th e results sug gested that frequent (rath er than one-time) visits could be enc ouraged in s ome way throu gh discounts or o ther perks, t hat bundle of fers with other local a ttractions wer e attractive, and that the benefits to childr en were uppermost in the m inds of paren ts when deciding betwee n different leis ure activi tes.', 'ceDoc Type': 'Peer ReviewedResearch', 'ces ource': 'http://www.cu lturecase.org', 'P ublication date': ' 2009'} {'Title': u'\u2018Where do you want to go today?\u2019 An analysis of family group decisions to visit museums', 'Author email': 'karenklwu@hotmail.c om', 'keywords': '"children", "de cision-ma king", "familie s", "interview" , "museum", "Taiwan"', 'linktitle': 'Ch ildren can be key d ecision-m akers in whether o r not families vis it museums', ' Source': 'J ournal of Marketing Manageme nt, Vol 26, Iss 7-8, pp 706-726', 'Link': 'http://www .tandfonline.com/doi/ full/10.1080/02 6725710037800 07#.U0cwD8dw3dE', 'uri ': 'http: //www.culturec ase.org/research/2014/04/children -can-be-k ey-decision-ma kers-in-whethe r-or-not-families-v isit-mus eums/', 'Authors': 'Wu, K-L., Ho lmes, K. & Tri be, J.', 'description': 'Thi s paper reports the findings from research into how and why families decide to visit mu seums. The re search is bas ed on interviews with museum-goers in Taiwan. The interviews unpicked their collective decision-making processes and the role of children in these dynamics. They found four types of decision-making process in which children play a key part.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'The business of authenticity: a false relation?', 'Author email': 'nick.wilson@kcl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"authenticity", "interview", "marketing", "music", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Authenticity is a complex issue when marketing classical music', 'Source': 'Arts Marketing: An International Journal, Vol 1 Iss 2, pp 159-170', 'Link': 'http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=2044-2084&volume=1&issue=2&articleid=1954467&show=html', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/authenticity-is-a-complex-issue-when-marketing-classical-music/', 'Authors': 'Wilson, N.', 'Open access link': 'https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/the-business-of-authenticity-a-false-relation%28eacc6de9-3b12-4239-af31-8bebadca55bb%29.html', 'description': u'This paper looked at the phenomenon of \u2018historically informed performance\u2019 (performing classical music on period instruments and in original arrangements) and examines how it gained relative commercial success in the UK during the 1970s and 80s. The author attributes the success of the early HIP movement to the fact that a critical mass of skilled and entrepreneurial musicians and performers were able to find an audience thanks to their superior ability in communicating the music\u2019s magic, thereby bridging the distinct worlds of art, commerce and popular taste. This was at a time when authenticity was a badge of honour in various commercial sectors and although authenticity was a key component of the music\u2019s popular appeal, it played a complex role in the music\u2019s development.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2011'} {'Title': 'Social stratification and cultural consumption: music in England', 'Author email': 'tw.chan@sociology.ox.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"class", "music", "status", "survey", "taste", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Most people do not have eclectic music tastes', 'Source': 'European Sociological Review, Vol 23, Iss 1, 1-19', 'Link': 'http://esr.oxfordjournals.org/content/23/1/1', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/most-people-do-not-have-eclectic-music-tastes/', 'Authors': 'Chan, T. & Goldthorpe, J.', 'Open access link': 'http://users.ox.ac.uk/~sfos0006/', 'description': 'The paper reports the results of a study into cultural consumption habits of 20-64 year olds in England. They found that people generally fall into three categories: omnivores, univores and a third group of omnivores that listen to recorded classical music in addition to rock and pop. Univores make up the majority of people at all levels of society, although education levels and social status are the most likely characteristics to determine which of the three groups people belong to.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2007'} {'Title': 'Rethinking arts marketing in a changing cultural policy context', 'Author email': 'hk.lee@kcl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"marketing", "social", "theatre", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Arts marketing needs to integrate a social impact dimension to satisfy stakeholders', 'Source': 'International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Vol 10, Iss 3, pp 151-164', 'Link': 'http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/nvsm.9/abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/arts-marketing-needs-to-integrate-a-social-impact-dimension-to-satisfy-stakeholders/', 'Authors': 'Lee, H-K.', 'Open access link': 'https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/rethinking-arts-marketing-in-a-changing-cultural-policy-context%28f6c8342f-2542-477f-a7a2-31baf74bc2e3%29.html', 'description': 'The paper looked at how marketing can inform the way that arts organisations respond to changing national policy that impacts upon their objectives and mission. The study was based on interviews with staff at four theatres in the UK. The author recommends that marketing principles and practices be used to affect local policy and decision-making, maintain trust with stakeholders, develop partnerships and collaboration, and develop a rhetoric that is politically savvy and speaks to government policy.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2005'} {'Title': 'A strategic logic for arts marketing', 'keywords': '"aethetics", "co-production", "experience", "impact", "marketing", "value"', 'linktitle': 'The artistic experience is not created for the consumer, but co-created with them', 'Source': 'International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 12, Iss 1, pp 73-92', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10286630600613333', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/the-artistic-experience-is-not-created-for-the-consumer-but-co-created-with-them/', 'Authors': 'Boorsma, M.', 'description': 'This paper charts the theories that have underpinned arts marketing in the last 20 years. It suggests that incorporating contemporary aesthetic philosophy could lead to a radical shift in arts marketing practice. Rather than allowing either the customer- or artist-centred approach to prevail, the author sets out a more strategic approach that aligns practical marketing activity with theories of aesthetics to achieve the greatest possible artistic impact and value.