Contributors danozgriff

Last run failed with status code 1.

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 416, in <module> ScrapeLivePrices() File "", line 26, in ScrapeLivePrices datecheck = scraperwiki.sqlite.execute("select max(`Date`) from company") File "/app/.heroku/src/scraperwiki/scraperwiki/", line 19, in execute result = dt.execute(sqlquery, data, commit=False) File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dumptruck/", line 136, in execute self.cursor.execute(sql, *args) sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: company


Total run time: 9 minutes

Total cpu time used: less than 5 seconds

Total disk space used: 91.2 KB


  • Manually ran revision ad86114c and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
    34 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision ad86114c and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
    106 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision ad86114c and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
    199 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision ad86114c and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Manually ran revision ad86114c and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Created on

Scraper code
