Contributors nickjevershed

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Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... getting The pdf file has 1989859 bytes P35 BRODTMANN Gai [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1403496 bytes P35 HUMPHRIES Gary [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2328377 bytes P35 LEIGH Andrew [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2302561 bytes P35 LUNDY Kate [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3241297 bytes P35 SESELJA Zed [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3482323 bytes P35 ABBOTT Tony [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2751637 bytes P35 ALBANESE Anthony [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2223257 bytes P35 ALEXANDER John [ 2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2325272 bytes P35 BALDWIN Bob [2, 23, 26] Found pages: [2, 23, 26] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Perth to Soloman Hub 27 Mar 14', '$1,480.00' ] {'url': ' t/files/P35_BALDW IN_Bob.pdf', '1': '$1,480.00', 'poli tician': 'P35 BA LDWIN Bob', '0': ' Perth to Soloman Hub 27 Mar 14', 'k ey': '7http://www. s/default/files/P35_BALD WIN_Bob.pd f26P35 BALDWIN Bob '} lastrowheight 236 {'url': 'h ttp:// ALDWIN_Bob.pdf', ' politician': 'P35 B ALDWIN Bob', '0': 'Soloman Hub to Perth 28 Mar 14' , 'key': '7http:// sites/defa ult/files/P35_BALD WIN_Bob.pdf26P35 BALDWIN BobLastr ow'} getting The pdf file has 2182586 bytes P35 BIRD Sharon [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3227921 bytes P35 BISHOP Bronwyn [2, 4, 10] Found pages: [2, 4, 10] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Melbourne to Geelong 5 Nov 14', '$5,227.27'] {'url': '', '1': '$5,227.27', 'politician': 'P35 BISHOP Bronwyn', '0': 'Melbourne to Geelong 5 Nov 14', 'key': '7 BISHOP Bronwyn'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 BISHOP Bronwyn', '0': 'Geelong to Melbourne 5 Nov 14', 'key': '7 BISHOP BronwynLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3015445 bytes P35 BOWEN Chris [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3371902 bytes P35 BURKE Tony [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2704173 bytes P35 CAMERON Doug [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1742995 bytes P35 CARR Bob [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2249504 bytes P35 CLARE Jason [ 2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2827401 bytes P35 CLAYDON Sharon [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2020083 bytes P35 COBB John [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2092633 bytes P35 COLEMAN David [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1409875 bytes P35 COMBET Greg [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2690905 bytes P35 CONROY Pat [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2621821 bytes P35 COULTON Mark [2 , 4, 9, 21, 24] Found pages: [2, 4, 9, 21, 24] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [17, 19, 21, 23, 25] [] {} it's empty ['Warialda to Canberra 13 Jul 14' , '$3,454.55'] {'url': ' u/sites/default/fi les/P35_COULTON_M ark.pdf', '1': '$ 3,454.55', 'pol itician': 'P35 COU LTON Mark', '0': 'Wa rialda to Canber ra 13 Jul 14', 'ke y': '19http://www.finan ites/default/fi les/P35_COULTON_M ark.pdf9P35 COULT ON Mark'} ['Warialda to Ca nberra 24 Aug 14', '$3,545.45'] {' url': ' N_Mark.pdf', '1': '$ 3,545.45', 'politi cian': 'P35 COULTON Mark ', '0': 'Wa rialda to Canberr a 24 Aug 14', 'key': '21http://w u/sites/default/fi les/P35_COULTON _Mark.pdf9P35 C OULTON Mark'} ['Canberra to Warialda 5 Sep 14', '$3,545.45'] {'ur l': ' .pdf', '1': '$3,545.4 5', 'politician': ' P35 COULTON Mark', '0': 'Canberra to Warialda 5 Sep 1 4', 'key': '23http :// lt/files/P35_COULTON_M ark.pdf9P 35 COULTON Mark'} ['Warialda to Ca nberra 21 Sep 14', '$3,545.45'] {'url': 'http://www.f /P35_COULTON_Mark.pdf', ' 1': '$3,545 .45', 'politician' : 'P35 COULTON Ma rk', '0': 'Wariald a to Canberra 21 Sep 14', 'key': '25 s/default/files/P 35_COULTON_Mark.p df9P35 COULTON Mark'} lastrowheight 520 {'url': 'http:// P35_COULTON_Mark.pdf ', '1': '$3,545.45', 'pol itician': 'P35 COULTO N Mark', '0': 'Canbe rra to War ialda 26 Sep 14', 'key': '25http://ww sites/default/fil es/P35_ COULTON_Ma rk.pdf9P3 5 COULTON MarkLast row '} rows [] rows empty rows [ 14, 16] [] {} it's empty ['Warialda to Canberra 22 Jun 14', '$3,454.55'] {'url': 'http://www au/sites/def ault/files/ P35_COULTON_Mark .pdf', ' 1': '$3,454. 55', 'politici an': 'P35 COUL TON Mark', '0 ': 'Warialda to Canberra 22 Jun 14', 'key': '16ht tp://www.fina tes/default/file s/P35_CO ULTON_Mark.p df24P35 COULT ON Mark'} lastrowheight 402 {'url': 'ht tp:// es/default/files/ P35_COULTON_Mar k.pdf', '1': '$3,454.55' , 'politi cian': 'P35 CO ULTON Mark', '0 ': 'Canberra to Wariald a 27 Jun 1 4', 'key': '16ht tp:// efault/files/P35 _COULTON_Mark.pdf24P35 COULTON MarkLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2258192 bytes P35 DASTYARI Sam [2, 15, 18] Found pages: [2, 15, 18] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url': 'htt p:// s/P35_DAST YARI_Sam.pdf', '1 ': '$104.45', 'po litician': 'P35 D ASTYARI Sam', '0': 'Du bbo 11 May 14', 'key': '5http :// lt/files/P35_DASTY ARI_Sam.pdf18P35 DASTYARI SamLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2114234 bytes P35 ELLIOT Justine [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2175993 bytes P35 FAULKNER John [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2679302 bytes P35 FERGUSON Laurie [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2342806 bytes P35 FIERRAVANTI-WELLS Concetta [2, 22, 25] Found pages: [2, 22, 25] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Albury 24 Feb 13', '$65.71'] {'u rl': ' u/sites/default/f iles/P35_FIERRAVAN TI-WE LLS_Conce tta.pdf', '1': '$65.71', 'po litician': 'P35 FI ERRAVANTI-WELLS C oncetta', '0': ' Albury 24 Feb 13', 'k ey': ' 7http:// www.finan sites/default/fi les/P35_FIER RAVANTI-WE LLS_Concett a.pdf25P35 FIER RAVANTI-WELLS Concetta'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': 'http://ww tes/default/ files/P35_FIE RRAVANTI-WEL LS_Concetta. pdf', '1': '$5 5.19', 'poli tician': 'P3 5 FIERRAVANT I-WELLS Conc etta', '0': ' Armidale 15 Dec 13', 'k ey': '7http:/ / s/default/files/ P35_FIE RRAVANTI-WE LLS_Concetta.pdf 25P35 F IERRAVANTI-W ELLS Concett aLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2415203 bytes P35 FITZGIBBON Joel [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2279434 bytes P35 FLETCHER Paul [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2236028 bytes P35 GILLESPIE David [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1400608 bytes P35 GRIERSON Sharon [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2464172 bytes P35 HALL Jill [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2186979 bytes P35 HARTSUYKER Luke [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2225693 bytes P35 HAWKE Alex [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2821423 bytes P35 HAYES Chris [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2178143 bytes P35 HEFFERNAN Bill [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2755073 bytes P35 HENDY Peter [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3326805 bytes P35 HOCKEY Joe [2, 4, 10] Found pages: [2, 4, 10] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Hobart to Burnie 1 Aug 14', '$11,300.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$11,300.00', 'politician': 'P35 HOCKEY Joe', '0': 'Hobart to Burnie 1 Aug 14', 'key': '7 HOCKEY Joe'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 HOCKEY Joe', '0': 'Burnie to Essendon Airport 1 Aug 14', 'key': '7 HOCKEY JoeLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2290545 bytes P35 HOGAN Kevin [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2379924 bytes P35 HUSIC Ed [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2456367 bytes P35 JONES Stephen [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3397131 bytes P35 JOYCE Barnaby1 [2, 4, 12] Found pages: [2, 4, 12] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] [] {} it's empty ['Ca nberra to Grafto n 1 J ul 14', '$6,900.0 0'] {'url': 'h ttp://www. au/sites/de fault/files /P35_JOYC E_Barnaby1 .pdf', '1' : '$6,900.00' , 'politic ian': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1' , '0': 'Canberra to Grafto n 1 Jul 14', 'key': '7http:/ / sites/defa ult/files/P35_JOYC E_Barnaby1.pdf12 P35 JOYCE Barn aby1'} ['Tamworth to Too woomba 7 Jul 14', '$12,110.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$12,110. 