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'An evening at the theatre: using choice experiments to model preferences for theatres and theatrical productions', 'Author email': 'ken.willis@ncl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"choice", "preference", "reviews", "survey", "theatre", "UK", "willingness-to-pay", "word-of-mouth"', 'linktitle': u'Word-of-mouth and reviews make the biggest difference to people\u2019s theatre-going choices', 'Source': 'Applied Economics, Vol 43, Iss 27, pp 3987-3998', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00036841003742637', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/word-of-mouth-and-reviews-make-the-biggest-difference-to-peoples-theatre-going-choices/', 'Authors': u'Jose\u0301 M. Grisoli\u0301a & Willis, K. G.', 'description': 'The paper describes a study that examined how people in northeast England made decisions about what theatre performances to attend. Word-of-mouth and reviews were the most significant factors determining whether or not people chose to attend a particular performance (and bad reviews put people off more than good reviews enticed them).', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2011'} {'Title': 'Social engagement and regional theatre: patterns of theatre attendance', 'Author email': 'Ken.Willis@ncl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"attendance", "audience", "box office", "census", "education", "profile", "theatre", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Education levels determine theatre attendance', 'Source': 'Cultural Trends, Vol 19, Iss 3, pp 225-244', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09548963.2010.495277', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/education-levels-determine-theatre-attendance/', 'Authors': u'Grisoli\u0301a, J. M., Willis, K., Wymer, C. & Law, A.', 'description': 'This paper reports a study that used box office data to compare areas in northeast England where regular theatregoers live with those with areas that have no theatre-going residents. By profiling the those neighbourhoods they found that education was the most important factor in determining the likelihood that someone would attend the theatre, with religiousity (or lack thereof), occupation and socio-economic status also playing a role. However they found that the profile of audiences varied according to the type of theatre production.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} { 'Title': 'What makes an audience? Investigating the roles and experiences of listeners at a chamber music festival', 'Author email': 's.e.pitts@sheffield.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"audience", "experience", "listening", "live", "music", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Concert-going has a strongly social aspect that complements the music', 'Source': 'Music and Letters, Vol 86, Iss 2, pp 257-269', 'Link': 'http://ml.oxfordjournals.org/content/86/2/257.abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/concert-going-has-a-strongly-social-aspect-that-complements-the-music/', 'Authors': 'Pitts, S. E.', 'Open access link': 'http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/10849/', 'description': 'The paper reports the experiences of audience members at a chamber music festival in Sheffield. The research highlights the various aspects of concert-going that affected the pleasure derived by audience members at the festival: these were not limited to the music but included the sense of community felt at the concerts, the closeness that the audience got to the performer, and the sense of occasion that the festival concerts represented to the regular attendees.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2005'} {'Title': 'The decision process involved in corporate sponsorship for the arts', 'Author email' : 'normand.turge on@hec.ca', 'keyw ords': '"Canada", "corporate givin g", "decision-mak ing", "sponsorship"', 'linktitle': 'Corporate sponsors look for arts events and organisations that fulfil corporate objectives', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol 16, pp 41-51', 'Link': 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02275976', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/corporate-sponsors-look-for-arts-events-and-organisations-that-fulfil-corporate-objectives/', 'Authors': 'Turgeon, N. & Colbert, F.', 'description': u'This paper sets out a model to illuminate and explain the ways in which corporations decide to sponsor arts events or organisations. Even by 1992 the authors confidently stated that the \u2018days of sponsorship decisions being made mainly by CEOs on the basis of their pet projects or hobbies are long gone\u2019.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '1992'} {'Title': 'To ward a new conceptual framework for business in vestments in the arts: some exam ples from Ital y', 'Author ema il': 'roberta.comun ian@kcl. ac.uk', 'keywords' : '"corporate giv ing", "donor motiv ation", "inn ovation", "Italy" ', 'linktitle ': 'Corporate s ponsorship is abou t more than just marketing', 'Sou rce': 'The Journa l of Arts Managem ent, Law, and Soc iety, Vol 39, Iss 3, pp 200-220', 'L ink': 'http://www. tandfonline.com/do i/abs/10.1080/ 10632920903218521#. U0c9tMdw3dE', 'uri': 'http ://www.cult urecase.org/resear ch/2014/04/corpor ate-sponsorship-i s-about-more-than -just-marketing/' , 'Authors': 'Comuni an, R.', 'descrip tion': 'Th is paper looked at the way s in which corpor ations benefite d by investing in the arts, and found that art and culture are now a signifi cant component in t he commercial value cha in of the post-industrial 2 1st century econom y. Up until now people have tended to think that th e main benefits of sponsorship to corporations were in enhanced repu tation and a growth i n clients or cu stomers. The author is keen to emphasis e other benefits t o the running of the businesse s: particularly in supporting in novation, product research and f inding new mar kets.', 'ceDocTy pe': 'PeerReviewedR esearch', 'cesource ': 'http://www.cul turecase.org', 'Publica tion date ': '2009'} {'Title': 'Corporate suppo rt of artistic and cultural activities: what determine s the distribution of corporate givi ng?', 'ke ywords': '"cor porate giving" , "donor motiv ation", "image" , "repu tation", "surve y", "USA"', ' linktitle': ' Corporations donate to th e arts to enh ance their image an d reputation', 'Source': 'Jour nal of Cultura l Economics, Vol 24, Iss 3, pp 22 5-241', 'Link': 'http://link.s pringer.com/art icle/10.1023/A% 3A1007686500896 ', 'uri': 'http://www.c ultureca se.org/research /2014/04/corpo rations-donate-to -the-arts-to-en hance-their-ima ge-and-reputati on/', 'Authors': ' Leclair, M. S. & Gordon, K.', ' description': 'T his paper ill uminates the b ehaviour of co rporate donors i n the US and the motives that sh ape their decisions. The res earch found tha t donations to cultural organis ations were a mech anism for supp orting the adver tising and mark eting aims of t he corporatio n, whereas corporation s donate t o other social c auses for different r easons.' , 'ceDocType': ' PeerReviewedRes earch', 'cesourc e': 'http://www. culturecase.or g', 'Publicatio n date': '2000'} {'Title': 'Rethinking arts mar keting in a changing cultural policy context', 'Author email' : 'hk.lee@kcl.ac.uk', 'keywor ds': '"marketing ", "social", "th eatre", "UK"', ' linktitle': 'Arts marketing needs to int egrate a social impact dim ension to satisfy stakeholders', 'Source': 'International Journal o f Nonprofit an d Voluntary Sector Marketing, Vol 10, I ss 3, pp 1 51-164', 'Link' : 'http://onlinel ibrary.wiley.com /doi/10.1002/nvsm .9/abstract', 'uri': ' http://www .culturecase.org /research/2014/04/arts -marketing-needs- to-integrate-a-soci al-impact-dimensio n-to-satisfy-s takeholders/', 'A uthors': 'Lee, H-K.', 'O pen access link': 'https:// kclpure.kcl.ac. uk/portal/en/pub lications/reth inking-art s-marketing-in- a-changing-cultur al-policy-contex t%28f6c834 2f-2542-47 7f-a7a2-31baf74b c2e3%29.html', ' description': 'The paper looked at h ow marketing can inform the way that arts organisations respond to changing national policy that impacts upon their objectives and mission. The study was based on interviews with staff at four theatres in the UK. The author recommends that marketing principles and practices be used to affect local policy and decision-making, maintain trust with stakeholders, develop partnerships and collaboration, and develop a rhetoric that is politically savvy and speaks to government policy.