slygent / hkwanted


The ICAC has helped turn Hong Kong from a city plagued with syndicated corruption to one now upheld as among the cleanest in the world. We have achieved this through a three-pronged approach, combining law enforcement, corruption prevention and community education with a team of highly professional and dedicated staff. You can find out more about Hong Kong's graft-fighting history on this website, including important information on anti-corruption laws and practical guides on preventing corruption, and features of interest such as major corruption cases and TV drama series. 廉署採取「三管齊下」策略,結合執法、防貪和社區教育,透過廉署高度專業和鍥而不捨的團隊,全方位打擊貪污。透過這個網站,你可以多點瞭解香港的反貪歷史和里程、廉署的「三管齊下」策略,以及有關防賄法例和防貪實務指引等重要資訊。

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['/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_66.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_38.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_55.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_24.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_20.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_28.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_50.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_19.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_10.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_18.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_27.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_17.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_59.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_57.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_15.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_44.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_11.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_29.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_58.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_23.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_16.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_13.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_12.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_22.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_49.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_21.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_65.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_37.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_30.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_63.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_56.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_9.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_64.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_60.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_40.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_62.html', '/en/law_enforcement/wp/index_uid_47.html'] Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfd8b90>] [<Element td at 0xfd8bf0>] [<Element td at 0xfd8c50>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/66_ARAKAWA Haruko.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '8 May 1963', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Former Executive Director cum Head of Overseas Department of Kohnan Shoji Company Limited', 'Dialects spoken': 'Japanese and Putonghua', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'Nationality': 'Japanese', 'photo': ' Haruko.jpg', 'Eyes': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': 'ARAKAWA Haruko, former Executive Director cum Head of Overseas Department of Kohnan Shoji Company Limited (Kohnan Shoji), is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with HE Chao, a director cum shareholder of Glory Luck (Hong Kong) Limited (Glory Luck), to accept illegal rebate of over $1.3 million, as a reward for approving the procurement of 59 purchase orders of Kohnan Shoji with Glory Luck between March 2010 and November 2011.', 'Japanese Passport No.': 'TH7542091', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '66', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Female'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfd8e90>] [<Element td at 0xfd8a70>] [<Element td at 0xfd8b90>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/38_AUYEUNG Wai-keung (revised photo).JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Yellow', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '15 December 1966', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Former Supervisor of Roasted Meat Section of Kamboat Chinese Cuisine Co Ltd', 'Height': '170 cm', 'photo': ' Wai-keung (revised photo).JPG', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'AU YEUNG, the former Supervisor of Roasted Meat Section of Kamboat Chinese Cuisine Co Ltd, is wanted for failing to attend trial at District Court for an offence of agent accepting advantages. AU YEUNG was alleged of having accepted monthly rebate from a food supplier in return for placing purchasing orders for meat and poultry with the food supplier. The total amount of the rebate was approximately $0.9 million. AU YEUNG was charged in June 2008, with three counts of agent accepting advantages. On 25 August 2009, a warrant was issued by the Judge for his arrest.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '38', 'HKIC No.': 'K780276(5)', 'Weight': '-', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfd8d10> ] [<Element td at 0xfd8e30>] [<Element td at 0xfd8e90>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/55_CHAN Chong (Pic).JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) ( 2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Yello w', 'Case Brie f': 'On 6 De cember 2011, CHAN Chong (CH AN) was charged by the ICAC wi th one count of conspiracy to defraud a me dical centre and i ts suppliers in relation to th e placing of drugs orders worth ab out $39 million. CHAN was granted b ail of $100,000 in cash and wa s required to appear at Eastern Magistra cy on 8 December 2011 f or mention. CHAN failed to turn up at court. The Magistrate issu ed a warrant for his arrest.', 'Date of Birth': '7 Aug 1968', 'Occupation': 'Businessman', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'wp ': '55', 'HKIC No.': 'P0079 36(0)', 'Di alects spoken': 'P utonghua', 'Nationa lity': 'Chines e', 'Height': '18 0 cm', ' photo': 'http://www filemanager /WantedPers on/55_CHAN C hong (Pic). JPG', 'Sex' : 'Male', 'Ha ir': 'Black'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3050>] [<Element td at 0xfd8c50>] [<Element td at 0xfd8d10>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/12357photo.