00', 'politician': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1', '0': 'Tamworth to Toowoomba 7 Jul 1 4', 'key': '9http://www.fina ites/default/files/ P35_JOYCE_Barnaby 1.pdf12P35 JO YCE Barnaby1'} ['Toowoomba to Canberra 7 Jul 14'] {'url': ' default/files/P35_JOYCE_Barnaby1.pdf', 'pol itician': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1', '0': 'Toowoo mba to Canbe rra 7 Jul 14', 'key ': '10htt p://www.f /default/ files/P35_ JOYCE_Barn aby1.pdf1 2P35 JOY CE Barnab y1'} ['Tamworth to Lakes Entrance 9 Jul 14', '$4,270.91'] {'url': 'ht tp://', '1': '$4,270.91', 'poli tician': 'P35 JOYC E Barnaby1', '0': 'Tamworth to La kes Entrance 9 Jul 14', 'key': '12h ttp:// s/default/files/P3 5_JOYCE_Barnaby 1.pdf12P35 JOY CE Barnaby1'} ['Brisbane to Tamworth 7 Aug 14', '$5,580.00'] {'url': ' u/sites/default/files/P35_JOYCE_Barnaby1.pdf', '1': '$5,580.00', 'politician': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1' , '0': 'Brisbane to Tamworth 7 A ug 14', 'key': '14http://www.finan fault/files/P 35_JOYCE_B arnaby1.pdf12P 35 JOYCE Barnaby1'} ['Canberra to Newcastl e 4 Sep 14', '$4,250.00'] {'url': 'http://www.fin', '1': '$4 ,250.00', 'politicia n': 'P35 JOYCE Barn aby1', '0': 'Canberra t o Newcastle 4 Sep 1 4', 'key': '1 6http://ww tes/defau lt/files/P35_J OYCE_Barnaby 1.pdf12P3 5 JOYCE Ba rnaby1'} ['Sydney to Tamworth 11 Sep 14 ', '$16,120.00'] {'url': 'http://', '1': ' $16,120.00', 'politicia n': 'P35 JOYCE Barnab y1', '0': 'Sydne y to Tamworth 11 Sep 14', 'ke y': '18http:// ault/files/P35_JOYCE_Bar naby1.pdf12P35 JOY CE Barnaby1'} ['Tamworth to Walgett 11 Sep 14'] {'url' : ' _JOYCE_Barnaby1.pd f', 'politician': 'P35 JOYCE Barna by1', '0': 'Tamw orth to Walgett 11 Sep 14', 'k ey': '19 efault/files/P35 _JOYCE_Barnaby1.pdf12P35 JOY CE Barnaby1'} ['Walgett to Mitchell 11 Sep 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1', '0': 'Walgett to Mitchell 11 Sep 14', 'key': '20 JOYCE Barnaby1'} ['Mitchell to Charleville 11 Sep 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1', '0': 'Mitchell to Charleville 11 Sep 14', 'key': '21 JOYCE Barnaby1'} ['Charleville to Tamworth 11 Sep 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1', '0': 'Charleville to Tamworth 11 Sep 14', 'key': '22 JOYCE Barnaby1'} ['Tamworth to Sydney 11 Sep 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1', '0': 'Tamworth to Sydney 11 Sep 14', 'key': '23 JOYCE Barnaby1'} lastrowheight 492 {'url': '', '1': '$8,500.00', 'politician': 'P35 JOYCE Barnaby1', '0': 'Brisbane to Tamworth 20 Sep to 21 Sep 14', 'key': '23 JOYCE Barnaby1Lastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2251852 bytes P35 KELLY Craig [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1403935 bytes P35 KELLY Mike [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2105912 bytes P35 LAUNDY Craig [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2299039 bytes P35 LEY Sussan [2, 4 , 9, 26, 29] Found pages: [2, 4, 9, 26, 29] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [20, 22] [] {} it's empty ['Canberra to Berrigan 21 Aug 14', '$750.00' ] {'u rl': ' u/sites/def ault/fil es/P35_LE Y_Sussan.pdf' , '1': '$750.00' , 'politician': 'P35 LEY Sussan' , '0': 'Canberra t o Berrigan 21 Au g 14', 'key' : '22http: // sites/def ault/file s/P35_LEY_Sussan.pd f9P35 LEY Sussan'} lastrowheight 473 {'url' : ' sites/default/files /P35_LEY_Sussan.pd f', '1': '$750.00', 'politician': 'P3 5 LEY Sussan', '0': 'Berrigan to Albury 21 Aug 14', 'key': '2 2http://www.f /sites/defaul t/files/P35_LE Y_Sussan.pdf9P35 LEY SussanLastro w'} rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 8, 9] [] {} it's empty ['Albury to Lake Cargelligo 8 May 14', '$6, 178.75'] {'url': ' ault/files/P3 5_LEY_Sussan. pdf', '1': ' $6,178.75', ' politician': 'P3 5 LEY Su ssan', '0': 'A lbury to Lake Cargelligo 8 May 14', 'ke y': '7http:// ov.a u /sites/default/ files/P35_LEY_Sussan.pdf29P35 L EY Sussan'} ['Lake Cargelligo to War nervale 8 May 14'] {'url': ' /sites/default/files/P35_LEY_Sussan.pdf', 'politician': 'P35 LE Y Sussan', '0': 'Lake Cargelligo to Warnerva le 8 May 14', 'key': '8ht tp:// /default/files/P3 5_LEY_Sussan.pdf2 9P35 LEY Sussan'} ['Williamtown to Port Macquarie 8 May 14 '] {'url': '', 'po litician': 'P3 5 LEY Suss an', '0': 'Wil liamtown to P ort Macquarie 8 M ay 14', 'key': '9http ://www.financ efault/f iles/P35_LEY _Sussan. pdf29P35 LEY Sussan' } lastrowheight 282 {'url': 'http :// ault/files /P35_LEY_Sussan.pd f', 'politician': 'P35 LEY Sussan', '0': 'Port Macquarie to Albury 9 May 14' , 'key': '9http:/ / /default /files/P35_LEY_ Sussan.pdf29P35 LEY SussanLast row'} getting The pdf file has 1636390 bytes P35 LEYONHJELM David [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2593677 bytes P35 MARKUS Louise [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2292759 bytes P35 MATHESON Russell [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2706978 bytes P35 MCCORMACK Michael [2, 4, 9] Found pages: [2, 4, 9] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [19, 21, 22] [] {} it's empty ['Wagga Wagga to Griffith 9 Sep 14 ', '$2,590.00' ] {'url': 'http://www.finan lt/files/P35_MCCORM ACK_Michael.pdf' , '1': '$2,590.00 ', 'politician' : 'P35 MCCORMA CK Michael', '0': 'Wagga Wagga to Griff ith 9 Sep 14', 'key': '21http ://www.fina s/default/file s/P35_MCCORMACK _Michael.pdf9P35 MC CORMACK Michael'} ['Griffith to Ca nberra 9 Sep 14'] {'url': ' 35_MCCORMACK_Mi chael.pdf', 'pol itician': 'P35 MCCORMACK Michae l', '0': 'Griffit h to C anberra 9 Sep 14', ' key': '22http://ww tes/default/fil es/P35_MCCORMACK_Michael .pdf9P35 M CCORMACK Mi chael'} lastrowheight 520 {'url': 'h ttp:// tes/default/file s/P35_MCCORMAC K_Michael.pdf', 'pol itician' : 'P35 MCCORMAC K Michael', '0': 'Canberra to Wa gga Wagga 9 Sep 14', 'ke y': '22http://w .au/sites/default /files/P35_MCC ORMACK_Michael.pd f9P35 MCCORMACK Micha elLastrow '} getting The pdf file has 2239232 bytes P35 MCNAMARA Karen [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3390973 bytes P35 MORRISON Scott [ 2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2932662 bytes P35 NASH Fiona [2, 4 , 9, 21, 26] Found pages: [2, 4, 9, 21, 26] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Ro ckhampton 28 Jul to 30 Jul 14', '$187.76'] {'url': ' ault/ files/P35 _NASH_Fiona .pdf' , '1': '$187. 76', 'politi cian': 'P35 NASH F iona', ' 0': 'Rockhampton 28 Jul to 30 Jul 14', 'key': '7ht tp://www.f inance.go s/defaul t/files/P35 _NASH_F iona.pdf9P35 NASH Fiona'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': ' .pdf', '1': '$73.03', 'politician': 'P3 5 NASH Fiona' , '0': 'Armidal e 31 Jul to 1 Aug 14', 'key': '7http://ww /sites/ default/f iles/P35_N ASH_Fiona. pdf9P35 NAS H FionaLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5 , 7] [] {} it's empty ['Uluru 17 Feb to 18 Feb 14', '$72.8 9'] {'url': 'http://www .finance ites/defa ult/files/P35_NASH_ Fiona.pdf ', '1': '$72.89', 'politician': 'P 35 NASH Fiona' , '0': 'Uluru 17 Feb to 18 Feb 14', 'key': '7 http://ww au/sites/defaul t/files/P35_NAS H_Fiona.pdf2 6P35 NASH Fiona'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': '', '1': '$193.16', 'politician': 'P35 NASH Fiona ', '0': 'Cairns 20 Feb to 21 Feb 14', 'key': '7htt p:// ult/files/P35_N ASH_Fiona.pdf26P3 5 NASH FionaLastrow'} getting'NEILL_Deborah0.pdf The pdf file has 1687732 bytes P35 O'NEILL Deborah0 [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting'NEILL_Deborah1.pdf The pdf file has 3032913 bytes P35 O'NEILL Deborah1 [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2888700 bytes P35 OWENS Julie [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2930492 bytes P35 PAYNE Marise [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 4054087 bytes P35 PLIBERSEK Tanya [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3010592 bytes P35 RHIANNON Lee [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2978340 bytes P35 ROWLAND Michelle [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3759210 bytes P35 RUDDOCK Philip [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3241220 bytes P35 SCOTT Fiona [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3219713 bytes P35 SINODINOS Arthur [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2662143 bytes P35 STEPHENS Ursula [5, 7, 11] Found pages: [5, 7, 11] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Goulburn to Balranald 6 Apr 14', '$6,840.91'] {'url': 'http://www.fina efault/files/P35_ STEPHENS_Ursula .pdf', '1': '$6,840 .91', 'politician' : 'P35 STEPHENS U rsula', '0': 'Gou lburn to Balrana ld 6 Apr 14', 'k ey': '7http://www. ault/files /P35_STEPHENS_Urs ula.pdf11P35 STE PHENS Ursula'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': 'http://www.financ es/P35_STEPHENS_Urs ula.pdf', 'politician': 'P35 STEPHENS Ursula', '0': 'Balranald t o Goulburn 6 Apr 14', 'key': '7h ttp://www.financ default/files/P35_ STEPHENS_Ursula.pdf11P 35 STEPHEN S UrsulaLastrow '} getting The pdf file has 3360778 bytes P35 SUDMALIS Ann [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2917404 bytes P35 TAYLOR Angus [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1702446 bytes P35 THISTLETHWAITE Matt0 [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3449793 bytes P35 THISTLETHWAITE Matt1 [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 4114710 bytes P35 TURNBULL Malcolm [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2830272 bytes P35 VARVARIS Nickolas [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2937261 bytes P35 WICKS Lucy [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2930716 bytes P35 WILLIAMS John [ 2, 4, 8, 19, 22] Found pages: [2, 4, 8, 19, 22] rows [ ] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [ 5, 7] [ ] {} it's empty ['Inverell to Port Macqua rie 15 Nov 14', '$2,463.64'] { 'url': ' tes/default/fi les/P35_WILLIA MS_John.pdf', ' 1': '$2,463.64', 'po litician': 'P35 WILLIAMS John ', '0': 'Inverel l to Port Macq uarie 15 Nov 14', 'k ey': '7ht tp:// .au/sites/default/fi les/P35_WILLIAMS_Jo hn.pdf8P3 5 WILLIAMS Jo hn'} lastrowheight 236 {'url' : ' efault/files/P35 _WILLIAMS_J ohn.pdf' , 'politic ian': 'P3 5 WILLIAM S John', '0': 'Por t Macquarie t o Inverel l 16 Nov 14', 'ke y': '7http ://www.f inance.g default/files/P35_ WILLIAMS_John.p df8P35 WILLI AMS JohnLastrow'} rows [ ] rows empty rows [ 5 ] [ ] { } it's empty lastrowheight 213 { ' u r l ' : ' h t t p : / / w w w . f i n a n c e . g o v . a u / s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f i l e s / P 3 5 _ W I LLIAMS_John.pdf', '1': '$4,686.36', 'politician': 'P35 WILLIAMS John', '0': 'Canberra to Inverell 30 May 14', 'key': '5 WILLIAMS JohnLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 1912669 bytes P35 CROSSIN Trish [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2323228 bytes P35 GRIGGS Natasha [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3038536 bytes P35 PERIS Nova [ 2, 4, 8, 26, 29] Found pages: [2, 4, 8, 26, 29] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5 , 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19] [] {} it's empty ['Jabiru to Goulburn Island 13 Aug 14', '$2,236.36', '< i>**</i>\n'] {'url': ' default/f iles/P35_ PERIS_Nova. pdf', 'politic ian': 'P 35 PERIS Nova', 'key': '8 http://www.fin au/sites/d efault/f iles/P35 _PERIS_N ova.pdf8P35 PE RIS Nova ', '1': '$2,236. 