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2005'} {'Title': 'Business giving, the Tsunami and corporates as rock stars: some implications for arts funding?', 'Author email': 'j.harrow@city.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"campaigning", "corporate giving", "development", "donor motivation", "philanthropy"', 'linktitle': 'Arts organisations should target employees to garner corporate support', 'Source': 'Cultural Trends, Vol 15, Iss 4, pp 299-323', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09548960600922640', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/arts-organisations-should-target-employees-to-garner-corporate-support/', 'Authors': 'Harrow, J., Palmer, P. & Bogdanova, M.', 'Open access link': 'http://www.cassknowledge.com/node/4106', 'description': u'This paper examined the practices and rhetoric of corporations who made substantial charitable donations in the aftermath of the 2004 Asian Tsunami. They found that, overall, there was no clear relationship between the type, size, mission or reach of companies with the amount that they gave or their stated reasons for giving. However, the research detected some themes in the rhetoric and behaviour of those corporations that are useful for arts organisations in search of philanthropic funding: particularly recurrent herding behaviour or corporations and the lack of critical thinking when choosing the \u2018easy\u2019 or obvious cause to fund. They concluded that employees (rather than simply chief executives or board members) are more viable and sustainable targets for corporate giving requests.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'An Orchestral Audience: Classical Music and Continued Patterns of Distinction', 'Author email': 'g.crawford@salford.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"app", "classical", "focus group", "live", "mobile", "music", "students", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Mobile technology will not widen the audience for live classical music', 'Source': 'Cultural Sociology, Vol 8, Iss 4, pp 483-500', 'Link': 'http://cus.sagepub.com/content/8/4/483', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/mobile-technology-will-not-widen-the-audience-for-live-classical-music/', 'Authors': 'Crawford, G., Gosling, V., Bagnall, G. & Light, B.', 'description': u'This paper analysed the potential of a mobile app for selling tickets and expanding the audience amongst a student audience for classical music. The research specifically focused on a project led by the London Symphony Orchestra. They targeted students at elite universities in London with an app that allowed them to sell discounted tickets. Focus groups held with concert-goers who used the app suggested it wasn\u2019t an appropriate way to deepen the live experience or expand the audience, although it was an efficient way of selling tickets.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': 'Development and behavioral pattern analysis of a mobile guide system with augmented reality for painting appreciation instruction in an art museum', 'keywords': '"art", "experiment", "interpretation", "museum", "Taiwan"', 'linktitle': 'How augmented reality helps museum visitors appreciate paintings', 'Source': 'Computers & Education, Vol 71, pp 185-197', 'Link': 'http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131513002868', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/09/how-augmented-reality-helps-museum-visitors-appreciate-paintings/', 'Authors': 'Chang, K-E., Chang, C-T., Hou, H-T., Sung, Y-T., Chao, H-L., Lee, C-M.', 'description': 'This paper reports an experiment where 135 college students were observed in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. The students were divided into three groups. One group was not given any guide, another used the audio tour commonly offered in the museum, and the third group used an augmented reality (AR) guide. The study showed that members of the AR-guided group spent more time in front of each painting and retained the most information about the paintings according to the results of pre- and post-visit tests.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': 'The end of the beginning: normativity in the postdigital museum', 'Author email': 'rdp5@le.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"digital", "museum", "strategy", "UK"', 'linktitle': u'\u2018Digital\u2019 has changed organisations\u2019 strategies as well as their technology', 'Source': 'Museum Worlds, Vol 1, Iss 1, pp 24-39', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/armw.2013.010103', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/08/digital-has-changed-organisations-strategies-as-well-as-their-technology/', 'Authors': 'Parry, R.', 'description': u'The use of digital technology in museums is no longer something special or revolutionary. This paper focuses on what that means for museums\u2019 strategies and structures. It finds that the digital turn has not simply meant the adoption of new technologies but an infusion of organisational practices that reflect those more commonly associated with digital technology: namely collaboration and iteration. Rather than museums having ', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2013'} {'Title': 'Accounting for new technology in museum exhibtions', 'Author email': 'dirk.vom_lehn@kcl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"experience", "museum", "observation", "UK", "visitor"', 'linktitle': 'New technology does not always enhance the gallery visitor experience', 'Source': 'International Journal of Arts Management, Vol 7, Iss 3, pp 11-21', 'Link': 'http://www.jstor.org/stable/41064849', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/new-technology-does-not-always-enhance-the-gallery-visitor-experience/', 'Authors': 'vom Lehn, D. & Heath, C.', 'Open access link': 'https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/accounting-for-new-technology-in-museum-exhibtions%28a475daae-1a99-4554-a6b5-b256a2faec83%29.html', 'description': u'This paper looks at the way in which galleries and museums have deployed technology in their exhibitions to support the aesthetic and educational experience of the public. The research specifically examined the use of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) at a contemporary art gallery and touch-screen kiosks in a decorative arts museum. The authors identify a \u2018fragile relationship\u2019 between exhibits and the interactive technologies and suggest that new technology be used to stimulate and facilitate interaction and a shared experience, rather than an isolated encounter with an object.