File "/repo/", line 60
qparams['where'] = "OBJECTID IN '" + json.dumps(buffId) "'"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Morph internal error: read timeout reached
Stopping current container and requeueing
Getting objectIds 1 thru 50.
buffId = [123019, 123421, 123446, 123447, 123463, 123725, 123872, 123919, 123992, 123997, 124008, 124014, 124017, 124018, 124027, 124045, 124047, 124054, 124060, 124066, 124069, 124086, 124089, 124095, 124113, 124115, 124120, 124143, 124151, 124154, 124168, 124171, 124175, 124190, 124193, 124206, 124209, 124230, 124235, 124247, 124250, 124276, 124279, 124295, 124300, 124312, 124316, 124321, 124323]
Getting objectIds 51 thru 100.
buffId = [124337, 124352, 124355, 124360, 124361, 124366, 124393, 124395, 124397, 124398, 124401, 124408, 124415, 124418, 124424, 124432, 124438, 124442, 124443, 124446, 124448, 124449, 124452, 124462, 124468, 124471, 124476, 124480, 124486, 124491, 124493, 124539, 124611, 124665, 124767, 124817, 124826, 124869, 125022, 125081, 125359, 125423, 125471, 126595, 126627, 126653, 126713, 126731, 126733]
Getting objectIds 101 thru 150.
buffId = [126748, 126757, 126787, 126798, 126829, 126856, 126863, 126888, 126915, 126920, 126940, 126943, 126946, 126958, 126959, 126990, 127026, 127031, 127043, 127052, 127078, 127093, 127098, 127102, 127108, 127114, 127120, 127123, 127134, 127139, 127153, 127167, 127187, 127191, 127202, 127205, 127208, 127213, 127229, 127233, 127276, 127288, 127291, 127293, 127300, 127309, 127312, 127315, 127326]
Getting objectIds 151 thru 200.
buffId = [127358, 127373, 127376, 127386, 127395, 127399, 127400, 127414, 127420, 127450, 127480, 127485, 127497, 127501, 127504, 127538, 127578, 127601, 127654, 127677, 127687, 127730, 127734, 127740, 127745, 127762, 127779, 127790, 127793, 127797, 127800, 127856, 127874, 127887, 127902, 127915, 127935, 127950, 127967, 127978, 127980, 127983, 128006, 128029, 128046, 128060, 128073, 128082, 128085]
Getting objectIds 201 thru 250.
buffId = [128115, 128118, 128127, 128142, 128184, 128245, 128295, 128407, 128428, 128585, 128657, 128697, 128731, 128841, 128874, 128941, 128996, 129122, 129151, 129385, 129432, 129460, 129488, 129539, 129662, 129665, 129756, 129775, 129792, 129796, 129818, 129834, 129839, 129852, 129869, 129918, 129984, 130001, 130036, 130098, 130356, 130375, 130392, 130466, 130467, 130486, 130629, 130718, 130745]
Getting objectIds 251 thru 300.
buffId = [187353, 187355, 187358, 187431, 187433, 203537, 203539, 204274, 204275, 204276, 205219, 205220, 205221, 206405, 206406, 210111, 234407, 234408, 234409, 234410, 234411, 234412, 234413, 234414, 234451, 234452, 234453, 234455, 234456, 234457, 234458, 234459, 234460, 234461, 234462, 234463, 234464, 234465, 234466, 234467, 234468, 234469, 234470, 234471, 234472, 234473, 234474, 234475, 234476]
Getting objectIds 301 thru 350.
buffId = [234478, 234479, 234480, 234481, 234482, 234483, 234484, 234485, 234486, 234487, 234488, 234489, 234490, 234491, 234492, 234493, 234494, 234495, 234496, 234497, 234498, 234499, 234500, 234501, 234502, 234503, 234504, 234505, 234506, 234507, 234508, 234509, 234510, 234511, 234512, 234513, 234514, 234515, 234516, 234517, 234518, 234519, 234520, 234521, 234522, 234523, 234524, 234525, 255411]
Getting objectIds 351 thru 400.
buffId = [255415, 255418, 123983, 124775, 125370, 125510, 127408, 128346, 129293, 129369, 129441, 129498, 129619, 129836, 129886, 299462, 299465, 299466, 299467, 299476, 299477, 299479, 299480, 299481, 299482, 299483, 299484, 128651, 317441, 317442, 356551, 356559, 124227, 358145, 358146, 128801, 267822, 327163, 399797, 399810, 399796, 125175, 125338, 125511, 204277, 124936, 130488, 130521, 130547]
Getting objectIds 401 thru 450.
buffId = [130596, 130828, 130853, 130872, 130656, 130676, 130704, 129492, 129610, 129685, 129823, 129882, 129943, 130017, 130023, 130066, 130122, 130168, 130215, 130268, 130311, 206404, 128409, 128935, 128936, 129030, 129133, 129195, 129252, 129311, 129381, 203536, 203538, 129061, 127834, 127868, 127891, 127912, 127751, 127764, 127814, 128185, 127100, 126061, 399793, 399798, 399799, 126726, 127127]
Getting objectIds 451 thru 500.
buffId = [127150, 127222, 127250, 210112, 124459, 123786, 124596, 124661, 124674, 124697, 124771, 124815, 204273, 125547, 125617, 478129, 124500, 478130, 478131, 204281, 204267, 204268, 204269, 204270, 204271, 204279, 573538, 667154, 703752, 20923, 20929, 124924, 125110, 728954, 210110, 129783, 204266, 204280, 125622, 125747, 213982, 124624, 124656, 124918, 125065, 125118, 125271, 283201, 780131]
Getting objectIds 501 thru 550.
buffId = [124820, 123838, 123980, 124228, 123938, 123319, 123683, 123694, 123989, 124256, 124284, 124327, 124379, 124431, 124485, 124526, 124549, 129806, 130533, 129569, 129465, 791009, 129219, 129374, 129508, 129656, 129925, 130130, 130417, 130534, 187448, 130047, 125654, 204272, 811777, 204278, 123604, 125366, 125854, 126085, 126185, 127944, 129306, 130726, 213980, 213981, 129075, 129224, 128550]
Getting objectIds 551 thru 600.
buffId = [123307, 123645, 123889, 790970]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/repo/", line 158, in <module>
File "/repo/", line 155, in getParcelFeature
File "/repo/", line 132, in getGeoBuffer
File "/repo/", line 98, in queryBufferCount
buff = features['objectIds'][j:features['objectIds']-1]
unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'int'