36', '0': 'Jabi ru to Goulbu rn Island 13 Aug 14', '2': '<i>**</i>\n'} ['Goulburn Island to Jabiru 13 Aug 14', '<i>**</i>\n'] {'url': ' S_Nova.pdf', '1': '<i> **</i>\n', 'politician': 'P 35 PERIS No va', '0': 'Goulburn Island to Jabiru 13 Aug 14', 'key': '10http://www.fin default/files/P35_ PERIS_Nova.pdf8P 35 PERIS Nova'} ['Jabiru to Goulburn Island 13 Aug 14', '$1,927.27'] {'url': 'http://www.', '1': '$1,927. 27', 'politician': 'P35 P ERIS Nova' , '0': 'Jabiru to Goulburn Isl and 1 3 Aug 14', ' key': '12http:/ / au/sites/defaul t/files/P35_PER IS_Nova.pdf8P35 PERIS Nova' } ['Goulburn Island to Jabiru 13 Aug 14'] {'url': ' es/default/files/P35_PERIS_Nova.pdf', 'p olitician': 'P35 PERIS Nova', '0': 'Goulburn Island to Jabiru 13 Aug 14 ', 'key': '13 .au/sites/default/files/P3 5_PERIS_Nova.pdf8 P35 PERIS Nova' } ['Darwin to Kalka ringi 22 Aug 14', '$2,772.73'] { 'url': ' ERIS_Nova.pdf', ' 1': '$2,772.73 ', 'politician' : 'P35 PERIS No va', '0': 'Darwi n to Kalkaring i 22 Aug 14' , 'key': '15http :// .au/site s/default/fil es/P35_PERIS _Nova.pdf8P35 P ERIS Nova'} ['Kalkaringi to Darwin 22 Aug 14'] {'url': '', 'politician ': 'P35 PERIS Nova', '0': 'Kal karingi to Darw in 22 Aug 14 ', 'key': '16 fault/files/P3 5_PERIS_No va.pdf8P35 PE RIS Nova'} ['Alice Springs to Haasts B luff 21 Nov 14', '$2,569.09'] {'url': 'http://www.financ', '1': '$2,569.09', 'politicia n': 'P35 PERIS Nova', '0': 'Alic e Springs to Haasts Bluff 21 Nov 14', 'key' : '18http://www.f sites/default/ files/P35_PERIS _Nova.pdf8P35 PERIS Nova'} ['Haasts Bluff to Papunya 21 Nov 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 PERIS No va', '0': 'Haasts Bluff to Pa punya 21 Nov 14 ', 'key': '19ht tp://www.financ default/files/ P35_PERIS_Nova.pdf 8P35 PERIS Nova'} lastrowheight 399 {'url': ' /default/files/P35_P ERIS_Nova.pdf', 'po litician' : 'P35 PERIS No va', '0': 'Papun ya to Alice Spring s 21 Nov 14', 'key': '19http:/ / fault/files/P 35_PERIS_Nova .pdf8P35 PERIS NovaLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url': '', '1': '$1,185.22', 'politician': 'P35 PERIS Nova', '0': 'Alice Springs 23 May to 25 May 14', 'key': '5 PERIS NovaLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3531576 bytes P35 SCULLION Nigel [2, 4, 10, 25, 28] Found pages: [2, 4, 10, 25, 28] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5 , 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20] [] {} it's empty ['Alice Springs to Ul uru 10 Sep 14', '$3,222.73'] {'url': ' efault/files/P35_SCU LLION_Nig el.pdf', '1': ' $3,222.73', 'p olitician': 'P35 SC ULLION Nig el', '0': 'Alice Springs to Ulu ru 10 Sep 14', 'key': '7 http://www.f ites/default/files /P35_SCU LLION_Nigel. pdf10P35 SCULLI ON Nigel'} ['Uluru to Ali ce Springs 10 Sep 14'] {'url': 'http://www.f', 'pol itician': 'P35 SCULLION Ni gel', '0': 'U luru to Alic e Springs 10 Sep 14', 'ke y': '8http://w u/sites /default/fil es/P35_SCULL ION_Nigel.pd f10P35 SCULL ION Nigel'} ['Darwin to Gove 19 Sep 14', '$5,100.00'] {'url': ' iles/P35_SCULLION_Nigel.pd f', '1': '$5,100 .00', 'politici an': 'P35 SCULLION N igel', '0 ': 'Darwin to Gove 1 9 Sep 14', 'key' : '10 .au/sites/default/files/P35 _SCULLION_Nige l.pdf10P35 SCU LLION Nigel'} ['Gove to Darwin 19 Sep 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Gove to Darwin 19 Sep 14', 'key': '11http://www.finan files/P35_ SCULLION_Nigel. pdf10P35 SCULL ION Nigel'} ['Darwin to Katheri ne 27 Sep 14', '$14,727.27'] {'ur l': ' f', '1': '$14,727.27 ', 'politician': ' P35 SCULLION Ni gel', '0': 'Darw in to Katherine 27 Sep 14', 'key': '13ht tp://www. au/sites/default /files/P35_SCULLIO N_Nigel.pdf10P3 5 SCULLION Nige l'} ['Katherine to Burke town 27 Sep 14'] {'url': ' au/sites/default/files/P35_SCULLION_Nigel.pdf', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Katherine to B urketown 27 Sep 14', 'key': '14http: // s/default/files/P35_SCULLION_Nig el.pdf10P35 SCULLION Nigel'} ['Burketown to C airns 28 Sep 14'] {'url': ' .au/sites/default/files/P35_SCULLION_Nigel.p df', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Burketow n to Cairns 28 Se p 14', 'key': '15 /sites/default/files/P 35_SCULLION_Nige l.pdf10P35 SCULL ION Nigel'} ['Alice Springs to Yuendumu 8 Oct 14', '$2,713.64'] {'url': 'http :// iles/P35_SCULLION_Nigel.pdf', '1': '$2,713.64', 'poli tician': 'P35 SCU LLION Nigel', '0' : 'Alice Springs to Yuendumu 8 Oct 14', 'k ey': '17http://www.fin /default/files/P3 5_SCULLION_Nig el.pdf10P35 SCU LLION Nigel'} ['Yuendumu to Alice Springs 8 Oct 14'] {'url': 'http://www.', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nige l', '0': 'Yuendumu to Alice Springs 8 O ct 14', 'key': '18 http://www.finan s/default/files/P35_ SCULLION_Nigel.pdf10P 35 SCULLION Nig el'} ['Townsville to Palm Island 15 O ct 14', '$1,379.63'] {'url': ' u/sites/default/files/P35_SCULLION_Nigel.pdf', '1': '$1,379.63', 'polit ician': 'P35 SCULLIO N Nigel', '0': ' Townsville to Palm Isla nd 15 Oct 14', 'key': '20 SCULLION Nigel'} lastrowheight 445 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Palm Island to Townsville 15 Oct 14', 'key': '20 SCULLION NigelLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13] [] {} it's empty ['Alice Springs to Warburton 30 Apr 14', '$6,558.18'] {'url': '', '1': '$6,558.18', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Alice Springs to Warburton 30 Apr 14', 'key': '7 SCULLION Nigel'} ['Warburton to Alice Springs 30 Apr 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Warburton to Alice Springs 30 Apr 14', 'key': '8 SCULLION Nigel'} ['Coffs Harbour 1 Jun to 3 Jun 14', '$207.67'] {'url': '', '1': '$207.67', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Coffs Harbour 1 Jun to 3 Jun 14', 'key': '10 SCULLION Nigel'} ['Dubbo to Bourke 10 Jun 14', '$9,450.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$9,450.00', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Dubbo to Bourke 10 Jun 14', 'key': '12 SCULLION Nigel'} ['Bourke to Cobar 10 Jun 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Bourke to Cobar 10 Jun 14', 'key': '13 SCULLION Nigel'} lastrowheight 329 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SCULLION Nigel', '0': 'Cobar to Dubbo 11 Jun 14', 'key': '13 SCULLION NigelLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3692400 bytes P35 SNOWDON Warren [ 2, 4, 9, 20, 23] Found pages: [2, 4, 9, 20, 23] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13] [] {} it's empty ['Alic e Springs to Tennant Creek 12 Aug 14', '$5,269.09'] {'url': ' t/files/P35_SNOWDO N_Warren.pdf', '1': '$5,269.09 ', 'politician': 'P35 SNOWDON Wa rren', '0': 'Alice Springs to Tennan t Creek 12 Aug 14', 'key': '7http:/ / /sites/default/f iles/P35_SNOWDON_Warren. pdf9P35 SN OWDON Warren'} ['Tennant Creek to Alice Springs 12 Aug 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SNOWDON W arren', '0': 'Tennant Creek t o Alice Springs 12 Aug 14', 'k ey': '8 tes/default/file s/P35_SNOWDON_W arren.pdf9P35 S NOWDON Warren'} ['Darwin to Kalkaringi 22 Aug 14', '$2,772.73'] {'url': 'http://www.finan', '1': '$2,772.73' , 'politician': 'P3 5 SNOWDON Warr en', '0': 'Darw in to Ka lkaringi 22 Aug 14', 'key': '10h ttp://www.fina es/default/fil es/P35_SNOWDON _Warren.pdf9P3 5 SNOWDON Warren'} ['Kalkaringi to Darwin 22 Aug 14'] {'url': '', ' politician': 'P35 SNOWDON Warren', '0': 'Ka lkaringi to Dar win 22 Au g 14', 'key': '11htt p://www.f sites/default/ files/P35_SNOWDON_Warr en.pdf9P35 SNOWD ON Warren'} ['Darwin to Numb ulwar 13 Oct 14', '$4,818.18'] {'url': 'ht tp://' , '1': '$4,818.18' , 'politician': 'P35 SNOWDON W arren', '0': 'Darwin to Numb ulwar 13 Oct 14', 'key': '13http://www.financ /sites/default/fi les/P35_SNOWDO N_Warren.pdf9P3 5 SNOWDON Warren'} lastrowheight 329 { 'url': ' lt/files/P35_SNOW DON_Warren.pd f', 'politician ': 'P35 SNOWDON Warren', '0': 'Numbulwar to Dar win 13 Oct 14', 'key': '13http:// au/sites/default/f iles/P35 _SNOWDON_War ren.pdf9P35 SNOWDON Warr enLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url': '', '1': '$165.00', 'politician': 'P35 SNOWDON W arren', '0': 'Chr istmas Island 27 Jun to 2 8 Jun 14', 'key' : '5http://www u/sites/defaul t/files/P35_SNOWD ON_Warren.pdf23P 35 SNOWDON Warr enLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2848474 bytes P35 ANDREWS Karen [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2957135 bytes P35 BOSWELL Ronald [8, 10, 13] Found pages: [8, 10, 13] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url' : ' s/default/files/P3 5_BOSWELL_Rona ld.pdf', '1': '$ 68.44', 'politici an': 'P35 BOSWELL Ro nald', '0': 'Cairns 14 Jun 13' , 'key': '5http: // fault/files/P35_ BOSWELL_Ronald.p df13P35 BOSWELL Rona ldLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2903192 bytes P35 BOYCE Sue [8] Found pages: [8] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3339392 bytes tes/default /files/P35_ O'SULLIVAN_ Barry.pdf", '1 ': '$19 8.13', 'pol itician': " P35 O'SULLI VAN Barry" , '0': 'Town sville 9 Mar to 10 Mar 14', 'key': "5ht tp://ww s/default/fi les/P35_O'S ULLIVAN_Bar ry.pdf22P35 O'SULLIVAN BarryLastr ow"} getting The pdf file has 2575188 bytes P35 PALMER Clive [ 2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3616439 bytes P35 PERRETT Graham [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3011262 bytes P35 PITT Keith [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3053895 bytes P35 PRENTICE Jane [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3106872 bytes P35 RIPOLL Bernie [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 4344056 bytes P35 ROBERT Stuart [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3015832 