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2005'} {'Title': "Dangling co nversations: web-forum use by a symphony orchestra 's audience members", 'Au thor email': 't erry.osulliva n@open.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"digit al", "for ums", "identit y", "intervie w", "music", " online", "UK" ', 'linktitle': 'W hy do mu sic aficionad os use online forum s?', 'So urce': 'Journ al of Marketin g Management, Vol 26, Iss 7 -8, pp 656-6 70', 'Link': 'h ttp://dx.doi.org/1 0.1080/02 67257X.2010.4 81866', 'uri': 'http://www.culture case.org /research/201 4/04/why-do-m usic-aficiona dos- use-online-foru ms/', 'Au thors': "O'Sul livan, T.", ' Open access l ink': 'http://oro. open.ac.u k/25594/', 'de scription': ' This paper re ports the fin dings of eigh t in-depth telepho ne interviews d esigned to disc over the vari ous ways that people use web fo rums to discuss orches tral music. The rese arch foun d that peopl e behave in a variety of d ifferent ways online and in vest their onli ne personas with a m ultiplicity of different me anings. What bro ught people tog ether in an on line forum was simply their shared interest in a particu lar subject. But other tha n that they exh ibited a wide variety of oth er interests, behaviors an d attitudes. Therefore ar ts organisations looking to de ploy social med ia in their aud ience developm ent need to b e conscious o f this variety .', 'ceDocType' : 'PeerReviewed Research', 'cesource': 'http ://www.cu lturecase.org', 'Pu blication date ': '2010'} {'Title': 'Digital complements or substitutes? A quasi-field experiment from the Royal National Theatre', 'Author email': ' david.throsby@ mq.edu.au', ' keywords': '"a udience", "box offi ce", "b roadcast" , "cinema ", "digital", "live", "theatre", "U K"', 'linktit le': 'Digital broadcasts of li ve even ts do not red uce audience numbers', 'So urce': 'Journa l of Cultur al Econom ics, Vol 38, Iss 1, pp 1- 8', 'Lin k': 'http ://link.sp ringer.com/ar ticle/10.1007/s 10824-013-9201 -2', 'uri': 'http: //www.culturec ase.org/resear ch/2014/04/digi tal-broadcasts-of -live-events-to- not-reduce-audi ence-number s/', 'Authors': 'Bakhshi, H. & Throsby, D.', 'description': u'This paper tackled the question of whether digital broadcasts of live events lead to an increase or reduction in the number of attendees at those live events. The competing theories are that either audiences substitute their live experience for a more convenient digital one, or that the digital broadcasts bring in new audiences to the live experience. To test this the authors looked at a broadcast of the National Theatre\u2019s production of Phedre (which was broadcast live in cinemas). They found that people who lived near a cinema showing Phedre were actually more likely to book for a live performance of the play during its run at the National Theatre, and this likelihood increased depending on how near to the National Theatre people lived.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2014'} {'Title': 'New technologies in cultural institutions: theory, evidence and policy implications', 'Author email': 'david.throsby@mq.edu.au', 'keywords': '"audience", "digital", "gallery", "impact", "live", "online", "theatre", "UK", "visual art"', 'linktitle': 'Taking art online reaches a new audience and enhances the user experience', 'Source': 'International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 18, Iss 2, pp 205-222', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2011.587878', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/taking-art-online-reaches-a-new-audience-and-enhances-the-user-experience/', 'Authors': 'Bakhshi, H. & Throsby, D.', 'description': u'This paper sets out a conceptual framework for understanding how new technologies are changing the way in which cultural organisations work. The research used this framework to analyse data from surveys taken of both \u2018live\u2019 and \u2018digital\u2019 audiences for The National Theatre and Tate. In both cases the online audiences were less affluent than the \u2018live\u2019 and had tended not to have been to the specific cultural institution in the previous 12 months (whereas a vast majority of the \u2018live\u2019 audience were frequent attenders). The digital audience were regularly engaged with the type of cultural experience that was on offer, but they did not go to that particular theatre or gallery.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2012'} {'Title': 'What makes an audience? Investigating the roles and experiences of listeners at a chamber music festival', 'Author email': 's.e.pitts@sheffield.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"audience", "experience", "listening", "live", "music", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Concert-going has a strongly social aspect that complements the music', 'Source': 'Music and Letters, Vol 86, Iss 2, pp 257-269', 'Link': 'http://ml.oxfordjournals.org/content/86/2/257.abstract', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/concert-going-has-a-strongly-social-aspect-that-complements-the-music/', 'Authors': 'Pitts, S. E.', 'Open access link': 'http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/10849/', 'description': 'The paper reports the experiences of audience members at a chamber music festival in Sheffield. The research highlights the various aspects of concert-going that affected the pleasure derived by audience members at the festival: these were not limited to the music but included the sense of community felt at the concerts, the closeness that the audience got to the performer, and the sense of occasion that the festival concerts represented to the regular attendees.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2005'} {'Title': 'When words arrive: a qualitative study of poetry as a community devel opment tool', 'Author email': 'sand ra.dennisonsjollem a@mail.mcgill.ca ', 'keywords': '" Canada", "commu nity", "developm ent", "interview", "poetr y"', 'linktitle' : 'Poetry as a positive communit y development tool ', 'Source': 'C ommunity Development Journal, V ol 49, Iss 1, pp 54-68', 'Link' : 'http://cdj.o xfordjournals.org/co ntent/49/1/54', 'uri': 'http://w ww.culturecas e.org/research/ 2015/05/poet ry-as-a-positive-c ommunity- development-tool /', 'Authors': ' Sjollema, S. D. & Hanley, J.', 'description ': 'This paper so ught to investigate the impact of poet ry for communi ty development. The study found that poetry gr oups are used as a tool for community develop ment in community sett ings, generati ng numerous bene fits for both disadvantaged p opulations as well as parti cipants from other demo graphics, including educa ted and middle c lass populations . In particular , participants d eveloped a gr eater sense o f agency and social capital.' , 'ceDocType': 'PeerRevie wedResearch ', 'cesource': 'ht tp://www.culturecase. org', 'Publication dat e': '2014'} {'Title': ' The