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Compl exion': 'Fair', 'Remar ks': 'None ', 'Date of Birt h': 'March 28 1 953', 'Build': ' Medium', 'Occupation': 'Com pany Dire ctor, C&W De velopment Ltd ', 'Passport No .': 'H90042208( HKSAR)', 'Heig ht': '1.70 M', 'Natio nality': 'Chinese', 'pho to': 'http://www.ica ilemanage r/WantedP erson/123 57photo.jpg', ' Eyes': 'Br own', 'Ca se Brief' : 'CHAN is w anted on sus picio n of havi ng corru ptly cons pired with LI Runqun and LI Yucheng, director s of Ultragrace Lt d., CHAN Wai-lam and LAI Yu-hong, director s of Com mercial Power Inv estiment Ltd. (all are want ed by IC AC) and others t o defraud the Ban k of C hina, the Bank of Communication s, th e Kwangtu ng Provincial Bank and the Kincheng Banking Corporation. They had , between 1997 and 1998, allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit (L/C) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 L/C to a total value of HK$51 million. CHAN, charged on 20.9.2000 with 2 counts of conspiracy to defraud had absconded bail whilst awaiting trial.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '24', 'HKIC No.': 'K661867(7)', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] [<Element td at 0xfe3050>] [<Element td at 0xfd8b90>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11664photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'November 1 1962', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Company Director of Commercial Power Investment Limited', 'Height': '1.65M (5\'5")', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': "CHAN is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with LAI Yu-hong, a director of Commercial Power Investment Ltd., LAI's father, LI Runquan, and LI Yucheng, both directors of Ultragrace Ltd. (all are wanted by ICAC), and others to defraud the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, the Kwangtung Provincial Bank and the Kincheng Banking Corporation. They had, between 1997 and 1998, allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit (L/C) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 L/C to a total value of HK$51 million.", 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '20', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'HKIC': 'P213896(8)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] [<Element td at 0xfe3050>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/15349photo.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '23 April 1961', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Chairman of a publicly listed company', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'Nationality': 'Chinese', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'CHAU is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with others to defraud the shareholders of two publicly listed companies, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and Securities and Futures Commission that (1) between October 2001 and May 2003, he fraudulently induced the shareholders of one listed company to accept a reduced acquisition price, and (2) between April 2002 and August 2002, he published false statements in the announcements, offer document and circular of another listed company.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '28', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe31d0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/50_Photo-CHE Hanshu.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Yellow', 'Case Brief': 'CHE Hanshu and ZHANG Yaohui, both former Executive Directors of Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited (NCG), and LI Songxiao, former Chairman of NCG, are wanted by the ICAC on suspicion of conspiring to make various fraudulent property transactions between NCG and some BVI companies, for the purposes of artificially inflating the profit and assets of NCG. This caused false representations to be made in the public announcements, circulars and annual reports of NCG between 2003 and 2007.', 'Date of Birth': '24 Feb 1967', 'Occupation': 'Former Executive Director of Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'wp': '50', 'HKIC No.': 'R302887(8)', 'PRC ID No.': '220104670224181', 'Nationality': 'Chinese', 'photo': ' Hanshu.JPG', 'Sex': 'Male', 'Hair': 'Black'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe32f0>] [<Element td at 0xfe31d0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11663photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Dark', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'September 19 1966', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Jewellery Worker', 'Height': '1.70 M (5\'7")', 'Nationality': 'Chinese /', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'CHENG is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with CHENG Wui-yiu, LEE Yiu-man (wanted by the ICAC) and two others to influence an ICAC witness into refraining from assisting ICAC in a corruption investigation and to murder the witness. The witness, CHUI To-yan, Tommy, who had offered valuable information to assist ICAC in investigating the corrupt activities of a cigarette smuggling syndicate, was murdered in Singapore in March 1995.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '19', 'Weight': '59 Kg. (130 lbs)', 'HKIC': 'G225033(A)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3050>] [<Element td at 0xfe32f0>] [<Element td at 0xfe31d0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11651photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'December 31 1950', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Former Chief Executive of Mocatta Group Hong Kong', 'Height': '1.70 M. (5\'7")', 'Nationality': 'USA', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'CHI is wanted on suspicion of having offered bribes to Juan Antonio MUNOZ, an assistant to the governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines. Between 1992 and 1993, CHI offered a total amount of HK$13 million to MUNOZ for foregoing payment of commissions on gold dealing which were payable to the Central Bank of the Philippines by Mocatta Group Hong Kong. CHI is also wanted on suspicion of having conspired with MUNOZ to defraud the Central Bank of the Philippines of a total amount of HK$40 million during the same period.