bytes P35 ROY Wyatt [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2573903 bytes P35 RUDD Kevin [17] Found pages: [17] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3902709 bytes P35 SCOTT Bruce [2, 4, 8, 21, 26] Found pages: [2, 4, 8, 21, 26] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17] [] {} it's empty ['Longreach to Roma 2 9 Jul 14', '$12,430.00'] { 'url': ' fault/files/P35 _SCOTT_Bruce.pd f', '1': '$12, 430.00', 'politician' : 'P35 SCO TT Bruce', '0': 'Longreach to Roma 29 Jul 14' , 'key': '7http://www sites/default/ files/P35_SCOT T_Bruce.pdf8P35 SCOTT Bruce'} ['Roma to Cunnamulla 29 Jul 14'] {'url': ' sites/default/files/P35_SCOTT_Bruce.pdf', 'politician': 'P35 SCOTT Bruce', ' 0': 'Roma to Cunna mulla 29 Jul 14' , 'key': '8http://www tes/default/files/ P35_SCOTT_Bruce.pdf8P35 S COTT Bruce'} ['Cunnamulla to Blackall 29 Jul 14'] {'url': ' f', 'politician': 'P35 SCOTT Bruce', ' 0': 'Cunnamul la to Blacka ll 29 Jul 14 ', 'key': '9h ttp:// sites/default/fil es/P35_SCOTT _Bruce. pdf8P 35 SCOTT Br uce'} ['Blackall to Longreach 29 Jul 14'] {'url': '', 'polit ician': 'P35 SCOT T Bruce', '0': ' Blackall to Long reach 29 Jul 14' , 'key': '10http://www. finance.g ault/files/P35_SCOTT_ Bruce.pdf8P35 S COTT Bruce'} ['Longreach to Stonehe nge 30 Jul 14'] {'url': ' df', 'politician': 'P35 SCOTT Bruce', '0': 'Longreach to Stoneheng e 30 Jul 14', 'key': '11http://w ites/default/files/P35_S COTT_Bruce. pdf8P35 SCOTT Bruce'} ['Stonehenge to Lo ngreach 30 Jul 14'] {'url': ' /P35_SCOTT_Bruce.pdf', 'politician': 'P35 SCOTT Bruce', '0': 'St onehenge to Longreach 30 Ju l 14', 'key': '12ht tp:// les/P35_S COTT_Bruce.pdf8 P35 SCOTT Bruc e'} ['Longreach to Aramac 31 Jul 14'] {'url': ' es/P35_SCOTT_Bruce.pdf', 'politician': 'P35 SCOTT Bruce', '0': 'Longreach to Aramac 31 Jul 14', 'key': '13 default/files/P35_ SCOTT_Bruce.pdf8P3 5 SCOTT Bruce'} ['Aramac to Roma 31 Jul 14'] {'url': '', 'politician ': 'P35 SCOTT Bruce', '0': 'Aramac to R oma 31 Jul 14', 'key': '14http:/ / ult/files/P35 _SCOTT_Bruce.pdf8P35 SCOTT Br uce'} ['Roma to Longreach 31 Ju l 14'] {'url': ' /default/files/P35_SCOTT_Bruce.pdf', 'politician': 'P35 SCOTT Bruce', '0': 'Roma to Longreach 31 Ju l 14', 'key': '15 les/P35_SC OTT_Bruce.pdf8P35 SCOT T Bruce'} ['Roma to Warwick 2 1 Aug 14', '$2,595.00'] {'url': ' files/P35_SCOTT_Bruce.pdf', '1': '$2,595.00', 'politician': 'P35 SCOTT Bruc e', '0': ' Roma to Warwick 21 Au g 14', 'key': '17 .au/sites/default/ files/P35_SCOT T_Bruce.pdf8P35 SCOTT Bruce'} lastrowheight 445 {'url': 'http :// iles/P35_SCOTT_B ruce.pdf', '1': '$7,770.00', 'p olitician': 'P 35 SCOTT Bruc e', '0': 'Longre ach to Thargomindah 28 Sep 14', 'key': '17 SCOTT BruceLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url': '', '1': '$4,840.00', 'politician': 'P35 SCOTT Bruce', '0': 'Muttaburra to Roma 8 Jun 14', 'key': '5 SCOTT BruceLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3458364 bytes P35 SWAN Wayne [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3538044 bytes P35 TRUSS Warren [2, 4, 11, 26, 29] Found pages: [2, 4, 11, 26, 29] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 8, 9] [] { } it's empty ['Hervey Bay to Roma 27 Sep 14', '$24,420.00'] {'url': 'htt p:// tes/default/fil es/P35_TRUSS_War ren.pdf', '1': '$24,420.0 0', 'polit ician': 'P35 T RUSS Warren', '0': 'He rvey Bay to Roma 27 Sep 14', 'key': '7http://www ault/files/P35_TRU SS_Warren.pdf11P35 TRUSS Wa rren'} ['Roma to Bird sville 27 Sep 14'] {'url': 'http://ww', 'polit ician': 'P35 TRUS S Warren', '0': 'R oma to Birdsvi lle 27 Sep 14' , 'key': '8http: // u/sites/d efault/files/ P35_TRUSS_Warren.pdf11P35 TRU SS Warren'} ['Birdsville to Tha rgomindah 28 Sep 14'] {'url': ' pdf', 'politicia n': 'P35 TRUSS Wa rren', '0': 'Birdsville to Thargomindah 28 Sep 14', 'key': ' 9http://www.fina /default/files/P35_TRU SS_Warren.pdf11P 35 TRUSS Warren' } lastrowheight 282 {'url': 'http://ww fault/files/P35_ TRUSS_Warren.pdf' , 'politician' : 'P35 TRUSS War ren', '0': 'Th argomindah to Go ld Coast 28 Sep 14', ' key': '9h ttp://www.finan files/P35_ TRUSS_Warren.pdf 11P35 TRUSS War renLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16] [ ] {} it's empty ['Canberra to Wagga Wagga 28 Apr 14', '$3,618.18'] {'url': 'http://w /sites/d efault/files/P35_T RUSS_Warren.pd f', '1': '$3,6 18.18', 'politicia n': 'P35 TRUSS Warren', '0' : 'Canberra to Wa gga Wagga 28 Apr 14', 'key' : '7http://www.finan au/sites/defa ult/files/P35 _TRUSS_Warre n.pdf29P35 TRU SS Warren'} ['Wagga Wagga t o Canberra 28 Apr 14'] {'url': 'http://', 'politician': 'P35 TRUSS Warren', '0' : 'Wagga Wagga to Canberra 28 Apr 14', 'ke y': '8http:/ / u/sites/defaul t/files/P35_TR USS_Warren.pdf2 9P35 TRUSS Warr en'} ['Canberra to Shepparton 1 May 14', '$5,190.91'] { 'url': '', '1': '$5 ,190.91', 'politician': 'P35 TR USS War ren', '0': 'Canb erra to Shep parton 1 May 14', 'key': ' 10http://www. /sites/ default/files/P35_TRUSS_Warren.pdf29P35 TRUSS Warren'} ['Shepparton to Canberra 1 May 14'] {'url': 'http://www.f', 'politicia n': 'P35 TRUSS Warr en', '0': 'Shepp arton to Canberra 1 May 14', 'key': '1 1http://www.finan TRUSS Warren'} ['Canberra t o Brisbane 13 May 14', '$21,570.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$21,5 70.00', 'politician': 'P35 TRUSS Warren' , '0': 'Canberra to Br isbane 13 May 14' , 'key': '13http://w TRUSS Warren'} ['Brisbane to Canberra 14 May 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 TRUSS Warren', '0': 'Brisbane to Canberra 14 May 14', 'key': '14 TRUSS Warren'} ['Canberra to Casino 20 Jun 14', '$12,318.18'] {'url': '', '1': '$12,318.18', 'politician': 'P35 TRUSS Warren', '0': 'Canberra to Casino 20 Jun 14', 'key': '16 TRUSS Warren'} lastrowheight 376 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 TRUSS Warren', '0': 'Casino to Maryborough 20 Jun 14', 'key': '16 TRUSS WarrenLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3457223 bytes P35 VAN MANEN Bert [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2976786 bytes P35 VASTA Ross [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3104058 bytes P35 WATERS Larissa [2, 18, 21] Found pages: [2, 18, 21] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Cairns to Chuulangun 30 Jun 14', '$8,031.82'] {'url': '', '1': '$8,031.82', 'politician': 'P35 WATERS Larissa', '0': 'Cairns to Chuulangun 30 Jun 14', 'key': '7 WATERS Larissa'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 WATERS Larissa', '0': 'Chuulangun to Richmond 30 Jun 14', 'key': '7 WATERS LarissaLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2839778 bytes P35 BERNARDI Cory [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2858263 bytes P35 BIRMINGHAM Simon [2, 4, 10, 24, 27] Found pages: [2, 4, 10, 24, 27] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url': '', '1': '$307.75', 'politician': 'P35 BIRMINGHAM Simon', '0': 'Wagga Wagga to Canberra 15 Oct 14', 'key': '5 BIRMINGHAM SimonLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [14, 16] [] {} it's empty ['Adelaide to Kingston On Murray 7 May 14', '$3,350.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$3,350.00', 'politician': 'P35 BIRMINGHAM Simon', '0': 'Adelaide to Kingston On Murray 7 May 14', 'key': '16 BIRMINGHAM Simon'} lastrowheight 402 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 BIRMINGHAM Simon', '0': 'Kingston On Murray to Adelaide 7 May 14', 'key': '16 BIRMINGHAM SimonLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2818882 bytes P35 BRIGGS Jamie [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2363530 bytes P35 BUTLER Mark [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2266767 bytes P35 CHAMPION Nick [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1642257 bytes P35 DAY Bob [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2835954 bytes P35 EDWARDS Sean [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2545440 bytes P35 ELLIS Kate [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2993352 bytes P35 FARRELL Don [8] Found pages: [8] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3129934 bytes P35 FAWCETT David [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2762780 bytes P35 GALLACHER Alex [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2707043 bytes P35 HANSON-YOUNG Sarah [2, 19, 24 ] Found pages: [2, 19, 24] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9] [] {} it's empty ['Mount Gambier 20 Aug 13', '$82.66'] {'url': ' tes/default/files/P35_HANSON-YOUNG_S arah.pdf', '1': '$82.6 6', 'politician': 'P3 5 HANSON-YOUNG Sarah', '0': 'Mount Gambier 20 Aug 13', 'key': ' 7 t/files/P35_HANSON-Y OUNG_Sarah.pdf24P3 5 HANSON-YOUNG Sarah '} ['Adelaide to Mount Gamb ier 20 Aug 13', '$8,335.45'] {'url ': ' UNG_Sarah.pdf', ' 1': '$8,335.45', 'pol itician': 'P35 HAN SON-YOUNG Sarah', ' 0': 'Adelaide to Moun t Gambier 20 Aug 13', 'key': '9 /sites/default /files/P35_HANSON-YOUNG_Sa rah.pdf24P35 HANS ON-YOUNG Sarah'} lastrowheight 259 {'url': 'http://ww ult/files/P35_HANSON-YOUNG_Sarah.pdf' , 'politic ian': 'P35 HANSON-Y OUNG Sarah', '0' : 'Mount Gambier to Adelaide 20 Aug 13', 'key': '9http: // .au/sites/default/files/P35_ HANSON-YOUNG_Sarah.pdf24 P35 HANSON-YOUNG SarahL astrow'} getting The pdf file has 2747380 bytes P35 MCEWEN Anne [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2937090 bytes P35 PASIN Tony [2, 4, 8, 22, 25] Found pages: [2, 4, 8, 22, 25] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9, 10] [] {} it's empty ['Renmark 24 Oct 14', '$80.