karagos / TestScapper

Aras Election Data

Scrapes search.twitter.com

Search Twitter to find the latest news and world events faster. Find popular people, hashtags and photos for any topic you can imagine.

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... Oh dear, failed to scrape http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=drinkfinity&geocode=-9.467430%2C%20-50.561770%2C1000km&rpp=10&lang=en&page=1 Oh dear, failed to scrape http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=drinkfinity&geocode=-9.467430%2C%20-50.561770%2C1000km&rpp=10&lang=en&page=2


Average successful run time: half a minute

Total run time: 2 minutes

Total cpu time used: less than 10 seconds

Total disk space used: 20.6 KB


  • Manually ran revision d43fbdb3 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
    2 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision 06456806 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
    2 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision 06456806 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
    2 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision 00d498de and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
    2 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision b53f4f8f and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
    100 pages scraped
  • Created on morph.io

Scraper code