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '10', 'Weight': '73 Kg. (160 lbs)', 'HKIC': 'D345659(6)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'USA', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] [<Element td at 0xfe3050>] [<Element td at 0xfe32f0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11661photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'March 23 1950', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Company Director of Ang-du International Corporation Limited', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'Macau Identity Card': '25087444(0)', 'Nationality': 'Portuguese', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'CHIO is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with CHOW Hing, Julian a director of H.K.I.C. Development Ltd., LI Rui-hua, an Assistant General Manager of Guangnan. (Holdings) Ltd. (Guangnan) (both are also wanted by the ICAC) and others to defraud Guangnan. Between 1997 and 1998, CHIO and the conspirators applied and utilized Letters of Credit facilities from various banks by providing false supporting documents without genuine underlying commercial transactions. The alleged fraud caused Guangnan to suffer liabilities to a total amount of HK$118.5 million.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '18', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] [<Element td at 0xfe33b0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/14942photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'June 29 1970', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Senior Inspector of Hong Kong Police', 'Height': '1.78M', 'Nationality': 'Chinese', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': "On February 4 2004, CHO was charged by the ICAC with one count of conspiracy to live on earnings of prostitution and one count of conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice. Since July 2004, he and four co-defendants had been standing trial in the District Court. On December 6 2004, CHO failed to appear in court for the verdict and the trial Judge issued a Warrant for his arrest. The trial continued in CHO's absence and on December 7 2004 he was found guilty in his absence and sentenced to 34 months' imprisonment.", 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '27', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe35f0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3470>] [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11660photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'October 6 1967', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Company Director of H.K.I.C. Development Limited', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'Nationality': 'Chinese /', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'CHOW is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with CHIO Ho-cheong, a director of Ang-du International Corp. Ltd., LI Rui-hua, an Assistant General Manager of Guangnan. (Holdings) Ltd. (Guangnan) (both are also wanted by the ICAC) and others to defraud Guangnan (Holdings) Ltd. (Guangnan). Between 1997 and 1998, CHOW and the conspirators applied and utilized Letters of Credit facilities from various banks by providing false supporting documents without genuine underlying commercial transactions. The alleged fraud caused Guangnan to suffer liabilities to a total amount of HK$118.5 million.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '17', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'HKIC': 'G462697(3)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] [<Element td at 0xfe3530>] [<Element td at 0xfe35f0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/59_no photo - amend.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Chinese Passport No.': '1659501', 'Date of Birth': '19 November 1957', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Former Executive Director of \t\t\t\t\tBenefun International Holdings Limited', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'photo': ' photo - amend.JPG', 'Eyes': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': 'FU is wanted on conspiring with TAN Sim-chew (also wanted by the ICAC) and three other persons to defraud Benefun International Holdings Limited, its shareholders, potential investors and also the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by dishonestly making false representations in relation to an acquisition of a plantation business in Xinjiang, the Mainland. The consideration for the said plantation business was HK$500 million.', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '59', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Unknown', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] [<Element td at 0xfe31d0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/57_IF_2010_2733.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': "GAN Song-chun, former General Manager of Polycore Optical (Hong Kong) Limited (POHK), is wanted for having conspired with TEN Wan-suang, HO Mei-fan Connie and LEUNG Yuk-ping to defraud POHK. Between 2008 and 2010, the aforementioned had conspired to defraud POHK by dishonestly failing to disclose or concealing GAN's interest or benefit in Lens Optics Technology (LOT) from POHK, and diverting orders from POHK to LOT, thereby causing POHK to suffer a loss/ resulting a gain to others. GAN left Hong Kong in 2010 and his whereabouts is now unknown.", 'Date of Birth': '25 January 1958', 'Occupation': 'Former General Manager of Polycore Optical (Hong Kong) Limited', 'Place of Birth': 'Malaysia', 'wp': '57', 'HKIC No.': 'P868900(1)', 'Height': '170 cm', 'Malaysian Passport No.': 'A20451562', 'Hair': 'Black', 'photo': '', 'Weight': '75 kg', 'Sex': 'Male', 'Remarks': 'Wears spectacles'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3830>] [<Element td at 0xfe36b0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11658photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'April 7 1949', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Merchant', 'Height': '1.72 M (5\'8")', 'Nationality': 'Chinese /', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'HUNG is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with others to offer bribes to senior executive officers of British-American Tobacco Co. (Hong Kong) Ltd. (BAT). Between 1988 and 1993, HUNG offered corrupt payments of a total amount of HK$100 million to ensure continuous supplies of cigarettes to HUNG by BAT. The value of the cigarettes amounted to HK$8.5 billion, which were smuggled to the Mainland and Taiwan. HUNG is also wanted on suspicion of having conspired with others to defraud the Government of Hong Kong by not disclosing to the Inland Revenue Department the assessable profits generated from trading of these cigarettes.