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$80.00', 'politician': 'P35 PASIN Tony', '0': 'Renmark 24 Oct 14', 'key': '7 PASIN Tony'} ['Mount Gambier to Renmark 24 Oct 14', '$3,318.18'] {'url': '', '1': '$3,318.18', 'politician': 'P35 PASIN Tony', '0': 'Mount Gambier to Renmark 24 Oct 14', 'key': '9 PASIN Tony'} ['Renmark to Naracoorte 24 Oct 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 PASIN Tony', '0': 'Renmark to Naracoorte 24 Oct 14', 'key': '10 PASIN Tony'} lastrowheight 282 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 PASIN Tony', '0': 'Naracoorte to Adelaide 24 Oct 14', 'key': '10 PASIN TonyLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Adelaide to Renmark 6 Jun 14', '$2,363.64'] {'url': '', '1': '$2,363.64', 'politician': 'P35 PASIN Tony', '0': 'Adelaide to Renmark 6 Jun 14', 'key': '7 PASIN Tony'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 PASIN Tony', '0': 'Renmark to Adelaide 6 Jun 14', 'key': '7 PASIN TonyLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 4273891 bytes P35 PYNE Christopher [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3020727 bytes P35 RAMSEY Rowan [2, 4, 8, 21, 24] Found pages: [2, 4, 8, 21, 24] rows [] rows empty rows [ ] rows empty rows [ 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 ] [ ] { } it's empty [ ' P o r t L i n c o l n 1 3 A u g t o 1 4 A u g 1 4 ' , ' $ 5 7 . 5 7 ' ] { ' u r l ' : ' h t t p : / / w w w . f i n a n c e . g o v . a u / s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f iles/P35_RAMSEY_Rowan.pdf', '1': '$57.57', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Port Lincoln 13 Aug to 14 Aug 14', 'key': '7 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Port Lincoln to Yorketown 14 Aug 14', '$1,778.18'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,778.18', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Port Lincoln to Yorketown 14 Aug 14', 'key': '9 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Maitland to Port Pirie 15 Aug 14', '$381.20'] {'url': '', '1': '$381.20', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Maitland to Port Pirie 15 Aug 14', 'key': '11 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Port Lincoln 15 Sep 14', '$88.89'] {'url': '', '1': '$88.89', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Port Lincoln 15 Sep 14', 'key': '13 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Port Pirie to Olympic Dam 19 Sep 14', '$2,200.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$2,200.00', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Port Pirie to Olympic Dam 19 Sep 14', 'key': '15 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Jamestown to Ceduna 3 Oct 14', '$1,958.64'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,958.64', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Jamestown to Ceduna 3 Oct 14', 'key': '17 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Ceduna to Jamestown 4 Oct 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Ceduna to Jamestown 4 Oct 14', 'key': '18 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Whyalla to Ceduna 14 Oct 14', '$1,870.91'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,870.91', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Whyalla to Ceduna 14 Oct 14', 'key': '20 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Port Lincoln 17 Oct to 18 Oct 14', '$81.28'] {'url': '', '1': '$81.28', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Port Lincoln 17 Oct to 18 Oct 14', 'key': '22 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Port Pirie to Port Lincoln 20 Nov 14', '$1,195.45'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,195.45', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Port Pirie to Port Lincoln 20 Nov 14', 'key': '24 RAMSEY Rowan'} lastrowheight 445 {'url': '', '1': '$2,018.18', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Port Lincoln to Cleve 21 Nov 14', 'key': '24 RAMSEY RowanLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9, 10, 12] [] {} it's empty ['Adelaide to Burra 16 May 14', '$253.66'] {'url': '', '1': '$253.66', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Adelaide to Burra 16 May 14', 'key': '7 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Whyalla to Rawnsley Park 11 Jun 14', '$1,920.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,920.00', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Whyalla to Rawnsley Park 11 Jun 14', 'key': '9 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Rawnsley Park to Kadina 12 Jun 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Rawnsley Park to Kadina 12 Jun 14', 'key': '10 RAMSEY Rowan'} ['Whyalla to Wudinna 27 Jun 14', '$1,040.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,040.00', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Whyalla to Wudinna 27 Jun 14', 'key': '12 RAMSEY Rowan'} lastrowheight 306 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 RAMSEY Rowan', '0': 'Wudinna to Kimba 27 Jun 14', 'key': '12 RAMSEY RowanLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3179725 bytes P35 RISHWORTH Amanda [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 4001860 bytes P35 RUSTON Anne [2, 19, 24] Found pages: [2, 19, 24] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Renmark to Waikerie 22 Jun 14', '$1,754.55'] {'url': 'http://www. u/sites/defa ult/files/P35_RUSTON_Anne.pdf', '1': '$1,754.55', 'politician': 'P35 RUSTON Anne', '0': 'Renmark to Waikerie 22 Jun 14', 'key': '7 RUSTON Anne'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 RUSTON Anne', '0': 'Waikerie to Port Augusta 22 Jun 14', 'key': '7 RUSTON AnneLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3689866 bytes P35 SOUTHCOTT Andrew [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2999922 bytes P35 WILLIAMS Matt [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3459694 bytes P35 WONG Penny [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3529361 bytes P35 WRIGHT Penny [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3172950 bytes P35 XENOPHON Nick [2, 4, 8] Found pages: [2, 4, 8] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Adelaide to Cowell 12 Au g 14', '$1,090.91 '] {'url': ' s/P35_XENOPH ON_Nick.pdf', '1' : '$1,090.91 ', 'politic ian': 'P35 XENOPHON Nick', '0': 'Ade laide to Cowell 12 Aug 14', 'ke y': '7http://www ites/default/f iles/P35_XENOPH ON_Nick.pdf8P35 XENOPHON Nick'} lastrowheight 236 {'url' : ' au/s ites/d efault/files/P35_XENOPHON_Nic k.pdf', 'polit ician': 'P35 XENOPHON Nick' , '0': 'Cowell t o Adelaide 12 Aug 14', 'key ': '7http://ww tes/def ault/files/P 35_XENOPHON_Nic k.pdf8P3 5 XENOPHON NickLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3601496 bytes P35 ZAPPIA Tony [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2433534 bytes P35 ABETZ Eric [2, 4, 10, 26, 29] Found pages: [2, 4, 10, 26, 29] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [16] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 427 {'url': 'http://www. /default/files/P35_ ABETZ_Eric.pdf', '1': '$1, 850.00', 'politicia n': 'P35 ABETZ Eri c', '0': 'Launceston to Hobart 8 Aug 14' , 'key': '16http://ww es/default/files/P35 _ABETZ_Eric.pdf10P3 5 ABETZ EricLastrow '} rows [] rows empty rows [5 , 7, 9] [] {} it's empty ['Devonport 6 Jun 14', '$116.50'] {'url': 'http://www. es/default /files/P3 5_ABETZ_Er ic.pdf', '1': '$116.50', 'pol itician': 'P 35 ABETZ Eric', '0' : 'Devonpo rt 6 Jun 14' , 'key ': '7http://w ww. fi default/f iles/P35_ABETZ_ Eric.pdf29P35 ABETZ Eric'} ['Cambridge to D evonport 6 Jun 14', '$2,272.73'] {'url' : ' ABETZ_Eri c.pdf', '1 ': '$2,27 2.73', 'politici an': 'P35 ABETZ Eric', '0': 'Ca mbridge to Dev onport 6 Jun 14 ', 'key': '9http:/ /www.f inance.go es/default/ files /P35_ABET Z_Eric.pdf29 P35 ABETZ E ric'} lastrowheight 259 {'url': 'h ttp:// /default/fi les/P35_ABETZ_Eri c.pdf', 'politic ian': 'P35 ABETZ Eric' , '0': 'De vonport to Camb ridge 6 Jun 14' , 'key': '9http:/ / files/ P35_ABETZ_Eric.pdf29 P35 ABETZ EricL a strow'} getting The pdf file has 2241566 bytes P35 BILYK Catryna [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2317463 bytes P35 BROWN Carol [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2628050 bytes P35 BUSHBY David [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2972080 bytes P35 COLBECK Richard [2, 23, 28] Found pages: [2, 23, 28] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url': 'ht tp:// ult/files/P35_COLBECK _Richard.pdf', '1': '$10,200.00', 'pol itician': 'P35 CO LBECK R ichard', '0': 'Latrobe 16 Jan 14', 'key ': '5http://www.f inance. /default/fil es/P35_COLBECK_Ri chard.p df28P35 COLB ECK RichardL astrow'} getting The pdf file has 2831643 bytes P35 COLLINS Julie [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2244237 bytes P35 HUTCHINSON Eric [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1730084 bytes P35 LAMBIE Jacqui [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3452059 bytes P35 MILNE Christine [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2274272 bytes P35 NIKOLIC Andrew [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3688952 bytes P35 PARRY Stephen [2, 25, 28] Found pages: [2, 25, 28] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url': 'http:/ /www.financ /default/files/P35_PAR RY_Steph en .pdf', '1': '$ 177.79', 'politicia n': 'P35 PARRY Stephen ', '0': 'Launc eston to Hobar t 19 Dec to 21 Dec 13', 'key' : '5http://www.f default/f iles/P35_PARRY _Stephen.pdf28P 35 PARRY Stephe nLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3014989 bytes P35 POLLEY Helen [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3404818 bytes P35 SINGH Lisa [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2637645 bytes P35 THORP Lin [5] Found pages: [5] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2931756 bytes P35 URQUHART Anne [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3178682 bytes P35 WHISH-WILSON Peter [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3020969 bytes P35 WHITELEY Brett [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3009691 bytes P35 WILKIE Andrew [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [ ] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2807668 