paulbradshaw / Lords_Committee_Minutes

Lords Select Committee minutes


Parliament is made up of the House of Commons and House of Lords. It is responsible for making laws, deciding taxes and scrutinising the Government.

Contributors paulbradshaw

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Injecting configuration and compiling... Error removing intermediate container 40084b2d7399: Driver aufs failed to remove root filesystem 40084b2d7399376da6c586bbe4daba22ca8c44ffadadd269e87ab81fc4c58f4a: rename /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/e990db2366b97cd2bb6570d455f63dbf33517f350ce98e3449d7e03ee58f29bd /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/e990db2366b97cd2bb6570d455f63dbf33517f350ce98e3449d7e03ee58f29bd-removing: device or resource busy [1G [1G-----> Python app detected [1G-----> Installing python-2.7.9 [1G $ pip install -r requirements.txt [1G Obtaining scraperwiki from git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 6)) [1G Cloning (to morph_defaults) to ./.heroku/src/scraperwiki [1G Collecting lxml==3.4.4 (from -r requirements.txt (line 8)) [1G Downloading lxml-3.4.4.tar.gz (3.5MB) [1G Collecting cssselect==0.9.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 9)) [1G Downloading cssselect-0.9.1.tar.gz [1G Collecting dumptruck>=0.1.2 (from scraperwiki->-r requirements.txt (line 6)) [1G Downloading dumptruck-0.1.6.tar.gz [1G Collecting requests (from scraperwiki->-r requirements.txt (line 6)) [1G Downloading requests-2.12.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (576kB) [1G Installing collected packages: dumptruck, requests, scraperwiki, lxml, cssselect [1G Running install for dumptruck: started [1G Running install for dumptruck: finished with status 'done' [1G Running develop for scraperwiki [1G Running install for lxml: started [1G Running install for lxml: still running... 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The pdf file has 58372 bytes After converting to xml it has 9245 bytes The first 5000 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE pdf2xml SYSTEM "pdf2xml.dtd"> <pdf2xml producer="poppler" version="0.24.5"> <page number="1" position="absolute" top="0" left="0" height="1263" width="892"> <fontspec id="0" size="16" family="Times" color="#000000"/> <fontspec id="1" size="10" family="Times" color="#000000"/> <fontspec id="2" size="16" family="Times" color="#000000"/> <fontspec id="3" size="12" family="Times" color="#000000"/> <fontspec id="4" size="8" family="Times" color="#000000"/> <text top="91" left="502" width="5" height="16" font="0"><b> </b></text> <text top="49" left="794" width="3" height="14" font="1"><b> </b></text> <text top="62" left="726" width="74" height="21" font="0"><b>H/15–16 </b></text> <text top="83" left="694" width="106" height="21" font="0"><b>6th Meeting </b></text> <text top="104" left="568" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="131" left="106" width="5" height="16" font="2"> </text> <text top="1206" left="106" width="5" height="16" font="2"> </text> <text top="146" left="352" width="194" height="21" font="0"><b>HOUSE COMMITTEE </b></text> <text top="167" left="446" width="5" height="21" font="0"><b> </b></text> <text top="188" left="410" width="16" height="21" font="0"><b>M</b></text> <text top="191" left="426" width="56" height="16" font="3"><b>INUTES</b></text> <text top="188" left="483" width="5" height="21" font="0"><b> </b></text> <text top="208" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="0"><b> </b></text> <text top="229" left="401" width="96" height="21" font="0"><b>3 May 2016 </b></text> <text top="250" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="271" left="106" width="64" height="21" font="2">Present: </text> <text top="292" left="106" width="154" height="21" font="2">L. Campbell-Savours </text> <text top="313" left="106" width="151" height="21" font="2">L. Cope of Berkeley </text> <text top="334" left="106" width="172" height="21" font="2">B. D’Souza (Chairman) </text> <text top="355" left="106" width="162" height="21" font="2">L. Hope of Craighead </text> <text top="376" left="106" width="173" height="21" font="2">L. Hunt of Kings Heath </text> <text top="396" left="106" width="74" height="21" font="2">L. Laming </text> <text top="417" left="106" width="103" height="21" font="2">B. McDonagh </text> <text top="438" left="106" width="89" height="21" font="2">B. Manzoor </text> <text top="459" left="106" width="73" height="21" font="2">L. Stirrup </text> <text top="480" left="106" width="161" height="21" font="2">B. Stowell of Beeston </text> <text top="501" left="106" width="97" height="21" font="2">L. Wakeham </text> <text top="522" left="106" width="189" height="21" font="2">L. Wallace of Tankerness </text> <text top="543" left="106" width="34" height="21" font="2">----- </text> <text top="563" left="106" width="151" height="21" font="2">B. Cohen of Pimlico </text> <text top="584" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="605" left="106" width="321" height="21" font="2">together with the Clerk of the Parliaments. </text> <text top="626" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="647" left="106" width="598" height="21" font="2">The Finance Director and the Director of Public Information were in attendance. </text> <text top="668" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="689" left="106" width="205" height="21" font="0"><b>1. MINUTES OF THE 5</b></text> <text top="688" left="311" width="16" height="12" font="4"><b>TH</b></text> <text top="689" left="327" width="379" height="21" font="0"><b> MEETING OF THE 2015-16 SESSION AND </b></text> <text top="710" left="133" width="179" height="21" font="0"><b>MATTERS ARISING </b></text> <text top="730" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="751" left="106" width="391" height="21" font="2">The Committee <b>agreed</b> the minutes of the meeting. </text> <text top="772" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="793" left="106" width="580" height="21" font="0"><b>2. ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR MEMBERS WITH A </b></text> <text top="814" left="133" width="384" height="21" font="0"><b>DISABILITY: CASE FOR CONSIDERATION </b></text> <text top="835" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="856" left="106" width="300" height="21" font="2">The Lord Speaker introduced the paper. </text> <text top="877" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="897" left="106" width="449" height="21" font="0"><b>3. PRINTING RECORD COPIES OF PUBLIC ACTS </b></text> <text top="918" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="0"><b> </b></text> <text top="939" left="106" width="388" height="21" font="2">The Chairman of Committees introduced the paper. </text> <text top="960" left="106" width="5" height="21" font="2"> </text> <text top="981" left="106" width="594" height="21" font="2">The Committee <b>agreed</b> that the House of Commons should be invited to make </text> The pages are numbered: ['1', '2'] fontspec fontspec fontspec fontspec fontspec text {'top': '91', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '16', 'left': '502'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 1} text {'top': '49', 'font': '1', 'width': '3', 'height': '14', 'left': '794'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 2} text {'top': '62', 'font': '0', 'width': '74', 'height': '21', 'left': '726'} <bH/1516 </b {'text': '<bH/1516 </b\n', 'ID': 3} text {'top': '83', 'font': '0', 'width': '106', 'height': '21', 'left': '694'} <b6th Meeting </b {'text': '<b6th Meeting </b\n', 'ID': 4} text {'top': '104', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '568'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 5} text {'top': '131', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '16', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 6} text {'top': '1206', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '16', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 7} text {'top': '146', 'font': '0', 'width': '194', 'height': '21', 'left': '352'} <bHOUSE COMMITTEE </b {'text': '<bHOUSE COMMITTEE </b\n', 'ID': 8} text {'top': '167', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '446'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 9} text {'top': '188', 'font': '0', 'width': '16', 'height': '21', 'left': '410'} <bM</b {'text': '<bM</b\n', 'ID': 10} text {'top': '191', 'font': '3', 'width': '56', 'height': '16', 'left': '426'} <bINUTES</b {'text': '<bINUTES</b\n', 'ID': 11} text {'top': '188', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '483'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 12} text {'top': '208', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 13} text {'top': '229', 'font': '0', 'width': '96', 'height': '21', 'left': '401'} <b3 May 2016 </b {'text': '<b3 May 2016 </b\n', 'ID': 14} text {'top': '250', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 15} text {'top': '271', 'font': '2', 'width': '64', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} Present: {'text': 'Present: ', 'ID': 16} text {'top': '292', 'font': '2', 'width': '154', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} L. Campbell-Savours {'text': 'L. Campbell-Savours ', 'ID': 17} text {'top': '313', 'font': '2', 'width': '151', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} L. Cope of Berkeley {'text': 'L. Cope of Berkeley ', 'ID': 18} text {'top': '334', 'font': '2', 'width': '172', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} B. DSouza (Chairman) {'text': 'B. DSouza (Chairman) ', 'ID': 19} text {'top': '355', 'font': '2', 'width': '162', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} L. Hope of Craighead {'text': 'L. Hope of Craighead ', 'ID': 20} text {'top': '376', 'font': '2', 'width': '173', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} L. Hunt of Kings Heath {'text': 'L. Hunt of Kings Heath ', 'ID': 21} text {'top': '396', 'font': '2', 'width': '74', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} L. Laming {'text': 'L. Laming ', 'ID': 22} text {'top': '417', 'font': '2', 'width': '103', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} B. McDonagh {'text': 'B. McDonagh ', 'ID': 23} text {'top': '438', 'font': '2', 'width': '89', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} B. Manzoor {'text': 'B. Manzoor ', 'ID': 24} text {'top': '459', 'font': '2', 'width': '73', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} L. Stirrup {'text': 'L. Stirrup ', 'ID': 25} text {'top': '480', 'font': '2', 'width': '161', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} B. Stowell of Beeston {'text': 'B. Stowell of Beeston ', 'ID': 26} text {'top': '501', 'font': '2', 'width': '97', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} L. Wakeham {'text': 'L. Wakeham ', 'ID': 27} text {'top': '522', 'font': '2', 'width': '189', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} L. Wallace of Tankerness {'text': 'L. Wallace of Tankerness ', 'ID': 28} text {'top': '543', 'font': '2', 