potentials of art to involve citizens in regional transi tions: exploring a site-sp ecific perfo rmance in Haa rzuilens, the Netherlands', 'A uthor e mail': 'maria n.stuiver@wur .nl', 'keywords': '"developmen t", "placemakin g", "planning ", "the neth erlands", "t heatre"', 'linktitl e': 'Art can help in volve citize ns in local planning pro cesses', 'So urce': 'Commu nity Development Journal, Vol 48, Iss 2, p p 298-31 2', 'Link': ' http://cdj.oxfor djournals.org /content/48/ 2/298', 'uri': 'ht tp://www.cu lturecase.o rg/research/2 015/05/art- can-help-involve-ci tizens-i n-local-pla nning-process es/', 'Autho rs': 'Stuiver, M., van der Jagt , P., v an Erven, E., & Hoving, I.', ' descrip tion': u'This study looked at the potential of art as a way of involving citizens in the processes of regional transitions. In this article, researches asked whether artwork based on narratives and created in collaboration between artists and local residents can help planners achieve a more community-based process for planning. They found that artists working with local communities can reveal valuable information about local people\u2019s connection to a place.', 'ceDocType': 'P eerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', ' Publication date': '20 13'} {'Title': 'Art and community development: the role the arts have in regenerating communities' , 'keywords': '"de velopment", "eval uation", "regene ration", "UK"', ' linktitle': 'The arts have an im portant role in regenerating communities', 'Sour ce': 'Community Develo pment Jour nal, Vol 35, Is s 4, pp 414-424' , 'Link': 'http://cdj .oxfordjournals. org/content/35/4 /414', 'uri': 'http://www.cult urecase.org/rese arch/2015/05/the-arts -have-an- important-role- in-regenerating -communities/' , 'Authors': 'Kay , A.', 'description' : 'This article is based on a study o f four a rts projects in Scot land, each had a n important rol e to play in local regen eration p rogrammes. It foun d that, overall, art projects a re versatile, c an be used in t raining and employment, a ppeal to young p eople and to the mo st marginalised in society, ar e good at encouraging i nvestment, and aid communit y development thro ugh active citize nship. It also pointed to the importan ce of proper eva luation methods f or art projects and the need f or better tools for measuring im pact.', 'ceDocTy pe': 'PeerReviewedRe search', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2000'} {'Title': 'Art spaces, public space, and the link to community development', 'Author email': 'grodach@uta.edu', 'keywords': '"community", "neighbourhood", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Art spaces can act as community spaces', 'Source': 'Community Development Journal, Vol 45, Iss 4, pp 474-493', 'Link': 'http://cdj.oxfordjournals.org/content/45/4/474', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2015/05/art-spaces-can-act-as-community-spaces/', 'Authors': 'Grodach, C', 'description': 'This research explored the role of community arts spaces in providing public space and in this way supporting community development. It provides a comprehensive inventory of community art spaces (such as artist cooperatives, ethnic-specific art spaces and city-sponsored art centres) in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, the research showed that community art spaces play important roles related to community development, but that they also face challenges in fulfilling their potential. These challenges relate to their structures, programming, their buildings, and their location in the city.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2010'} {'Title': 'Urban regeneration, arts programming and major events', 'keywords': '"Barcelona", "development", "Glasgow", "major events", "regeneration", "Sydney"', 'linktitle': 'The role of the arts in event-led regeneration policies', 'Source': 'International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 10, Iss 1, pp 103-118', 'Link': 'http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1028663042000212355#.VHijP4eCU1Y', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/12/the-role-of-the-arts-in-event-led-regeneration-policies/', 'Authors': u'Garc\xeda, B.', 'description': u'This paper argues that event-led urban regeneration strategies do not necessarily lead to the development of sustainable arts programming. It recommends a more balanced and locally embedded approach towards city renewal through arts and culture. The paper features three case studies:\xa0 Glasgow 1990 \u2013 European City of Culture; Sydney 2000 \u2013 Olympic Games; and Barcelona 2004 \u2013 Universal Forum for Cultures.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2004'} {'Title': 'Comm unity voices, curatorial choices: community consulta tion for the 1807 exhibitio ns', 'Author email' : 'Kalliopi.Fouseki@S cienceMuseum.org. uk', 'keywords': '"community", " consultation", " focus group", "museum", "UK"', ' linktitle': 'Bes t practice in com munity consultat ion by museums', 'Source': 'Museum and Society, Vol 8, Iss 3, pp 180-192', 'L ink': 'http://www2.le.ac. uk/departm ents/museumstudi es/museumsociety/vol umes/volume8', 'u ri': 'http://www.cultur ecase.org /research/2014/1 2/best-practice -in-community-co nsultation-by-mus eums/', 'Authors': 'Fo useki, K', 'Open ac cess link': 'htt p://www2.le.ac.uk/de partments /museumstudies/mus eumsociety/docum ents/volumes/fou secki.pdf', 'des cription': 'The r esearch explores how community c onsultation is ca rried out by museu ms, and highlights in p articular the perceptions of community mem bers involved. It uses the case study of seven institutions an d their development of exhibitions bas ed on the 1807 Ab olition of Slaver y Act. The key research findings are that community membe rs often felt an gry and frustrated, ra ther than involved, as a resu lt of the consu ltation process. Consul tation of ten meant inform ing communitie s rather than engaging in proper dialogue a nd negotiation w ith the community.' , 'ceDocType': ' PeerReviewedRese arch', 'cesource': 'ht tp://www. culturecase.org' , 'Publication d ate': '2010'} {'Title': 'Volu nteer management in arts organizations: a case study and managerial i mplications', 'keywords': '" interview", "rural", "theatr e", "U K", "volunt eers"', ' linktitle ': 'Recrui ting and r etaining v olunteers at a rural producing the atre', 'Source': 'I nternation al Journa l of Arts Ma nagemen t, Vol 9 , Iss 2, pp 16-28', 'Link': 'http ://www.j stor.org /discover/10 .2307 /41064916 ', 'uri' : 'http://www.culturecas e.org/res earch/2014/ 04/recrui ting-and-reta ining-volu nteers-at -a-rural-p roducing-thea tre/', 'Authors': 'Bu ssell, H. & Forb es, D.', 'Open a ccess link': 'http://www .jstor .org/disc over/10.2 307/41064916', 'descrip tion': u'This paper describes best practice in volunteer management, focusing on a regional producing theatre in the UK. It looks at all aspects of the volunteering process \u2013 from recruitment and management through to retention. The research found that successful volunteer management is primarily about relationship management: ensuring that the individual volunteer feels connected with and appreciated by their employer organisation.', 'ceDocT ype': 'PeerReviewedRese arch', 'cesource' : 'http://www.cultu recase.org', 'Pu blication date': '2007'} {'Title': 'Great art for everyone? Engagement and participation policy i n the arts', 'Author email': 'L.Jancovich@ leedsbeckett .ac.uk', 'ke ywords': '"co mmunity", "d ecision-makin g", "engagement", " intervi ew", "particip atory", "UK" ', 'linktitle': 'Us ing par ticipatory de cision-makin g in the art s', 'Source' : 'Cultural Trends, Vol 2 0, Iss 3-4, pp 27 1-279', 'Link': 'http: //dx.doi.or g/10.1080/0954896 3.2011.589708', 'u ri': 'ht tp://www.cul turecase.org/res earch/20 14/04/using- participato ry-decision-m aking-in-the-a rts/', 'Auth ors': 'Jancov ich, L.', 'Op en access l ink': 'http:/ /www.tandfon line.com/doi/ful l/10.108 0/09548963.2011.589708#.U10GjMdw3dE', 'description': 'This paper looked at ways in which participatory decision-making can bolster the links between arts organisations and their local audiences, particularly those not traditionally engaged in the arts. It looked at two practical examples of participatory decision-making in the UK.