bytes P35 ANDREWS Kevin [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2311907 bytes P35 BANDT Adam [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2838776 bytes P35 BILLSON Bruce [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2197692 bytes P35 BROAD Andrew [2, 4, 8] Found pages: [2, 4, 8] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18] [] {} it's empty ['Mildura to Birchup 3 Ju l 14', '$980.0 0' ] {'url': 'http://www.finan ault/files /P35_BROAD_Andr ew.pdf', '1': '$980.00', 'politici an': 'P35 BROAD Andrew', '0': 'Mild ura to Birchup 3 J ul 14', 'key': '7htt p:// .au/sites/default/ files/P35_BROAD_An drew.pdf8P35 BROA D Andrew'} ['Birchup to Mild ura 3 Jul 14'] {'url' : '', 'pol itician': 'P35 B ROAD Andrew', '0': 'Birchup to M ildura 3 Jul 14', 'key': '8http://www.fin au/sites/default /files/P35_BROAD _Andrew.pdf8P35 BROAD Andrew'} ['Mildura to Kerang 1 Aug 14', '$1, 421.82'] {'url': ' ault/files/P35_BROAD_Andrew.pdf', '1': '$1,421.82', 'politic ian': 'P35 BROAD Andre w', '0': 'Mildura to Kerang 1 Aug 14', 'k ey': '10http://www.f default/files/P35_BROAD_Andr ew.pdf8P35 BROAD An drew'} ['Kerang to Swan Hill 1 Aug 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 BR OAD Andrew', '0': 'Kerang to Swan Hill 1 Aug 14', 'key': '11http: // efault/files/P35_BRO AD_Andrew.pdf8P35 BROAD Andrew'} ['Swan Hill to Mildura 1 Aug 14'] {'url': 'http: // drew.pdf', 'politician' : 'P35 BROAD An drew', '0': 'Sw an Hill to Mildura 1 Aug 14', 'key': '12 s/default/files/P35 _BROAD_Andrew.pdf8P 35 BROAD Andrew'} ['Mildura to Hopetoun 6 Oct 14', '$1,261.82'] {'url': ' OAD_Andrew.pdf', '1': '$1,261.82', 'polit ician': 'P35 BRO AD Andrew', '0': 'Mildur a to Hopetoun 6 O ct 14', 'key': '14http://ww /files/P35_BROAD_An drew.pdf8P35 BROAD Andrew'} ['Hopetoun to Mildura 6 Oct 14'] {'url': 'http://w', ' politician': 'P35 BROA D Andrew', '0': 'Hopet oun to Mildura 6 Oct 14', 'key': '15http: // u/sites/default/fi les/P35_BROAD_Andrew.pdf 8P35 BROAD Andrew '} ['Mildura to N hill 15 Oct 14', '$1,236.36'] {'url' : ' s/P35_BROAD_Andrew.p df', '1': '$1,2 36.36', 'poli tician': 'P35 BROAD Andrew', '0': 'Mildura to Nh ill 15 Oct 14 ', 'key': '17h ttp:// sites/defaul t/files/P35_BROA D_Andrew.pdf8 P35 BROAD An drew'} ['Nhill to Mildura 15 Oct 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P3 5 BROAD Andrew', '0' : 'Nhill to Mildura 15 Oct 14', 'key': '18h ttp://www.financ ult/files/P35_BROAD_ Andrew.pdf 8P35 BROAD Andre w'} lastrowheight 422 {'url': 'http://www.f _Andrew.pdf', '1': ' $872.73', 'politici an': 'P35 BROAD Andrew', '0': 'Mild ura to Horsh am 11 Nov 14', 'key': '18 BROAD AndrewLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2235477 bytes P35 BROADBENT Russell [ 2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2236128 bytes P35 BURKE Anna [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2693718 bytes P35 BYRNE Anthony [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2629314 bytes P35 CARR Kim [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2720119 bytes P35 CHESTER Darren [2, 4, 10, 26, 29] Found pages: [2, 4, 10, 26, 29] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24] [ ] {} it's empty ['Lakes Entrance to Canberra 7 Jul 14', '$2,499. 09'] {'url': 'http://www.financ s/default/f iles/P35_CH ESTER_Darren .pdf', '1': ' $2,499.09', 'p olitician': ' P35 CHESTER Darren', '0' : 'Lakes Entrance to Canb erra 7 Jul 1 4', 'key': '1 7http://www.finan au/sites/de fault/files/ P35_CHESTER_ Darren.pdf10 P35 CHESTER Darren'} ['Canberra to Lakes Entrance 8 Jul 14'] {'url': 'h ttp:// t/files/P35_CHESTER_Darren.pdf', 'politician': 'P 35 CHESTER Darren', ' 0': 'Canberra to Lak es Entrance 8 Jul 14 ', 'key': '18http:// s/default/f iles/P35_CHESTER_D arren.pdf10P35 CHES TER Darren'} ['Lakes Entran ce to Canberra 13 Jul 14', '$2,10 4.32'] {'url': ' ault/files/P35_CH ESTER_Darren.p df', '1': '$2,10 4.32', 'politi cian': 'P35 CHES TER Darren', '0': 'Lakes En trance to Can berra 13 Jul 14 ', 'key': '20ht tp://www.finan fault/fil es/P35_CHESTER _Darren.pdf10 P35 CHESTER Da rren'} ['Canberra to Lakes Entrance 25 Sep 14', '$2,104.32'] {'url': ' es/P35_CHESTER_Da rren.pdf', '1' : '$2,104.32', 'politician': 'P35 CHESTER D arren', '0': 'Canbe rra to La kes Entrance 2 5 Sep 14', 'ke y': '22http://w ault/files/P35_C HESTER_Darren.p df10P35 CHESTE R Darren'} ['Lakes E ntrance to Canberra 20 Oct 14', '$2 ,104.32'] {'url': ' es/default/files/P35_ CHESTER_Da rren.pdf', '1': '$2,104.32', 'pol itician': 'P35 CHESTER Darren' , '0': 'Lakes Entra nce to Canberra 20 Oct 14', 'ke y': '24http://www.fin u/sites/default/ files/P35_CHEST ER_Darren.pdf10P 35 CHESTER Dar ren'} lastrowheight 520 {'url': ' au/sites/default/ files/P35 _CHESTER_Darr en.pdf', '1': '$1, 992.64', 'politician': 'P35 CHESTER D arren', '0': 'W agga Wagga to Lak es Entran ce 24 Oct 14', 'key': '24htt p://www.f /sites/default /files/P35_CH ESTER_Darren.p df10P35 CHESTE R DarrenLastr ow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5 , 7, 8, 10, 12, 14] [] {} it's empty ['Lakes Entrance to Can berra 24 Mar 14', '$2,104.32'] {'url': 'http: // STER_Darren.pdf', '1': '$2,104.32', 'politician': 'P35 CHESTER Darren', '0': 'L akes Entrance to Ca nberra 24 Mar 14', 'key': '7 CHESTER Darren'} ['Canberra to Lakes Entrance 27 Mar 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 CHESTER Darren', '0': 'Canberra to Lakes Entrance 27 Mar 14', 'key': '8 CHESTER Darren'} ['Lakes Entrance to Canberra 2 Jun 14', '$701.45'] {'url': '', '1': '$701.45', 'politician': 'P35 CHESTER Darren', '0': 'Lakes Entrance to Canberra 2 Jun 14', 'key': '10 CHESTER Darren'} ['Lakes Entrance to Canberra 16 Jun 14', '$1,052.15'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,052.15', 'politician': 'P35 CHESTER Darren', '0': 'Lakes Entrance to Canberra 16 Jun 14', 'key': '12 CHESTER Darren'} ['Lakes Entrance to Canberra 23 Jun 14', '$1,052.15'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,052.15', 'politician': 'P35 CHESTER Darren', '0': 'Lakes Entrance to Canberra 23 Jun 14', 'key': '14 CHESTER Darren'} lastrowheight 329 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 CHESTER Darren', '0': 'Canberra to Lakes Entrance 26 Jun 14', 'key': '14 CHESTER DarrenLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2246661 bytes P35 CHESTERS Lisa [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2345523 bytes P35 COLLINS Jacinta [ 2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3131032 bytes P35 CONROY Stephen [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2175649 bytes P35 DANBY Michael [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2013337 bytes P35 DI NATALE Richard [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2319022 bytes P35 DREYFUS Mark [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2322830 bytes P35 FEENEY David [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2627121 bytes P35 FIFIELD Mitch [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1817258 bytes P35 FORREST John [5] Found pages: [5] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2783786 bytes P35 FRYDENBERG Josh [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2078458 bytes P35 GILES Andrew [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3278212 bytes P35 GRIFFIN Alan [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2316995 bytes P35 HENDERSON Sarah [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2860052 bytes P35 HUNT Greg [2, 23 , 26] Found pages: [2, 23, 26] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {'url': ' Greg.pdf', '1': '$16, 200.00', 'politicia n': 'P35 HUNT Greg', '0': 'Moran bah 10 Jun 14', 'key': '5http://www. es/default/files/P35 _HUNT_Greg.pdf26P35 H UNT GregLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2489519 bytes P35 KING Catherine [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3073296 bytes P35 KROGER Helen [8] Found pages: [8] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2232522 bytes P35 MACKLIN Jenny [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2385964 bytes P35 MADIGAN John [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2190062 bytes P35 MARLES Richard [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2709114 bytes P35 MARSHALL Gavin [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2212927 bytes P35 MCGOWAN Cathy [ 2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2424374 bytes P35 MCKENZIE Bridget [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2084934 bytes P35 MITCHELL Rob [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1711630 bytes P35 MUIR Ricky [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting'CONNOR_Brendan.pdf The pdf file has 2332133 bytes P35 O'CONNOR Brendan [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting'DWYER_Kelly.pdf The pdf file has 3516941 bytes P35 O'DWYER Kelly [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting'NEIL_Clare.pdf The pdf file has 3069606 bytes P35 O'NEIL Clare [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1999457 bytes P35 RICE Janet [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 4161483 bytes P35 ROBB Andrew [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 4520816 bytes P35 RONALDSON Michael [ 2, 4, 11] Found pages: [2, 4, 11] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5 , 7, 8, 9, 11] [] {} it's empty ['Essendon Airpo rt to Wang aratta 28 Jul 14', '$4,560.00 '] { 'url': 'http://www.fina default/files/P 35_RO NALDSON_Mi chael.pdf', '1': '$ 4,560.00', 'politi cian': 'P35 RONALD SON Michae l', '0': 'E ssendon Ai rport to Wangar atta 28 Jul 14', 'key': '7http://www es/default/f iles/P35_R ONALDSON_Mi chael.pdf11P35 RONALDS ON Michael'} ['Wangaratta to Albury 28 J ul 14'] {'u rl': ' ON_Michael.pdf', 'politi cian': 'P35 RON ALDSON Michael ', '0': 'Wangaratt a to Albury 28 Jul 14', 