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '15', 'Weight': '75 Kg. (165 lbs)', 'HKIC': 'A855807(0)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3470>] [<Element td at 0xfe3770>] [<Element td at 0xfe3830>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/44_IEONG Wa-kong(1).jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Macau ID Card No.': '7385217(0)', 'Complexion': 'Yellow', 'Case Brief': 'On 12 November, 2005, IEONG Wa-kong (IEONG) dealt with bank deposits totalling $20.3 million in Hong Kong, knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe that the deposits, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly represented the proceeds of an indictable offence. IEONG was alleged to have transferred the said deposits to a bank account in Hong Kong of a company controlled by AO Man-long, then Secretary for Transport and Public Works of the Macao Special Administrative Region.', 'Date of Birth': '24 March 1967', 'Occupation': 'Former deputy general manager of a construction and engineering company', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'wp': '44', 'Native': 'Fujian', 'Height': '165 CM', 'Nationality': 'Macanese', 'Hair': 'Black', 'photo': ' Wa-kong(1).jpg', 'Sex': 'Male', 'Eyes': 'Brown'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] [<Element td at 0xfe38f0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3470>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11652photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'August 8 1955', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Company Director of Cheun Thai International Development Limited', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'Nationality': 'Thai', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'JIWATUWINAN is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with LI Rui-hua, an Assistant General Manager of Guangnan. (Holdings) Ltd.(Guangnan) (also wanted by the ICAC) and others to defraud Guangnan. Between 1997 and 1998, JIWATUWINAN and the conspirators applied and utilized Letters of Credit facilities from various banks by providing false supporting documents without genuine underlying commercial transactions. The alleged fraud caused Guangnan to suffer liabilities to a total amount of HK$430 million.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Place of Birth': 'Bangkok, Thailand', 'wp': '11', 'HKIC': 'P404917(2)', 'Scars and Marks': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe39b0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/15912photo.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '8 January 1968', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Former Chairman of Semtech International Holding Limited', 'Height': '1.75 M (5\' 9")', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': u'KANJANAPAS, the former Chairman of Semtech International Holdings Limited, is wanted for failing to appear at court on the date of his conviction for offering bribes to a Senior Director of the American Express Bank Limited and a divisional Managing Director of VC Brokerage Limited as a reward for their showing favour to Semtech\u2019s shares during two share placement exercises held in July 2004. KANJANAPAS was charged on 22 March 2005 with two counts of offering an advantage. On 24 July 2007, a warrant was issued by the Judge for his arrest.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '29', 'HKIC No.': 'D648329(2)', 'Weight': '-', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3b30>] [<Element td at 0xfe31d0>] [<Element td at 0xfe39b0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/58_photo.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '2 October 1956', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Ex-Building Services Inspector, Housing Department & former Chairman of the Incorporated Owners of Bo Fung Gardens', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': u'LAI is wanted on suspicion of stealing four choses in action, which were four debts totaling HK$545,000, owed by the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (BOC) to the Incorporated Owners (IO) of Bo Fung Gardens (BFG), the property of the IO of BFG. Between December 2008 and May 2009, LAI obtained four cheques drawn from the BOC account of the IO of BFG for a total sum of HK$545,000 purporting to settle payments for the consultancy fee of a balconies restructuring project of BFG. Investigation revealed that the cheques were either deposited into the bank account of LAI\u2019s brother or cashed by LAI or LAI\u2019s brother.', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '58', 'HKIC No.': 'D198502(8)', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] [<Element td at 0xfe3ad0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3b30>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11672photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'November 11 1972', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Company Director of Commercial Power Investment Limited', 'Height': '1.68M (5\'6")', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'LAI is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with his father, LI Runquan, and LI Yucheng, both directors of Ultragrace Ltd., CHAN Wai-lam, a director of Commercial Power Investment Ltd. (all are wanted by ICAC), and others to defraud the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, the Kwangtung Provincial Bank and the Kincheng Banking Corporation. They had, between 1997 and 1998, allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit (L/C) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 L/C to a total value of HK$51 million.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '23', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'HKIC': 'P414713(1)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3cb0>] [<Element td at 0xfe38f0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3110>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11659photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'March 28 1962', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Former Merchandising Manager of Tomen Hot-line (HK) Ltd.', 'Height': '1.73 M (5\'8")', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'LAU is wanted on suspicion of having accepted bribes as an agent and attempted to pervert the course of public justice. Between 1991 and 1996, LAU accepted illegal commissions totalling over HK$5 million from various suppliers as a reward for placing garment orders worth about HK$150 million. Following his arrest on 16 January 1996 and whilst he was on bail pending enquiries, LAU invited a witness to provide a false statement to ICAC. LAU absconded bail on 7 February 1996.