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2011'} {'Title': 'Community assessment and response: answering the arts building boom', 'Author email': 'rosewale@uwgb.edu', 'keywords': '"building", "community", "consultation", "USA"', 'linktitle': 'Community consultation puts overstretched organisations on a better footing', 'Source': 'The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, Vol 36, Iss 3, pp 213-224', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.3200/JAML.36.3.213-224', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/04/community-consultation-puts-overstretched-organisations-on-a-better-footing/', 'Authors': 'Rosewall, E.', 'description': u'The paper looked at developments in the state of Wisconsin in the USA, where \u2018nearly 100\u2019 capital projects have taken place since the early 1990s, a majority of the projects have a school connection and are in rural areas. The author found that they over-reached themselves in this building boom and needed assistance to develop a better presence in their communities in order to survive.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2006'} {'Title': 'Community consultation in developing museum projects: a case study using the Repertory Grid Technique', 'Author email': 'K.Holmes@cbs.curtin.edu.au', 'keywords': '"community", "consultation", "diverse", "event", "gallery", "museum", "UK"', 'linktitle': 'Using the Repertory Grid Technique to consult diverse communities', 'Source': '2006', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09548960600922590', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/using-the-repertory-grid-technique-to-consult-diverse-communities/', 'Authors': 'Canning, C. & Holmes, K.', 'description': u'This paper describes a process of community engagement in Sheffield using the \u2018Repertory Grid Technique\u2019. This informed the development of \u2018Burngreave Voices\u2019: a community project run by Sheffield Museums to create a co-authored book celebrating the heritage of the area, with longer-term objectives to increase the aspirations and skills of local residents. The researchers found that the technique provided a useful structure, allowing participants to express themselves in their own terms, taking complex ideas and creating a way to navigate through them.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': 'Cultural Trends, Vol 15, Iss 4, pp 275-297'} {'Title': 'The end of th e beginning: normativity in the postdigital museum', 'Auth or email': 'rdp5@le.ac.uk', ' keywords': '"digital", "museum", " strategy", "UK"', 'linktitle': u'\u2018Digital\u2019 has changed organisations\u2019 strategies as well as their technology', 'S ource': 'Museum Worl ds, Vol 1, Iss 1, p p 24-39', 'Link' : 'http://dx.doi.org/10 .3167/arm w.2013.010103', ' uri': 'http://www .culturecase.o rg/research/2014/0 8/digital-has-ch anged-organisati ons-strategies-as-well-as-the ir-technology/' , 'Authors': 'Parry, R .', 'descript ion': u'The use of digital technology in museums is no longer something special or revolutionary. This paper focuses on what that means for museums\u2019 strategies and structures. It finds that the digital turn has not simply meant the adoption of new technologies but an infusion of organisational practices that reflect those more commonly associated with digital technology: namely collaboration and iteration. Rather than museums having ', 'ceDocType ': 'PeerRe viewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http ://www.culturecase .org', 'Public ation date': '201 3'} {'Title': 'Managing performance in publicly funded museums in England: effects, resistance s and revisions', 'Author em ail': 'anwar.t lili@kcl.ac.uk', 'keywords': '"int erview", "measur ement", "mu seum", "per formance", "UK"', 'linkti tle': 'The effect s of performan ce management culture on museu ms', 'Source': 'Internat ional Journal of H eritage Studies, Vol 20, Iss 2, p p 157-180', 'Link ': 'http://www.tan dfonline.com/doi/ abs/10.1080/1352 7258.2012.737354#.U1wifM dw3dE', 'ur i': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org/ research/2014/04 /the-effects-of- performance-manag ement-culture-on-museum s/', 'Auth ors': 'Tlili, A.' , 'description': u'This paper looked at the way in which museums have adopted new forms of performance management, partially in response to the changing beliefs of policymakers and funders. The core of the research is based on a series of 44 semi-structured interviews with staff from a diverse set of nine museums and policymaking and professional organisations. The aim of the \u2018new managerialism\u2019 (as it is termed) is to create museums that are \u2018more accountable, more efficient, more entrepreneurial and more responsive to customer needs\u2019. Some museums have resisted the new managerialism and found that such an approach does not align with their artistic and creative sensibilities. Others have appropriated the approach to fit their missions and business models, but with some unintended consequences.', 'ceDoc Type': 'PeerReviewedRes earch', 'cesource' : 'http://www.cul turecase.org', 'Publ ication dat e': '2014'} {'Title': 'Mentoring and change in cultural organizations: t he experience of directors in British na tional museums ', 'Author em ail': 'jon athan.paquett e@uott awa.ca', 'ke ywords': '"confl ict", "directors" , "interview", "mentoring", "mus eum", "organisationa l change", "UK"', 'li nktitle': 'Using mentoring to embed org anisational cha nge', 'So urce': 'The Jou rnal of Arts Ma nagement, Law, and Society, Vol 42, Iss 4, pp 205-216', 'Li nk': 'http://www. tandfonline.com/do i/full/10.1080 /10632921.2012.74 9817#.Uzcdf17R3d E', 'uri': 'http:// www.culturecase .org/research/20 14/04/using-mentorin g-to-embed-organ isational-change/', 'Authors ': 'Paquet te, J.', 'descript ion': u'This paper looks at how mentoring affected organisational change and renewal in a number of large museums in the UK. The research found that mentors frequently supported\xa0their prot\xe9g\xe9s in their agendas for change, even though mentoring typically fossilises existing mindsets and behaviours. The research also identified mentoring as a crucial method for establishing organisational change.', 'ceDocTyp e': 'PeerReviewedRese