'key': '8http:// sites/default/f iles/P35_RONAL DSON_Michael.pd f11P35 RONALDSON M ichael'} ['Albury to Essendo n Airport 28 Jul 14'] {'url': '', 'pol itician': 'P35 RON ALDSON Micha el', '0': 'Albu ry to Essendo n Airport 28 Jul 14', ' key': '9ht tp://www.finan fault/files/P35_RON ALDSON_Michael.pdf11 P35 RONA LDSON Michael '} ['Ballarat to Euro a 16 Nov 14', '$1,924.55'] {'url': 'http://www ites/default/fi les/P35_RON ALDSON_Michael.pd f', '1': '$1,924.55', 'politician ': 'P35 RONAL DSON Michael', ' 0': 'Bal larat to Eur oa 16 Nov 14', 'key': '1 1http:// /default/files/P35 _RONALDSON_Michae l.pdf11P35 RONALDSO N Michael'} lastrowheight 306 {'url': ' df', 'politician': 'P35 RONALDSON Micha el', '0': 'Euroa to Ballarat 16 Nov 14', 'key': '11 ault/files/P35_RONALDSON_ Michael.pdf11P35 RON ALDSON MichaelLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2185717 bytes P35 ROXON Nicola [8] Found pages: [8] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3254287 bytes P35 RYAN Joanne [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3490788 bytes P35 RYAN Scott [2, 4, 8] Found pages: [2, 4, 8] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7 ] [] {} it's empty [' Essendon Airport to Ararat 13 Nov 14', '$4,523.00'] {'url': ' tes/default/files/P35_RYAN_Scott.pdf ', '1': '$4,523.00 ', 'politician': 'P35 RYAN Sc ott', '0' : 'Essendon A irport to Ararat 13 Nov 14', 'k ey': '7http:// efault/files/P 35_RYAN_Scot t.pdf8P35 RY AN Scott'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': 'http://www.fin Scott.pdf', 'politician' : 'P35 RYAN Scott', '0': 'Ara rat to Essendon Airport 13 Nov 14', 'key ': '7http://w /files/P35_RYAN_S cott.pdf8P35 RYAN ScottLa strow'} getting The pdf file has 4027558 bytes P35 SHORTEN Bill [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3346905 bytes P35 SMITH Tony [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3821371 bytes P35 STONE Sharman [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2909800 bytes P35 SUKKAR Michael [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1683681 bytes P35 SYMON Mike [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3524500 bytes P35 TEHAN Dan [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2994066 bytes P35 THOMSON Kelvin [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2195024 bytes P35 TILLEM Mehmet [5] Found pages: [5] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3196123 bytes P35 TUDGE Alan [2, 21, 24] Found pages: [2, 21, 24] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 8] [] {} it's empty ['Canberra to Lakes Entrance 5 Jun 14', '-$1,009.09', '<i>**</i>\n'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 TUDGE Alan', 'key': '8 TUDGE Alan', '1': '-$1,009.09', '0': 'Canberra to Lakes Entrance 5 Jun 14', '2': '<i>**</i>\n'} lastrowheight 214 {'url': '', '1': '$4,036.36', 'politician': 'P35 TUDGE Alan', '0': 'Canberra to Lakes Entrance 5 Jun 14', 'key': '8 TUDGE AlanLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 2836607 bytes P35 VAMVAKINOU Maria [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2995020 bytes P35 WATTS Tim [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2906135 bytes P35 WOOD Jason [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2479354 bytes P35 BACK Chris [2, 4, 8] Found pages: [2, 4, 8] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9 ] [] {} it's empty ['Kalgoorlie 3 Jul 14', '$97.28'] {'url': ' files/P35_BACK_Chris.pdf', '1': '$97.28', 'politician': 'P35 BACK Chris', '0': 'Kalgoorlie 3 Jul 14', 'key': '7http://www.f .pdf8P35 BACK Chris'} ['Esperance 21 Aug 14', '$101.75'] {' url': ' es/P35_BACK_Chris.pd f', '1': ' $101.75', 'pol itician': 'P35 BACK Chris', '0 ': 'Esperance 2 1 Aug 14', 'ke y': '9http://w sites/de fault/files/P35 _BACK_Chris.p df8P35 BACK Chris '} lastrowheight 259 {'url': 'http://www.financ ault/files/P 35_BACK_Chri s.pdf', '1': '$12 0.41', ' politician': 'P35 BACK Chris' , '0': 'Esperance 16 Oct to 17 Oct 14', 'key': '9h ttp://www .au/sites/defaul t/file s/P35_BAC K_Chris. pdf8P35 B ACK ChrisLas trow'} getting The pdf file has 3298043 bytes P35 BISHOP Julie [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3615142 bytes P35 BISHOP Mark [8] Found pages: [8] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1636702 bytes P35 BULLOCK Joe [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2486083 bytes P35 CASH Michaelia [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2881295 bytes P35 CORMANN Mathias0 [2, 4, 10] Found pages: [2, 4, 10] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [ ] {} it's empty ['Gove to Elcho Island 17 Sep 14', '$1,3 27.27'] {'url': ' P35_CORMANN_Mathias0 .pdf', '1': '$1,327. 27', 'politician': 'P35 CORMANN M athias0', ' 0': 'Gove to Elcho Island 17 Sep 14', 'key': '7http://www.fin efault/files/ P35_CORMANN _Mathias0.p df10P35 CORMANN Mathias0 '} lastrowheight 236 {'url': 'http://www.f s0.pdf', 'politi cian': 'P35 C ORMANN Math ias0', '0': 'Elc ho Isla nd to Gove 1 7 Sep 14', 'k ey': '7http: //www.finan ites/defau lt/files/P3 5_CORMANN_M athias0.pdf 10P35 CORMANN Ma thias0L astrow'} getting The pdf file has 1811075 bytes P35 CORMANN Mathias1 [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2399856 bytes P35 EGGLESTON Alan [8, 10, 13] Found pages: [8, 10, 13] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9] [] {} it's empty ['Port Hedland 17 Jul to 18 Jul 13', '$190.19'] {'url': ' t/files/P35_EGGLEST ON_Alan.pdf', '1': '$19 0.19', 'politician': 'P3 5 EGGLESTON Alan', '0': 'Port Hedland 17 Jul to 18 Jul 13', 'key': '7http:// sites/default/files/P35_EGGL ESTON_Alan.pd f13P35 EGGLESTON Alan'} ['Broome 18 Jul to 19 Jul 13', '$74.21'] {'url': ' ault/files/P35 _EGGLESTON_A lan.pdf', '1 ': '$74.21', ' politician' : 'P35 EGGLES TON Alan', '0 ': 'Broome 18 J ul to 19 Jul 13', 'key': ' 9http://www. au/sites/default/f iles/P3 5_EGGLESTON _Alan.pdf13P3 5 EGGLESTON Alan'} lastrowheight 259 {'url': ' GGLESTON_Alan.pdf', '1': '$11 1.45', 'polit ician': 'P35 EGGLEST ON Alan', '0': 'Port Hedland 13 Aug to 14 Aug 13', 'key': ' 9http://www.financ efault/files/P 35_EGGLESTON_A lan.pdf13P35 EGG LESTON AlanLastrow' } getting The pdf file has 2915824 bytes P35 GOODENOUGH Ian [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2438830 bytes P35 GRAY Gary [ 2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1404340 bytes P35 HAASE Barry [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2747295 bytes P35 IRONS Steve [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2732118 bytes P35 JENSEN Dennis [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3410712 bytes P35 JOHNSTON David [2, 24, 29] Found pages: [2, 24, 29] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Jandakot to Manjimup 21 Jun 14', '$1,950.00'] {'url': 'http://www', '1': '$1,95 0.00', 'politician': 'P35 JOHNSTON David', '0' : 'Jandakot to Manji mup 21 Jun 14', 'key ': '7http://www.fina ault/files/P35_JOHNSTON_Dav id.pdf29P35 JOHNSTON David'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': ' JOHNSTON_David .pdf', 'politician ': 'P35 JOHNSTO N David', '0': ' Manjimup to Ja ndakot 21 Jun 1 4', 'key': '7http://w ww.financ tes/defaul t/files/P35_ JOHN STON_David. pdf29P35 J OHNSTON D avidLastr ow'} getting The pdf file has 3543203 bytes P35 KEENAN Michael [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2847807 bytes P35 LINES Sue [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2772681 bytes P35 LUDLAM Scott [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2184271 bytes P35 MACTIERNAN Alannah [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3126098 bytes P35 MARINO Nola [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3080281 bytes P35 PARKE Melissa [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3089327 bytes P35 PORTER Christian [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2475576 bytes P35 PRATT Louise [8 , 10, 13] Found pages: [8, 10, 13] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Geraldton 9 Jul to 10 Jul 13', '$81.46'] {'url': 'http://w es/default /files/P35_ PRATT_Louise.pdf ', '1': '$81.46', 'politic ian': 'P35 P RATT Louis e', '0': ' Geraldton 9 Jul to 10 Jul 13', 'key': '7h ttp://www.fina s/default/ files/P35_ PRATT_Lou ise.pdf13P3 5 PRATT Louise' } lastrowheight 236 {'url': ' ault/files/P35_PRATT_Louise.pdf', '1': '$ 66.34', 'poli tician': 'P35 PRATT L ouise', '0': 'Geraldton 22 Aug to 23 Aug 13', 'key': ' 7http://www. fault/files/P35_PRATT _Louise.pdf13P35 PRAT T LouiseLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3015373 bytes P35 PRICE Melissa [2, 4, 8, 23, 26] Found pages: [2, 4, 8, 23, 26] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9 , 10, 12, 14, 15] [] {} it's empty ['B roome to Karratha 6 Jul 1 4', '$4,009.09'] {'url': 'http://w /sites/default/fi les/P35_PRICE_Me lissa.pdf', '1': ' $4,009.09', 'politicia n': 'P35 P RICE Melissa', '0 ': 'Broome to Karr atha 6 Jul 14', 'key': '7http://www. tes/default/files /P35_PRICE_Melissa .pdf8P35 PRICE Mel issa'} ['Geraldton to Karratha 28 Jul 14', '$6,981.82'] {'url': 'http: //', '1' : '$6,981.82', 'pol itician': 'P35 PRICE Melis sa', '0': 'Geral dton to Karrath a 28 Jul 14', 'key': '9http://www.fin es/default/files /P35_PRICE_Melissa.p df8P35 PRI CE Melissa'} ['Karratha to Geraldton 28 Jul 14'] {'url': ' .pdf', 'politician': 'P35 PRICE Melissa', '0': 'Karratha t o Geraldton 28 Jul 14', 'key': '10http://www .finance. _ Melissa.pdf8P3 5 PRICE Meliss a' } ['Port Hedland to Paraburdoo 1 1 Sep 14', '$3,136.36'] {' url': ' RICE_Melissa.pdf', '1': '$3, 136.36', 'politi cian': 'P35 PR ICE Melissa ', '0': 'Port He dland to Paraburdoo 11 Sep 14' , 'key': '12ht tp://www.fina ault/fi les/P35_PRICE_ Melissa.pdf8P 35 PRICE Melissa'} ['Geraldt on to Wiluna 6 Oct 14', '$6,181.82'] {'url': ' es/default/files/P 35_PRICE_Melissa .pdf', '1': '$6,181. 