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '16', 'Weight': '72 Kg. (158 lbs)', 'HKIC': 'D663696(A)', 'Hair': 'Dark Brown', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3d10>] [<Element td at 0xfe3230>] [<Element td at 0xfe3cb0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11654photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'November 30 1965', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Construction Worker', 'Height': '1.73 M. (5\'8")', 'Nationality': 'Chinese /', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'LEE is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with CHENG Wui-yiu, CHENG Hing (wanted by the ICAC) and two others to influence an ICAC witness into refraining from assisting ICAC in a corruption investigation and to murder the witness. The witness, CHUI To-yan, Tommy, who had offered valuable information to assist ICAC in investigating the corrupt activities of a cigarette smuggling syndicate, was murdered in Singapore in March 1995.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '13', 'Weight': '59 Kg. (130 lbs)', 'HKIC': 'G117798(1)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3b30>] [<Element td at 0xfe39b0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3d10>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11653photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'September 18 1956', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Assistant General Manager of Guangnan (Holdings) Limited', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'LI is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with CHIO Ho-cheong, a director of Ang-du International Corp. Ltd., CHOW Hing, Julian, a director of H.K.I.C. Development Ltd., JIWATUWINAN Witthaya, a director of Cheun Tai International Development Ltd. (all are wanted by the ICAC) and others to defraud Guangnan (Holdings) Ltd. (Guangnan). Between 1997 and 1998, LI and the conspirators applied and utilized Letters of Credit facilities from various banks by providing false supporting documents without genuine underlying commercial transactions. The alleged fraud caused Guangnan to suffer liabilities to a total amount of HK$548.5 million.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'wp': '12', 'HKIC': 'K956584(1)', 'Scars and Marks': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3d70>] [<Element td at 0xfe3c50>] [<Element td at 0xfe3b30>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11671photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'September 23 1945', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Company Director of Ultragrace Limited, Keep Mount (Holdings) Limited, Keep Mount International Company Limited', 'Height': '1.64M (5\'5")', 'Nationality': 'Chinese', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'LI is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with his son, LAI Yu-hong, and CHAN Wai-lam, both directors of Commercial Power Investment Ltd., LI Yucheng, a director of Ultragrace Ltd. (all are wanted by ICAC), and others to defraud the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, the Kwangtung Provincial Bank and the Kincheng Banking Corporation. They had, between 1997 and 1998, allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit (L/C) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 25 L/C to a total value of HK$107 million.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '22', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3cb0>] [<Element td at 0xfe38f0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3d70>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/49_Photo-LI.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Yellow', 'Case Brief': 'LI Songxiao, former Chairman of Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited (NCG), CHE Hanshu and ZHANG Yaohui, both former Executive Directors of NCG, are wanted by the ICAC on suspicion of conspiring to make various fraudulent property transactions between NCG and some BVI companies, for the purposes of artificially inflating the profit and assets of NCG. This caused false representations to be made in the public announcements, circulars and annual reports of NCG between 2003 and 2007.', 'Date of Birth': '14 Aug 1965', 'Occupation': 'Former Chairman of Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'wp': '49', 'HKIC No.': 'P709108(0)', 'PRC ID No.': '110106196507180917', 'Exit-Entry Permit for Traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macau No.': 'H0436733500', 'photo': '', 'Sex': 'Male', 'Hair': 'Black'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3dd0>] [<Element td at 0xfe31d0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3cb0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/11670photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'November 18 1943', 'Build': 'Fat', 'Occupation': 'Company Director of Ultragrace Limited', 'Height': '1.70M (5\'7")', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': 'LI is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with LI Runquan, a director of Ultragrace Ltd., LAI Yu-hong and CHAN Wai-lam, both directors of Commercial Power Investment Ltd. (all are wanted by ICAC), and others to defraud the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, the Kwangtung Provincial Bank and the Kincheng Banking Corporation. They had, between 1997 and 1998, allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit (L/C) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 22 L/C to a total value of HK$102 million.', 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '21', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'HKIC': 'P476714(8)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3d10>] [<Element td at 0xfe39b0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3dd0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/65_Grace DC 1.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'Long hair', 'Date of Birth': '22 August 1986', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Personal Assistant', 'Height': '154 cm', 'photo': ' DC 1.jpg', 'Eyes': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': 'LOW Seow-yan, Grace was the personal assistant of a merchant TAN Lok-seng (TAN) (wanted by the ICAC). She is wanted on suspicion of having (a) conspired with TAN and a manager of a local bank to launder crime proceeds totalling HK$174 million between July 2011 and October 2012; and (b) conspired with the bank manager to use document with intent to deceive the bank. The trial of the trio was fixed for 22 September 2014 at the District Court. Whilst LOW was on court bail pending trial, she failed to report to the police station on 28 May 2014 as required. A warrant was issued by the Court for her arrest.', 'Malaysia Passport No.': 'A26447507', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '65', 'Weight': '100 lbs', 'Hair': 'Black color', 'Place of Birth': 'Malaysia', 'Sex': 'Female'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3e30>] [<Element td at 0xfe3d70>] [<Element td at 0xfe3d10>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/37_LuDayong.