Contributors randomgitman SimKennedy invalid-email-address

Last run failed with status code 137.

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Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... 33 /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bs4/ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently. The code that caused this warning is on line 278 of the file To get rid of this warning, change code that looks like this: BeautifulSoup([your markup]) to this: BeautifulSoup([your markup], "lxml") markup_type=markup_type)) 33 /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bs4/ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently. The code that caused this warning is on line 278 of the file To get rid of this warning, change code that looks like this: BeautifulSoup([your markup]) to this: BeautifulSoup([your markup], "lxml") markup_type=markup_type)) 33 /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bs4/ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently. The code that caused this warning is on line 278 of the file To get rid of this warning, change code that looks like this: BeautifulSoup([your markup]) to this: BeautifulSoup([your markup], "lxml") markup_type=markup_type)) 33 /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bs4/ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently. The code that caused this warning is on line 278 of the file To get rid of this warning, change code that looks like this: BeautifulSoup([your markup]) to this: BeautifulSoup([your markup], "lxml") markup_type=markup_type))


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categories tender_id eoi_end contact_name summary contact_phone title contract_end tender_url est_value contact_email buyer contract_duration eoi_start attach_list scraped_date contract_start extension_duration extension_iterations contact_addr country_code apply_requires_login application_status language basic_details_need_login enddate_timezone tenderperiod_enddate extra_documents_with_login
[u'10000000 - Building Construction Materials and Services']
13/11/2015 00:00
Mr Andrew Davies
Demolition of former Holden Fold School; comprising of demolition of main buildings, grubbing-up of foundation’s and disused service’s, filling of voids with compacted crushed fill. Include for removal of all waste and debris from site to licensed tip or for recycling where possible. 
Demolition of Former Holden Fold School
Blackburn with Darwen
1 (months)
14/10/2015 00:00
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
0 (months)
["Castleway House", "/17 Preston New Road", "/Blackburn", "/Lancashire", "/BB2 1AU", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'15000000 - Consultancy', u'30000000 - Mail Services\xc2', u'34000000 - Stationery']
25/11/2015 12:00
Mr. Graham Radcliffe
IntroductionThis summary sets out the background of the associated Invitation to Tender (ITT), for the establishment of a Framework to cover Marketing, Communication and Print services as described in OJEU Contract Notice 2015/S 174-316713 and throughout the ITT.Purpose of the Invitation to TenderThis procurement is being conducted utilising the OJEU Open Procedure, in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the "Regulations") and its subsequent amendments. The ITT sets out the information which is required by TfGM in order to assess tenderers in terms of technical knowledge and experience, capability, capacity, and value for money to meet the requirement. Tenderers' responses to the ITT will be evaluated against pre-formulated evaluation criteria in terms of Quality and Costs with the final selection being based on the Most Economically Advantageous Tenders. Overview of the RequirementTfGM have a requirement to put in place a mechanism to procure Marketing, Communications and Print services to replace the current Marketing, Communications and Print Framework.   The current framework has seven Lots: Lot 1      Marketing and Brand DevelopmentLot 2      Media Planning and Media BuyingLot 3      Promotions, Public and MediaLot 4      Vehicle Livery and SignageLot 5      Distribution and Fulfilment ServicesLot 6      Creative and Specialist ServicesLot 7      Print Services TfGM has reviewed its future requirements, and taking account of changes in demand, new technology and improved knowledge of the supply-base, this procurement seeks to replace these Lots with the six Lots described below: Lot 1      Marketing and Brand DevelopmentLot 2      Promotions, Public and Media RelationsLot 3      Vehicle Livery, Wayfinding and SignageLot 4      Fulfilment and Distribution ServicesLot 5      Print ServicesLot 6      Digital and Social Media These six Lots will each cover a wide ranging set of requirements; Section Three of the ITT provides further detail. The number of Tenderers to be appointed varies for each Lot; the table in 2.2.4 states the likely number of tenderers to be appointed to each Lot; these numbers are indicative only. Tenderers can tender for one, any or all Lots. The services will be provided on a call-off basis to TfGM, and may be used by other public sector bodies identified in the Contract Notice. The successful Tenderers shall enter into a framework agreement. The call-off element of the Framework Agreement shall be activated when TfGM issues a request for services (each order being a contract in its own right).  Any specific requirements shall be annotated in the request for services order. In the event that more than one supplier has entered into a framework agreement TfGM, in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, TfGM may hold a mini competition with suppliers for the provision of the services. The criteria for running mini competitions and awarding contracts under the framework will be described in the ITT. TfGM reserves the right not to award some or all of the Lots.  Tenderers should note that there is no guarantee of any work as a result of this arrangement. Term of AgreementFramework Agreement contracts for Marketing, Print and Communications services will be offered to successful tenderers for a period of four years. The number of tenderers to be awarded contracts will vary depending upon the specific Lot.  