arch', 'cesource': ' http://www.cultu recase.org', 'Publ ication date': ' 2012'} {'Title': u'How cultural organizations\u2019 size and funding influence innovation and performance: the case of museums', 'Author email': 'camarero@eco.uva.es', 'keywords': '"France", "innovation", "Italy", " museum", " size", "spai n", "survey ", "UK"', 'li nktitle': 'W hen it comes to museum innov ation, size matters', 'Source': 'Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol 35, I ss 4, pp 247-266', 'Link': 'http:// link.springer.com/article /10.1007/s1 0824-011-9144- 4', 'uri': 'http://w ww.culturecas e.org/research/2 014/04/when -it-comes-to -museum-inno vation-size-matt ers/', 'Auth ors': 'Camar ero, C., Garrido, M. J. & Vicente, E.', ' description ': u'The paper presents the results of a study into the relationships between museum characteristics, innovation levels and performance. They found that larger museums were more likely to innovate in technology and organisational practices. Increased levels of public funding led to lower levels of technological and organisational innovation. They concluded that public funding probably does not incentivise innovation, though increased proportions of public funding led to greater social performance. They found that size does not directly affect economic, market or social performance. Finally, all forms of innovation identified in the survey positively affect museum\u2019s economic, market and social performance.', 'ce DocType': 'Pe erReviewedResear ch', 'cesou rce': 'http:/ /www.cultur ecase.org', 'Publica tion date': '2011'} {'Title': u'House poor: how a drive for stability led to a strategic rethinking of cultural institutions\u2019 relationship to their space', 'Author email': 'danaelmquist@gmail.com', 'keywords': '"capital", "crisis", "dance", "interview ", "museu m", "strategy" , "sustainabili ty", "USA"', 'link title': 'Capital pro jects ha ve the potential t o bankrupt arts organis ations', 'Source': 'The Journal of Arts Management, L aw, and Society, Vol 42, Iss 4, pp 189-204', 'Li nk': 'http://www .tandfon line.com/doi/f ull/10.1080/1 0632921.2012.746765# .Uzcc617R 3dE', 'uri': 'h ttp://www.cultu recase.org/re search/2014/04/ capital-proje cts-have-the-p otential-to-ba nkrupt-arts-org anisations/', 'Authors': 'Elmqu ist, D.', 'descri ption': u'The paper is based on interviews with three cultural leaders in New York who were dealing with the legacy of substantial capital projects. The research concludes that organisations must realise that they are \u2018masters of their own destiny\u2019 in financial terms and cannot be bailed out for bad decisions, that buildings can be a liability as well as an asset, and that buildings to not create an audience and mission, but follow from them.', 'ceDocT ype': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'ce source': 'http:/ /www.cult urecase.o rg', 'Public ation date': '2012'} {'Title': 'Comm unity assessment and response: answering the arts building boom' , 'Author ema il': 'rosewale@uwgb. edu', 'keywords': '"b uilding", "communi ty", "consultation" , "USA"', 'linktitle ': 'Community consul tation puts overstre tched org anisations on a better foot ing', 'Source ': 'The Journal of Arts Managemen t, Law, and S ociety, Vol 36, Iss 3, pp 213- 224', 'Link': ' http://dx.doi.org/ 10.3200/JAM L.36.3.213-224', ' uri': 'http://www.c ulturecase.org/res earch/2014/04/community- consultatio n-puts-overstretch ed-organisation s-on-a-better- footing/', 'Aut hors': 'Rosewall, E.', 'd escripti on': u'The paper looked at developments in the state of Wisconsin in the USA, where \u2018nearly 100\u2019 capital projects have taken place since the early 1990s, a majority of the projects have a school connection and are in rural areas. The author found that they over-reached themselves in this building boom and needed assistance to develop a better presence in their communities in order to survive.', 'ceDocT ype': 'PeerReviewedR esearch', 'cesource ': 'http://www.culturecase .org', 'Publi cation date': '2006'} {'Title': 'Pri nciples and consistent management in the arts: lesson s from British theatr e', 'Author email': 'M.J. Beirne@mgt.gla.a c.uk', 'ke ywords': '"i nterview", " management", "staffing" , "strategy", "th eatre", "UK"', 'lin ktitle': 'Ar ts organisations should not blindly adopt corporate management techni ques', ' Source': 'Int ernational Journ al of C ultural Polic y, Vol 8, Iss 1, pp 75-89 ', 'Link': ' http://d x.doi.o rg/10.1080/ 102866302900324 59', 'ur i': 'http:// www.culturec ase.org/resea rch/2014/03/art s-organ isations-sho uld-not-blindly-ado pt-corporate -management- techniques /', 'Authors': 'Beirne, M. & Knight , S.', 'des cription': ' This paper took a critical loo k at the way in which management techniques fro m the private sector hav e infused arts organisations. The authors suggest tha t simply inc orporating management p ractices wi thout taking account of the unique and spec ial circum stances of arts organi sations risks und ermining the artisti c process and leadin g to dimini shed produc tivity. By l ooking in depth at three theatres th ey found tha t the effective run ning of a n arts organ isation can be enhanced or constra ined depen ding on whet her the managemen t approach ad opted remai ns authenti c to its co re artistic and people-cen tred values.' , 'ceDocType': ' PeerReviewe dResearch', 'ce source': 'http://www. culturecase .org', 'Publ ication date': '2002' } {'Title': 'Strategic management for visitor-oriented museums', 'keywords': '"evaluation", "management", "planning", "research", "strategic"', 'linktitle': 'Strategic management will make museums more effective in achieving their goals', 'Source': 'International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 9, Iss 1, pp 95-108', 'Link': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1028663032000089868', 'uri': 'http://www.culturecase.org/research/2014/03/strategic-management-will-make-museums-more-effective-in-achieving-their-goals/', 'Authors': 'Reussner, E. M.', 'description': 'This paper took a critical look at how strategic management might be applied to the running of museums. By applying this technique from outside the non-profit world, museums can create greater value for their visitors whilst expanding their visitor numbers. In this approach, audience research and evaluation take on increased importance in the successful running of the organisation.', 'ceDocType': 'PeerReviewedResearch', 'cesource': 'http://www.culturecase.org', 'Publication date': '2003'}


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linktitle description Authors Publication date Source uri Title cesource Author email keywords Link ceDocType Open access link
Artists can enhance workplace creativity
This paper describes what happened during the Artists In Residence scheme, a project in Sweden that matched artists with business to work together for a 10 month period. The artists involved included musicians, painters, dancers and actors. They were placed with commercial businesses in order to provoke employees to ‘think in new and creative ways’. The paper describes the many positive benefits of the scheme while noting that it required employees and managers to be fully invested to reap the full rewards on offer.