'width': '34', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} ----- {'text': '----- ', 'ID': 29} text {'top': '563', 'font': '2', 'width': '151', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} B. Cohen of Pimlico {'text': 'B. Cohen of Pimlico ', 'ID': 30} text {'top': '584', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 31} text {'top': '605', 'font': '2', 'width': '321', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} together with the Clerk of the Parliaments. {'text': 'together with the Clerk of the Parliaments. ', 'ID': 32} text {'top': '626', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 33} text {'top': '647', 'font': '2', 'width': '598', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} The Finance Director and the Director of Public Information were in attendance. {'text': 'The Finance Director and the Director of Public Information were in attendance. ', 'ID': 34} text {'top': '668', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 35} text {'top': '689', 'font': '0', 'width': '205', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} <b1. MINUTES OF THE 5</b {'text': '<b1. MINUTES OF THE 5</b\n', 'ID': 36} text {'top': '688', 'font': '4', 'width': '16', 'height': '12', 'left': '311'} <bTH</b {'text': '<bTH</b\n', 'ID': 37} text {'top': '689', 'font': '0', 'width': '379', 'height': '21', 'left': '327'} <b MEETING OF THE 2015-16 SESSION AND </b {'text': '<b MEETING OF THE 2015-16 SESSION AND </b\n', 'ID': 38} text {'top': '710', 'font': '0', 'width': '179', 'height': '21', 'left': '133'} <bMATTERS ARISING </b {'text': '<bMATTERS ARISING </b\n', 'ID': 39} text {'top': '730', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 40} text {'top': '751', 'font': '2', 'width': '391', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} The Committee <bagreed</b {'text': 'The Committee <bagreed</b\n', 'ID': 41} text {'top': '772', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 42} text {'top': '793', 'font': '0', 'width': '580', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} <b2. ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR MEMBERS WITH A </b {'text': '<b2. ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR MEMBERS WITH A </b\n', 'ID': 43} text {'top': '814', 'font': '0', 'width': '384', 'height': '21', 'left': '133'} <bDISABILITY: CASE FOR CONSIDERATION </b {'text': '<bDISABILITY: CASE FOR CONSIDERATION </b\n', 'ID': 44} text {'top': '835', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 45} text {'top': '856', 'font': '2', 'width': '300', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} The Lord Speaker introduced the paper. {'text': 'The Lord Speaker introduced the paper. ', 'ID': 46} text {'top': '877', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 47} text {'top': '897', 'font': '0', 'width': '449', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} <b3. PRINTING RECORD COPIES OF PUBLIC ACTS </b {'text': '<b3. PRINTING RECORD COPIES OF PUBLIC ACTS </b\n', 'ID': 48} text {'top': '918', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 49} text {'top': '939', 'font': '2', 'width': '388', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} The Chairman of Committees introduced the paper. {'text': 'The Chairman of Committees introduced the paper. ', 'ID': 50} text {'top': '960', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 51} text {'top': '981', 'font': '2', 'width': '594', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} The Committee <bagreed</b {'text': 'The Committee <bagreed</b\n', 'ID': 52} text {'top': '1002', 'font': '2', 'width': '649', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} arrangements for, and fund the costs of, printing record copies of public Acts on vellum, {'text': 'arrangements for, and fund the costs of, printing record copies of public Acts on vellum, ', 'ID': 53} text {'top': '1023', 'font': '2', 'width': '131', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} should it so wish. {'text': 'should it so wish. ', 'ID': 54} text {'top': '1044', 'font': '2', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} {'text': ' ', 'ID': 55} text {'top': '1065', 'font': '2', 'width': '664', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} The Committee considered and made amendments to a draft letter from the Chairman of {'text': 'The Committee considered and made amendments to a draft letter from the Chairman of ', 'ID': 56} text {'top': '1085', 'font': '2', 'width': '680', 'height': '21', 'left': '106'} Committees to the Chairman of the Administration Committee in the House of Commons. {'text': 'Committees to the Chairman of the Administration Committee in the House of Commons. ', 'ID': 57} text {'top': '1106', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '133'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 58} text {'top': '1127', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '133'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 59} text {'top': '1148', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '133'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 60} text {'top': '1169', 'font': '0', 'width': '5', 'height': '21', 'left': '133'} <b </b {'text': '<b </b\n', 'ID': 61}


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<b </b
<b </b
<bH/1516 </b
<b6th Meeting </b
<b </b


Average successful run time: half a minute

Total run time: 12 minutes

Total cpu time used: less than 20 seconds

Total disk space used: 36.3 KB


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