0161 244 1549
TfGM Marketing, Communications and Print Framework
Transport for Greater Manchester
48 (months)
10/09/2015 12:45
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
0 (months)
["TfGM", "/2,Piccadilly Place,", "/Manchester", "/Greater Manchester", "/M1 3BG", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'39000000 - Works (Construction / Repair / Maintenance)']
22/12/2015 11:00
Mr Darren Judge
The Contract involves the design and construction of new 2FE Primary School on existing school field in Greenfield, Oldham. The building design is an Education Funding Agency (EFA) Baseline School with associated external works and full sprinkler installation. Requirement for school to be completed, ready for occupation May 2017 (after School SATS) for current school to decant prior to end of school term. Contract also includes demolition of existing school buildings (after period of 1 month for decant) with site remediated to new sports field and changing facilities for the new school. 
Design & Construction of new 2FE Primary School on existing school field in Greenfield, Oldham
Oldham Council
15 (months)
13/11/2015 14:45
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
0 (months)
["Corporate Procurement Level 8", "/Civic Centre, West Street", "/Oldham", "/Lancashire", "/OL1 1UT", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'15100000 - Business', u'15120000 - Efficiency', u'15140000 - Financial', u'15180000 - IT', u'15200000 - Management', u'15220000 - Strategic Planning', u'15230000 - Technical and Feasibility']
16/11/2015 12:00
Miss Gaynor Gamble
 Agresso Technical Health Check – the system environment             Required: 1.    A full appraisal of the Council’s Agresso current and planned deployment from a technical perspective, documenting the full configuration and providing technical feedback and recommendations for improvements. 2.    To include the various touch points into the Agresso system and the surrounding infrastructure.    
Health Checks for Unit 4 Business World (Agresso) Services
Oldham Council
12 (months)
29/10/2015 11:00
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
0 (months)
["Corporate Procurement Level 8", "/Civic Centre, West Street", "/Oldham", "/Lancashire", "/OL1 1UT", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'10000000 - Building Construction Materials and Services', u'10120000 - Electrical', u'39000000 - Works (Construction / Repair / Maintenance)']
25/06/2015 12:00
Mrs Sarah Gordon
Bidders are invited to tender for the povision of a maintenance contract for the Integrated Reception System (IRS) within the Borough of Blackpool.  Blackpool Coastal Housing (BCH) are responsible for the management of Blackpool Council's total housing stock of approximately 5,000 dwellings. This contract will cover the whole of that stock. 
01253 478373
Provision of Integrated Reception System Maintenance and Support
Blackpool Council
24 (months)
22/05/2015 13:00
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
12 (months)
["PO Box 4 ", "/Blackpool", "/Lancashire", "/FY1 1NA", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'31000000 - Medical', u'32000000 - Social Community Care Supplies and Services']
11/12/2015 09:30
Mr Liam Bedson
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council is looking to receive quotations for a Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention & Intervention Service   The purpose of the service is to provide a prevention and intervention service for children and young people aged 5-18 years who are at medium to high risk of child sexual exploitation or are already being exploited.   For a full specification for this opportunity, please register you interest.   Suppliers are advised to clarify any points of doubt or difficulty relating to the documentation before submitting their response.  Any queries should be submitted through the question and answer function via The Chest (Pro-Contract) e-tendering system.  Please refer to previously asked questions before asking a question as duplicate questions will not be answered.   Both questions and answers will either be made public on The Chest or responded to directly to the originator depending on the content.    It is your responsibility to ensure that the completed submission is uploaded successfully on The Chest by the deadline specified below:   Deadline for Submission of this RFQ: 11 December 2015 at 9:30am   Please also note that TUPE applies to this contract. TUPE information is available on request, using the Chest, question & answer function.   Bidders are advised that the deadline set out above is absolute.  You are advised to upload your submission well in advance of the deadline to avoid any technical issues that might arise causing you to fail to meet the deadline which would lead to the rejection of your submission.  The Council is conscious that Bidders spend a huge amount of time, effort and expense in putting together a submission and is keen to ensure that no bid is rejected for this reason.  The Council positively welcomes your submission and would rather evaluate it than reject it for being late or incomplete and therefore non-compliant.   In submitting your quotation you agree to contract on the Council’s own terms and conditions. Due to the Council’s obligations of fairness and equal treatment to all bidders it cannot accept amendments to its terms and conditions or alternative terms and conditions. If you seek to amend the Council’s terms and conditions or submit alternative terms and conditions the Council may reject your quotation. 
+44 1514434246
Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention & Intervention Service
Knowsley Council
19 (months)
12/11/2015 15:30
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