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'Complexion': 'Yellow', 'Remarks': 'Wears spectacles', 'Date of Birth': '23 August 1947', 'Occupation': 'Former Chairman of Nanyang Brothers Tabacco Company Limited', 'Height': '5\' 11"', 'Nationality': 'Chinese', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Dark brown', 'Case Brief': "LU, the former Chairman of Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company Limited, is wanted for failing to attend trial at District Court for offences of conspiracy for an agent to accept advantages and conspiracy to defraud. LU was alleged of conspiring with others to accept advantages for continued supply of cigarettes by Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company Limited between 2002 and 2004. LU was charged in August 2004, with two counts of conspiracy for an agent to accept advantages and one count of conspiracy to defraud. On 10 June 2008, a warrant was issued by the Judge for his arrest. The trial continued with LU in absentia and in February 2009, he was found guilty and sentenced to four years six months' imprisonment.", 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'wp': '37', 'HKIC No.': 'P469466(3)', 'Hair': 'Brown with grey hair', 'Weight': '180 lbs', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3ef0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3c50>] [<Element td at 0xfe3e30>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/15913photo.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '14 November 1954', 'Build': 'Heavy', 'Occupation': 'Company proprietor', 'Height': '1.68 m', 'Nationality': 'Chinese', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': u"MUI, proprietor of a footwear company, is wanted for offering bribes on a number of occasions between 2001 and 2003 to a Business Unit Manager of an international sporting goods company as rewards for securing business orders for goods from MUI's company. He was charged on 10 August 2005 with eight counts of offering an advantage. A warrant for MUI\u2019s arrest was issued by the Judge on 24 February 2006 following his failure to appear for trial.", 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '30', 'Weight': '160 lb', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3e90>] [<Element td at 0xfe31d0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3ef0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/63_NG Hing (high resolution)3.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '11 April 1969', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Financial Consultant of Gafeng Chemical (Canada) Company Limited', 'Passport No.': 'HA5095336', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'photo': ' Person/63_NG Hing (high resolution)3.jpg', 'Eyes': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': u'NG, Financial Consultant of Gafeng Chemical (Canada) Co. Ltd. (Gafeng), is wanted on suspicion of having assisted the operator of Gafeng to obtain loans from various local banks with bogus invoices purporting that Gafeng had transactions with a company under NG\u2019s control between 2007 and 2008. NG dealt with over $12 million out of the loan proceeds received from the banks. Besides, NG and the said operator had falsified the accounting records of Gafeng in order to apply for listing of Gafeng on the then American Stock Exchange of the United States. NG left Hong Kong in 2009 and his whereabouts is now unknown.', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '63', 'HKIC No.': 'H343761(4)', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black color', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3c50>] [<Element td at 0xfe3d10>] [<Element td at 0xfe3e90>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/56_NG Po-kam.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Yellow', 'Case Brief': 'NG Po-kam is wanted for an offence of conspiracy to defraud a medical centre and its suppliers in relation to the placing of drugs orders worth about $39 million. She left Hong Kong prior to the commencement of the ICAC investigation. On 7 December 2011, upon the application of the ICAC, the Eastern Magistracy issued a warrant for her arrest.', 'Date of Birth': '13 Nov 1965', 'Occupation': 'Dispenser', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'wp': '56', 'HKIC No.': 'D630516(5)', 'Dialects spoken': 'Punti', 'Nationality': 'Chinese', 'Height': '160 cm', 'photo': ' Po-kam.JPG', 'Sex': 'Female', 'Hair': 'Black'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3ef0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3e30>] [<Element td at 0xfe3c50>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/10470photo.gif'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complex': 'Fair', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': 'March 12 1955', 'Build': 'Medium', 'Occupation': 'Merchant', 'Scars Marks': 'Unknown', 'Height': '1.70 M (5\'7")', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': "PANG is wanted for possession of a forged US$1 million cashier's order purporting to have been issued by the Bank of America. He was arrested on 18 March 1999 when attempting to sell a valuable bank document, which he claimed was obtained by corrupt means and was good for making payment outside Hong Kong. A bank cashier's order, found in his possession, was confirmed to be a forged one. He absconded bail on 17 April 1999.", 'Race': 'Chinese', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'wp': '_9', 'HKIC': 'E803311(4)', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Weight': '72 Kg. (158lbs)', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3f50>] [<Element td at 0xfe3dd0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3ef0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/64_TAN DC 4.