Styhre, A. & Eriksson, M.
Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol 17, Iss 1, pp 47-57
Bring in the arts and get the creativity for free: a study of the Artists in Residence project
"artist in residence", "creativity", "productivity", "Sweden", "workplace"
Nursing and the arts: a recipe for creativity in care
This paper outlines the various ways in which student nurses benefit from taking an art module in their training. It describes what happened as part of The Creative Project, a component within a nursing training class in the USA. Using observations of the class and feedback gathered via student evaluation the paper shows how the experience was highly enjoyable for the student nurses, how it made them think afresh about nursing and equipped them with the means to respond creatively to challenges they may face in a clinical setting.
Pavill, B.
Holistic Nursing Practice, Vol 25, Iss 1, pp 17-25
Fostering creativity in nursing students: a blending of nursing and the arts
"creativity", "education", "health", "nursing", "USA"
Fostering creativity in young children through the arts
This paper described the effects of a one-year artist-teacher collaboration in Hong Kong designed to increase the creativity of young children. They used a mix of measures to track changes in creativity, motivation and communication after the artists provided 60 hours of arts activities for teachers and children. They found that ‘young children’s verbal and figural creativity can be enhanced through quality arts education delivered collaboratively by professional artists and professional teachers’. The results suggest that visual arts generated the strongest increase in creativity, and all students who participated showed an improvement in their communication abilities.
Hui, A. N. N., He, M. W. J., & Ye, S. S.
Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology
Arts education and creativity enhancement in young children in Hong Kong
"children", "creativity", "education", "Hong Kong"
How European Capitals of Culture attempt to stimulate growth
Event-led regeneration policies – and in particular the European Capital of Culture programme – have become popular elements of urban and economic policy. The paper reviews the history and development of the European Cultural Capital event, and analyses the extent to which the cultural event has been successful in stimulating economic development. Since its start in 1985, the focus of the Cultural Capital initiative has changed from established cultural cities to smaller, de-industrialising cities in Europe. Along with it, its aims have changed from showcasing existing culture to attracting tourism and investments and thereby creating new economic growth.
Richards, G.
Cultural Policy, Vol 6, Iss 2, pp 159-181
The European Cultural Capital event: strategic weapon in the cultural arms race?
"capital of culture", "growth", "major events", "regeneration", "tourism"
Instilling innovation: an economic defence of arts and crafts
This study examined the artistic experiences of many scientific and technological innovators. Arts education and training can foster one’s ability to innovate – which the authors refer to as ‘creative capacity’ – in an economically significant way. The research found that childhood arts and crafts participation, as well as sustained participation throughout one’s life, may help to cultivate one’s creative capacity, thereby stimulating economic growth via scientific and technological innovation.
LaMore, R., Root-Bernstein, R., Root-Bernstein, M., Schweitzer, J. H., Lawton, J. L., Roraback, E., Peruski, A., VanDyke, M. & Fernandez, L.
Economic Development Quarterly, Vol 27, Iss 3, pp 221-229
Arts and crafts: critical to economic innovation
"economic", "education", "growth", "innovation", "STEM", "USA"
Calculating the economic value of a museum
This study attempted to find the economic value of a museum to its local population. The museum in questions was the Museum of Central Finland in the town of Jyväskylä. The research used the economic techniques of willingness-to-pay and contingent valuation to discover that ‘Jyväskylä residents contribute less in taxes to the Museum of Central Finland than they report that they are willing to pay’.
Tohmo, T.
Journal of socio-economics, Vol 33, Iss 2, pp 229-240
Economic value of a local museum: factors of willingness to pay
"contingent valuation", "Finland", "museum", "survey", "willingness-to-pay"
The economic impact of music festivals is determined by size and location
This paper examined the economic impact of arts festivals in South Africa and found that the size of the economic impact was related to the size and location of the town hosting the event. This was because people from affluent areas tended to spend more than those from less affluent areas, so attracting more of those people led to a greater economic impact.
Saayman, M. & Saayman, A.
Papers in Regional Science, Vol 85, Iss 4, pp 569–584
Does the location of arts festivals matter for the economic impact?
"economic", "festivals", "impact", "South Africa", "survey", "tourism"
Salamanca, Capital of Culture 2002, generated an economic impact of €701.5m
The paper analysed a range of data to calculate the economic impact of the European Capital of Culture coming to Salamanca in the Castilla y León region of Spain.  The use of the Capital of Culture to generate economic benefits and revive cities really began with Glasgow in 1990. Capitals of Culture are difficult to study because of their size, the sheer variety of activities that constitute the overall programme, and the fact the status generates a frenzy of development and fresh policies in the location.
Herrero, L. C., Sanz, J. A., Devesa, M., Bedate, A. & del Barrio, M. J.
European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol 13, Iss 1, pp 41-57
The economic impact of cultural events. A case-study of Salamanca 2002, European Capital of Culture
"capital of culture", "economic", "impact", "spain", "survey", "tourism"
Singing can facilitate foreign language learning
This research examines the phenomenon of language acquisition. The paper concludes that ‘a ‘listen-and-sing’ learning method’ can improve verbatim memory for spoken foreign language phrasing. This improvement was not associated with other factors such as the student’s gender, age, mood or other competencies associated with memory or musical training.
Ludke, K. M., Ferreira, F. & Overy, K.
Memory & Cognition, Vol 42, Iss 1, pp 41-52
Singing can facilitate foreign language learning
"language", "learning", "singing"
Using talk to affect learning in museums
This paper examined the quality of children’s talk to better understand the ways in which children learn in a museum setting. The research was based upon four separate school visits to the Science Museum in London and the New York Hall of Science. Conversations between children in the museum (and in subsequent lessons) indicated a high degree of co-operation which make for productive learning experiences. It also showed that the children were cognitively and emotionally engaged with the subject matter, especially while in the museum setting: a degree of engagement that was thought to enhance the learning potential of the visit.
DeWitt, J. & Hohenstein, J.
Visitor Studies, Vol 13, Iss 1, pp 41-66
Supporting student learning: a comparison of student discussion in museums and classrooms
"children", "classroom", "education", "learning", "museum", "observation", "talk", "UK", "USA"


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