12 (months)
["4th Floor, Municipal Building", "/Archway road", "/Huyton", "/Merseyside", "/L36 9YU", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'15000000 - Consultancy', u'22000000 - Health and Safety']
04/12/2015 15:00
Ms Alexandra Blackburn
           Halton Borough Council requires a specialist consultant undertake fire risk assessment surveys on a number of properties within our portfolio, primarily focusing on school buildings, but this may be widened out to include any other type of property within the portfolio in due course.                    The contract is to initially be for a 3 year period with the possibility of a further extension of up to 1 year.  A full fire risk assessment is to be undertaken in year 1 in accordance with the guidance given in the Request for Quotation document and appendices.  In subsequent years the consultant is to undertake a review of the survey previously undertaken, which should be updated as necessary.             The surveys are to be undertaken in order to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Order).           Requirements             The surveys should be carried out in accordance with the HM Governments guidance document Fire Safety -Risk Assessment in Educational Premises and should follow the basic 5 steps of good fire risk assessments which are as follows:-   a      Identify the hazard b      Identify the people at risk c      Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from risk d      Record, plan, inform, instruct and train. e      Review             The surveys are to undertaken in Halton Borough Council’s standard format, indicated in the Request for Quotation document and appendices, and inputted into the Council’s P2 property Database.    It is anticipated that the Contract will commence on 1st February 2016.    Please raise any queries via the Question and Answer facility on the Chest website. 
Provision of Fire Risk Assessment Surveys
Halton Borough Council
36 (months)
12/11/2015 16:56
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
12 (months)
["Kingsway House", "/Kingsway", "/Widnes", "/Cheshire", "/WA8 7EA", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'32000000 - Social Community Care Supplies and Services']
26/11/2015 16:00
Ms Cathy Porter
Service Provider Engagement Session    Mental Health Day Services and Advocacy Services.   Purpose of the Event   At the event Liverpool City Council will set out:   ·        its current commissioning vision and intentions for the future development of a Social Inclusion and Recovery service for mental health in Liverpool; ·         a description of the model of delivery. ·        Feedback from the recent Market Questionnaire exercise through The Chest.   The event is intended to give the provider market an opportunity to hear about (and provide feedback on) the Council’s intentions for the future of these services in Liverpool.  Providers will have the opportunity to discuss any issues directly with the relevant commissioning officers from the Council.    
0151 225 2316
Service Provider Engagement Session - Mental Health Day Services and Advocacy Services.
Liverpool City Council
1 (months)
13/11/2015 10:15
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
0 (months)
["Room 219", "/Municipal Buildings, Dale Street", "/Liverpool", "/Merseyside", "/L2 2DH", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'32000000 - Social Community Care Supplies and Services', u'32100000 - Adults and Older Peoples Services']
23/11/2015 12:00
Ms Janet Glenn
Liverpool City Council in partnership with Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council & Halton Borough Council invite service providers to attend a workshop to explore the development and re-design of future services for people who have a sensory impairment within the Merseyside Region. The five Councils are seeking to work in collaboration with Service Providers to explore the possible options available to re-commission sensory impairment services. A consideration for this re-commission is to develop services on a Liverpool City Region basis from Spring / Summer 2016.  By working on a city region footprint we envisage our shared vision of delivering services which are flexible, innovative and responsive to the needs will provide greater outcomes for our citizens. The workshop will be held on Thursday 26th November (9:30 Registration – 10:00 Start – 12:30 Close).  The event is held in advance of a formal procurement process. The event will take place in central Liverpool and providers wishing to attend the event are required to book a place (see instructions on The Chest).  Full details of the event will be provided following booking. 
Sensory Impairment Provider Workshop
Liverpool City Council
0 (months)
12/11/2015 14:00
[['$FILE/Booking Form - Sensory Impairment Provider Workshop.doc', 'Booking Form - Sensory Impairment Provider Workshop.doc', '55kb', '12/11/2015'], ['$FILE/Provider Engagement Notification Final.doc', 'Provider Engagement Notification Final.doc', '59kb', '12/11/2015']]
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
0 (months)
["Municipal Building", "/Dale Street", "/Liverpool", "/Merseyside", "/L1 6DH", "/United Kingdom"]
[u'10120000 - Electrical']
16/11/2015 10:00
Ms Lindy Molyneux
Liverpool City Council seeks a company to replace the existing external mains powered discharge and incandescent floodlighting system with an exterior low energy LED colour changing floodlighting system. 
0151 225 2795
Town Hall exterior lighting scheme
Liverpool City Council
1 (months)
30/10/2015 12:00
[['$FILE/Advert.doc', 'Advert.doc', '86kb', '30/10/2015']]
2015-11-13 15:58:46.758038
0 (months)
["Municipal Building", "/Dale Street", "/Liverpool", "/Merseyside", "/L1 6DH", "/United Kingdom"]


Average successful run time: about 10 hours

Total run time: 3 months

Total cpu time used: 7 days

Total disk space used: 45.4 MB


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