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'Long hair', 'Date of Birth': '14 February 1968', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Merchant', 'Height': '165 cm', 'photo': ' DC 4.JPG', 'Eyes': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': 'TAN is wanted on suspicion of having (a) conspired with his personal assistant LOW Seow-yan Grace (wanted by the ICAC) and a manager of a local bank to launder crime proceeds totalling HK$174 million between July 2011 and October 2012; and (b) offered an advantage to the bank manager. The trial of the trio was fixed for 22 September 2014 at the District Court. Whilst TAN was on court bail pending trial, he failed to report to the police station on 28 May 2014 as required. A warrant was issued by the Court for his arrest.', 'Malaysia Passport No.': 'A18972393', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '64', 'Weight': '140 lbs', 'Hair': 'Black color', 'Place of Birth': 'Malaysia', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3fb0>] [<Element td at 0xfe39b0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3f50>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/60_01.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '13 June 1946', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Former Chairman of Benefun International Holdings Limited', 'Height': 'Unknown', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': u'TAN is wanted on conspiring with seven other persons to accept advantages of a total of HK$180 million as a reward for causing Benefun International Holdings Limited (Benefun) to acquire a plantation business in Xinjiang, the Mainland, at a consideration of HK$500 million, and to cause change to Benefun\u2019s constitution of the board of directors. TAN is also wanted on conspiring with FU Zi-cong (also wanted by the ICAC) and three other persons to defraud Benefun, its shareholders, potential investors and also the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by dishonestly making false representations in relation to the acquisition of the said plantation business.', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '60', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Singaporean Passport No.': 'S2048873E', 'Hair': 'Unknown', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe2110>] [<Element td at 0xfe31d0>] [<Element td at 0xfe3fb0>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/40_TSUI Ying-kit (revised photo).JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Yellow', 'Home Visit Permit No.': 'H0114612600', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '9 September 1980', 'Build': '-', 'Occupation': 'Former customer services officer of Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd', 'Passport No.': 'HA1666837', 'Height': '175 CM', 'Nationality': 'Chinese', 'photo': ' Ying-kit (revised photo).JPG', 'Eyes': 'Brown', 'Case Brief': u'TSUI, a former customer services officer of the Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd (CPAL), is wanted for having corruptly conspired with CHOW Kwok-keung (CHOW), operator of New Way Travel Ltd, and others to accept advantages in return for TSUI\u2019s assistance in ensuring travelers arranged by CHOW or his associates could successfully check in for their flights and informing CHOW or his associates of any relevant security information obtained from CPAL\u2019s computer system. TSUI failed to report ICAC bail on 23 Oct 2009 and a warrant was issued by the Magistrate\u2019s Court for his arrest.', 'Scars & Marks': 'Scars on left shoulder and arm', 'wp': '40', 'HKIC No.': 'Z290156(1)', 'Weight': '-', 'Hair': 'Black', 'Place of Birth': 'Hong Kong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3dd0>] [<Element td at 0xfe2110>] [<Element td at 0xfe3c50>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/62_photo-YUEN.jpg'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Unknown', 'Remarks': 'None', 'Date of Birth': '17 May 1957', 'Build': 'Unknown', 'Occupation': 'Proprietor of Fu Yue Engineering Co.', 'Height': 'About 160 cm', 'photo': '', 'Eyes': 'Unknown', 'Case Brief': u'YUEN, the proprietor of Fu Yue Engineering Co. (FYE), is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with the Vice Manager of Property Development Department of COSCO (H.K.) Property Development Ltd (CPD) to defraud CPD by submitting false quotations and invoices to falsely represent that two tenants of CPD\u2019s property had engaged FYE for renovation works, causing CPD to release a total of HK$1,295,000 renovation fee to FYE. YUEN failed to report ICAC bail on 5 October 2012. A warrant was issued by the Magistrate\u2019s Court for his arrest.', 'Scars & Marks': 'Unknown', 'wp': '62', 'HKIC No.': 'H116268(5)', 'Weight': 'Unknown', 'Hair': 'Black color', 'Place of Birth': 'Guangdong', 'Sex': 'Male'} Retrieving wp: [<Element td at 0xfe3f50>] [<Element td at 0xfe3d70>] [<Element td at 0xfe2110>] ['/filemanager/WantedPerson/47_ZHANG Yauhui.JPG'] (0, '\r\n ') (1, None) (2, None) (3, '\r\n') {'Complexion': 'Yellow', 'Case Brief': 'ZHANG Yaohui and CHE Hanshu, both former Executive Directors of Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited (NCG), and LI Songxiao, former Chairman of NCG, are wanted by the ICAC on suspicion of conspiring to make various fraudulent property transactions between NCG and some BVI companies, for the purposes of artificially inflating the profit and assets of NCG. This caused false representations to be made in the public announcements, circulars and annual reports of NCG between 2003 and 2007.', 'Date of Birth': '15 Mar 1971', 'Occupation': 'Former Executive Director of Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited', 'Place of Birth': 'China', 'wp': '47', 'HKIC No.': 'R295578(3)', 'Exit-Entry Permit for Traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macau No.': 'W13885280', 'photo': ' Yauhui.JPG', 'Sex': 'Male', 'Hair': 'Black'}


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Scars & Marks photo Complexion Build Case Brief wp Sex Eyes Weight Date of Birth Height Hair Place of Birth Malaysia Passport No. Remarks Occupation HKIC No. Race Dialects spoken Nationality Passport No. HKIC PRC ID No. Macau Identity Card Chinese Passport No. Malaysian Passport No. Macau ID Card No. Native US Permanent Resident Card Scars and Marks Exit-Entry Permit for Traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macau No. Complex Scars Marks Singaporean Passport No. Home Visit Permit No. Japanese Passport No.'s Photo.jpg
IP, a former shareholder-cum-director of Hop Hei Engineering Co Ltd, is wanted for conspiracy to defraud a realty and construction company and the Highways Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HyD), by dishonestly making false representations in relation to a HyD contract. IP failed to report ICAC bail on 18 January 2011 and a warrant was issued by the Magistrate’s Court for his arrest.