82', 'politi cian': 'P35 PRICE Meli ssa', '0': ' Geraldton to Wilu na 6 Oct 14', 'key': '14htt p://www.financ sites/defau lt/files/P35_PR ICE_Me lissa.pdf8P35 P RICE Melissa '} ['Wiluna to Geraldton 6 Oc t 14'] {'url': ' .au/sites/default/files/P35_PRICE_Melissa.pdf', 'politician': 'P35 PRIC E Melissa', '0': 'Wil una to Geraldton 6 Oct 14', 'key ': '15 fault/files/P35 _PRICE_Melissa.p df8P35 PRICE Me lissa'} lastrowheight 352 {'url': 'htt p://', '1': ' $800.74', 'politic ian': 'P35 PRI CE Meliss a', '0': 'Karr atha 15 Oct t o 19 Oct 14', 'key': '15http:/ / sites/defaul t/files/P35_PR ICE_Melissa. pdf8P35 PRIC E MelissaLastrow '} rows [] rows empty rows [5 , 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17] [] {} it's empty ['Karratha 14 Mar 14', '$96.37'] {' url': ' au/sites/defaul t/files/P35_P RICE_Melissa. pdf', '1': '$96.3 7', 'po litician': 'P3 5 PRICE Melissa', ' 0': 'Karratha 14 Mar 14', 'k ey': '7 PRICE Melissa'} ['Broome 4 May to 6 May 14', '$299.73'] {'url': '', '1': '$299.73', 'politician': 'P35 PRICE Melissa', '0': 'Broome 4 May to 6 May 14', 'key': '9 PRICE Melissa'} ['Kununurra 6 May to 9 May 14', '$337.85'] {'url': '', '1': '$337.85', 'politician': 'P35 PRICE Melissa', '0': 'Kununurra 6 May to 9 May 14', 'key': '11 PRICE Melissa'} ['Broome 9 May 14', '$84.45'] {'url': '', '1': '$84.45', 'politician': 'P35 PRICE Melissa', '0': 'Broome 9 May 14', 'key': '13 PRICE Melissa'} ['Broome to Kununurra 23 May 14', '$4,327.27'] {'url': '', '1': '$4,327.27', 'politician': 'P35 PRICE Melissa', '0': 'Broome to Kununurra 23 May 14', 'key': '15 PRICE Melissa'} ['Geraldton to Wiluna 10 Jun 14', '$4,636.36'] {'url': '', '1': '$4,636.36', 'politician': 'P35 PRICE Melissa', '0': 'Geraldton to Wiluna 10 Jun 14', 'key': '17 PRICE Melissa'} lastrowheight 352 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 PRICE Melissa', '0': 'Wiluna to Geraldton 11 Jun 14', 'key': '17 PRICE MelissaLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3524198 bytes P35 RANDALL Don [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 2008651 bytes P35 REYNOLDS Linda [2 ] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3274716 bytes P35 SIEWERT Rachel [2, 19, 22] Found pages: [2, 19, 22] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7] [] {} it's empty ['Broome 18 Jul 13', '$1,581.82'] {'url' : ' au/sites/default/files/P35_SIEWER T_Rachel.pdf', ' 1': '$1,581.8 2', 'politic ian': 'P35 SIEWERT R achel', '0': 'Broome 18 Jul 13 ', 'key': '7http: // es/default/files/P35_SIEW ERT_Rachel.pdf2 2P35 SIEWERT Rachel'} lastrowheight 236 {'url': 'http:/ / IEWERT_Rachel.pdf', '1': '$5 17.71', 'p olitician': 'P35 SIEWER T Rachel', '0': ' Geraldton 2 Apr t o 4 Apr 14', 'ke y': '7http://www. sites/default/files/P3 5_SIEWERT_Rachel. pdf22P35 SIEWERT RachelLas trow'} getting The pdf file has 3100692 bytes P35 SIMPKINS Luke [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3384520 bytes P35 SMITH Dean [2, 4, 8, 19, 22] Found pages: [2, 4, 8, 19, 22] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7 , 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22] [] {} it's empty ['Albany 3 J ul 14', '$80.00'] {'url': 'htt p:// .au/sites/defau lt/fi les/P35_SMI TH_Dean. pdf', '1': ' $80.0 0', 'polit ician': 'P 35 SMIT H Dean', '0 ': 'Alban y 3 Jul 14', 'key' : '7http: // .au/sites/defau lt/files/P35_SMITH_Dean. pdf8P35 SMITH Dean '} ['Albany 12 Jul 14', '$80.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$8 0.00', 'politician': 'P 35 SMITH Dean', '0': ' Albany 12 Jul 14', 'key': '9http://www.finan fault/files/P35_SMI TH_Dean.pdf8P35 SM ITH Dean'} ['Perth to Albany 12 Jul 14', '$1,990.00'] {'url': 'h ttp:// ult/files/P35_SMITH_De an.pdf', '1': '$1,990.00', 'politic ian': 'P35 SMIT H Dean', '0': 'Per th to Albany 12 Ju l 14', 'key': '11ht tp:// SMITH_Dean.pdf8P3 5 SMITH Dean'} ['Albany to Per th 12 Jul 14'] {'url': ' _SMITH_Dean.pdf', 'p olitician': 'P35 SMITH De an', '0': 'Albany to Pe rth 12 Jul 14', 'key ': '12http://www .financ /default/f iles/P35_SM ITH_Dean. pdf8P35 SMITH D ean'} ['Albany 7 Aug 1 4', '$90.00'] {'url': 'htt p:// f', '1': '$90.00', 'po litician': 'P3 5 SMITH De an', '0': 'Al bany 7 Aug 14', 'key': '14http://www.finan .au/sites/ default/fi les/P35_SMITH_D ean.pdf8P35 SMITH Dean'} ['Albany 12 Aug 14 ', '$89.09'] {'url': '', '1': '$89.09', 'politician': 'P3 5 SMITH Dean', ' 0': 'Albany 12 Aug 14', 'key': '16h ttp://www /sites/default/ files/P35_SMITH _Dean.pdf8P35 SMITH Dean'} ['Perth t o Albany 12 Aug 14', '$2,166.22'] {'url': ' ault/files/P35_SMIT H_Dean.pdf', '1 ': '$2,166.22', 'politician': 'P35 SMITH Dea n', '0': 'Perth to Al bany 12 A ug 14', 'key': '18http://www.fina ault/file s/P35_SMITH_De an.pdf8P35 SMIT H Dean'} ['Albany to Perth 12 Aug 14'] {'url': 'http://www', 'politician': 'P35 SMI TH Dean', '0': ' Albany to Per th 12 Aug 14' , 'key': '19http ://www.financ tes/default/fi les/P35_S MITH_Dea n.pdf8P35 SMI TH Dean'} ['Perth to Mingenew 18 Sep 14', '$1,720.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$1,720.00', 'politician': 'P35 SMITH Dean', '0': 'Perth to Mingenew 18 Sep 14', 'key': '21 SMITH Dean'} ['Mingenew to Perth 18 Sep 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SMITH Dean', '0': 'Mingenew to Perth 18 Sep 14', 'key': '22 SMITH Dean'} lastrowheight 445 {'url': '', '1': '$80.00', 'politician': 'P35 SMITH Dean', '0': 'Albany 9 Oct 14', 'key': '22 SMITH DeanLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 8, 10] [] {} it's empty ['Perth to Bunbury 7 Jun 14', '$2,390.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$2,390.00', 'politician': 'P35 SMITH Dean', '0': 'Perth to Bunbury 7 Jun 14', 'key': '7 SMITH Dean'} ['Bunbury to Perth 7 Jun 14'] {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SMITH Dean', '0': 'Bunbury to Perth 7 Jun 14', 'key': '8 SMITH Dean'} ['Perth to Manjimup 21 Jun 14', '$2,580.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$2,580.00', 'politician': 'P35 SMITH Dean', '0': 'Perth to Manjimup 21 Jun 14', 'key': '10 SMITH Dean'} lastrowheight 282 {'url': '', 'politician': 'P35 SMITH Dean', '0': 'Manjimup to Perth 21 Jun 14', 'key': '10 SMITH DeanLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3736827 bytes P35 STERLE Glenn [2, 4, 10] Found pages: [2, 4, 10] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5] [] {} it's empty lastrowheight 213 {' url': 'http://ww u/sites/defau lt/files/P35_ST ERLE_Glenn.pdf' , '1': '$454.72', 'po litician' : 'P35 STERLE Gl enn', '0': 'Karrath a to Port Hedland 19 Aug 14', 'key': '5h ttp://www.finan s/default/files/ P35_STERLE_Glenn.pd f10P35 ST ERLE GlennLast row'} getting The pdf file has 1995653 bytes P35 WANG Zhenya [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 1682492 bytes P35 WASHER Mal [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty getting The pdf file has 3031718 bytes P35 WILSON Rick [2, 4, 8 , 22, 25] Found pages: [2, 4, 8, 22, 25] rows [] rows empty rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9, 11, 13] [] {} it's empty ['Kalgoorlie to Albany 7 Aug 14', '$3,595.00'] {'url': 'http://www /sites/default/file s/P35_WIL SON_Rick.pdf', ' 1': '$3,595.00', 'politician': 'P 35 WILSON Rick', '0': 'Kalgoorl ie to Albany 7 Aug 14', 'key': '7ht tp://www. /sites/default/ files/P35_WILSON _Rick.pdf8P35 W ILSON Rick'} ['Albany 7 Aug to 9 Aug 14', '$124.40'] {'url': 'http://www.finan', '1': '$124.40', 'politician': 'P35 WILSON Rick', '0': 'Albany 7 Aug to 9 Aug 14', 'key': '9 lt/files/P35_WILSON_Rick.pdf8P35 WILSON Ric k'} ['Albany to Perth 9 Aug 14', '$2,400.00'] {'url': ' .pdf', '1': '$2,400.00', 'politician': 'P35 WILSO N Rick', '0': 'Albany t o Perth 9 Aug 14', ' key': '11 s/default/files/ P35_WILSON_Rick.pdf8P 35 WILSO N Rick'} ['Katanning to Kalgoorli e 9 Oct 14', '$8,063.20'] {'url': 'h ttp://', '1': '$8,063.20 ', 'politician': ' P35 WILSON Rick ', '0': 'Katann ing to Kalgoorl ie 9 Oct 14', 'key': '13 http://www.finan s/default/fil es/P35_WILSON_Ri ck.pdf8P35 WILSON Rick'} lastrowheight 306 {'url': 'http://ww fault/files/P35_W ILSON_Rick.pdf', 'politician' : 'P35 WILS ON Rick', '0': 'Kalgoorlie to Kat anning 12 Oct 14', 'key': '13 /default/files/P 35_WILSON_Rick.pd f8P35 WILSON RickLastrow'} rows [] rows empty rows [5, 7, 9] [] {} it's empty ['Esper ance 2 Apr 14', '$9 2.09'] {'url': ' ites/default/files/P35_WILSON_Ric k.pdf', '1': '$92.09 ', 'politician': 'P35 WIL SON Rick', '0': 'Es perance 2 Apr 14', 'key': '7http:// www.financ fault/files/P35_WIL SON_Rick.pdf25P35 WILSON Rick'} ['Katanning t o Kalgoorlie 12 Jun 14', '$4,395.00'] {'url': '', '1': '$4 ,395.00', 'politi cian': 'P35 WI LSON Rick', '0 ': 'Katanning to Kalgoorl ie 12 Jun 14' , 'key': '9http:// www.fin ites/default/f iles/P35_WILSON_ Rick.pdf25P35 WILSON Rick'} lastrowheight 259 {'url' : ' /sites/default/f iles/P35_WILSON_R ick.pdf', 'politic ian': 'P35 WILSON Rick ', '0': 'Ka lgoorlie to Ka tanning 12 Jun 14', 'key': '9http://w ww.financ /default/files/P35_WILSO N_Rick.pdf25 P35 WILSON Ric kLastrow'} getting The pdf file has 3608072 bytes P35 WYATT Ken [2] Found pages: [2] rows [] rows empty


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rows 10 / 304

url 1 politician 0 key 2
Perth to Soloman Hub 27 Mar 14
Soloman Hub to Perth 28 Mar 14
7 BALDWIN BobLastrow
P35 BISHOP Bronwyn
Melbourne to Geelong 5 Nov 14
7 BISHOP Bronwyn
P35 BISHOP Bronwyn
Geelong to Melbourne 5 Nov 14
7 BISHOP BronwynLastrow
Warialda to Canberra 13 Jul 14
Warialda to Canberra 24 Aug 14
Canberra to Warialda 5 Sep 14
Warialda to Canberra 21 Sep 14
Canberra to Warialda 26 Sep 14
25 COULTON MarkLastrow
Warialda to Canberra 22 Jun 14


Average successful run time: 23 minutes

Total run time: 23 minutes

Total cpu time used: 2 minutes

Total disk space used: 283 KB


  • Manually ran revision 6b94a4bf and completed successfully .
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  • Created on