16 June 1956
165 CM
Hong Kong
Former shareholder-cum-director of Hop Hei Engineering Co Ltd
Unknown Haruko.jpg
ARAKAWA Haruko, former Executive Director cum Head of Overseas Department of Kohnan Shoji Company Limited (Kohnan Shoji), is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with HE Chao, a director cum shareholder of Glory Luck (Hong Kong) Limited (Glory Luck), to accept illegal rebate of over $1.3 million, as a reward for approving the procurement of 59 purchase orders of Kohnan Shoji with Glory Luck between March 2010 and November 2011.
8 May 1963
Former Executive Director cum Head of Overseas Department of Kohnan Shoji Company Limited
Japanese and Putonghua
Unknown Wai-keung (revised photo).JPG
AU YEUNG, the former Supervisor of Roasted Meat Section of Kamboat Chinese Cuisine Co Ltd, is wanted for failing to attend trial at District Court for an offence of agent accepting advantages. AU YEUNG was alleged of having accepted monthly rebate from a food supplier in return for placing purchasing orders for meat and poultry with the food supplier. The total amount of the rebate was approximately $0.9 million. AU YEUNG was charged in June 2008, with three counts of agent accepting advantages. On 25 August 2009, a warrant was issued by the Judge for his arrest.
15 December 1966
170 cm
Former Supervisor of Roasted Meat Section of Kamboat Chinese Cuisine Co Ltd
Chinese Chong (Pic).JPG
On 6 December 2011, CHAN Chong (CHAN) was charged by the ICAC with one count of conspiracy to defraud a medical centre and its suppliers in relation to the placing of drugs orders worth about $39 million. CHAN was granted bail of $100,000 in cash and was required to appear at Eastern Magistracy on 8 December 2011 for mention. CHAN failed to turn up at court. The Magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest.
7 Aug 1968
180 cm
CHAN is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with LI Runqun and LI Yucheng, directors of Ultragrace Ltd., CHAN Wai-lam and LAI Yu-hong, directors of Commercial Power Investiment Ltd. (all are wanted by ICAC) and others to defraud the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, the Kwangtung Provincial Bank and the Kincheng Banking Corporation. They had, between 1997 and 1998, allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit (L/C) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 L/C to a total value of HK$51 million. CHAN, charged on 20.9.2000 with 2 counts of conspiracy to defraud had absconded bail whilst awaiting trial.
March 28 1953
1.70 M
Company Director, C&W Development Ltd
CHAN is wanted on suspicion of having corruptly conspired with LAI Yu-hong, a director of Commercial Power Investment Ltd., LAI's father, LI Runquan, and LI Yucheng, both directors of Ultragrace Ltd. (all are wanted by ICAC), and others to defraud the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, the Kwangtung Provincial Bank and the Kincheng Banking Corporation. They had, between 1997 and 1998, allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit (L/C) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 L/C to a total value of HK$51 million.
November 1 1962
1.65M (5'5")
Company Director of Commercial Power Investment Limited
CHAU is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with others to defraud the shareholders of two publicly listed companies, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and Securities and Futures Commission that (1) between October 2001 and May 2003, he fraudulently induced the shareholders of one listed company to accept a reduced acquisition price, and (2) between April 2002 and August 2002, he published false statements in the announcements, offer document and circular of another listed company.
23 April 1961
Chairman of a publicly listed company
Chinese Hanshu.JPG
CHE Hanshu and ZHANG Yaohui, both former Executive Directors of Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited (NCG), and LI Songxiao, former Chairman of NCG, are wanted by the ICAC on suspicion of conspiring to make various fraudulent property transactions between NCG and some BVI companies, for the purposes of artificially inflating the profit and assets of NCG. This caused false representations to be made in the public announcements, circulars and annual reports of NCG between 2003 and 2007.
24 Feb 1967
Former Executive Director of Neo-China Land Group (Holdings) Limited
CHENG is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with CHENG Wui-yiu, LEE Yiu-man (wanted by the ICAC) and two others to influence an ICAC witness into refraining from assisting ICAC in a corruption investigation and to murder the witness. The witness, CHUI To-yan, Tommy, who had offered valuable information to assist ICAC in investigating the corrupt activities of a cigarette smuggling syndicate, was murdered in Singapore in March 1995.
59 Kg. (130 lbs)
September 19 1966
1.70 M (5'7")
Hong Kong
Jewellery Worker
Chinese /
CHI is wanted on suspicion of having offered bribes to Juan Antonio MUNOZ, an assistant to the governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines. Between 1992 and 1993, CHI offered a total amount of HK$13 million to MUNOZ for foregoing payment of commissions on gold dealing which were payable to the Central Bank of the Philippines by Mocatta Group Hong Kong. CHI is also wanted on suspicion of having conspired with MUNOZ to defraud the Central Bank of the Philippines of a total amount of HK$40 million during the same period.
73 Kg. (160 lbs)
December 31 1950
1.70 M. (5'7")
Former Chief Executive of Mocatta Group Hong Kong


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